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what is up YouTube Thrift school over here outside the thrift store uh they have a different sign up here so it looks different but we're going to head inside see what we can find to buy and sell on eBay and Amazon let's do it all right so we're inside the thrift store and I noticed up here a big Dr Seuss box set and uh for $25 but yellow is 50% off so it's only $1250 and I opened it up and first thing I noticed were a few of the Bann Dr Seuss books so we have scrambled eggs super which is one of them and I'll pop the price up here if this was the full sizee one it's selling on Amazon for over $100 this mini size is still going for I believe over 50 so that's pretty crazy we also have if not that one I think it's this one right here next to it and to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street this has come down quite a bit the full size still sells for over $20 so I'm debating if I should just buy this set and sell it uh just all the books on eBay and maybe a big bundle I think I'd be able to get more than 1250 the issue is it's missing all the books on this side so it's supposed to have all of these books right here and it only is half of them but I think I could still get more on eBay I'm not 100% sure I might grab it I'll leave it in the cart for now and if I put it back I put it back all right we are checking out the toys they got a whole bunch of toys here first thing I see $7.99 prices are a little high today for a puzzle might be a little much Sharpshooters I don't know if that's a valuable game or not uh risk yeah pretty big oh battle ball I had this game for a while I can't remember if it's worth anything or not this is pretty sweet it's heavy so it's probably all in there look at that this is a pretty sweet older game definitely check this out see if it's worth anything I'll pop the price up if it's worth something you guys will see if it's not let going back up on the Shelf all right I'm going down the shelf of games but one thing I did pull off our first winner a Ravensburger puzzle brand new sealed they're asking $5.99 so pretty cheap guys can see it's selling for a decent amount we'll grab it all right see this cool game right here I've seen it before I don't know if it's worth anything or not out foxed going to scan it in it might be I like finding the brand game right A lot of times their games are just worth money uh didn't scan in so let's try to rescan it there it is so they're asking if it's like 9 cents it'd be worth it selling used for $20 you'd make 11 they're asking three that's a little high uh cuz then you're at like an $8 profit we don't know if it's complete I'd like to try and be around 10 plus per game because you got to take into account shipping so I'm going to put it back on the Shelf if it was a buck I'd probably grab it there's an alien grab Game Toy Story it's kind of cool we'll check this out for sure see what we got uh so nobody's on the listing the rank is over a million but the rank might just be high because nobody's selling it so you might be able to buy it and I don't like the bad reviews three stars is pretty low so I I don't know we could double check eBay and see if it's anything there so let's do that holded up eBay eBay also has a barcode scanner so use that barcode scanner to scan it in and there it is 10 bucks $7 so this is not going to be something I want to grab and they're asking again so we'll put it back on the Shelf something that I used to buy all the time is quirl and it was just always worth it I don't like that the box has this little hole in it so we'll probably leave it unless it's really cheap it is $3 seems like they're pricing a bunch of their used game at $3 today prices always change but let's scan it in and let's see what we got ooh it's restricted right now this game used to never be restricted I'm going to try and get approved see what happens yeah so it's something going on with Amazon right now a lot of things are showing up restricted and I have to go on the computer to get Ed which I don't have a computer right now I don't know if I will get ungated so we'll leave it behind but let's see what it is still selling for looks like it's selling for $19 you'd make 10 Again minus the three plus shipping I'm going to leave it all right we are one aisle over and I see something I love to find Buckaroo guys remember this game Buckaroo it is honestly worth a decent amount of money I'm going to throw it in the cart and I'm going to show you guys well I didn't check the price uh-oh oh there we go $2.99 it's half off so it's only a buck 50 I love that here it is on Amazon used selling for 3382 you'll make 22 Bucks new $52 this is a very valuable game keep an eye out for it I'm going to just keep scanning on this side and hope that we find some more cool things oh actually right off the bat toss across Yankees versus Red Sox that's interesting enough and the