"This Will End in a Russian Victory" - US Military Specialist Speaks Out on Ukraine War

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first casual casualty of war is the truth we've had us intelligence agencies and of course the bid Administration have been waging disinformation Warfare against the American people crazy dream of NATO membership that really uh I mean if you look into it there's really never been any chance whatsoever of Ukraine being a member of NATO you know the US wanted to you know wanted to be the biggest bully on the Block and to do that we had to you know show that uh you know we could invade Iraq uh for no reason you know an unprovoked invasion of Iraq as as President George W bush actually admitted on video just a couple years ago when attempting to con Putin he actually condemned himself Russia is a nuclear superpower and you know the primary objective of US national security policy should be to avert war with Russia and China because a war with Russia and China could destroy the US and wipe us off the face of the Earth so right we need to peacefully coexist with Russia and China we need to avoid their nuclear red lines in Ukraine and Taiwan everyone this is David he's the Executive Vice President of the task force on National and Homeland Security David is one of the few American voices that have deep connections to our government and aren't afraid to speak the truth David is very much anti-war and believes the primary mission of the US foreign policy should be to avoid nuclear Wars with both Russia and China by respecting their red lines and learning to coexist David is a fantastic author who publishes an incredible geopolitical newsletter and speaks out on the truth about America's involvement in the Russia Ukraine conflict but also other devastating Wars like the major conflict we're seeing in Gaza and that the United States is firmly supporting in today's interview David provides us all a deeper understanding into the Russ Ukraine conflict and some insights you most definitely have never heard before let's begin well everyone we have a special guest in the studio today this is David Pine he's the Executive Vice President of the task force on National and Homeland Security David thank you so much for joining our podcast today thanks sarus it's great to be here absolutely well David I wanted to bring you in because over the last couple of months you've been writing some very interesting articles um on substack and on online and I think it's really important for the American public and really the world to understand what's really going on in Russia and Ukraine we're trying to bring in different voices to understand that I'm going to go ahead and bring up the article that you wrote this is really interesting it's the costs and consequences of Ukraine's disastrous pursuit of NATO membership and this is measuring the cost of America's 16-year long attempt to expand its liberal Empire to Ukraine and really it's obviously a refusal to negotiate peace with no end in sight so I'll give the stage to you and just kind of give me your thoughts as obviously we're entering now into the third year there doesn't really seem to be an end to this conflict um David what are your thoughts well you know as as has been often said the first casual casualty of war is the truth and uh we've had us intelligence agencies and of course the B Administration have been waging disinformation Warfare against the American people uh with their War propaganda and the war propaganda is uh you know Russia just out of the blue invaded Ukraine for for no discernable reason totally unprovoked um the facts couldn't be otherwise I mean certainly we have to condemn Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine that is in itself a war crime right not not an egregious War crime as as uh you know as other countries have have committed but uh you know something that that we we should oppose nonetheless but to say it's unprovoked is you know such an egregious uh statement against against the truth and the facts I felt I had to publish uh you know a series of Articles such as this that set the record straight and by no means am my defender of Vladimir Putin I think he's a brutal dictator who is uh you know has killed some of his political opponents that said they Russia is a nuclear superpower and the primary objective of US national security policy should be to avert war with Russia and China because a war with Russia and China could destroy the US and us off the face of the Earth so right we need to peacefully coexist with Russia and China we need to avoid their nuclear red lines in Ukraine and Taiwan but in terms of this article this whole just like Dr John Mir shimer predicted uh Russia would uh would wreck Ukraine LED on a primrose path uh terms of uh you know this this crazy dream of NATO membership that really uh I mean if you look into it there's really never been any chance whatsoever of Ukraine being a member of NATO so the whole Ukraine and NATO crisis was caused by us leaders over a false pretense right and even at the the Bia Summit you know my my main picture for this article is a picture of zalinsky looking lost and confused and dejected because the Biden Administration and other NATO leaders outright rejected Ukraine's entry into nato in terms of any timetable any membership action plan and the reason is because uh you know Germany turkey uh Hungary and Slovakia would veto it Ukraine just simply doesn't meet the qualifications for doing so so the costs of of the war thus far have been 30% of Ukraine's uh population being uh lost or you know refugees uh 30% of its GDP being lost 50% of its businesses at one point being closed 50% of its critical infrastructure being shut down half a million Ukrainian troops uh killed or seriously wounded in battle and uh you know I've condemned the bid Administration policy as a policy of National Suicide uh in terms of fighting it this