This Treasure Hunter Spent 40 Years Seeking a Nazi Gold Train Its Dark Secrets Will Shock You

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[Music] this treasure hunter spent 40 years seeking a Nazi gold train it's dark secrets will shock you the man's breath comes hard and wheezing as he gasps for his final moments of life a life it must be said that was undoubtedly hard as this German worked on the railroads in Poland during the Second World War with eternal peace just a few breaths away however he can finally reveal to Shultz a fellow workman what he knew of a dark secret that he's kept for so long it's a tale of murder intimidation and hidden gold and it's a story that almost defies belief apparently during World War Two the railroad worker had seen the entrance to a secret tunnel beneath the owl mountains located in the Polish province of Lower Silesia it was in these mountains near the city of wroclaw that German miners allegedly saw a train laden with priceless artworks and plundered gold being moved into the tunnel but terrifying events would ensure this railroad workers silence about the tunnel until his dying day in fact as the war drew to a close a family whose house overlooked the train track were apparently murdered in cold blood by the Nazis and a bid to keep knowledge of the tunnel a secret seemingly then it was only when the worker was on his deathbed not long after the war that he felt able to reveal what he knew to Schultz Schultz meanwhile also reportedly kept the information very close to his chest but when he was assaulted by two men in the 1950s he apparently told what he knew to his rescuer a miner named - duce slowikowski consequently slowikowski became obsessed with the history of the missing train and devoted his life to uncovering its strange history it's fair to say though that the area of Lower Silesia is littered with legends of buried treasure it was once a German territory and many of its original inhabitants were killed or fled when the vengeful Russian Red Army moved in toward the end of the war in 1945 as part of the post-war Potsdam agreement though Lower Silesia was given to the newly created Republic of Poland and thousands of ethnic poles were brought to live there some of their German predecessors had however buried their valuables before they fled believing that one day they might be able to return but they never were consequently Lower Silesia became renowned as a place where the ground was stuffed with German treasures and wherever there's treasure there are treasure hunters however some people were on the hunt for more than simply civilian trinkets while Germany still held the area Nazi commanders seemingly began a mysterious project within Wroclaw zku Zayas castle not long after the army moved in that locals began to hear huge explosions in the area but the work was shrouded in secrecy even Nazi commanders were forbidden from keeping their families within a 25 mile radius at the same time Nazi Germany was plotting a huge network of underground train tunnels under Celestia's owl mountains the network dubbed Greece meaning giant was a function of a secret base however its construction was never finished in fact it's thought that the withdrawing German forces would stockpile much looted wealth in the area were forced to bury their riches as a result the story of a treasure Laden train disappearing into a tunnel near Wroclaw began to proliferate this is where our man slowikowski comes in after his encounter with Schulz slowikowski became consumed with the goal of uncovering the Nazi treasure hoard in 1974 for instance he retired from his mining job and spent the next four decades gathering all the information that he could but in an area where passion and treasure hunting borders on the obsessional slowikowski x' actions didn't go unnoticed indeed when slowikowski gained official permission from the government to start searching the area near Walbridge where the train was thought to be hidden he began receiving some rather unwelcome and unnerving attention as soon as we started three men in civilian clothes and carrying guns came up to us and threatened us telling us to stop I didn't know who they were but I had my suspicions slowikowski told the Daily Mail but the harassment didn't stop there not long after the incident slowikowski claimed that his dog had been poisoned additionally he said that his front door had been smashed down and his phone lines monitor the final straw apparently came when men tried to break into slowikowski family home fearing for the safety of his family slowikowski son Marik resolved to lock up in a bank vault his father's maps and documents relating to the Nazi train but that wasn't the end of the story either after all the possible existence of the Nazi gold train was known to the Lower Silesia research group a team of amateur treasure owners dedicated to uncovering the area's secrets the group was set out to discover the location of the Train and its members believed it to be a place near Walbridge that they called the 65th kilometre by August of 2015 the group had brought in a geophysical radar machine to probe the area where the tunnel was believed to be and the images produced by the machine looked very promising in fact even Poland's Deputy Culture Minister declared that he was more than 99% sure that there was indeed a train entombed within a collapsed tunnel then the ABW Poland's equivalent of the CIA showed up to scope out the area yet geologists from the Polish Academy of Sciences after performing their own scans of the 65th kilometre asserted that there was no train hidden beneath the rock however this did not deter the Lower Silesia research group indeed in May of 2016 it announced that it would begin excavating the area around the 65th kilometre and members of the group were certain that they would discover the gold train time will tell if their conclusions were correct but if slowikowski suspicions are justified the research group may need to tread carefully certainly the retired miner claims to have found explosives in some nearby tunnels and believes these supposedly occasion of the gold train may well be booby-trapped please don't forget to share this with your friends below please don't forget to subscribe and activate the battle to receive everything that's new [Music] [Music]
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Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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