snail race so I'm going to scan them both live for you guys we're going to hit up this barcode with the Amazon seller app and see what comes up nothing and that's also only a bck 50 so not bad but we'll leave it toss across nothing I I doubt anything's going to come up for this either but we'll try there we go all right scanned it in and yep nothing came up so that's all right we'll just leave it behind for now all right so we've actually grabbed a whole bunch of stuff I'll show you guys soon but I found this Lego set brand new sealed here I got pretty excited until I saw that price $70 I still scanned it in just in case and look at this here it is selling for $133 so I'd make about $35 to $40 on it it's still kind of worth it my biggest issue is the Box damage right here there was a sticker that somebody tried peeling off and they ripped the artwork and dented the box right there it's not terrible but if I'm selling something where I have to spend 70 to make 30 35 then I kind of want it to be mint I don't know I I hate to spend 70 on it if I don't I'm sure somebody else will so I might what would you guys do in a situation like that I think I could get the rest of this tape off and it'll just have a couple little uh divits right here in the box but again is it is it worth risking it for the return I don't know I'll stick it the cart real quick but I want to show you what else we have in the cart we got a few games right here I'll pop some prices up oh actually I won't be able to pop prices up cuz nobody is on this listing on Amazon so I just grabbed it cuz it's only a buck 99 if I can sell it for 2530 I'll be happy uh we got a collector's chest teacher so that's pretty awesome I also grabbed this national parks Monopoly for myself for me and Ashley to play it's five bucks half off 250 I don't mind spending 250 on a game for myself this nobody's on the listing the 85th Anniversary Monopoly it's brand new sealed it's only $8 so that's a great price eight bucks for a brand new sealed classic I don't think it's super classic I don't know what year it's from looks like 2020 is when it's from so who knows we'll see what I can get for that I really have no clue and then Mall Madness if you find the original it's worth great money this is the Remake it's still worth good money but nowhere near as much as the original but keep an eye out for M Madness all right still looking at all the different toys here I see a Stratego I sell stro games all the time I've never seen this version it's only a buck 50 but there is some black duct tape all around it cuz the Box ripped so that's kind of a shame I don't know how easy oh yeah that's that's on there good so this isn't something I'd sell even if it's worth some good money but again we'll try to scan it we can't even scan it in because the bar code's covered but I keep an eye out for these games they they sell decently but I I take box condition into account when I'm selling things online because the nicer the Box the less likely you are to get a return people return things for crazy reasons if a box has a dent in it or if it has marks all over it people don't like that so I'm going to scan in this pancake pile up and this Spider-Man cuz both these things look kind of cool eight bucks man but it is half off so at least we do have a 50% off item right here pull out my phone let's see what we got going on all right we got the barcode showing we'll scan it in please please be something decent uh I don't know but I'm going to try and request to get ungated in this a whiz kid's probably oh yeah there we go look at that approved so a lot of things are restricted right now but you never know until you try to get approved Ashley is always on the hunt for toys for me and this is Her filming around she found something she found a little operation set right here for $2.99 a Star Wars one it sells pretty well so we're taking it thanks to Ashley and back to me this brand new it is brand new all right we just found a rush hour traffic jam game for a buck 99 it is brand new I love finding these normally the deluxe ones sell really well I don't really recall how much these ones are worth still good Okay cool so for a bck 99 it's selling brand new for 22 bucks so I'm going to make 13 minus my2 I'll make $1 that's easy that's going in the cart I also saw this Pictionary Junior game up there I don't know whoa I don't know how much this one is worth I've never scanned it before so let's see we'll look together and it's not showing up but different Pictionary juniors are selling for 5050 so maybe this one's really good how I'm going to try taking a picture of the front of the box and see if something pops up here all right no so nothing's popping up now they might just have different artworks cuz this one at $20 used yeah I don't know I think we'll leave this one behind no biggie there go we have a tin can robot I've bought and sold these a bunch five bucks though that's