This Youtuber Got KIDNAPPED

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so there was a YouTuber out there named your fellow aab he first gay notor ride wait I didn't know it was him I think I've seen him on Twitter before Oh my God I think he was released cuz he just tweeted a bunch I will update you guys at the end for streaming and playing games like fortnite and doing pretty well in their events you guys may remember that fortnite Mania was absolutely massive and this guy was on that wave but a couple of years ago things changed and he most likely knew he had to Pivot as his style of content was dying I'm basically quitting competitive fortnite next season at least taking a year off seeing how it affects me so that's when he started doing Vlogs and other in real life content while traveling around the world which would in turn parlay into doing in real live streams which we all know are pretty much the hottest thing in content creation right now and are they I mean yeah IRL is always popping on Twitch not like in content creation in general but on you guys need to understand when it comes to this internet game it's rare for lightning to strike twice but this dude actually manag to revitalize his career in a whole another genre which is insanely hard to do now the only problem with this inro life and Vlog style content is you feel like you always have to kind of Step It Up for your audience do the next craziest thing and around a year ago he really started to go more extreme and began doing some Guerilla journalism in all these different countries I met the most wanted kingpen in the Middle East I snuck inside a terrorist tied out cave you did what now am I the only one who gets confused as to why YouTube even allows content like this day one living with the Mexican cartel these are just a few of the hard-hitting pieces of content that aab has been producing I guess obious putting himself in danger time and time again to do so and sadly at this point it seems like things have actually gotten serious for this man and all the documenting of gangs and cartels might have put him in a bad place because he's now apparently been kidnapped in Haiti by someone named lanmo sanjo who is apparently wanted by the FBI for his violent crimes apparently aab was traveling with another Canadian journalist and the two of also am I the only one who pronounces it Arab not Arab like am I wrong I don't think I'm I don't think I'm wrong top word is pronounced in English oh my God the ASMR as Arab so you want I'm not going to lie it kind of pisses me off that so many people say aab not because you're not allowed to pronounce things incorrectly but because like the this is such a massive group of people and we can't even Pro most people can't even pronounce it properly then again I'm biased them were allegedly both kidnapped by a gang there in ha yeah it's like if everybody was saying a American we don't cuz everybody knows it's American while they were supposed to be interviewing their leader and this is actually how I caught wi of this story AEM star tweet apparently these two guys are somewhat friends oh yeah someone did say he s says it as aab but I bet it's because other people say aab just like me saying Pokey Man released Associates I guess he spent 24 hours with him back in the day and he says aab was kidnapped in Haiti he's been missing for 2 weeks prayers please and that's where I started to do a little bit of digging and apparently this is the last video that aab shot before he was kidnapped so we actually cannot leave to Porta Prince until the morning because it's already 6:00 p.m. and if we leave right now we'll get there while it's dark it's about a six hour road trip we'll get there while it's dark and that place is completely run by gangs so you don't want to be dealing with the gangs even though we have safe passage we're already approved all it takes is one stupid gang member holding an AK-47 for one thing to go wrong so we're not taking that risk at night we're going to be leaving at 3: in the morning so obviously he understands the risks and the dangers that come with making this type of gang content especially in other countries but I guys I don't want gang content to be the next thing please no please we've already had like tide pod challenges and we don't need gang content please stay safe I guess that's likely also gang content make it like a really wanted to show you guys the view from this we the only people in this entire H everybody else is workers employees Etc because no one's allowed in the country so there's no tourists here okay other than those Royal Caribbean guys but I have the wait are tourist tourists not allowed in entire hotel to myself well that's the thing guys it does seem like it's a pretty dire situation in Haiti from social to economic to pretty much any standard you might go by and at this point is not a safe place to travel internationally at all look at that view man you got the mountain range what you okay you have entire cationizing people in the street we've got a pool which I wasn't going to take advantage of but how many times in your life are you the only person in an entire Hotel because the country's completely shut down no one should be coming and you're just YouTuber I feel like we got to take advantage of the pool and I hope our board did because things are not looking very good for him at this point people within his Circle began to speak out Arab's editor here he is currently kidnapped pray for him videos will still be pumped not the videos will still be pumped not the videos will still be pumped send that footage to the police bro W grind I'm dead I will shortly release that last bit of footage of him that was captured in Haiti which is what we just watched I'm guessing there's one of his boys he says tried keeping it private for two weeks but why why would you keep a kidnapping private oh I was going to say call the police but I guess if there's no government there's no police getting out everywhere now but still kidnapped in Haiti and I feel like I saw this tweet March 28th like a couple days ago and now he's been released it's been like two days right on getting him home y he'll be out soon so hopefully that is an indication that this man is alive they're apparently holding him for ransom like $600,000 is what they allegedly want in this situation and it's a little bit eery that this is the last thing he tweeted out before he got taken away imagine all this [ __ ] I've done they should have killed me and I die in a car accident and he was saying this after done they should have killed me and I imagine all the [ __ ] I've done I should have killed me and I'd die in a car I'd be the biggest in a car accident and he was saying this after apparently a terrible head-on-head Collision he