STOP buying more RAM to make your computer faster!

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if your computer is running slow you need more RAM that is pretty common advice that's out there but is it true uh not really the reality is that adding more RAM is not the Silver Bullet that magically fixes everything so before you rush out and spend a lot of money on something that may or may not fix your slow computer let's talk about what you actually need to know your computer has some sort of storage which is where you save all your info and the data is there permanently or until you delete it memory or Ram which is random access memory is the opposite of that it is where data is stored temporarily and it is volatile which basically means when you shut down your computer or when you restart it whatever was stored in the ram is automatically erased okay so if you have more RAM does that mean your PC will be faster well yes but also no Ram is about being able to have more data loaded into memory so it can be accessed faster so the more RAM that you have the more stuff that can be loaded into memory which translates into feeling like your computer is that faster but and is always a bat so here's the first system it's got eight gigs of RAM and we're about to open a whole bunch of applications so let's open up Chrome and let's open up a blog post and let's open up a new tab and go to my YouTube channel let's select a video Let's click on one let's let that load open up another tab let's go I don't know whether in Dallas and if we go back to the ram we can see that as we open up more stuff it starts using up more and more memory all right let's load up a whole bunch of other things I put the calculator open let's open up a wordpad let's open up something like calendar just so we get a bunch of things going in and we can see that the more stuff that we load in the memory it gets used more and more and more notice that amount of free space in Ram and especially when we go and close some of these apps down now watch what will happen to the RAM and look at its usage it starts to drop but the important thing throughout this little exercise we never hit the maximum an amount of ram that we have on this computer now here is another system this system has got 16 gigs of RAM and we're gonna do exactly the same thing we're gonna open up a bunch of chrome Windows play some videos go to the weather in Dallas and let's see what it does to that rep and yes of course the more stuff that we open the more RAM gets used and just like before we're going to open up a bunch of um apps like the calculator let's open up the word pad let's open up the calendar and the game stuff gets used in memory but in both cases we would know where near the maximum RAM capability of that computer so on the 8 gig system if we just slap 16 gigs of RAM will it make that computer that much faster probably not we need to look at the rest of the hardware if your processor is slow or your graphics card is slow just slapping on more RAM is not going to magically make your entire machine faster okay so let's assume you have a decent processor an SSD and you want to upgrade your RAM well how much do you actually need well realistically today anything that's below eight gigs falls into the must upgrade category with about eight gigs of RAM you should be fine for the basic stuff like Microsoft Office and web browsing and yes even some gaming but expect some latency issue and low frame rates which means it's not going to be super smooth gaming but it's definitely doable at the 16 gigs level you could also start using some higher intensive software like video editing or higher end gaming as long as it's paired with a decent processor and a great graphic card you should be okay but 32 gigs or higher is just golden and again and to be clear before somebody adds me in the comments about their personal circumstances this isn't a rule it's just a guideline so what about all these Ram boosting tools do they actually work just don't do not go out and buy a specific tool just to clear your memory your RAM should be used it shouldn't be empty if it's empty it means that your computer will just need to put everything back into RAM which does the exact opposite effect and slows down your computer there may be times when your computer is acting weird you know like it's slow and sluggish it shows the blue screen of death or it's freezing then it's a good idea to run the built-in and free Windows memory diagnostic utility just go down to the windows search bar and then type there Windows memory Diagnostics and click on the tool select the option that you want and then when your computer reboots it will just run a complete scan of your computer's Ram to see if there are any actual issues one thing that is definitely a scam is downloading more RAM that is not a thing Ram is a physical thing it's not software downloading Ram was just a joke in 2004 when somebody asked on a forum I think it was where they could download more RAM since their computer was slow and for some reason that just stuck around however it is worth mentioning that Windows does allow for something called Ready boost if your computer is really that ancient with very little Ram you can actually plug in a flash drive right click on it select ready boost and enable it windows will use that flash drive as a kind of makeshift place to store more info like it does in your RAM there is also a Windows feature called virtual memory that allows your computer to use a portion of your hard drive as memory now right click on the Windows icon select system then Advanced system settings click on the settings again in the performance section and then click on Advanced at the top and then under virtual memory click on change now it is set automatically and personally I wouldn't mess with this as you could actually slow down your computer and not make it faster so now are you ready to go out and buy new Ram actually not yet let me arm you with some information so that when you go speak to your local Tech Shop you kind of know what you're looking for when they start recommending things that will work for your system so the first thing you need to know is you need to know the make and model of your motherboard this will tell the techie what stuff it can and cannot handle to find that out you can simply open up your computer and see what motherboards you have or if you're lazy or you just don't want to you can just use a simple utility like cpu-z which can show you the make and the model or the motherboard that you have and then you can just simply go Google that information and look for information about your RAM the next thing I want to do is I want to look at how many free slots of ram you have in my machine I currently have two free slots so that means that I can go buy two additional 32 gigs dims bringing the total up to 128 gigs of RAM which my computer can handle ah next up just like your CPU your processor the ram has a clock speed this is measured in megahertz so if your local computer tech shop person says that you can get a cheaper eight gig Dom you need to ask what speed is it he should tell you something like 2400 megahertz or 3600 megahertz or whatever ideally you want your RAM to be the fastest megahertz that your motherboard can support and if possible to be from the same manufacturer now this is not a hard rule you can mix up manufacturers and yes you can mix up speeds but for Optimal Performance it is highly recom amended that both a manufacturer and the speed Tabs are going to be the same this is why sometimes your Tech person will tell you that you need to replace your current Ram with a brand new set of rams they aren't trying to rip you off but they want everything to match at the highest speed so the whole exercise will be worth it for you so yes you can of course go online and then pick your own memory but I advise that a quick call to the local Tech Shop is probably your best bet just to be on the safe side and that there are no compatibility issues and realistically that's what I do whenever I want to upgrade now that you know all about RAM and where you should or shouldn't spend your money check out this video right over here about some other windows boosting tips or check out this video right over here that YouTube thinks you should watch hit the head down here to subscribe and help me get to that one million Subs because you're awesome give the video a thumbs up if you liked it and I'll see you in this video or in this video or I'll see you in both let's go
Channel: Liron Segev
Views: 147,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liron segev, the techie guy, ram, memory, faster computer, how to make your computer faster, ram myths, myth, myths, pc build, random access memory, slow computer, how to speed up your pc, speed up computer, how to make your pc faster, microsoft windows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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