This tower defense game lets you BUILD towers.. | Pixel Gun Tower Defense (ROBLOX)

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pixel gun is an old first person shooter game which is well pixely the weapons are pixely and sews pretty much everything else today i am playing a roblox tower defense game based on pixel gun but don't be deceived this game has some of the most insane stuff i've ever seen from any tower defense game so go into full screen and join me in this pixel gun tower defense experience one of the coolest games i've played [Music] yet when first joining the game i was immediately teleported into a tutorial and i instantly had some lore thrown at me not a while ago a clash of two worlds has happened okay so there's lore in this game nobody expected a war but we were ready for this after a long battle we have defeated them their weaponry seemed interesting therefore we took it for our own use the scarcity of weapons caused another war but in this world some of our oldest enemies were really interested in obtaining the weapons and now they are invading us and we have to defend but before you begin commanding us let me introduce you to the basics now i must mention i recorded this video with voice normally but i wasn't prepared for what i was about to experience and i understood so little at first that i have decided that the video would be more entertaining to watch if it was a voiceover and these take hours to edit and put together so watching the full video and leaving a like would mean the world to me anyways back to the tutorial a text box appeared at the bottom of the screen and it started introducing me to some of the basics of the game it initially taught me how to combine characters and weapons to place down your towers which is a very unique feature compared to most other tower defense games i've placed down a noob with a pixel gun and then it started shooting away at enemies then once the text box at the bottom appeared again telling me to upgrade my towers i clicked on it and i was shocked to see that there were three upgrade paths now these were stat based upgrades so they weren't entirely separate upgrades like they are in tds or for example in bloom's tower defense 6. this meant that not every upgrade would have a difference on the tower it would just buff its damage or range or whatever but i also found out that almost all towers had ammo here so remember the militant's dumb reloading mechanic well that was a part of the game and while it was stupid in tds because the militant was very bad in this game it's actually well made because it's pretty balanced and your towers even though they have ammo they don't suck i also noticed that i wasn't really making a lot of money from enemies at all which meant that money in this game would mainly come from round cash and also an extra special thing that you'll get to see later i got introduced to camo enemies which i'm quite used to because literally every tower defense game has those but what i wasn't prepared for was camo levels you see my noob over here had camo one that means any enemy that was camo and had camo level one it would be able to see but if an enemy had camo level 2 then my noob wouldn't be able to see it i got introduced to what i call the brittle mechanic where some enemies even though they have a lot of health take extra damage per shot as seen by this plus 20 little triangle thing at the bottom meaning my noob was doing a ton of damage every shot to the big dummy and it was pretty easy to take down i also placed down a spammer with a shotgun and because it was a spammer it now had extra fire rate as opposed to if i were to place a noob and then i also found out about skills meaning that the longer your towers are on the map and attacking enemies the more mini buffs you can add to them these skills are really cheap and you can see that they're actually pretty powerful and just like that i was done i received a medkit gadget and i was sent back to the lobby now if you don't know what gadgets are in pixel gun they are essentially little abilities that you can use to help you out during a battle so it was pretty much the same thing here you could place down this med kit and it would heal your towers from stuns after exploring a little bit of the ui i looked into the shop and found that there's a ton of stuff i can't afford so i committed a great sin and i used robux please don't do this it's never worth using robux because it kind of takes away from the grinding experience but i'm doing this for showcase also please use starcodi anyways after becoming absolutely rich i went on and bought a bunch of weapons and characters and just like that i had my first ever loadout in pixel gun tower defense and from here the nightmare begins my first game i joined a random game and it was an easy mode game so we won like it was nothing and i was kind of disappointed so after and i'm not even joking you hours of attempts trying to beat the hardest mode which is veteran mode we finally got one good game let's go into it and you'll get to see what pixel gun tower defense is all about right off the bat when we spawned i used one of my gadgets which was the jukebox it's this disco ball and i placed it in this specific spot and for a reason you see this tower that is a kill switcher that is currently holding a golden friend the golden friend is essentially a starter weapon