senseless manufactured uh war against proxy war against Russia and Ukraine uh and using hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian life as Cannon fod and you know it's ironic you know that uh principal opponents of of the war such as yourself and myself are the ones that get attacked for uh supposedly opposing Ukraine when in fact we're the ones champing Ukraine's best interests oh absolutely David I think you've really a great opening statement and I think you've really set the stage here because this is something that you you know was is so so interesting as Americans as we're watching the United States government continue this and it's almost become something of okay you know this these are the bad guys these are the good guys you know we need to always just support the good guys I think what's what's interesting is is the only thing that we've actually done to Russia is just make their military stronger you know they've obviously shifted to a wartime economy you know the Russian military today in 2024 right now is stronger than it was since the 1980s I mean they've gotten stronger they they've shifted their economy uh they were the only one that in you know that actually had a g That Grew last year now again that is granted it is a you know War economy they're shifting their Industries to producing for this war but I mean their economy their GDP outgrew all of the G7 Nations last year and it's predicted to do so again in 2024 so it's it's really an interesting one because you know what what is the what do you think is this this obsession with NATO you know moving into Ukraine why is this just like it just seems like getting Ukraine into NATO is the Crown Jewel that everybody in the west wants but what what is the main reason behind that what is the purpose behind that is it really just provoke Russia just to piss off Russia uh I wouldn't say was it's necessarily piss off Russia it's it's an attempt to yeah it is an attempt to humiliate Russia to uh to show Russia who's boss essentially uh you know General Coen po made a statement uh in Congressional hearings that you know the US wanted to you know wanted to be the biggest bully on the Block and to do that we had to you know show that uh we can invade Iraq uh for no reason you know an unprovoked invasion of Iraq as as President George W bush actually ad commed on video just a couple years ago when attempting to condemn Putin he actually condemned himself for for this for the illegal invasion of Iraq by one man that was unprovoked I think it's just hubris it's uh you know it's this us um National Security strategy of of Primacy a liberal emany right and we want to expand uh America's liberal Empire as far as possible right up to Russia's and China's borders you now we have legitimate security interests in Taiwan and I don't I'm not trying to detract from that but in terms of Ukraine the US has only one uh National Security interest and that is to avoid nuclear war with Russia avoid World War III and instead of doing that you know the Biden policy is actively provoking uh Russia to to attack us and and if Putin didn't have such such great strategic forbearance uh which I think is patience is is uh you know is coming to an end very soon then uh you know we could have already been destroyed by uh you know Russian uh nuclear cyber or super EMP retaliation and you know essentially Biden is playing with the lives of 275 million Americans that could die in such an attack yeah it's it's very concerning and I I want to get your thoughts on uh NATO specifically because you know I've had a chance to interview uh Colonel Douglas McGregor very outspoken about this war as well very much echoing the same points that you've made as well and just really wanting to have some more clarity you know from our leaders and really a better understanding of what's going on I know I stand right behind what you've said as far as you know our number one primary goal here is to avoid a nuclear war with Russia obviously you know Russia is a nuclear superpower be a disaster for Russia for America but for World kind you know for humankind so what what about NATO I mean I know Colonel McGregor has has really come out and said that NATO just seems completely lost right now they don't have the direction you've got all these different nations with different opinions we actually saw that with FR France's president mcon who came out and said you know it's not against the you know we're not ruling out putting NATO troops on the ground in Western Ukraine what do you think of when you know someone like makes a statement like that well I first want to say that you know i' I've been saying since October of 2019 uh with an article I published in a World Net Daily us NATO membership is a new surround America's neck that could drag us down a nuclear war with Russia over uh Ukraine under the Baltic states and and for that reason I've I've actively supported a US withdrawal from NATO and converting it into an all you know a European Le Alliance I mean nato in itself is not a problem but it's it's us involvement in NATO that has has caused these conflicts because if uh the US wasn't part of NATO then I think France and Britain despite being nuclear Powers would behave much more circumspectly towards uh you know Russia Which is far superior in terms of nuclear weapons yeah NATO expansion in macron's statement I think it's recklessly irresponsible of him to make a statement like that you know it's difficult for me to ascertain for sure if if that's uh merely strategic posturing where he's he's laying that out on the tabl kind of like uh you know Russia has often made nuclear threats some of which are Syria some of which are against strategic postery and to try to deter a further n NATO escalation in terms of armit shipments and whatnot uh but uh you know Russia's made very clear that uh you know uh you know NATO expeditionary Force crossing the border in Ukraine