How James Gunn and the Russos Made Star Lord the Ultimate Underdog | Video Essay

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Hey guys, I'm Matt from Full Fat Videos. Really nice of you to give this a share, thank you and I hope you enjoy it! I've got a few more on Thor, Thanos and Iron Man and i've got some on Hulk, Spidey and Cap coming up!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Boss_Whittle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I know the video is a little long but I honestly think that it's really well done and worth a watch. I didn't make the video but you should subscribe to this channel because they put out lots of quality content.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/captaindarshan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 06 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thanks man! For sure Iโ€™m a big believer in the MCU and theyโ€™re some of our most enjoyable videos to make :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Boss_Whittle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Avengers infinity war was one of those rare beautiful things in fandom where almost everybody celebrated and praised the movie there was no outrage no dividing of the fanbase no listicles in all the plot holes there was barely a shred of negativity to be found except for Peter quill his outburst at Thanos in the finale became infamous across the internet with many blaming Peter directly for the apocalyptic snapping that occurred at the end of the movie seeing half the heroes turn to dust he was criticized as being a useless doofus and master and do I serve what am I supposed to say Jesus a spacefaring waste of space he let the side down and didn't deserve to be there to which I have to wonder how fans have forgotten how awesome Peter quill is across hoardings of the galaxy Volume one and two the man who would be star-lord goes from being a thief to a hero tune in to galactic gods he galvanizes his friends he fights what's right and he tries his best to always do the right thing and never the easy thing but that doesn't mean that he can't screw up right director James Gunn took the lovable rogue archetype and flipped it on its head to give us a true underdog in every sense of the word only for the awesome foursome behind infinity war to build on that and give us a character that stands toe-to-toe some of the most powerful figures in the MCU he might just be a kid from Missouri and as will no doubt explore kid is the pertinent term here but in a world of super soldiers and purple space warlords Peter quill might just be the ultimate underdog and here's why full disclaimers as ever I don't want to discount the work of Nicole Perlman writer of the first draft of volume 1 or Stephen Marcus and Christopher McFeely or is that Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFeely I'm sure I want to leave a comment about it if I mix them up a laundry list of character defects all the mistakes I've made largely public as I've explained in earlier essays breaking down the MCU their contributions are duly noted and these films wouldn't be what they are without them nor would the character of Peter quill be anything if not for the work of one charisma overload simply known as the Chris Pratt oh and I want to be very clear on this guardians of the galaxy is James Gunn the circumstances of his firing are unjustified and I won't be seeing any kind of volume 3 in cinemas should not have his involvement if you agree don't be taking to Twitter making suggestions for who the volume 3 director should be vote of your wallets no gun no volume 3 no it exceptions no mercy through that further ado let's dive into the first movie you are the light of my life my precious son my little star-lord let me go right ahead and say it Peter quill is the only lead character in the MCU who isn't a superhero he's not a master martial artist or as a huge trust fund or as part of any royal family or as Super Soldier Serum injected into his veins that much is obvious they even compared to the characters that's supposed to be more grounded Peter quill is 10 times as ordinary characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye who were super specialists and go hand-to-hand against robots or work and ins like Sharia Nicoya who live in a futuristic hidden country are all exceptional Peter quill is just a kid who was plucked out of town and dropped into an intergalactic alien world the things that are out of the ordinary about him come from the circumstances he's been forced to grow up into and there's nothing to indicate these skills as a pilot gunman or thief I anything more than average even on earth he wouldn't be that much to shout about we've got guys that can shoot arrows about looking Peter I'm sorry James Gunn wastes no time carving underdog out of Peter quill in a two-fold opening the first begins on earth with our lead as a child one of the first things we learn about him is that he's willing to stand up for the little guy as his mother passes away she beckons him to hold her hand one last time they can't bring himself to do it he runs away from the situation rather than confront it's unable to face the reality of what is going on in front of him before he has a chance to reconsider he is abducted by a gigantic alien spaceship we cut her head years later to find an imposing masked up figure tracking down a trinket in the ruins of a long-forgotten civilization it's implied that the child we met is now all grown up but then he starts dancing Peter quill never grew up after all but it goes beyond just his tastes in pop culture music he never learned to deal with his emotions properly never facing up to the fact that he didn't comfort his mother at the