kind of expensive I like them when they're about a buck or two because they sell for $16.99 you'd make $9.45 so I'd make about $4 not worth it I'll leave it but this thing next to it the Mystic Egyptian tomb digging play this looks cool I love the brand 4M their stuff sells eight bucks though again this is probably like something I'd pick up for a couple dollars and got to peel off this sticker I can't even get it off so I'll try and take a picture of the front of the artwork something comes up there we go and yeah I can't even find the correct item try to request this one and see what happens geoc Central no yeah we'll leave it f like I remember this guy the eye dog nobody's on the listing let's check eBay real quick he might be semi- rare maybe maybe not not on eBay either uh no solds oh two solds 50 and 65 look at that with none online right now last two sold over $50 here he is little dancing dog for $8 brand new he's going in the cart all right we got another cool thing back here Mastermind for kids and there's like gorillas and stuff on here I don't know I've never seen this version of it so we're going to try scanning this into Amazon see if it's worth anything wallet scans in you can see it's $2.99 half price bck 50 and is it worth it I don't know it's loading brand new 15 used 13 $5 I mean I'd still make $ on it but not worth it we'll leave it behind all right still looking through here and do you guys remember these I'll pop up a commercial for the remote control flying [Music] shark now only a Toys R Us shark not your dad's fish tank as extreme humongo gantas monstrous radio contr these things were awesome I always wanted one as a kid I used to have those spin hover discs and I remember these commercials were on around the same time it's brand new in here and it's only $1.99 I'm getting this for myself I wanted it 20 years ago or whenever it was on TV does it say 2011 so I guess I was older than I thought unless they had an older version of this but still uh 13 14 years old pretty awesome I'm taking it all right I'm checking out the baggies of electronics here and I'm seeing a whole bunch of Wii accessories this is six bucks see right there six bucks for the power cord and the AV cables and a stand it's not too too bad right up above here's another one with the sensor bar also has an HDMI converter in here and this one's 8 bucks now I could use these whenever I find Weis and they're missing the cords and stuff this actually isn't a bad price especially has the upscaler and everything so I'll grab this one see if we can slide this other stuff out of the way what is this scary mask put that there for now uh what do we have here a a gy I I don't know what that is we'll also stick that there for now but this is what we want to grab in the cart it goes you guys can see cart's been getting filled up we got a whole bunch of stuff I mean it is absolutely jam-packed we'll go over a lot of this later I found some Rey Mysterio dolls I've sold these in John Cena form before they're half off so four bucks each definitely keep an eye out for them they sell pretty well on eBay for about 20 bucks or so all right what else do we have oh what do I see back here I don't know if you guys saw this one $15 this used to be a no-brainer buy for $15 the ti84 pluses they've come down quite a bit I'm going to look it up on Amazon see what they're going for right now now they have dropped a bit but they're still definitely worth it $15 here it is selling really really fast for 60 bucks I'm going to make about a $30 profit on it so that is coming in the cart all right so I'm looking down this clothing aisle and I saw this little Mountain Dew logo right there for $7.99 I can't find anything like this Mountain Dew Baja Blast I'm having a blast uh made in Pakistan no idea there's this cool little uh tentacle down here on the backside it's like a really nice material the only issue is there's a bit of a stain right there I think it'll come out with a wash it doesn't seem too bad I think it'll come out with a quick wash the issue is it's $7.99 but I found other similar Mountain Dew Baja blastings selling just the t-shirts for 20 to 30 and the sweaters are listed for around a 100 it seems I don't know it's cool is it worth $77.99 gamble I think it might be because worst comes the worst I could get 253 bucks for it and I think it's cool so I'm going to take it why not how bad is that stain uh yeah I think that's going to come out with one wash all right I'm looking through all the clothing here and I found this really cool Harley-Davidson it's kind of a felt material on here and the size is a 3XL this thing is huge it's half off so it's only five bucks it's absolutely massive long sleeve kind of a heavier uh long sleeve not quite a sweater but close I love this big felt logo on it I think it's worth it cuz the size is so big so we're going to stick it in the cart there's this really cool minor league uh