said I'd be the biggest [ __ ] of all time like scratches keep moving and obviously it wasn't the car accident that took him out what is he wearing this cuz it's what I'm done 15 days I just saw an article yeah I didn't know I know random announcement Muslim is he or am I the only one who feels like yeah he's converting to Islam I guess thank I'm so sorry is he con is he a convert or he's Muslim thank you for the bless you I think it's so funny that someone's first message is bless you like I couldn't help but say it it's the same thing well no I'm I'm saying like was he like born Muslim or is he converting is it recent is it not cuz I've never heard of this before um I hope it's genuine you're asking the wrong people that's true I probably have literally zero audience overlap with sneo no tell me right now anybody in chat that watches me and watches sneo go go anyone scene Clips that's the most I've seen in chat people go scene Clips scene Clips scene Clips um scene Clips like that is just a very nonchalant response but yeah I hope his that if he is converting I I hope it's genuine and it's done with good intentions and if so I really I wish the best to one of your boys being kidnapped in a foreign country and you know always being held by like a very powerful gang I also thought this was crazy in response to Arab's last tweet this guy says I would have said the cartel got a hit on you don't worry so just a little bit more foreshadowing there and apparently this kidnapping has been a pretty big issue over in Haiti I mean like you saw a RAB say no one's really traveling there at this point last year about 3,000 people there were reportedly kidnapped and that's not even to consider all the people who get taken there and are obviously never actually reported so just explain for us if you can uh Mr cranny why gang violence is on the rise is it largely because of the power vacuum since the assassination of the president two years ago wow it's certainly a combination of things one of which being of course the power vacuum the second being the fact that we have a police force that's seriously underst staffed if you compare ha about the middle over one police officer for every thousand population you compare that to any country in the Caribbean it's closer to three there's the issue of corruption and the even the number of serious committed police officers that do play their role effectively are are hampered and are able to fulfill sorry I just want to call out this message because I think it's great War journalism isn't potential content it's mad dangerous RT their task so it's really an environment where the state is unable to fulfill why aren't other countries helping and that left an open individuals who to take to guns and to you know rule in accordance with their interests to take you know which ones so it really just sounds like it's an absolutely horrendous situation over in Haiti and like ever since the leader was assassinated a couple years back it's almost like a free-for all it's just Anarchy people are doing whatever they want no repercussion that was kidnapped over well we know why they're not helping conflicts of interest Haiti actually spoke out about her experience I want you to know that I hold no grudges against you in my heart that doesn't mean that I agree with what you are doing especially what you are doing against your own Haitian brothers and sisters on the the nonprofit the New Hampshire nurse and mother was working for at the time of her kidnapping wow so you go out there just trying to do good trying to help people out you're working for this nonprofit and then both this lady and her daughter get kidnapped you know it's not the type of story that makes more compassionate people want to go over there and it's sad because it seems like aab really felt as though he was turning his life around in a major way here in this tweet it says it's amazing what a human can achieve in 12 months in January 2023 I was averaging 15,000 views a YouTube video in December 2023 I'm really reluctant to even read this out because I feel like it's glamorizing something that is in fact just really dangerous and in every week an hour building my dreams now the only thing that kind of raises my red flags in this situation I mean first off was sneaker's reaction to this information going public it was almost like he couldn't really care at all and then this guy says this is the last message sent me before getting kidnapped in Haiti you head to the capital probably interview leader barbecue which is a nickname for this leader he says mhm if I don't get kidnapped before then so to me that just seems a little bit too perfect I mean I guess in an ideal world even if he was like looking for some sort of cloud or some sort of big news cycle within this story that would actually be better than him actually being kidnapped at this point so I'm just going to read the tweets because I keep forgetting to freaking log into Twitter anyway so um the guy who was kidnapped tweeted for hours ago or so he said cameraman Never Dies I've been released glory be to God Christ is King so funny the first replies I see are from Nick MKS he's saying thank God man you got to chill now back to fortnite Y and click saying thank God back to fortnite bro sorry like just so [ __ ] random his next tweet says I was kidnapped purely for the color of my skin I was kidnapped for being a blond which I think means white skin can't give any more details till I'm home uh but all I will say for now is glory be to God released between Good Friday and Easter he's trying to make it sound you know like he's the prophet I was released between Good Friday and Easter crisis King I mean you know if you want to drve a parallel that's fine when you're kidnapped in the middle of the Haitian desert 60 minutes away from any civilization in a concrete Shack surrounded by barbed wire you don't pray to a rainbow flag you pray to God whoa whoa whoa The Gangs captured you not the gays like why why are they catching Strays here what what also nobody praised gay people they just are or or I don't know there someone reped and said the [ __ ] does a rainbow flag have to do with this SOB Emoji I got to be with you I don't always love Twitter but I love love Twitter when I feel like they're right know they're like how did you manage to relate your kidnapping to being gay which is just so beautifully said grw in while it's good that he was released thumbs up
Channel: Pokimane Too
Views: 8,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokimane, poki, pokimane stream, pokimane clips, pokimane best moments, pokimane funny, offlinetv, offlinetv highlights, livestreamfails, livestream fails
Id: rBID4rOu5qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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