China launches anti-dumping probe into EU pork | REUTERS

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China has opened an anti-dumping probe into imported pork from the European Union the step comes less than a week after Brussels announced new curbs on electric vehicle exports from China that was due to Growing alarm over Chinese industrial overc capacity flooding the EU with cheap products including EVS China's Commerce Ministry said the investigation which was announced and commenced on Monday will focus on Fresh cold and Frozen whole cups of pork and pork by products the ministry added that the probe was prompted by a complaint from the China animal husbandry Association on behalf of the domestic pork industry the European commission announced on June the 12th that it would impose tariffs of up to 38.1% on imported Chinese cars from July Global food companies have been on high alert for retaliatory action from China since then European commission spokesperson Olaf yield the answer is no we're not the least bit worried because uh not all subsidies uh are the same uh uh and any uh subsidies that take place uh under the common agricultural policy or indeed in any other uh policy area in the European Union are strictly in line with our WTO obligations and we put the strongest possible emphasis on ensuring that this is the case Spain is the top supplier of pork to China and its pork producers group into pork said they would fully cooperate with China's investigation European pork producers should be able to keep exporting to China tariff free while the investigation is underway Customs data showed that in 2023 the EU accounted for more than half the roughly $6 billion dollar worth of pork China imported around a quarter of which was from Spain pork suppliers from South America the United States and Russia could be among those gaining market share if Beijing restricts imports from the European Union China's Commerce Ministry said that the investigation should be completed by June the 17th 2025 but could be extended by another 6 months if required
Channel: Reuters
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Keywords: reuters, news, world news today, breaking news, news today, reuters youtube, markets today, streaming, live news, latest news, headlines today, world news, news today usa, reuters news, headlines, business, world
Id: 4VnzrUYvRwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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