particularly in central Ukraine would would be a nuclear red line for Russia and I I think that's uh very possibly true although I think uh I think Russia would would kind of escalate up the escalation spiral and and resort to counter space and cyber attacks and perhaps super EMP attack before uh used non-strategic nuclear weapons against NATO forces yeah I mean this is um this is really becoming a very uh big issue here and I want to I want to go back to your article that you wrote Because this is very interesting um talking about we have a section here that says you know the outbreak of the war in Ukraine was not difficult to foresee um you know Russia and Ukraine were actually collaborative strategic Partners from 1991 to February 2014 um by virtue of their joint CIS membership which is a CIS Free Trade Agreement um and a treaty a friendship um before Ukraine's Pathway to this NATO membership um you have an interesting quote here from Vladimir Putin this was given in Munich in 2007 and we are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law this is extremely dangerous we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the architecture of Global Security so this is really you know Vladimir Putin sending out some early warning signs I mean as far back as 2007 expand a little bit upon that just so more people have that context about what's been going on yeah so a lot of people uh you know don't really re you know they maybe weren't paying attention to to Vladimir Putin uh from the time he took power in uh December of 1999 as acting President of Russia uh but essentially he he uh he was viewed as a pro Western leader uh he was trying to uh kind of engage Russia you know in uh make it interconnected with the EU um perhaps even join some kind of common house Arrangement uh you know integrating Russia's economy uh with the EU as well as uh you know joining NATO uh I mean during the Tucker Carlson interview on February 6 uh just last last month uh you know Putin actually revealed that he uh he asked um Bill Clinton to to uh if Russia could join NATO and and he got you know a negative answer on that we we previously were aware that he uh proposed joining nato in 2002 as well so uh the turning point was 2007 because by that point bush had made clear there hadn't been a formal declaration yet uh but uh made clear that Ukraine and Georgia would be invited to join NATO or at least there would be some kind of Declaration that they would join NATO and that was that was uh you know Russia's number one red line because uh you know their their number one vital interest in terms of foreign policy is to was to ensure Ukraine's continued neutrality outside of NATO as a buffer State and you know a lot of people don't realize that a buffer State doesn't mean a Russian satellite a buffer state is uh offer protection not only to Russia but also to Nato it goes both ways kind of like a demilitarized zone and so it offers it provides security to Nato to NATO's member states and with uh you know with the fact that Ukraine can't join NATO there was no reason not to accept uh Putin's uh offer to uh guarantee to not invade Ukraine uh in exchange for a written guarantee uh that Ukraine would never become a member of NATO but yeah this uh Munich uh Speech was the first time that that Putin you know kind of came out uh with some anti-western rhetoric they kind of uh you know took NATO leaders off guard because of course uh Putin had been very Cooperative with NATO he had essentially you know acceded to uh the expansion of NATO uh to include even former Soviet republics uh such as the the Baltic states yeah I think it's an interesting one that not many people know about is that you know the first thing that Vladimir Putin did was go in fact go to Nato and and actually advocate for Russia to join NATO and of course you know NATO was founded to combat the rise of the Soviet Union well of course once that collapsed and Russia became independent all of these former Soviet republics became independent you know there there's an argument as you know is NATO really needed anymore obviously that threat of the Soviet Union is now gone and I think that's a very interesting thing I mean you pointed out I mean twice you know Putin has gone to Nato and said include me and I think there's there's a big argument that can be made that the United States certainly could have done a lot more in incorporating into the global trade and the global system you know welcoming Russia in and actually you know giving them a foundation but nonetheless I mean you know what was interesting is obviously throughout the Cold War Soviet Union is always seen as the enemy and then as soon as the Soviet Union collaps it still passes on right Russia's still the enemy no you're not going to join NATO no we still don't like you no you're still not going to be part of us and you know no and so I think you can only you know how many you can only do so much right I mean as far as Russia and Vladimir Putin if you're not going to keep getting rejected well then you're going to have to go on a different pathway and it's it's unfortunate I think the US missed a good opportunity there and I want to talk a little bit about now shifting into Ukraine because you did touch on this is these staggering Ukrainian losses um you know there's obviously been a loss of territory right the actual size of Ukraine has been diminished because of you know rushing taking back these these areas that are ethnically Russians speaking the people there want to be part of Russia um it's it's a very complex situation for people most people in America to really understand that the nuances involved in this but I mean we've seen um a large percentage of their farmland for example destroyed um I think you have in here that um from that the estimates of cost of reconstruction would be well over um trillion dollar which is just staggering and almost you know seemingly impossible