This will DESTROY you computer!

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do not do this ever on Tik Tok they're telling people to delete the system 32 folder from their Windows computer to make your computer faster and get faster frame rates you've got to be kidding me there are hundreds of these videos with thousands of views let me show you what happens when you blindly follow this advice okay here we go so here I've got my test PC I'm going to log in and it's your normal windows setup everything works like it should so let's fire up a calculator does that work yeah pretty much now under the windows folder when you open up your file explorer there's a folder called system 32 and inside this folder you'll find the dlls the executables you're going to find fonts you're going to find everything that Windows needs in order to operate now when you select all right click and choose properties this can vary inside this particular one is what 3 something GB in size so the time has come let's right click on the files that have been selected and we're going to choose delete it's coming up with a bunch of messages saying we actually don't have permissions to delete even though I'm logged in as the administrator account on this computer so things are starting to be recycled 1% complete and okay some more messages saying trust installer owns those we cannot make any changes okay there a lot of files still seems to be here so let's right click on that properties and we're down to 2.71 Gig so we've lost a bunch of stuff things still seem to be working so here's my calculator that's working let's open up notepad that seems to be working perfectly fine let's go into the system and see if it does anything there yeah everything seems to be operating as normal even though we've lost a bunch of stuff as you saw Windows is protecting that folder it lets us delete a bunch of files and folders initially that doesn't seem to be any impact but it will not let us delete the entire folder so let's step it up a notch what if I tell Windows look I know better than you so I am going to purposefully deactivate some of the Windows security features and again do not try this at home all right let's step it up we're going to right click on the system 32 folders going to go into properties and security and then we going to click on Advanced now at the top there it's got trust installer which owned a lot of those files and folders and we're going to change that we're going to change it to the user that I've logged into this computer okay so a whole bunch of security warnings telling us that this is a really bad idea but we're going to going to say screw it and we're going to do it anyways let's see again let's try delete it let's see what happens and uh no go no still no go what about if we do one at a time oh look at that if we do one at a time it actually does allow us to get rid of some folders all right let's speed up this process and see how many we can get rid of this is interesting okay so now that we've got rid of a whole bunch of stuff let's right click on that let's go to property let's see oh 1.76 gigs so we went from 3 gigs to 1.7 gigs oh but now we have some issues try to open up notepad no go calculator does that work that calculator seems to still be working so fine what about Chrome yep that opens up perfectly fine let's try go into the system and see what that does oh that crashed that actually would let us go in let's try it again no that's it's not working at all well we think we've caused some damage what about clicking of icons from the start menu paint 3d nothing no go at all photos no go uh-oh let's see if we can stop some of the services that are running so I'm going to go into Services uh okay I guess that's not going to work either now um did we just finally break it let's go to task manager okay task manager is not working let's go into display that's not working all right let's try one more thing and see before we oh okay never mind my computer is now dead oops so Windows is clearly and completely but what about the automatic windows repair surely that should fix it right so rebooting diagnosing your PC and guess what automatic repair couldn't repair your PC click on Advanced options let's click on troubleshoot cuz that's how you would troubleshoot a computer and let's choose the option to reset this PC and we going to choose the option to keep my file let's do a cloud download it's trying to do this and there was a problem resetting your PC no changes were made all right back to the options we go let's choose troubleshoot one more time this time Advanced options and we've got oh startup repair let's choose that let's see recognizing your PC no go that's it this computer is completely poked now look there are even more technical things I could have done but Windows was already stuffed Beyond a usable States the only thing to do now is a fresh reinstall we have learned two things the first don't touch the windows folder if Windows is throwing out that many messages at you there is a reason and the second thing we've learned is to never blindly take advice from Tik Tok there are people on there who just want to see the world burn and nobody bothers to fact check if you want to know what you can safely do to free up space and optimize your Windows Experience just watch this video right over here give the video a quick Thumbs Up Hit the head down here to subscribe and I'll see you in this video Let's Go
Channel: Liron Segev
Views: 134,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liron segev, the techie guy, system32, delete system32, bad tiktok advice, tiktok, what happens if you delete system32, what if you delete system32, what happens when you delete system32, don't delete system32, delete system32 windows 10, windows 10, windows
Id: bpKCpHcER_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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