Improve Your Renders With Unreal Movie Render Queue PART 1 - Goodbye Sequencer?! (4.26)

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hey welcome back it's so nice to see your faces in today's video we're going to be talking about a little lesser known feature known as the movie render queue and this has finally been made production ready as a 4.26 so it's a pretty new thing um just to make them clear the movie render q is not here to replace the sequencer the two work together so think of the movie render queue as a dlc or a supplement or an add-on to sequencer now some of the notable perks of using the movie render queue include um much more streamlined ui way more rendering features and much higher quality renders if you so desire this video is split up into two parts the first part i'm going to be comparing both default settings in both sequencer and the movie render queue just to show you guys that hey the renders are actually the same if you so want them to be in part two i'll be showing you guys how to take things one step further and getting some of the cleanest best possible renders i've ever seen come out of unreal so without further ado let's get started all right hey guys let's get started in unreal the first thing we want to do is we need to enable two plugins i believe in 4.26 they're enabled by default but let's just go ahead and enable them anyway so go to the settings tab on the top here click on plugins and you want to type in the search bar up here movie render queue and two plugins will show up make sure both are enabled you'll have to restart the engine as always it doesn't take very long this is normal now uh you're going to want to enable additional render passes as well because this enables cryptomat or object id and if you don't know what that is i've made a video about it right here so without further ado once you've restarted the engine let's get started so once you've enabled those two plugins the first and next thing we need to do is we need to set up a sequencer now this tutorial is not going to be about sequencer if you don't know what it is or you don't know how to set it up there's lots of documentation about this so i'm going to go ahead and as soon as you know what sequencer is and how it works um so sequencer and the movie render queue kind of work in tandem one does not replace the other so we need to go through the cinematics tab up here and i've already made a sequence all right so i set up a very quick camera here uh not even any animation we've got a lovely environment here that i cannot take credit for this was taken from the mega scans goddess temple now this is free it's a free pack on the epic marketplace um the link is in the description below if you want to go ahead and find it for yourself it is a gorgeous looking scene all i did was i deleted a bunch of stuff and i had changed the lighting a bit so i you know kind of wanted a more sunset feeling um but the lighting is really the only thing that i did in this environment so the first part of this video is i'm going to render both a shot from sequencer and a shot from the movie render queue and we're going to look at these two still images in photoshop and we'll be able to compare a result and you're going to see with the default movie or indicate settings the results are exactly the same or almost we're going to go ahead and hit the render this video button in the render movie settings i just showed my output path i'm going to be rendering pngs and i'm just going to hit capture movie so once you've got your sequence set up you've got your camera established you know you got your framing right we're going to go ahead and look at the movie render queue for the first time so where do you find that you find it up here in the windows tab click on window go to cinematic movie render queue click on that and your window will pop up so this is not a brand new thing this came out in 4.25 but epic believe that it is now production ready as of 4.26 so what we're going to do we're going to hit plus the plus render button right here click on that and add the sequence that we just created now you're going to have your job setting and output so don't worry about this just click on unsaved config right here you're going to get another window that shows up okay so i'm going to so you got this is a pretty straightforward tool i really like it it's clean it's concise so i you got output rendering and settings i'm going to go ahead and click this and i'm going to delete the jpeg sequence because i don't want to render in jpeg so i'm going to go into setting and we click on setting up here you have a ton of options show up so you got the the anti-aliasing stuff console variables and output you can choose the output file that you want and the rendering mode that you want um so i'm going to go ahead and add png sequence 8-bit because that's what my sequence would rendered in deferred rendering you can kind of leave that as is output now one thing that i really want to look at here is the anti-aliasing setting now this this setting right here is the game changer by default if you just leave it at default settings it's going to you can see right here anti-electric method none is grayed out if you override it you can change it for now i'm going to leave it off so i'm going to not overwrite intel anything by default the movie render queue uses the anti-aliasing method that your project is using so sequence so what you're getting sequence is what you're going to get in the movie render queue if you leave this off so for now i recommend leaving this off and because we want to get the same render from sequencer and movie render queue right so what's that done choose the output path make sure everything's okay hit accept render local and a new movie new ram window will pop up and there we go it's rendered so now let's jump into photoshop okay so i've opened up the render here two still images so this one this is the image from sequencer and this is the image from render queue as you can see there are some subtle differences but for the most part it is the exact same render okay so the difference that you see are mostly noise related you know if i zoom in and you know toggle this layer on and off there's some you know minor differences but for the most part it is negligible like if i didn't know any better i wouldn't even know that there's a difference so by not touching any of the aaa settings the anti-aliasing settings in the booby render queue you're going to get the same result as you did in sequencer so that's kind of a safe thing that's really good to know because i don't want it to be different right not yet so that's how you render it you know normally so guys you don't need to take my word for it i've included all the renders that i'm going to be making throughout this video down in the description below so you can go ahead and download them and see for yourself see what suits you best so why would we even use the movie render queue when by default the results compare the sequencer are going to be almost the same we're going to be looking at four things that make the movie render queue a complete game changer so the first thing that we're going to talk about it just would kind of go without saying and that's the cleanliness of the ui everything is kind of found in one place you want to add a setting you want to add a render path you want to add another file format everything is accessible right here so for example if you want to render out both exr and a jpeg sequence well now you can um so you can add render multiple file formats at once in sequencer you could not you can also add multiple render passes you have full control over this you have full control over a bunch of things this is one of the things that makes the movie render queue just a little bit more appealing than the sequencer so another cool feature that was included in its release is the addition of the high resolution setting so what the high resolution tab is going to do is it's essentially going to as you can see here in the unreal documentation is it's going to render four different tiles and this allows you to get four