to kind of rebuild Ukraine so talk a little bit more about these losses for Ukraine and what is really going to be the future for this country yeah I mean it's uh I mean the costs are are are staggering they're they're beyond tragic uh it's a humanitarian catastrophe I mean uh outside of Gaza we just haven't seen a humanitarian catastrophy on this scale Ukraine you know would have had all of its uh territory uh intact had it had had the Biden authorized coup not occurred in February 2014 that was really was the trigger for the beginning of the Russo Ukrainian military conflict and you know of course Victoria Newland you know handpicking uh you know a new Ukrainian prime minister that was essentially us puppet but the you know that and then of course the CIA bases and all the various provocations uh just in 2021 there were you know three different uh NATO exercises uh but yeah as I mentioned that the costs have been have been extreme I you Ukraine was the uh was the second largest country in Europe it's now the fourth largest it you know I think it had the fifth largest population now it's the sixth uh I mean it went down from uh let's see about 41 million before the war not including Crimea to about 28 million today right so uh I mean if if we can imagine a future for the US in which the US lost over 100 million people of its population whether you know killed or or that left the country I mean that's really kind of the comparison and yeah as you men that the Reconstruction costs are staggering and the losses just continue to pile up I mean uh we had a a Ukrainian General I think say that uh uh Ukraine was losing up to a thousand um casualties I think uh I mean just you know really uh crazy numbers of numbers of troops and there's no strategy I mean the only literally the only strategy uh or strategic game that the Biden regime is has stated is you know to fight Russia continuously uh you know using Ukrainian troops as Canon fodder and to to do so in order an attempt a failed attempt to uh to weaken Russia both economically and militarily and as you pointed out and as I point out in this article uh you know Russia has been strengthened militarily by uh by this NATO war against Russia you know economically it's uh you know it's its GDP is is growth is greater than any NATO country over the past year um despite the most severe uh you know NATO economic sanctions imaginable its military has been tripled in size in terms of active duty military from about 250,000 to 750,000 troops and it's uh you know it's spending has gone up to Cold War levels as well uh you know so between the 1.5 million uh you know member Russian armed forces and 6% GDP spending which is double what it was pre-war uh you know we've we're essentially creating a new a new Soviet threat that that didn't exist before uh this NATO war in Russia and that's that's a huge loss for both us and NATO NATO National Security yeah oh it's it's a it's a tragedy and I think what's so frustrating at this point is that there's really no end in sight and I want to kind of shift to the end of your article that you wrote here and again for everybody watching this we're going to put a link down here so that you can read this full article it's really a fantastically written piece from David but you know the you kind of conclude this article with you know there's no chance for a Ukrainian Victory and I think that's what many people are starting to realize in the west I think um and this has been an interesting thing David obviously in our own country in the United States you know we have seen you know a tremendous amount of faue I think amongst the you know Common civilian you know here in America where we're starting to really get frustrated when we see yes we're going to send another $100 million to Ukraine oh let's send another $80 million to Ukraine hey another $100 million here to Ukraine and meanwhile there's a plethora of issues affecting this country right now obviously one of the biggest ones being the Border Southern border which many Americans feel this is a you know probably one of the biggest issues leading up to this 2024 election hey who's going to secure the Border you know we're having you know crime is increasing you know more and more illegals are coming into the country yet we don't seem to be addressing the problems that affect Real Americans on the ground here in the United States but yet we are sending these you know hundreds of millions of dollars overseas you know what's with almost zero chance of a victory here so tell us a little bit about this conclusion here you know no chance for Ukraine Victory you know why is it no chance and you know what what do you see happening for the rest of this year and into the future with this conflict well yeah I mean as I I stated before the war that there was no chance for Ukraine to win I mean uh Russia is a country that's 35 times larger than Ukraine is today it's it's uh got a population of about 5.3 times more people about five times as many troops in terms of reserves included uh it's got uh you know several times to you know as many as 12 times more tanks combat aircraft uh artillery I mean just right you know terms of the ammunition it's it's got uh at least 10 times as as much uh you know for example 152 mm artillery uh you know rounds uh than than Ukraine does uh and it's just you know in addition to that it has super EMP weapons it has the greatest cyber offensive capabilities in the world it's got you know I would estimate U uh four and a half times more operational nuclear weapons than the US itself uh 35 times more non-strategic nuclear weapons so it's a it's a massive threat and of course threat is is uh is a mix of intention and capability and before Russia had no intention to uh you know to fight the us or NATO uh directly but that might be changing it's always had the capability to destroy the US uh you know obviously Russia's nuclear Arsenal that was double