hockey jersey here from greater New Haven the Warriors and there's a couple of stains and marks on it but not too bad since it's white you can kind of bleach that right out the backs side's neat it does have somebody's name on it valard but it does have this cool Blackhawks logo on the shoulders on both shoulders I mean lucky number 21 which is always cool the only issue is it's 20 bucks you can't find anything similar to this online so I think I'm going to grab it speaking of minor league hockey teams we have the Brewster Blackhawks out of Massachusetts we have the White and the black probably the home in the away and uh these look pretty vintage made in Canada by athletic knit they're half off so they're only 650 each they do have a number four on them but no name nothing else uh no stains or anything so these are in great shape for six bucks I think they look really cool I'm going to grab them man somebody got rid of all their hockey stuff we have a really cool Rangers it's an off-white kind of a tan around the logo here made to look older for $10 it's a size extra large they're still in the playoffs right now looking really really good they might win it all this year so at 10 bucks I think this is something I'd grab and hope that they make it pretty far I was rooting for Carolina but I might switch up to the Rangers and uh I think I think this is a total buy it's really neat I'm going to look it up still and see if I can find a similar one though all right so I looked into it and I finally found one here it is and it sold for $23 plus $8 shipping $10 is definitely too much considering this one had the tags it's the only one I could find there's none listed right now but if it if it were like4 or $5 I'd probably grab it 10 is too much I was a little nervous about that price that's why you guys didn't see but I've been standing here looking this thing up for a while cuz I didn't want to drop 10 bucks on it I also am just noticing right now this thing is all chewed up so good thing I didn't grab it it's going back on the Shelf all right I'm checking out the toy baggies before I leave $77.99 yeah know that's kind of expensive but I'm checking out all these toy baggies before I leave and you can see my cart is completely packed with them I've been finding some really cool here's a huge bunch of Disney toys for $2.99 we have some vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Burger King Kids Club toys for $3.99 and there's a whole bag of them oh my gosh what do we have right here some more vintage Burger Kings Club toys there's just cool ones in here lots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other characters and I'm just taking a quick look to see if I'm missing anything like this one's $2.99 I think these are McDonald's Maybe in here um maybe not even there's some with McDonald's that look pretty cool here's right here here's a Batman unlimited Happy Meal toy you guys can kind of see that there's a couple McDonald's ones in here I don't know 3.99 there are some cool ones I don't think that's a super cool one here's some old basketball cards and some newer ones I don't know for $3.99 you think there's anything good in here Panini 1718 you think there's any cool rookies I doubt it there's a couple of them in here there's another one from 2021 uh they're kind of in in rough shape so I think I'll leave those here's a bunch of cars for $2.99 I know the movie Cars people like to collect the toys usually the Hot Wheels but for $299 we'll snap magot I think we're about done here though I got to get some cash and get out of here I feel like these could be fun to flip through maybe I'll grab them they're only a few bucks each and I'll open them up eventually and see if we get anything good all right so I wanted to give an overview of the cart right before I leave here and it is jam-packed with so many toys and board games I found a cool Ottawa senator's hat there for just a couple dollars going to make so much money on this stuff what a wild trip I haven't filled up the car in so long at the thrift store I hope you guys enjoyed if you did give it a thumbs up comment down below if you have any questions at all subscribe if you haven't already this is Thrift School signing out see you [Music]
Channel: ThriftSchool
Views: 13,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sell on amazon, sell on ebay, make money online, thrifting, thrift school, thriftschool, how to sell online, thrift haul, goodwill haul, thrift ride along, goodwill finds, goodwill ride along, thrifting ride along, thrift finds, retail arbitrage, dollar store arbitrage, sell on fba, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, tag sale, estate sale, yard sale ride along, FLEA MARKET, flea market flip, flea market finds, thrift for profit, goodwill thrifting trip, thrifting ebay
Id: VmZ0rcl5nRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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