This Terraria Mod has MASSIVE Potential…

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in this video we're going to be looking at a terraria Mod which has a huge potential to be the next game changer for True area from adding 3D bosses in silly awesome and unique weapons a cool new Twist on the beach volume visually stunning events with their own unique mini bosses and tons more introducing the ikus mod yep it's a hard name to pronounce this mode is famous for its ignator 3D boss Omega Starry so we'll start from this boss as you can see this boss is 3D during its Phase 1 its attacks are pretty simple I'd say you can even throw me like this boss because the boss becomes vulnerable during the time window which the boss spreads its balls don't get me wrong though do not underestimate the balls I mean this boss it might look easy but since it is a pre-hard mode boss you don't have access to good Wings yet so dodging the balls can be Troublesome not to mention the boss moves pretty fast for a huge fat ball it does get stronger during phase 2 but it's nothing too significant of a change until you take it down to 30 HP because taking it down to low HP will trigger its phase 3 and I was curious what the death ray will do to me and it's safe to say that curiosity killed the cat now that I knew what the death ray will do to me I was able to dodge it by going around the ball it was an insanely close call though the Death Race unexpectedly for us and knew its phase 3 is way much deadlier with the boss unleashing more attacks and being more aggressive you guys still have to remember this is a pre-heart mode boss you fight before Wall of Flesh so while the attacks might seem simple this boss is nothing to skull fat but once you get to know and adapt to the attack patterns you'll take down this boss easily let's take a moment to appreciate how insanely awesome Mr fit animation is foreign now let's take a look at the weapons some of the weapons are actually surprisingly unique like this stuff that allows you to mind control enemies yep mind controlling them I've never seen any other mods touch mind-controlling weapons before so that's very fascinating with this mind controlling stuff you can even take control of strong reports such as paladins and forcibly use them against their own will for your own benefit that's a bit dark now that I think about it they also have the spooky stuff that summons Red Ghost this ghost can also might control your enemies I feel like it's a reference to a specific horror genre but I kinda forgot about it let's brighten things up a bit this mod also has a lot of weapons and references to other games such as Mario and Plants vs Zombies it also has cool stuff like this weapon called search Rod that is able to create underclaughter to fry your fools you can spread the net around your screen to trap enemies and bosses inside of it effectively electrocuting them to crisp I'm also pretty sure one of the Developers for this mod like stonehold because one of the weapons really screams toh Overton and I find it interesting that they were able to implement a gun that shoots wind that can blow away projectiles which can be very useful against laser-based bosses such as the Destroyer or the stuff that can turn your enemies into random stuff though it doesn't work on muscles that'd be way too op or just turn a zombie into a fruit salad and it looks like this mod did not skip the nowadays trying an obsession with cool looking swords as the swords in this mod have cool swinging animations and feel really awesome to use as well and yes there is in fact a perfectly balanced weapon in this mod but we're not gonna be touching it today this mod has also added its own twist to vanilla ocean biome by introducing its own new and unique biome located below vanilla beaches it's a pretty neat looking biome and great to explore with many Loot and such and really serves a great purpose to spice up the Bland Beach biome and untouched underground beach in vanilla Terraria now let's talk about the glimmer event which you can start with a galactic star fruit the defense exclusive star Galaxy themed enemies but the main focus during this event is the ultra star at miniboss it acts similarly to Omega however I have to admit it looks really cool and the event looks beautiful speaking of enemies there is a mini boss or an enemy called red Splat in this mode which I did not know how I was able to summon but its attacks looks pretty cool especially for a tiny Cloud enemy I love it when it zaps down thunderstorms adorns I did not expect a small enemy to have very cool attacks that is very surprising looks like Size Doesn't Matter it's the personality that matters I would also like to talk about how there is another boss in this mod called crabson its attacks are pretty simple and all but I just want to talk about how this was kinda radiates some sort of uncanny valley energy with that Sprite I understand they're trying to resemble a crap here but I don't know how to describe it because it feels more like a curse and holy 3D flash Abomination it's not like it's a bad thing to be fair some of the attacks are actually pretty cool it's really not a bad boss at all but yeah the boss is a decent use of a 3D model and not a bad Play Hard Mode was to fight the next boss I'd like to show you guys is the dust devil well the spread of this boss could use some work but these boss attacks are actually very interesting and unique as its name describes this boss utilizes the dust particles around Itself by sucking in blocks enemies and biome team projectiles and using them against the player definitely not a bad boss at all for a hard mode boss it could use some more touch and polishing but a very interesting and unique design for sure and last but not least this boat has full cross compatibility support with audio mode so it's not a bad decision to play it alongside origin that's about it thank you and see ya
Channel: GitGudWO
Views: 189,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria modded, terraria mods, terraria best mod, terraria calamity mod, calamity mod, terraria top mods, terraria mod potential, terraria game changer mod, terraria aequus mod, terraria mod boss, terraria bosses, terraria modded boss, terraria modded weapons, terraria mod weapons, calamity, tmodloader, terraria mod update, terraria mod bosses, terraria mods you should have, terraria mods 1.4, terraria new mods, terraria mod showcase, terraria mod best weapon
Id: 1hsgFDc0QBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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