the size of America's at the end of the Cold War you know didn't magically go away with the end of the Cold War but the the aggressive communist Soviet leadership did and as you pointed out uh you know Putin's not not another Hitler of Stalin he's not even another breif Russia's responses including the the war in Ukraine have been primarily defensive from a Russian perspective it's been a preventive and a preemptive War right because the US did succeed in transforming Ukraine by 2021 to a a deao uh NATO member and had plans to you know further expand its uh the US military footprint and and base basing within Ukraine and that was a a threat that uh you know Russia couldn't tolerate and the US wouldn't wouldn't have either I mean just imagine you know I wrote an article in in the National interest in June or July of 2022 in which I argued for more uh you know strategic empathy for Russia because if the US were to you know have a situation where either uh Mexico or breakway Texas was actively allying with Russia and China had you know a thousand Russian and Chinese troops in its territory that were based there you know uh multiple uh you know joint military exercises every year and then you know increasingly Advanced weapons shipments uh to uh you know to Texas or Mexico we you know we would you know bomb invade and and anex all of Texas call an offensive war and that's essentially what what Putin's done with regards to Ukraine except he's only taking 18% and he only wanted I think 11 or 12% initially uh maybe it was much less than that including Crimea uh that was offered back in back in uh in March of 2022 and Biden stupidly torpedoed that that agreement which would have been uh on par you know a substantial victory for Ukraine yeah I think I mean it would have been the best case scenario you know for Ukraine and and but again I I I like your opening statement here that the fact that this is not an unprovoked War I mean there's certainly the United States is certainly involved and that that is tends to be our history I mean we get involved in conflicts and Wars all over the planet I mean that is ouro I mean that's what we do better than any nation in the world but and that certainly you know led to this that's an interesting point that you made though that it is more of a defensive effort and and I think one of the other things when we're looking at geopolitics and certainly from the American side one thing that we never do in the side of this country is we never look at it from the opposite perspective right if the United States was in those shoes how would our country react and you really nailed it with this analogy of if Texas was a breakaway State you know partnering with Mexico Russia and Chinese troops on the ground doing military exercises I mean all of us know how that would go I mean the United States would immediately invade and bomb them and you know and immediately take care of that situation you know that wouldn't that wouldn't go on for very long it's it's really a tragedy again I think we're on the same page as well it's a tragedy for the Ukrainian people you know that that we didn't get to that agreement and now I think we're at a situation where what does the future look like David what is your prediction for you know how this officially ends are we going to see Ukraine eventually come to the bargaining table and say okay well we could have you know lost 10% of the territory back then that window's closed so maybe it's going to be 20% today or you you know or do we just continue seeing zalinsky fight this fight just because and you know I'd like to get your thoughts on on kind of what's the next step how does this end I think that's the magic question so uh love to hear your insights on that yeah you bet so uh I mean this this war is again it's going to end with the Russian Victory it's only a matter of time and and uh you know back in November November 20122 a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff uh Mark Millie uh you know stated that this is you know following the the successful Cel and kke counter offensive this was Ukraine's high water mark that we're never going to gain you know he didn't say it out outright but essentially stated that uh you know the chances of Ukraine retaking additional territory were very minimal and so uh you know I think he overrated uh how defeated he thought Russia was Russia wasn't defeated but you know that that would have certainly been a good time to uh to make peace and and Putin even offered you know an Armistice and a permanent ceasefire in September of 2022 and that's that's an offer that he never took off the table as as he uh you know noted during the Tucker Carlson interview but but the problem is Ukraine is running out of troops you know so it doesn't matter how many weapons we never should have sent any weapons to to Ukraine because that's what uh caused the War to continue past March 2022 we could have avoided the war but once it began it was should have been art the responsibility of us leaders to end the war as quickly as possible with the the best steel we could we could mediate on behalf of Ukraine but uh you know with them running out of troops uh you know I think later this year we'll we'll likely see a major Russian offensive particularly with uh given the fact that the Russian foreign Ministry has now described this no longer as a uh you know as a special military operation but rather as a as a war with h with NATO uh so uh we're likely to see especially with the terror attack in Moscow that uh that Putin is uh is claiming is is a was a Ukrainian proxy attack and he's likely accurate about that we're going to see a major escalation I expect uh no later than perhaps uh June of this year uh in which uh you know Russia is going to use the 300,000 or so troops perhaps reinforced by two 200 or 300,000 more troops uh to break through the kir kke region uh Drive uh you know Southwest uh to the depro