that you can buy from the shop and it's pretty good for early game because it's a starter weapon now the niche of the kill stealer is that it does extra damage when enemies are at low health hence why it's called a kill stealer this meant that these weaker early game enemies would be handled quite well by that tower unfortunately the spot wasn't exactly that good because another one of my teammates needed to get this noob with a bone crusher so that it could hit enemies around a corner as it's a melee tower but he got it in a different corner which was just good enough and now i was upgrading my jukebox the reason i placed it in this weird spot is because the jukebox has to have at least one tower in range in order for it to make money every wave so it's essentially like a farm unfortunately you could only have one of these placed down as you can see the cooldown on the right says 34 waves and the entire game only lasts 35 waves on the hardest mode which means you'll obviously not be able to afford another one either way i got some upgrades on it so i would be making a lot of money from the jukebox and then it was time to save up for some pretty expensive towers and that really was my role in this game because everybody else was currently covering early defense there wasn't really much happening after that because it was pretty much just everybody saving up money but the next eventful thing that happened was me using my next ability this was a shuriken throw and that meant my character could actually throw some shurikens and damage the enemies on the track and i used it on a killer robot because it had a lot of help you could see the cooldown on it is just 20 seconds and it does a decent amount of damage so if you ever have leaks that's a great way to catch them now while we're all saving up it's a good time to explain all my towers at the bottom first we have a hitman which is a cliff tower you can combine it with any weapon so in this case i have the automatic peacemaker prototype and armageddon the niche of the hitman is that it automatically had camo detection level 2 and its range was double because it was a cliff tower the problem was that it operated sort of like a tower battle's phaser it would only focus on one enemy and it would take a long time to recharge after focusing on an enemy before focusing on another one next up i had played a win which i was honestly hoping to use with the prototype because in the pay-to-win's description it says that infinite ammo is something that's possible i also had the exporter which when combined with any weapon would have five times fire rate and then i also had the pro which was my final character it's essentially just like a noob that you saw earlier but a pro giving slight buffs to all the stats of a weapon the weapons i had were the automatic peacemaker which was essentially just a strong minigun a prototype which is just a railgun with a slow reload and the armageddon which is a rocket launcher and now that we've explained all of that it was all of a sudden time for stealth we could easily detect all of the lower level ones but i was scared for the higher level ones so i used another one of my abilities which is the firework and when i place it down and another enemy walks over it it gets launched up into the sky and blown up the firework deals 200 damage which is how much health the stealths have but there is a two wave cooldown so it's not really as good as the shuriken i then noticed one of my teammates using a wall gadget which has almost 200 health and it can last two waves but has a three wave cooldown so still not as good as the other gadgets that i had the wall got wrecked because it was in a bad spot and then there was a robot killer which was getting really far when walking back to see if we had enough to kill it i noticed a crap ton of land mines in the back which is a gadget that was placed by one of my teammates i decided to use a firework on the robot and it survived so just fell back down but then it was killed by mine and after all of that i finally was ready to combine my pro with the prototype this is a really strong combo because the pro has a reload time upgrade and i'll explain why that's really important in a minute right now i needed to max out my jukebox which after doing so i was now making 200 away from it which kind of seems like nothing because we're so used to tds farms but in this game for a gadget that is initially free this is really good we then got a pro sniper at the back which is going to be extremely helpful and you'll find out in a second as well now i was working on upgrading my prototype to get camo 2 on it because we were going to have some really strong stealth enemies upcoming later i decided to go for reload first because the gun was just firing so slowly but after doing that i went to the skills and set it to auto so that the skills would automatically upgrade and my pro would become as strong as possible as fast as possible and i also set its targeting to highest hp because i really didn't needed to do a thousand damage to enemies that were pretty weak in the front and now here's the reason why snipers were going to be amazing unstable matters these things require a really strong shot to break their shield they have 99 shield so most fast fire rate towers that did a lot of dps like our automatic peacemaker would be doing absolutely nothing to it