times the resolution of whatever so if you render you know each tile is 4k then that means you're going to get a massive file now the downside of this is you're not going to if not doesn't support any of the screen space stuff so you know like reflections convolution bloom lens flared motion blur that sort of thing is not going to render correctly so use this with caution now we're going to go ahead and add anti-aliasing and this is where things get really interesting this is what makes the movie ranger q such a big deal right now in order to increase the quality of your renders now the renderer allows you to get some subsampling okay so what you're going to do is you're going to override anti-aliasing we're going to change the anti-aliasing to none all right don't panic it's fine your renders are not going to have no anti-aliasing because we're going to increase the temper the sample count all right so we're going to go ahead and set this to 64. which means it's going to have 64 sub samples between the frames and it's going to give you an extremely clean render so the next thing you want to do is we're going to go ahead and go to setting here and add console variables now according to the unreal documentation which the link of which will be included in the description below just so you know so it tells us right here in the documentation that unreal engine makes ray tracing possible through the use of denoising techniques that do rely on temporal history when using high resolution tiling and disabling temporal anti-aliasing you may need to adjust the following console variables for better results and they're talking about the four console variables down here so we're going to go ahead and we're going to copy those into our movie render queue so you go to make sure you have the setting console variable in your list here and in console variables you're going to want to click on little plus the first one up here on the top click on the plus and you're going to go ahead we're going to go ahead and paste the console variable from the list okay so if we got it right here all right we're going to copy paste this now be sure that you don't copy paste everything with the zero okay make sure you only copy the text because the actual number is included here so this is zero if i wanted to be on let's set it to one but we're going to have it zero so a mistake i made yesterday was i copied all of it the whole thing was a zero and my render didn't work i was wondering why it said the console variable doesn't exist so just make sure that you only copy the text and paste it into your thing all right now add another one i'm gonna go copy this again get this one add another refraction the noise reflection denoiser put that there and the shadow denoiser one more okay so now that these console variables are done we can go back to the anti-aliasing tab just make sure that you know 64 samples you can hit accept once that's done you're just going to go to output tab make sure that your output directory uh is okay so once you've selected your output folder you are ready to render so hit accept so before rendering i've actually gone ahead and i made a little animation for my camera over nine frames okay so just to kind of give you guys an idea i got my camera here and over nine frames it's going to move like this i'm gonna go ahead and turn pretty much turn off all motion um all depth of field because i want the everything that's blurred to be motion blur only and you're going to see why in just a second all right so i'm going to set it to like f 16 right here to just basically eliminate all depth of field so the only blur that we're going to get is going to be motion blur okay now going back to the movie render queue now that we're ready just going to go make sure everything's okay yeah everything's there accept and now you're just ready to hit render local the window is going to pop up again so you can see it's going real slow and you can see the subsample count here going up so from zero to 64. and it's going to pop going up and it's going to pop so what it's doing right now just to kind of explain what's happening is the amount of samples you get it's the amount of subsampling that's going to happen so this is going to give you a much cleaner render um your motion blur samples are going to be much better um there's going to be less much less noise in your image as well it is much longer to render that is a given but what you're about to see soon when we compare the render from this and in sequencer is your images are going to be much much cleaner this way so the longer render times in my opinion are absolutely worth it so now that this is done i'm going to go ahead and render the same shot with sequencer okay so we're going to be able to compare the animated frames from sequencer and the movie render key so i've made sure near my output directory is okay new folder png 1080p you can go ahead and click capture movie save selected now obviously sequencer is much faster rendering it right it's it's good it's real time or almost so once those images are rendered we're going to go right back into photoshop and we're going to compare those two rendered between the movie render queue with no anti-aliasing and a bunch of subsamples versus sequencer which is a much faster renderer but you'll see why i prefer to use the movie render queue from now on so right here is we've got the sequencer render now if you can see here you know there's a bunch of noisy samples the motion blur is not great it's not very uh it doesn't look very good but next this is the movie render queue result now going from a to b you can see that the movie render key results are substantially better it's like just look at the noise samples here right on this urn this is a sequencer this is the movie render queue the motion blur itself alone like look on the side here it's much softer much creamier um the biggest shock to me was in the plant right like look at the noise on the plants here right it is just absolutely a noisy mess but here with the movie rendicu everything is clear it is very clean okay same with the motion blur let's look at the out of focus elements here in motion blur right look at these uh temporal aaa artifacts that you've got in the ferns up here but when i turn on moving render queue it is a proper motion blur i mean if i didn't know any better i would think this is ray traced um so there you have it i mean yeah i mean just look at this right here um just everything about the movie render queue renders are so much better okay now i i know i'm at 300 percent here but just look at this noise look at all these artifacts here and then in this render it's nice and clean so i understand this might be hard to see in the video if you don't believe me see for yourself i've included this psd in the description below download that file and see for yourself just the wild massive difference in quality between the two renderers once you see for yourself you're never going to be going back to sequencer ever again because this is just this to me is a game changer this changes absolutely everything so after saying this i'm chances are i'm not going to be using sequencer ever again just because the difference in quality for me is absolutely worth the extra waiting time um that being said sequencer still has some uses here because if you need some fast renders and iterate quickly sequencer is the way to go because they did that much faster but if you can afford to wait a little bit i'm not going to be using sequins very much anymore so once again guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe it makes a world of different for small channels like mine and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: William Faucher
Views: 76,597
Rating: 4.9806261 out of 5
Keywords: Unreal, Unreal Engine, Movie Render Queue, Render Queue, 4.26, Realtime, Sequencer, Tutorial, UE4, ue5, UE4 4.26, UE4 Tutorial, High Quality Render, Cinematic, Antialiasing, TemporalAA, Temporal AA, Raytracing, Subsampling, Anti-aliasing
Id: FxvF3zncClA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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