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I'm a whirlwind of action this morning moving so fast I'm almost invisible I have my tea I am running out because I have been asked to go and plant at someone else's shatow lucky girl F you look very happy about staying yeah never get me to do that bye Dan claims I owe him big time and that he has owed at least one planting day but I'm ready for gardening I have got two jumpers on several coats with me and my painting shoes but to be fair I have packed Wellies Dan's Garden isn't going to know what's hit it I have arrived I'm looking for the gardening Team all I can see is a dog and a ruin Shadow hello lovely and I say ruined but it's got to be said it's looking less ruined every single week now what a job Dan is doing and that is a lot of plants oh a gardening team Stephanie you haven't got any gloves have you I totally forgot to bring gloves oh yeah what I thought yeah that's what I'm going to be doing as well good to see you hello hello enjoying the gardening yeah excellent you got a well- paid Workforce here yeah the best right what am I planting and wear okay I've got some plantless plants for you no I've told you no grasses and no plantless plants these were plant come on that is oh don't start that's pathetic all right so we where are they going actually I think I'll give you ferns oh ferns sound quite fun the aim is that going to have no clear space um what yeah seriously yeah I like IDE love weeding remember that I love that oh yeah no no you're born gardener on this one I'll just cut the weeding out great uh what am I planting these ground is a bit hard I will try fluff it up for you the best I can I love it when you fluff it up for me yeah I'll be your fluffer you put it in after Dan's Chamas are out and this one which is all pink flowers except for one white flower it's so cool yeah well it's kind of like this stems all white that's so bizarre we've got one chamelea back at La Land where it's half dark pink and no don't we've got no I have more than one chamelia oh or they like that big No actually they're magnificent and they're a lot bigger than your actually my life is complete when I see Dan do some gardening it's not a site we see enough anymore that's going to get quite a clip towards me per it a bit of soil titty ancient that's what we call this I do know I owed you a dough planting but do you remember how perfectly prepared the soil was when we were doing the garden prepared it though for yeah well I thought the same person would probably prepare it this time very fny aren't they they are they are um yeah surprisingly fern-like for ferns that's good the fernery we're calling it yeah right TR please tell me God you didn't bring your own specifically say it may surprise you to know that I don't have my own Tri the unused PPE box oh thank goodness for that I'm very happy I get gloves they're quite large but that's not a TR I'm not mining it's a diggy thing you wouldn't know the difference I know what a TR is I planted like 3,000 plants with you using the equipment needed a TR yeah well this is what we have here it's all a bit sketch it is a bit sketch I think this is probably a slightly better one that's what me and the kids were just using you can so you also don't have TRS so you have to beat the plants into the ground almost like I should just dig with my hand it' be easier we'll get the dog on it okay can we train them off can't believe this you are taking the plants back out as soon as I put them we are not the Seven Dwarves that's not complaining the wait to that's plastic Daniel I think that's a toy where did you buy Mi look perfect I would say you make is worse than the metal one they are both terrible because they are not make it look hard like this two hands we I've got one in but I'll be honest I I should have brought the soil up to it rather than putting it into the soil no you gave that to Jack didn't you he had all the best tools he always gets the best tools this is also plastic is this like being on an airplane not being allowed any sharp implements this is what you are allowed yeah is that puppy prison she put her self there yeah that's what they all say yeah what's up that it didn't want to come out this is really good we've Chang things around I'll do the labor yeah well Dan's showing us just how easy it would have been for me to do like the old days I'll do the labor you film it o I thought I was responsible putting the plants in the holes that's a very important job in fact some would say the most important in planting without you it's just Hol hes yeah actually this is the satisfying bit I am very very happy about this division of labor and I do feel I've got the green fingers you know I've Got The Touch with the actual plant so yeah we've always said that about you and you know we have touched so do you fancy uh becoming my Gardener again because I feel like you've been missing it uh there are elements which I miss I won't lie the old days the old days you in your dressing gown shouting at me from the balcony offering you a cup of and then forgetting to bring it no offering it was more Isabel's has anyone offered you a cup of tea oh well when she wasn't asking you to take your top off of the video yeah yeah she's I mean like mother like daughter isn't it have I ever asked you to remove clothes no but it's very much a cougar vibe in the whole household would it cheer you up if I check you on a quick quad tour it's quite scary of me driving actually this is going pretty well uh just a few more to do here then an entire other tray that Dan's brought over but now that Dan's digging the holes and I'm planting we're moving pretty quickly are we seriously taking the dogs for a walk on a quad that's how they get they they'd love it to be fair it's terrifying hold on seriously don't kill us please don't kill me my mother will kill you you you do know that right you know my mother you will