end Reeth he can't have any stable emotional relationships with anybody he's a loner he's a loser but not like a Hollywood loser he's like an actual loser you know in films tell you the main character is a loser but a clearly good-looking charismatic popular find it clearly effortless to charm their crush and they ride a skateboard well guardians of the galaxy actually does give us genuine losers you destroying the ship that I'm on is not saving me what do we establish and this was really refreshing to see when it came out back in the summer of 2014 now I'm not disputing that Peter quill can't pick some barns he's got some cool tricks and traps which we get to see use to brilliant effect in the opening chase but everything that's cool about him is an affectation his mother's nickname now an outlaw name it's cool they have a coordinate it's not that weird his mask everything has been carefully constructed by Peter to make him look and sound like a badass when really the opposite couldn't be more true in trying to create a modern-day Star Wars esque Flash Gordon type space opera James Gunn created the ultimate postmodern rogue star log isn't Han Solo he's a guy that thinks he's han Solo he's the guy that decided Han Solo would be 10 times cooler if he had Boba Fett's mask and jet pack so his look is appropriately an amalgamation of the two his cool outward persona perfectly complements the truth beneath the mask in a cinematic universe full of larger-than-life heroes Peter quill is really just a guy I think chris is a very unique movie star and that he is a combination of being a big masculine guy but also a very vulnerable guy on the commentary for the first movie James Gunn said if he had a superpower way it was the fact that he was able to screw up completely and get messed up and trip and fall and then regain his composure quickly to do something heroic and that's something that holds true for out the entire movie crew gets into so many scrapes outnumbered and outmatched just like the best pulp adventurers Peter of course know a superhero he's just a guy who uses his cunning and his charm to get himself out of situations but of course star does discover the speciality within him that sets him apart from the other Guardians he's the only one that can manage everyone's flaws and bring them together as one he does this not only by displaying courage empathy and Trust I need to help but something more Peter quill takes a disparate band of aliens and manages to unearth in each of them their humanity to give a [ย __ย ] for once not run away I for one am NOT gonna stand by and watch as Ronan wipes out billions of innocent lives you are an honorable man call I will fight beside you and in the end see my wife and daughter again but they also show him apart of himself he's not been willing to admit the part of him that shameless selfish and aimless when they realize just how grave a threat the Power Stone poses to the entire galaxy Peter quill realizes just how small he really is they all find a purpose bigger than any of themselves and piece of quill is the only one that can show them just how much they need each other so it's appropriate that they save the galaxy together Ironman defeats the Chitauri virtually single-handedly but Peter quill can't without a little help from his friends and that's great across the entire movie Chris Pratt brings such a distinctive sense of vulnerability to the role it's a feat in of itself that he manages to feel small in any scenes when he is quite literally a very tall person this is exemplified by Nova seem better than when he finally decides that he can't run away anymore he has to face the sweet little wrapped up president he was given the day his mother died he has to stop hiding it in a drawer so that you can avoid thinking about it and whether it will conjure sadness or happiness he can't put it off any longer in the end Peter quill feels a little of both ironically Peter has made the first small steps to being an adult by going back to his childhood as a kid I used to see all the other kids off playing catch with their dad and I wanted that more than anything in the world if guardians volume 1 is what about Peter proving to himself these worth something guardians volume 2 is all about testing him with power what sort of person it would make him and how it might affect his at ego in this movie we finally get to meet the man we've heard so little about Peter Quill's father he turns out to be a sentient planet masquerading in a handsome Caruso played with avatar I touched on it a little bit in my MCU rankings but as someone who didn't grew up knowing their father I still don't which happens Dan's lead no need to be a [ย __ย ] you better here's what I know right Tony I was just dry shirt at the movies authentic a real-life experience just to demonstrate his emotional intelligence anyway what I was going to say is that Peters reaction feels really genuine to me I've seen comments on the interwebs before suggesting that he seems quite chilled out about meeting his father for the first time having never had the chance to carve out relationship with him before honestly I totally feel that but the time you get to your late teens and adults kind of too late to really have a father and emotionally you've missed out all the moments that everyone else has gotten to experience with theirs it's too late I don't think you take it is this big life defining moment your life has already been defined as being without him and you would be super skeptical or at least I think I would be and the way these early scenes play out was something that really hooked me into the movie I also really loved the idea that there was no searching for daddy subplot in this movie Peter and the