river and then roll up uh you know the all of the Ukrainian troops that remain uh southeast of the Teno River Line uh which will essentially cause the the U Ukrainian military to collapse and at that point the question becomes does uh you know France Britain and and Poland send in a NATO expeditionary Force to defend the tpro river line and the b b Russian border uh west of the nepro as as mrcon is threatened to do perhaps accompanied with a a US noly Zone that would um threaten a direct war with Russia in World War III or would uh you know would wiser and serer heads Prevail and uh would you know would Biden finally uh see the merits of an immediate arms this agreement which could uh preserve uh you know prevent all of eastern Ukraine from being effectively annexed by by the Russian Federation yeah that's a that's a good Insight David and I think um you know the loss of Ukrainian soldiers and and their dwindling force is certainly going to be a factor and I think this uh terrorist attack in in Moscow on the outskirts of Moscow is going to be another factor that that um compels this even further and I'm sure once the weather clears you know April May once we get into the better weather I think there's an issue right now with the ground actually being too soft right now for a lot of these military tanks to do the full invasion but um it's going to be interesting to see you know it's going to be very interesting to see and I I guess I mean it kind of seems like every one of us that are you know anti-war and trying to speak more rational it's our our plea is always we hope that cooler heads can Prevail and that you know wise decision makers can come to the front of course you know we're facing an election year as well it's a very interesting time to be in the United States with um you know obviously a rematch of the 2020 election we've got Trump and Biden you know running again and we're going to see you know how that changes for the future but uh David I want to thank you so much for these insights I think you've get provided a wonderful opportunity here I'm going to give you one um final closing statement for everybody and you know final thoughts and of course we're going to drop your information down in the description for everybody to follow along well thanks again for uh the opportunity uh to be on your show um we had a great discussion um so uh yeah I'd like to invite all your viewers to to please uh go to my substack at Deep py. substack do.com once again dpy and.sub stack.com where I post a lot of these Cutting Edge articles reporting on uh various National Security events uh which I believe are important and uh you know become a subscriber most of my articles are free there are some that are are premium that you know in terms of if you want to u to look at the archive then uh I think you may have to become a premium subscriber uh and then of course also the EMP task force site uh which I for which I serve as Executive Vice President uh we trying to uh you know kind of inform uh us leaders and and the public against uh these types of threats super EMP nuclear and cyber attacks uh which we can most easily avoid by pursuing a policy of uh you know peaceful uh negotiation diplomacy but um our our website is is at EMP task force. us uh we are a congressionally authorized board but also an nonprofit so we welcome uh all of your uh donations and uh you can even volunteer to to serve as a state leader in your state for our organization nice fantastic well David again thank you so much for your hard work on substack and really again being one of the um you know true American patriot who was able to you know decipher you know the the the facts and what's what's what is false and propaganda what are the true facts and really get to the main issue here I think the big takeaway here and something I simply agree with something that I certainly agree with is you know our biggest goal right now is we need to avoid these potential nuclear threats I mean you know a nuclear war with Russia or China um over Ukraine and Taiwan I mean these would be absolute disasters for the United States but also for the future of our planet and it should be the primary objective right now is not to provoke you know these superpowers and just learn to work together and to live together and coexist I think that's a message that the whole world needs to understand so thank you for your hard work in that absolutely thanks so much all right everybody everybody I hope you enjoyed today's interview make sure that you check out David's substack again we'll put that information down below and make sure you drop us a comment and look forward to seeing you all in our next video soon everyone as always I want to thank you for your incredible support it's because of your support that our Channel continues to grow every month expanding our reach and allowing us to bring in world-class guests like David Pine into the channel for these exclusive interviews join us on our next chat as we discuss Israel's war in Gaza and what the United States government is doing and what needs to change before this war erupts into a regional and potentially global conflict click here to watch our next interview and I look forward to seeing you all in our next video soon
Channel: Cyrus Janssen
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Keywords: ukraine war, ukraine war news update today, ukraine war news, ukraine war update, ukraine war news update today live, ukraine war footage 2024 combat, ukraine war news today, ukraine war news update today bbc, ukraine war today, ukraine war footage 2024, ukraine war latest news, ukraine war map, russia ukraine war, russia ukraine war update today, russia ukraine, russia ukraine news, russia ukraine war today, russia ukraine war map, russia ukraine war footage, russia, ukraine
Id: K5ns5JhGlfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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