Don't Watch this Video | This Tank Make Brain Hurt | STRV-74 (War Thunder)

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I don't know if anyone gets the same feeling let me know it just looks like the aspect ratios off of the vehicle alright here that's much better power to the people do I smell soiled baby diapers [Music] jeez oh my god if you and your brain are struggling with this image in front of you this hasn't been altered at all this might be the main reason why I really haven't made a video on the strv 74 since its release because it's really hard to look at um on the battlefield dude on your bio fuel you everybody if I see this thing and there's a and there's a more high-value target I'll go for this one just to stop my brain from short-circuiting I don't know if anyone gets the same feeling let me know it just looks like the aspect ratios off with the vehicle all right here that's much better we'll just and the good thing is by playing this we'll just be seen the back mostly maybe this is an additional or unsung quality of the strv 70 I'm seriously we're not couldn't be turning this vehicle around at all now at 5.7 we have this thing hasn't okay hang on we had to turn around just a little bit for the armored profile here we can just do it like this right there we go alright so the armor value we really have no armor okay that's a lot of sweetest vehicles except the the last one you get which we will make a video on this week you know that STR is the STR V this guy well we make it a video if not this week early next week this is my goodness gracious okay but no armor however we do have a decent gun but more decent ammunition at 5.7 we have a sable round that or the most hypen round 45.7 in the game I want to say maybe there's some strange APCR out there but this apds at 5.7 can penetrate in a normal battle situation probably two hundred and thirty two hundred and twenty millimeters just like that now with the 75 millimeter apts I think there's going to be some shortcomings if we don't Nick ammunition but at the same time at 5.7 we have this is pretty much reminds me of m82 shot which is the American like heat round you see it's in the m36 GMC which is one of my favorite vehicles in the game so it's a lesser m82 so at 5.7 we have one heck of a lethal tank if no one looks at us and that's that's hard you know look this is we can hide we can hide very easily we're like squish instead of a low silhouette we're a horizontal squish silhouette this is an unsung quality about this vehicle now the a PDS looks like it's it's gonna be really really strong and really really you know Opie but it's not really the case with these close range maps I mean we're gonna use a PDS just to show it but if I was playing this by myself at 5.7 I probably wouldn't even bring a PDS what is wrong whoo-hooo designs you what was their issue okay we got our apts loaded up we're gonna be looking over at alpha this is a pretty obvious position but maybe not at this battle rating Oh war Lissa's you eat that ammunition or we missed it by a little bit all right we need to go for the driver or we can Oh Lord I will go for that ah need more explosive mess okay that Panther things going to be hurt for a little bit oh I don't know that guy is dead or alive oh okay that was someone okay very nice Rousso someone else shot here I'm still okay actually watch this okay good good we're moving we're going hope this is a good idea we oh my lord good Jesus did we just kill a crew member we already had we're we already two down potential potential ru251 in yeah I think we just we kind of screwed something else up in the tank you got his cannon barrel his repair is probably done I love it on the scale of 1/2 dead we're probably close to being dead here I thought we can flank a little bit faster with this vehicle but it's not the case what are you guys having a party over here oh my gosh that was adorable we might have them the Panther up here oh yeah yeah yeah I see him now this is our time to shine come on flaky make flame fling let's go let's do it no no top heaviness here is there another one over here dropping smoke okay I think we're okay where is that sneaky ru251 now if I go for alpha I'm pretty much screwed down there there's there's very low chance of getting out once you're in I can push up to the right okay I've got a plan oh this thing's just too slow this seems like a sit back relaxed kind of vehicle honestly got a tiger over here being a tiger he doesn't see me we got high penetration with this realm we got to move sooner than later here comes a panther a tiger - look at me go guys I wonder this Panther to my right here's me well this is a funny thing where you're just kind of sitting here waiting to lose Wow look at all these Jesus so that tiger if there is going to get me killed if I want to cress no Pisa oh yes there we go good goodbye everybody you have great time okay we're in business still [Music] yeah I can't can't do too much with this vehicle six smoke grenades though okay we're we're capping it looks like mr. moon hahahaha now if I got up you know where I should be able to get up this hill yes very good this is a pretty weird hold right now we we can't we yeah we can't do you know what some great depression we have with this vehicle Tigers still dropping smoke caps trim Bravo that's okay just when we lose let me lose alpha that's the game I was about I was about to say oh my gosh what is going on wait someone's an a I was just looking over there here we're captured I just killed all three of them that was are you dead now okay games over games over everybody we're moving to different locations right now this is what you call a pro-gamer move Lord someone's right next to me I don't think he knows that I'm here at all [Music] I just wish this thing had better Traverse because this that the Traverse