Guardians can go on an epic quest to find him or anything like that he just shows up out of the blue like his absence and terrible excuse for parenting wouldn't be of consequence as a kid I always kind of thought that this was how I might meet my own father that he would just invariably turn up want to see me like a fantasy ending this whole scenario feels like something that could have been drummed up in Peters head as a child and for a guy that never really grew up that's a really tough thing to have to face if you didn't grow up with one or more absent parents I'd love to know if you thought this setup was authentic as I did whether you could relate to it and whether or not poetry disappears plights egos arrival also allows Peter to open up further with his teammates as a child you would carry his picture in your pocket and you would tell all the other children that he was your father but that he was out of town that sweet as hell the way he Zoe Saldana plays it here is really endearing and loved that story she loves this guy not because he needs fixing but because in spite of all the stupid things he says the showboating and the arrogance if what's between my legs had a hand on it I guarantee I could've landed this ship with he's capable of being emotionally intelligent and genuine she just doesn't get that Peter quill 100% of the time he's not there yet he ends up being evil just kill him this is also excellent auntie foreshadowing there's no way you'd expect it to go literally how she suggests because the way we talk to understand narrative surprises this line makes you think anything but that can happen so the team go to stay with ego and the fantasy feeling continues all just for Peter he gets the validation he always craves not just from his biological father but kind of everyone in general and when I heard of a man from Earth who held an infinity star in his head without dying I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved now he doesn't word it in a way that emphasizes any of Peters and Genuity will look quick thinking that saved the day but rather the part of him that most represents ego himself he doesn't really see him as valuable through his spirits merely the power that connects them slowly but surely the confidence stroking and effort his father puts into him starts to pay off and he lets his guard down a little bit more every time over the millions and millions of years of my existence I've made many mistakes Peter but you're not one of them yes answers for his absence but again notes how he never says he's sorry he gets to play catch name just like he's always fantasized and he even gets the ultimate gift ego banishes Peter's feelings of inadequacy on paper having Peter quill discover he has dormant cosmic superpowers sounds like a terrible idea but the movie makes it feel like a natural next step for the character story because of what it gives him as an emotional arc as soon as he learns he has these powers his worldview changes drastically I get it you're jealous because I'm part guard and you like when I'm the weak one this is completely delusional and as we saw in an earlier scene Gamora has never looked down upon the person Peter is but after just a taste of his true self he's replaced in security for unyielding arrogance it's sad to see a guy that literally saved the universe fail to see his own gifts blinded by the idea that he's meant for something more important because he's told a bunch of lies by an entity pretending to love him but of course ego is so convincing and when I say he's pretending maybe that's not strictly true I think you could go either way when deciding whether or not ego truly loves Peter or loved his mother I think he does love them just not in a way that fits our understanding of the concepts he sees himself as omnipotent he loves people that adore him and shower him with praise for the deity he feels he is he loves adoration not people his goal is to get Peter to think the same it's why he takes gifts from his mother such as the mixtape with earth songs and bends the gesture of love and caring that they are to suit the narrative he's trying to well into existence you know Peter you and I were for the Sailor in that song the sea calls the sailor back he loves the girl but that's not his place so is it any surprise that ego thinks showering Peter with all this knowledge forms a bond that allows him to tell him this it broke my heart to put that tumor in her ego feels confident enough to tell Peter the truth because he thinks he has him truly he thinks lesser of him that it would only take a few romanticized memories and kind words to manipulate him just like in the last movie Peters Humanity is what provides the catalyst for saving the day we don't hear his opinion on his godhood until several scenes later but this is the moment where he decides it's not his way Peter Quill's the everyman of the MCU and he doesn't stand on anyone's shoulders for anybody it's certainly not his father he just expresses it as only he can which is shooting him to high heaven Peter wastes no time deciding egos gotta go and the team plunge to the center of the planet for a battle with his strange excuse of a daddy I absolutely adore this line let's just think about everything that's happened to Peter in the last couple of days he fell out with rocket almost got his friends killed met his dad his trusted his dad played catch of his dad trusted his dad found out his dad kill his mother and tried to kill his friends and what does he do he shrugs it off there by showing the incredible power he has to stay positive true to himself and focused on what needs to be done this was the guy who just moments ago had an outburst of emotion but when people need him he's there