because of its defense a strong shot from the prototype a sniper or the exterminator lag switcher was going to be needed to take out their shield before we could effectively kill them and placing pro snipers is really the best way to do it because they're extremely cheap and i feel like now would be a good time to explain why i combined the pro with the prototype and not for example the exploiter which has five times fire rate why wouldn't i do that if it shoots much faster well there's actually a difference between fire rate and reload as i said there is ammo the firing is the time between each shot but the reload is the time it takes to reset those shots aka to get all the ammo back this would mean that the exploiter was going to be op combined with towers that had a lot of ammo like the automatic peacemaker but it was going to be pretty useful when combined with the prototype because the prototype only has one ammo an exporter affects fire rate not reload and the reload is what takes super long on the prototype hopefully i didn't bore you with that explanation but it is a very important game mechanic so i felt the need to explain it anyways let's continue i was saving up a ton of money to get my pay to win plus prototype and the reason i wanted to do this is again because it said that infinite ammo was a thing on the pay to win and since the prototype has only one ammo and an extremely slow reload because of that if i were to get the pedowin plus prototype it would essentially be a very fast firing railgun which is exactly what i was gonna need because the fire rate on the prototype is actually pretty fast compared to the reload so i placed it down and thought i really needed to upgrade but there was one small issue that i didn't know at the time and that's that there was no infinite ammo on this pay to win because when combined with a prototype it would be 20p so the devs balanced it out and removed that feature but i had no way of knowing so i just kept pouring money into it but we were now seeing some pretty strong enemies like these undead enforcers or some other fast ones like these but we were also now seeing elite mercenaries everybody just wants elite in their game first tower blitz now this game come on these were pretty annoying because they had high defense but we had strong towers so we were fine nonetheless my pro with this prototype reached his max skill level and you could see that the buffs on it are really strong and keep in mind you're getting this practically for free just so long as your tower does a lot of damage while it's on the map at this point we were just getting more towers of which you've already seen like snipers and these kill switchers but then it was time for wave 30 which was the first boss the cyborg slasher and although it didn't have as much health as the titanic crystal which had 24 000 hp while the cyborg slasher had 17 000 hp the titanic crystal was way easier to kill with automatic peacemakers because of their fast fire rate combined with the brittleness on the titanic crystal it just lost too much health whenever the automatic peacemakers locked onto it the cyborg slasher however had a lot of hp and it was not brittle so doing damage to it was quite difficult and the fact that a bunch of enemies were blocking it also didn't help the stuff got really far and we almost died because of this but thankfully we were somehow able to survive and there we go onto wave 31 this is the first time i've ever been past wave 30 because i've played some other games before this but on all of them i've died to wave 30 because trust me it's a very difficult wave now it was time for me to get an exploiter plus automatic peacemaker this combo was going to be absolutely busted just take a look at the fire rate of this thing exploiter is really good with towers that have a lot of ammo like the automatic piecemaker as i said earlier the exploiter does an amazing job when combined with weapons that have a high fire rate in this case the automatic peacemaker i decided to upgrade it a bit and obviously set its skills to auto upgrade and from there it was a lot easier to handle enemies although they still got really far because they weren't at all easy we got another automatic piecemaker at the back though so it was able to handle them quite well now it was wave 32 the final wave on this wave i decided to get a hitman prototype because it would be really good single target damage aka against the boss the boss was the conqueror with 65 000 hp but he did something i have never seen before [Music] yes that is correct he nuked all of our towers and just like that we had no chance anymore all of our towers were stunned and for a very long time i don't know if there's more after this boss but after hours of trying this was really the best attempt i could get and i really want to showcase this game because it's so cool but if you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe this did take a while to make and check out the game for yourself in the description please it's really cool see ya
Channel: Elite
Views: 930,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, tower defense simulator, best, tower defense, pixel gun, new, update, coolest, hardest, pixel gun tower defense, prototype, p2w, exploiter, showcase, gameplay, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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