This Will Improve Your Depth of Field Quality Forever – Unreal Engine Cinematics

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Alog-Anitarus 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone welcome back in today's video we'll be talking about how to fix unreal depth of field preview in the viewport as well as improving the depth of field in your renders okay so this is a trick that i use on a daily basis i don't work without it so before we get started i just want to point out that i have a new instagram channel so my previous instagram account that i had linked on this channel was not really relevant to the channel at all it was my personal one and you know all sorts of things from photography to random posts and blurbs but this time this new instagram account is really focused towards this channel towards unreal and vfx cgi specifically so it's a lot more relevant to you guys so go check it out go give it a follow and let's get started all right so in my scene right here i've got just a very quick forest setup um forgive me this is something i just threw together in 20 minutes it's not my best work and performance is not awesome either but for the sake of this video it should do the trick so i've set up a sequence here with one camera with an 85 millimeter at f 1.4 if you're like me you've probably wondered why the depth of field out of the box by default in unreal just tends to look really bad okay so let's take a look at the scene right here okay i'm in my camera mode here and you'll see especially in the background notice how the ferns the the the leaves here are kind of comp they're half blurred out and they're half sharp there's this weird haloing effect going around the rocks here now let's take a look and let's draw the debug focus plane right so the only thing that's in focus should be these leaves in the foreground but unfortunately the leaves in the background are also kind of in focus-ish and now the reason why this is a problem is not only does it look bad but it's going to render completely different let's go into full screen and see how this looks okay got the full screen now you'll see things are the background already does look a little bit better when you're in full screen so right now i'm on a 2560 by 1440 monitor so if i render an hd it's going to look a bit better but but look at the mid ground here look at the the leaves in the tree here right they're kind of there's this haloing effect going on half of it isn't sharp half it is totally blurred out same with the grass same with the ferns this looks like and once and you'll notice once again when you go back things look totally different depending on your resolution so let's say you're working like this in your viewport you go to your camera you draw your debug focus plane and you align like okay i want the tree to be in perfect focus okay and then you render your shot and now look at the haloing on the rocks here you render your shot and it's going to look completely different okay there's a solution to this and it's incredibly simple and why it's not like this out of the box i don't know so what we're going to do you're going to open a console command menu and type r dot temporal aaa dot up sampling 0 and just like that did you see the difference there look how perfect the depth of field looks now okay let's go into full screen just to get a better impression look how different look now there's no weird haloing effects happening anywhere else let's go ahead and toggle it back on to see where it was so this is what it was with it on by the default setting look at these blades of grass and look at this uh odd shadowing on the on the leaves here let's turn it back on so we're going to go ahead and we're going to compare these two renders out of this okay all right so i've got two renders here uh just to be clear both renders are using the exact same unreal scene they're using the exact same camera and it is the exact same frame the only thing that's changed here is one was rendered with temporal aaa of sampling set to zero which is console command and the other one here on the right is just straight out of the renderer either sequencer or movie render queue with default settings okay so that is literally the only difference here now let's zoom in and just take a look at the ferns and the rock in the background here look at how day and night these different these renders are okay uh we've got this weird haloing effect going on around the ferns it's half sharp half blurry look it doesn't it looks terrible to be honest let's take a look at this bush in the back here uh it's kind of like once again you got the haloing half sharp half blurry whereas in render a here on the left the outer focus elements are nice and soft you've got this bokeh that's properly being rendered um it just looks so much better let's take a look at the grass as well the grass is kind of like this sharp noisy mess whereas in the left render here everything is soft and you know properly out of focus now keep in mind we're at 200 here so it's obviously going to be a little bit pixelated and that sort of thing but when you zoom out to 100 okay things just look a lot better now one thing that really catches my eye and that is right up here in the leaves okay look at how all that bokeh okay the result is just so much better now both of these were rendered with the movie render queue uh on the left here i would use all the sub sampling and all the nice goodness that you should be using if you're using the movie render queue on the right hand side here it's just straight out movie rendition no fancy setting it's essentially the same thing as using the sequencer okay so i'm going to include both of these images in the description below so you can check them out and see for yourself how it looks and see the comparison um it's going to be a lot easier if you open both these images up in photoshop and compare um because the quality is going to be much better okay uh you're not gonna get this youtube compression going on so there you have it if this doesn't convince you to use this console command nothing will so to eliminate any kind of confusion i've made this handy chart here that indicates and tells you when you should be using this console command and when you shouldn't okay so if you're using the sequencer or the default movie render queue you absolutely should be using this console command if you're rendering with the movie render queue and you're using the sub sampling method that you don't need to use the console command and for just regular viewport usage yes you absolutely should be using the console command even if you're not rendering anything the extra quality of the field you get directly in your viewport is immensely helpful i cannot stress this enough now in order to get your renders to use this you need to set them up to use the console command so if you're using sequencer you need to execute this console command via a level blueprints okay so we're going to go up here to blueprints open level blueprint we're going to open the level blueprint menu here you should have event beginplay and i'm going to add console execute console command you know plug this into your event begin play and you're going to type the same console command that we just used so r dot temporal aaa dot up sampling zero okay hit compile now every time you render your sequence it's going to be using this console command now if you're like me and you use the movie render queue instead this is how you do it so let's open a movie render queue and let's go to my config my settings here in your console variables tab you need to go ahead and go add a little plus and we're going to type in r dot temporal aaa dot up sampling zero and just leave the value at zero right here and that's as simple as that that's all you need to do to make sure that your renders are using this console command if you don't know how to use the subsampling method i have a video about it right here go check it out i go through these console commands these four that i have here in depth how to set this up properly so on and so forth so regardless of what you're rendering with i recommend having it on even in your viewport even when you're not rendering because it gives a much better representation of what your depth of field actually looks like okay so everyone once again thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it if this has helped you in any way leave a comment down below hit that like button don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: William Faucher
Views: 38,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal, Unreal Engine 4, UE4, Depth of Field, Depth of Field Fix, Depth of field quality, DoF issue, issue, DoF, dof, Better Depth of Field, Realtime rendering, game development, cinematics, realtime cinematics, ue4, Sequencer, Movie Render Queue, Console Commands, Console variables ue4
Id: osHpBZ47ZfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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