these contrasting moments perfectly capture the constant internal struggle of Peter quill he's vulnerable to losing his call he's privy to doing the wrong thing but he always strives to try and do better that's what makes him interesting as the battle for the universe rages on Peter and his friends become out of their depth the purpose the universe has bestowed upon you Eco is kind of like the dark Uncle Ben he's basically telling him that with great power comes great responsibility but he takes it a step further he thinks their level of power not only mandates responsibility but executive control he's like an intergalactic dick chaney if he traded in doughnuts for trying to bang your mum this all culminates in one of my favorite moments in the MCU just as everyone is about to die as Peter is imprisoned and egos God Delusion reaches a fever pitch the first few notes of Fleetwood Mac's the chain starts playing the only time quills music isn't diegetic because he doesn't need the Walkman to be connected to his mother and the values she taught him and then Peter quill read easy go for a Smackdown with the most Peter quill line possible as heroes picking themselves back up moments go this is right up there with spider-man two strong focus on why one scene it's only at this point in the movie does Peter realize his size newfound powers that make him useful it was never his true calling he had it all along you kill me you'll be just like everybody else what he doesn't need his biological father he never has any never will he saved the universe twice with a family he chose which makes this shot all the more satisfying as Peter wasted ire content but of course that's not what happens [Music] may have been your father boy what are you why didn't you daddy this is where the movie comes full circle for almost the entirety of the movie Peter and Yan do spend their time apart as Peter gets closer to ego and the audience is given just enough to think a relationship between them could work we simultaneously see rocket bond of Yan do we find out that he regrets trafficking egos children and that he kept Peter from him not because he was good for thieving but because he wanted to do the right thing unfortunately that doesn't mean his attempts to raise him were all sunshine and rainbows as we saw in volume 1 but in short yondu has a heart I think there is also something to be said for the fact that whilst yondu acted of autonomy he also didn't Reno much different sold into slavery by your own parents stealing and engaging in piracy your entire life probably wouldn't give you much experience passing on life lessons what we learn about you on doing volume 2 only improves his scenes in volume 1 like knowing just how much he's trying not to buckle in front of his crew or the smile he gives Peter heeding all the skills he talked to him all the little hints that yes yondu does indeed care for will a substantiating in this movie making the to feel like a cohesive whole story and justifying the decision to call the sequel volume 2 in many ways for parallels Otto Octavius in spider-man 2 a father figure that lets his biggest flaw get in the way of doing the right thing whether that be an obsession with ambitions pride or greed their actions take them down a dark road but they managed to overcome their worst selves and do something selfless with their dying breaths they're lucky he's not a perfect father the movie makes that abundantly clear and never tries to excuse his greedy or malicious behavior rather that at the very end is still our choices that make us who we really are at the 11th hour yondu makes the right choice and he does it all just for Peter proving that he really does love him in a way that ego never could what does this mean for Peter perspective sometimes that thing you're searching for your whole life it's right there by your side all along he knows that he was loved that he was worth saving worth dying for on behalf of not just yondu but all of his friends the guardians fight for the universe at the end of Volume one but in volume two they're fighting for Peter they strengthened their bond as a family unit and Peter learns that it doesn't really matter where he came from as long as he keeps moving forwards knowing just how hard it is to raise anybody makes him rethink his temperament towards baby groots and seeing just how much his ego could cloud his judgment makes him open up properly with Gamora Janusz funeral is emotionally resonant with the entire movie it's about coming together putting your differences aside and seeing the best in people even the ones that make mistakes I can usually keep my call during the funeral scene until it gets to crack Lynch cheer oh boy I see a lot of people get lukewarm and Guardians vol 2 and I understand that as an adventurer it takes a lot longer to get going on the first it's not as tight and it didn't have to win anyone over but the emotional highs it reaches are some of the most three-dimensional affecting and heart warming of the entire MCU swearing me on your mother one comment I think the Russos made about Peter that I found fascinating was this he's sort of like a Peter Pan character his mother was dying of cancer he was kidnapped at the age of 10 and raised by pirates he's unique and what's fun about him is he's very flawed and he's emotionally damaged not only does this Kroeber eight with guns understanding of what makes Peter so special as a character it also explains why they chose for him to be one of several players in the movie whose failure yields catastrophic results I think what infinity war can show us is that people can grow and change but that doesn't mean that their growth wraps itself up in a neat little bow in time for the credits to roll the