This thing is HUGE!

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hey guys are you ready to see something huge hey hey you know I'll talk about your head anyway here we're Toblerone II I'm not sure how you say the name of this chocolate bar but this is a chocolate bar but this isn't the chocolate bar that is the chocolate bar that thing is over 9 pounds of chocolate yeah so four point five kilograms over nine pounds that is crazy but look how much it cost it is thirty thousand tickets we don't quite have thirty thousand right now but we are very very close yeah we're gonna play some games get some more tickets and we are gonna get this giant candy bar today the last words I need three more points it didn't count that's out there with time to spare that is 706 please take it oh yeah it always me that 706 you better give me those tickets now crystal is gonna play at nerf arcade can she get the jackpot so she needs a hundred she used a hundred and thirty I think 3035 awesome right yeah I'm gonna get coffin done right on the right oh man you gotta get those pythons you have to get those 5000 alright five thousand there you go on the right there's a mm there you go so in this game if you don't know you haven't got a lot of points and it's just we are hiring 37 thousand points hurt currently she's had 70,000 you almost cannot get any of them Chris no you want to get a couple all right let's see hold on on the drones Justin to thousands I'm looking for the 5,000 that's not my guy you boy keep those two thousands on the tops [Music] bottom right this mm left is it you later Wow time's up already you only get a hundred thousand go game your game how's the warm-up that was a warm-up here we go this time make sure you get that gun and get that five thousand beers get a gun in the middle and the middle girls gun I just miss you there you go mm oh there you go you get into thousands you got this Chris you got this top left [Music] you really gotta aim it fast and get as many as you can mm top flattop right there you go there you go she's at 60,000 she's halfway almost there you go okay I'm looking for that 5,000 for you I don't see it a lightning round get all those thousands that you can all right you're doing good you're doing good okay you have nine seconds to get to 30,000 oh I don't know about that which level is this oh yeah this is a good one it's a good one 2,000 room window oh yeah I get that window on the door on the door mm our doors wow that's [Music] [Music] [Music] over Oh [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna get this Jaguar dizzy chicken won't let us down come on Chris get into that green that's all we need that five hundred that looks pretty good that looks really good good good nice dizzy chicken does not let us down that's 500 tickets plus a bonus shot all right we're doing oh it's putting on it's right there guys it begins to you so it's way at the top come on Chris draw that line okay a little juice off I think just a little just a little that's okay cuz you got the 500 and you got good stain that's awesome so we have enough tickets at this point guys but we're gonna play one more game Waterfalls because all it needs is the letter S to win a thousand tickets so the S is that little one okay wait don't let goodnight do this please 1,000 tickets [Music] I am speechless look at that it said I cannot believe this how did you do that it literally only needed that letter s and crystal got it I'm glad I start recording when I did because Kris was already starting to play like crazy I cannot believe that that is so crazy I know okay let's just look at that giant chocolate apart on second thought since we have to wait for this to add on to our card anyway let's watch crystal play the game how it's supposed to be played come on Kris oh you got a lot of rings on this one already you didn't get that tea and smelt waterfalls again so if she gets a score like 700 man so I think it'd be like 700 some points to win I don't know whatever the bonus is I brought the bonuses that is only a hundred and ninety eight nineteen tickets not bad you put another plate on there crystal is a nice she's the kind of win now she's all in play mode right now all right seven hundred thirty points send there are thirty points for the bonus and here's the bonus guys it's currently empty it has nothing up there alright so to get the bonus you need to get like silver you need to get the gold you need to get the other silver because the gold is the highest now I'm not sure how much it's worth nope not enough not enough you weren't that rainbow when I think it like doubles or something or triples it oh we got two times on there Oh your score right now is 270 now keep pumping keep pumping oh you have six seconds five oh you know what that's 370 keep going keep going that's your last one let's see what falls under the sea oh come on get the green on it oh yeah so yes so well how much points did you get two three you got 37 tickets you're know pretty well on this cane oh yeah guys there it is it's not quite yours until we buy it but we're not gonna open it here though guys we're gonna wait until we get home because I know I am dying to see what this thing looks like that's so much shock that I'm so excited to open it and now the moment we've all been waiting for it's time to open the table room so it did get a little bit damaged I'm in our luggage on the way home but that's okay it's okay that thing is huge yeah so if you guys have never had one of these or seen what the candy bar looks like it's not like a solid bar like you would think of like a Snickers or a KitKat or something like that it has like triangles are pyramids oh my gosh that thing is so you can actually see them you got you see the arm like if you push right here this is an empty spot that's an empty spot like you see it like it has empty spots I bet you can it's over nine pounds of chocolate oh I see some chocolate se some chocolate yeah hey it's actually broken right there is huge it's actually got a bite-sized piece right there you know it's like that's what you cut off to leave for everyone else and in that portion right there is your portion nothing is huge you know what I think we have to do with this we're playing hey we could do that we could um cut it into like slivers and give a piece like everyone up in our family like every family in our family come through crystal I wondered I wonder if it's broken can you like grab like right here and just like wiggle to see if it's broken anywhere else not for this it is it's actually broken so must be broken in multiple places that's okay that's okay it's not gonna survive long anyway especially you want to eat some s'mores is it yes so that is the huge candy bar that we won guys I think it's so big Wow how much what is this like a pound right here this is like a pound of it so what's actually in it is like a like the crunch bar like crispy gimmick like Rice Krispies in it yeah I don't think I've ever had I told the room I got a white chocolate one but it didn't really have much crunch in it we actually have some some small ones are you gonna eat this Chris all by yourself or something oh man yeah so it's broken right here it is broken right here it's probably broken somewhere in there hey there's a small piece ready guys we're gonna end the video here so crystal can go ahead and start getting some cavities you guys are probably at cavities just looking at the size of this chocolate bar but other guys we hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys next time thanks for watching guys I
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 130,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, jackpot, huge, huge candy bar, toblerone, huge toblerone
Id: Fl9Ui5KdkX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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