die oh [Music] God right I'm holding on I don't like itys please don't kill me [Music] by maybe it's a new beginning maybe it's the start of where it ends I know I know it comes down to All or nothing this time is for real we can't pretend you know you know they're closing in and I don't want to miss a shot adrenaline so give it everything that you got don't stop a do yeah we see it we going see it yeah Dan how have you never mentioned that you have a prehistoric religious site around the corner from your Shadow what the heck this is the most amazing thing how old is it why would you ask yeah you're right uh Anna Elsa how old is this I'm as likely to get an answer I mean it it's got to be what 2 3,000 years old at the earliest no idea yeah that's amazing that's how long people have been living around your Shadow M you can just walk here and have a picnic whenever you want yeah I honestly think this is one of the very best things about your Shadow I'm Blown Away look in this little clearing of trees yeah it's amazing and I'm also on a high just to be alive after that qut bike ride this whole thing is wonderful you reckon it's a sort of ceremonial top bit Yeah you can still see the channel inside it look you see four but I'm guessing blood no yeah no there is there still this is amazing we should try and find out more about this we should do a sacrifice okay wow that escalated remember D life is precious where you go I I never hitting the braak there's no going back and I'm living you another Chase o're not giving up never h theak there's no going back and I'm CH we stop every day here this is easily beautiful you do live in heaven this is their bath that's it for the month yeah in the distance the sun's coming up everything is blurry the trees flashing by my side my side we're far ahead The Horizon never seems so close the sky is red we're not out of the W you know don't stop [Laughter] oh I can barely move so that's your idea of gardening is it that's that's how we do Garden in here yeah that was the most terrifying thing you survived though yeah how are you still alive death gripping we're back to work now just doing a spot of weeding whilst I'm at it pretty sure this one isn't supposed to be there I am such a great Gardener Dan I am weeding over here you want a job I would give you a job okay I'll let you know how the Vlog goes can tell you it's not going great oh Mr I've nearly got 500,000 subscribers St snapping all the ropes at the bottom of the Fone I don't know what happened yeah they didn't make it oh lab is I know and I like your Technique Jack that is that is good very very good nice could they come around to L land I mean we've got the wood I know but then you'd have them making nutkins and stuff well I know what's important this is my I think it's a creeping Juniper I didn't know that existed will it have you must have seen these before I've never seen a creeping Juniper in my life just like it's like a carpet really and just spreads yeah but does it get the berries can you make gin I don't know I'm asking the most important questions here yeah very much a Dave question it's very cool smells good I'm more into the like the pale green leafy things yeah and honestly our fery actually magnificent I thought we'd done so well then we stand back here and it's like ah it's quite small our fer compared to the amount that needs doing land later you're going there now aren't you yep okay Shadow hopping fun but I'm going to you know have a bit of a was first all right see you later take care bye bye bye we have done so well I mean we're so proud of ourselves that Dan and I both feel we need a bit of a break um so we're going see the swimming pool we're going to have a dip there's two oh you've got two swimming pools the swimming pool to the swimming pool into the swimming pool no I can't believe I haven't been over here to the pool before quite overgrown the last time yeah didn't see it at all are you going to completely redo it I didn't have any plans to redo it as a pool no you now I've seen water in I think as a pond it would look really nice it's amazing that was perfect all right back to work there's a lot more to plant you show Stephanie your bench under there you got a special bench we made that together didn't we oh that is a good bench wow it's a hidden secret bench fairies fairies live here can you see the fairies can you find any no not maybe they come out at night we are getting there look at that I must say they're not plantless this is looking good I can show you the garden's tea room here and you can flick back to my garden is tea room at yours I'm looking forward to this hang on we seriously go indoors yeah what Garden is here at indoor staff you can see how it's all changed oh you got stairs whoa oh I am impressed you are an impressive man I hate admitting it but you are you're just showing off now aren't you only the best for the gardeners here what coffee would you like that's the question you know no way um something milky okay I haven't worked out how you add the milk so we'll just make the long coffee and then just pour the milk in old styly old school does the milk thing not work I don't know to do it never done it I think something pops out somewhere and then froths it and then [Music] you that moment of silence is quite scary isn't it what's it doing expectation I know what what's it does it just make noises does it okay so it's more of um a decorative thing oh well thank you very much son I'll make the noises if you're like what do you do oh that's yeah nicely fro thank you very much shal style latte that's a l yeah can I use that L you if if you are desperate you can I am desperate does it go to a hole in the ground it goes to a septic tank the original septic tank there was a toilet here originally that's what that little windows for so I just basically connected one to the old one how's the old septic tank we'll see many when it's full okay I