first major thing to note about the Guardians in infinity war is that they're four years on from the events of guardians to Peter has a much firmer grasp as a more considerate leader a friend a lover and a hero despite this he still wrestles with those same feelings of self-worth ego and insecurity except in this movie as we all know it will be his downfall the tragedy of Peter Quillin infinity war is that he's the guy that came so close to being a better version of himself but he misses the mark in a gut-wrenching way if his superpower was luck today's the day it runs out his interactions with Thor are an excellent Chekhov's gun in this sense because they communicate to the audience that quills insecure more impatient side is still lurking within him he's had time to get used to the Guardians and has come to terms with the fact that he's not the weak one even realizing his own use but that doesn't mean he can't fall prey to the same feelings of inadequacy when confronted by these gods and egomaniacs it's fraught team-ups like this that really show just how much Steve Rogers was needed there to galvanize the people but that's the point for another essay the Guardians have a Thanos problem and none more so than Gamora the adopted abused daughter of the mad Titan way Kimura comforted quill here quill has a chance to repay the favor he listens respects the gravity of the situation and understands that she would never get him to agree to something so mysterious if it wasn't incredibly important remember when they argued in volume 2 and he made it all about himself in the time between these movies quill is no doubt matured enough to be a supportive person the scene on knowhere is a game changer and a strong contender for best scene in the movie it always manages to leave a lump in my throat every time I watch it having found Fellowes his teamates Drax and Gamora have personal scores to settle and try as he might he fails to stop them from blowing the element of surprise he understands that letting his emotions get in the way of the greater good it's foolish you forget some of the best lines in the movie delivered in a row let a girl grimace like to think of myself more as a Titan killing long-term booty call I'm gonna blow that nutsack of a chin right off your face also do you remember what I said about this moment age of Ultron on the other hand Captain America faces Ultron out of his debt and gets on with it anyway that's a freakin superhero well that gets kicked up to 11 here as we see ordinary guy over gun Peter quill face the toughest creature in the universe who kicked the crap out of the Hulk and that was before he had Gamora hostage before the might of free Infinity stones unlike cap who could hold his own to a degree of my outmatched Peter is hopelessly outgunned this is a David versus Goliath moment to anyone who thinks Peter is being a weakling in this movie would you have the Infinity stones to say this to your girlfriend's dad I'm gonna blow the nutsack of a chin right off your face as of the time of writing this essay this is the very last time Gamora and Peter see each other and it serves as the icing on the cake for tease easily the most touching most genuine most well-thought-out relationship in the MCU the key reason I think they've both been so interesting to see develop is because I think that what Gamora likes about Peter is also exactly why she's always been hesitant his immaturity can often translate to playfulness up the optimism and a sense of fun that she clearly never got to experience his attitude shows her a different sides of the galaxy but in turn also exemplifies everything wrong with refusing responsibility and letting your ego get in the way both of them had shitty childhoods and dealt with them in two completely different ways one shutting themselves off from whimsy and the other jumping headfirst into it they've both gone too far one way and as the relationship develops I think they realize what they can take and learn from each other across Guardians 1 & 2 by the time we get here they've had time to commit to each other to embrace their feelings and have a romantic relationship they're at the point where Peter will do anything to keep the last great thing in his life alive and he proves it by honoring his promise to kill her at least he tries to from here on out Peter quillin's a person consumed by his emotions they will drive him to do incredible feats ball cost him dearly we get to see the former first hand when he pretty much Dingle Hanley takes on the Avengers on Titan giving Ironman a run for his money and holding spider-man at gunpoint yeah you don't want to tell me where she is that's fine I'll kill all three of you when I'll beat it out of Thanos myself starting with you he's not messing around Gamora is one of the people in his life that means everything to him and he will do anything to defend her this is probably a good time to mention Peter Quill's intelligence as I see that come up a lot as another reason to dislike him as a character with Peters intelligence it's like yeah sure people have down on him because they say stupid but he's not stupid he's uneducated and there is a crucial difference in that this is a guy that was taken out of a state school earth education very young forced to learn how to be a pirate and a thief instead of getting the chance to invest in a degree or pursue a trade and that's all he's ever known yeah he's still the guy that comes up with the only successful plan to take down Thanos said what was Tony's plan again pretty simple we draw him in pin him down get what we need definitely don't wanna dance with this guy we just wanted gauntlet yeah they would all be dead right now off the back of that half-baked gung-ho excuse