is what's going to get it caught so many times just just get stuck in the worst positions we got to move we can't move we do the slighty thing let's go come on once we get some power or fine but okay we got inbound to the right no okay you know what you know what Nate that's fine dude we survived I just love how it's like okay game over next one okay because we've already seen what our baby and maybe two-shot does the baby the the m43 shot we'll call it we're gonna we're gonna see if we can get some decent kills with the 75 millimeter apts and also this is night oh look at this look at Sweden just switching teams I love it but also we have 15 gun depression so really this this vehicle really feels like a tank destroyer then a light tank but I'll take it I'll take the scouting ability thank you oh my gosh this thing likes snow more than it likes Japan's open terrain now granite we were on the hill and you're doing some silly stuff but it's not it's not too bad right now now I'm Finland I mean I could snipe or to the right and just sit there but like oh yeah I got to do it for the content guys all right you guys don't come here to see some some boring long-range eats all right they got to be interest they got to be over 2,000 meters this this rains not enough so we're gonna bring it in close get nitty-gritty near Bravo [Music] Jesus yeah yeah cool gotcha okay we're the only one over here I'm in a pretty obvious position I'm hearing I'm hearing multiple engine sounds if I can just get up here and look to the right I'm gonna have a field day turn that turret okay we're good now this is where the strv 74 can struggle traversing on a hill but hopefully our depression will help us here okay let's sit for a little bit I'm smoked out by problem we can easily push over there get some shots on holy jesus [Music] power to the people Oh God oh lord have mercy my Tigers dead the smoke launch is kind of strange we're going to put another one out look to our left okay su or t-34 whoa that's that isn't that messed up right there huh guys mr. moon come on guys more support here we're doing well okay we got turrets shut he doesn't have horizontal Drive really thought I would have got a little bit more with that did I even take out a gunner yeah I'm really starting to like this vehicle is that somebody I don't know that was a really good shots oh yeah there was somebody there that was him yeah no no that was different where did the bushes go we were just looking at bushes there's no bushes there okay that was a fun run we we would have been able to do more but il2 had to come balance of us always feels good when that happens let's go ahead and see when you take him out here we got a fast round don't have that much elevation on our gun okay those 23 millimeter there you go we got a whirly up let's push back to the same position [Music] I think I just ate a brain hemorrhage right there so last game was a great demonstration of why a PDS really isn't that good at close range me does well how the MA teens are all over the place the nice already spot there so at long range a PDS is the best I mean it's obvious place you know just that that range is a safety net in case the round doesn't hit the right way but the way you want it to you have that range to give you a little bit of a buffer now we can shoot through the house Oh nicely done nasty we're gonna let the big the big peepee Tiger take control here there you go Connor you must must feel so good go to cut up against these MMA teams and stuff in that oh this is some really good battle rating for this guy we got a mover we want to have an escape route in case we mess the shot up jeez oh my gosh holy sunset that's yep there you go just get handled fly daily good gosh way to use your teammate as Intel that gyros set him up so quickly all right a BTS is going to be loaded here jumbo is a light tank ladies and gentlemen to the Lord okay well we're gonna we're gonna get away from this tiger each one here he's got a whole lot of hurt and bound and I'm gonna smoke up oh my gosh I think that's my first experience with the new bomb thingies I'm gonna load an apt ass in case we come up to that jumbo again that was probably the fastest set I've ever seen a jumbo dude but the jumbo has that ability and there he goes just take it out the hundred and five tiger let's call it out for our team [Music] [Music] you know it's really screwed up balls why are you coming over here I'm still alive Wow wish I could see through this smoke I'm gonna extinguish real quick I think SIM 41 well when life gives you lemons everybody literally if we had the other shot loaded and not a PDS we would have been perfectly fine right there and then he wouldn't have been able to spot me with his 50 Cal and then the m41 wouldn't try to come save the day even though he did come try this or he did save the day ah this thing in in itself if it gets long range maps this is this thing's is extremely I'm sorry I can't look at it like that it's extremely good close range it's good the things that I don't like about it is I don't know it's it's engines it doesn't have enough mustard its reload will get you caught sometimes if you don't hit correctly and it's transmission is just balls it does not like Hills it just have enough power to do really what you want to do in a tank that has around like this this is this is an extremely good round but um the platform it's on is a little bit too slow for it but on like Kursk or Maas dock even that's a little bit too small but on a big map like that this thing is is going to be amazing it just doesn't have big Maps and more thinners just don't happen anymore guys hope you've enjoyed have a good day be safe see you guys tomorrow peace out
Channel: PhlyDaily
Views: 437,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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