This tank is bad at... Nothing! ▶️ Panther A

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just like Soviets have all kinds of t-34s or Americans that have all kinds of Sherman's Panthers are something similar just in German tank tree it's a decent medium tank that has very few weaknesses German research tree has four similar Panthers D a G and F but I chose Panther a for this video because it has few advantages unlike previous Panther modification the AVR end already has normal turret rotation speed and is placed at tier 4 which means it can effectively research tier 5 vehicles unlike later modifications it still has lower battle rating 5.7 so you face weaker opponents additionally the maximum speed limit is higher than later variants but despite few differences all Panthers are played in a similar way the default shell for all Panthers is a Phe with a very good penetration that at close ranges it can even go through Jumbo's turret mask penetration is one of the most important things for any tank and Panther has it yes there is a catch usually the more penetration shell has the less post penetration damage it creates anther is not an exception a Phe projectile has relatively low amount of explosives only nearly 30 grams of TNT equivalent so it doesn't one shot so often as Soviet or American counterparts but nevertheless post penetration damage of this projectile is sufficient after all reload speed of 7.4 seconds with a screw will let you shoot again before enemy get any crew members who placed big velocity of the shell of over 900 meters per second will give you a noticeable advantage of our opponents by making it easier to aim a distant or quickly moving targets but the only problem could be lightly armoured vehicles this shell has few sensitivity of 25 millimeters that means explosives quite often won't activate when you shoot vehicles such as m18 which will be one of your most common opponent and biggest headache at these stairs starting from panther a you can also research a PCR projectiles but increase in penetration is so small that there is no point to sacrifice post penetration damage that shell with explosives can offer in most cases you shouldn't experience meat in more penetration anyway especially considering that ABCA penetrates even less than a Phe if it hits angled armor when you face extremely light opponents that are difficult to destroy with main shells coaxial machinegun will be useful but keep in mind that it's low caliber so basically it can only kill crew members that are unprotected at all that same m18 that won't activate main projectile views will have enough armor to withstand this machine gun it is also quite ineffective against planes because machine gun has the same limits as the main gun elevation of 20 degrees not enough to defend against planes though usually you fight ground targets so elevation is within comfortable range turrets rotation speed reaches 24 degrees per second and it's pretty much the same what your opponents have guns depression is somewhere in between Soviet and USA tags -8° maybe that is not enough to effectively play how down but you won't do that anyway as it offers very questionable benefit for Panther and it's all because of your armor it can withstand some very serious weapons the problem is there is only one armor plate that you can rely on front of your hull is protected by 80 millimetres plate it might not sound like a good protection but when it's placed at 55 degrees angle it becomes impenetrable for majority of opponents then comes the turret or the weak spot on this vehicle it's pretty much the same frontally it has 100 millimeter thick armor plates and while it's the thickest armor on this vehicle majority of opponents can easily penetrated because it's a straight plate some angles can be found only on gun masks though angles here sometimes work against you by sending enemy's projectile inside the hull through sixteen millimeter roof and pleasant even if that doesn't happen often anyway it's unlikely that turret will stop enemy projectiles unless you are lucky and it hits we're gonna mask overlaps turrets frontal plate but it's something you can not control so make sure that your turret aka weak spot is always hidden or at least is difficult to hit for example when Panther is on the move and turret is being rotated unpredictably or if you keep some distance between you and opponent as that will make it much harder for enemies to hit your turret and even if they do shall might lose enough penetration to not penetrate Panthers turret while your projectiles are one of the best distr can offer for long range engagements the rest of the tank and by that I mean everything that is not tanks front is 40 to 60 millimetres add-on armour somewhat helps to cover your sights but that is not enough to call them protected so angling your hull will usually do more harm than good because two crew members in how are quite far from those and turret there is a high chance to survive even if you get hit in your weak spot since this driver is still alive you sometimes can hide behind cover this way even getting hit in your turret with fatso with a peachy doesn't always mean end of battle because all armor is concentrated where it's needed the most and powerful engine you shouldn't feel any problems maneuvering around the battlefield neutral steering allows you to quickly turn hull while staying in place acceleration is also decent you can reach 39 kph on even ground easily but for some reason tank doesn't accelerate beyond that unless moving downhill so despite maximum speed limit is 55 kph it will still take some time to move around the map and in most cases that minimizes Panther a advantage against later modifications which have maximum speed lower by 9 kph all these pandas suffer when they have to reverse sometimes you will want to disengage and of course you want to keep your well arm at front facing towards enemies then 4 kph is all you can reach that is very slow and probably wouldn't save you when you want to get out of tough situation luckily an ability to quickly get behind cover is compensated by ability to carry that cover with an attack I'm talking about smoke cover smoke grenades are launched in a direction of your turret one by one that allows you to launch additional smokescreen right before the old one starts to dissolve this way you can stay hidden for a quite a long time that should be enough to repair any damages if you are not getting additional damage while covered and smoke in arcade first of all you will notice that you can reach the maximum speed which is quite high and that will make you one of the fastest vehicles you can quickly take cover inside capture points and protect it for the duration of battle neutral steering allows to maneuver inside that point when space is limited so you should have no problems keeping your hull facing towards enemies since Panthers has both armor and penetration it makes a decent vehicle that combines few most important things in this game mode on the other hand aimed at your turret weak spot becomes easier for opponents so cover must be taken at all times in general panthro a is comfortable tag I would rated 7 overlapping turret asks out of 10 while playing it you can rely on firepower it is quite unusual when tank at the same time has very good an equation some explosives and it's reload speed is within crew replacement ocean in addition to that mobility is not bad and even frontal hull plate can reliably ricochette projectiles the only serious issue tank has is its turret probably the most difficult part of a tank to hide that even makes playing hull down ineffective as that will only hide your hull that is impenetrable in most cases anyway if hiding your sights is possible by simply turning towards opponents to hide your turret you are limited to use only tall cover and anyway must risk every time you peek out to shoot anyway nevertheless it is one of the best vehicles for this battle rating that will have no difficulties even 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Channel: HowToPlay1337
Views: 470,328
Rating: 4.940834 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, аркада, arcade, REALISTIC, tank, танк, plane, fun, WARTHUNDER, howtoplay1337, howtoplay, GAMEPLAY, WAR THUNDER, WAR THUNDER GAMEPLAY, game, free to play, panther, panther a, war thunder panther, panther review, german panther, medium tank
Id: PP7DUHgL5n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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