for a battle plan again they need to Steve Rogers but that's besides the point Matt I'm not saying Peter quill is a genius or smarter than someone like Tony Stark but let's not forget that the latter was born into a filthy rich family and I had access to one of the best education and resources on the planet before we started the put-downs initiative and what someone chooses to do with their gifts are far more admirable than the things they had bequeathed to them can we also give the benefit of the doubt to Peter for being forced to interact with the first humans he's seen since the night his mother died what it means to be human pop culture emotions and all is stuck in a time warp for Peter so to meet the likes of Tony Stark and Stephen strange must be incredibly hard to deal with considering neither of them do anything less than give bad first impressions I'm Peter by the way dr. strange are you seriously not going to shake that kid's hand Stephen and so the fighting shoes and all of our heroes work in tandem to fight Thanos leading through some awesome moments as Peter get some good licks in it's great to once again see him using some of these traps and tricks from the first movie and really look at some of the talent on display here he's the only one without any kind of powers he's just a guy it's like watching Han Solo doing his best to keep up in a lightsaber fight and still managing to wound somebody the fact that he manages to be just as useful as anyone else there is a feat in of itself and then he goes and spoiled all of course you know [Music] remember I said about Peter understanding that letting emotions get in the way of the greater good was foolish yeah well it turns out he's a complete and utter hypocrite Drax lost his entire family whereas Peter hasn't even gotten confirmation that Gamora is truly dead and yet that's all he needs to become deaf to Tony's advice and make a futile attempts to beat Thanos on the other hand Drax has had years to come to terms with this Peter has lost literally everything around him his entire life he didn't have the luxury of education that afforded stark or the many years of royal bliss that Thor enjoyed his entire life has been one long quest to find some semblance of meaning in a galaxy that has taken things away without rhyme or reason and Gamora was the final straw the look on his face here just reminds me of one of the best character moments in John wick and I think the way he sums up what the murder is Dogg meant to him kind of sums up the way Peter is feeling in that moment I received some is way more going on in this scene than simply Peter getting it wrong it was his choice to take the actions that he did to stand hypocritical in front of his best friend and to ruin everything when they were so close but they wouldn't have gone half as close without him the last two beats of the movie that we get with will show the audience just how much he knows in his heart that he failed everyone it's a feeling that Peter quill is all too familiar with and yet this time might have stung more than any other then to top it all off he gets to witness his friends become wiped off the face of the universe before feeling the exact same thing happened to himself unlike Peter Parker young and full of energy his whole life's dreams still ahead of him passionately refusing to face death Peter quill seems indifferent compare this for the last time he faced death content and now he's just given up if anything I think what you need to take away from the story that's told across all these movies is that tragically Peter quill is screwed up for life in a way there's some things that will always haunt him there's some traits that have been so instilled in him there will always be something he needs to keep in check that doesn't mean he can't overcome his flaws it just means that the internal struggle to be a karma more collected self will always be present and the last two cactus I dissected Tony and Thor Peter doesn't currently have a chance to make things right joining the likes of dr. strange Black Panther and spider-man in existential limbo but if let's be honest when he returns I'd like to see him come full circle and finally lay his internal struggle to rest whether or not that's with Gamora is something we'll have to wait and see confirmed I have a family they're alive because of you Peter quill never asked to save the universe and throughout three attempts ain't half bad it's probably about as good a hit right as any normal person could accomplish if they're brave enough and try to do the right thing that's what makes him the ultimate underdog of the MCU and one of its greatest characters perhaps it's very greatest public videos is going to strange new places full fight videos just got upgraded and along with that we're upgrading our patreon with new tiers and rewards just for you we don't unfortunately monetize most of the videos on the channel because there's copyrighted content so something like patreon could really really help us 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Channel: Full Fat Videos
Views: 1,475,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video, Essay, Discussion, Review, Problem, Debate, Analysis, Full Fat Videos, Guardians of the Galaxy, disney, marvel, Volume 2, Avengers: Endgame, Avengers, Star Lord, James Gunn, The Russos, Underdog, Character Breakdown, Peter Quill, guardians of the galaxy 2, rocket raccoon, analysis, criticism, review, breakdown, MCU, Marvel, age of ultron, infinity war, avengers 4, character, development, End Game, writing, film, structure, character arc, plot, Kevin Feige, complex
Id: YOAtqKRyv3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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