hope I'm not the last drop that's going to push it over the edge can you keep everyone out of the shutter cuz I feel the door Situation's got a bit lacking loose isn't it yeah here we go there is even toilet paper this place is luxurious well other than the lack of a flush I'd say Dan now has all mod cons and there I was thinking they were actual stairs all right evening it's like a fun house look it is better than it was my goodness it's really good there are some death fine drop still you'd be glad to know like that one get a handrail D we're in progress two things you need to step over that shall I that balcony can be stood onto the first time are you serious I'm going to go take my fresh cup of coffee over there this is St is the baron itself safe I like what you've been doing out here oh lovely chair I'll just have a nice sit down bit of wine are you sure it's safe yeah this is spectacular Daniel Preston I love it and the RW iron it's beautiful I had a story about that that ballustrade is different to all the others in the Chad and the story is that the person who built it was an iron worker and the exhibition in Paris in what 1880 with the Eiffel Tower the big steel exhibition exhibition that was part of the exhibition of his work that he took when the exhibition finished he brought it back and built it into the shadow no it's huge as well it's absolutely beautiful imagine when you've got that painted like narrow but yeah easily enough for uh chairs and table though yeah is this the bedroom is this the master bedroom what to be yeah don't know it's very good room it's a very it's massive beautiful nearly all windows as well yeah so I don't know I haven't seen the others to be fair but if this were my place I think I'd choose this one lightest by far oh then go for this the roof it's Mass massively light but it's always going to be light all and look at the view okay so there's two ways sketchy ladder or sketchy ramp without handrail sketchy ramp without hand rail bearing in mind I'm holding coffee in one hand and a phone in the other I mean yeah maybe one hand no that's I think I should be able to do this hands freep significantly no this is fine this is great it's so sketchy I'm not looking down there I'm filming down there not looking down there another balcony can go treat every step is a treat actually it's really a treat this is the one where you'll be speaking to your people I should have been up here when you were have done the whole thing but now you can see the importance of the garden we're doing it's going to be everything you look at uh I can't even see our fans from here which is a little bit moralizing people of Mansa do you want to give it a go no it's not me oh it's you I'm the shout I'm the Shou oh I would have loved this this is so much higher than my balcony Daniel you've missed a bit I'd have loved this right right um this this is the worst I will actually I'm going to hand you the coffee just for this one just just for this one don't know what difference it makes but it just feels a little better having one hand tree oh coming down will be wor for you or yes I hav't thought about that thank you thanks okay doors doors doors yeah SS saws and doors okay one more Des defying leap and then you're in all right very nice oh you did good not bad for a gardener yeah well you're better at this than you were at gardening it is absolutely incredible jointed properly with and these gaps were the windows you be the LC yeah the Dormers yeah one either side so actually it's going and will have two in the middle here no so there was originally three yeah 1 two three but that makes basically the roofs the most important bit when it comes insulation so the more holes and gaps we leave in the roof the worse the whole building is going to be to perform so just having these two and then this will be insulated and look in ten years's time if you want to use the room more you always put them in you got to leave yourself the possibility of it because the light would be amazing I love it we get to go back now that that's the worst drop isn't it that one yeah right the longest other than this one that's that's a long one which one Dr Wise oh oh this lucky philli didn't come here today you think he'd do the ramps we we watch Philip when we were putting them in seriously I think you would actually yeah I think you come up with the ramps they don't feel too bad this room also is going to be pretty spectacular all of them cuz they've all got balconies yeah yeah you're a lucky man but only because you've got Vision I like your planting good eh rooftop garden how long do you think it'll be to put this roof on couple of months by the time we finish of the things probably yeah you you are impressive I hate to admit it but you're very impressive yeah and I love this place I absolutely love it right so you say it's worse on the way down oh significantly yeah I don't I don't like this one this one's not a good one I might hand you the camera for this yeah how exactly do you do this as graceful as you're doing it yeah all right okay okay I'm just going to cling to the wall I remember that I am a mountain goat and I take after my mother it's not ideal I can hear my mother shouting from South Africa can't you I don't know what was more dangerous this or the quad bike I think I have an adrenaline problem oh this feels fine now wo I'm fine all is well I love the way you put the handrail on the lowest we're getting to it I'm off back to the shadow now and it is hard to leave this planting I mean obviously I love every second of it but at least I'm going safe in the knowledge that Daniel has a beautiful fery even if it's so small it's not visible from The Shadow [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 253,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Id: dkhECforV6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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