This Secret Grigri Hack that only Mountain Guides Know!

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what up climbing fam oh you're not family yet you didn't hit the subscribe button hit that subscribe button everybody knows that to be the strongest climber you have to be family nothing stronger than family is that being dead yet so anyway on my discord if you haven't checked that out you should probably check my discord out because i now do live streams of events and stuff we all get to chat and watch like uh like bouldering competitions and league competitions live so check that out but anyway in my discord a climbing guide shared his little tip and i thought it was pretty ingenious so basically if you don't know this already climbing when you get up off the ground you enter a completely new dimension a new space you're now playing 4d chess so there's a little magic trick that happens let me show you okay so keep your eyes peeled because i'm only going to do this magic trick once you ready do you see that in the vertical world that is impossible once you drop something there's no getting it back so when you have something like a grigri such a crucial piece of equipment there has to be a way to secure it in such a way that it can never be dropped you don't want to drop this okay do what do you want to tie a munter hitch okay have the rope all coiled up no you don't you don't want to drop this especially if you're doing some multi-pitch stuff and hey if you're like a guide or and or you're climbing with a guy that's liable to dri you know that one friend that one dude that drops it okay yeah this is for him okay so let me show you what it is let's get you on the table okay so before we crack the code of the grigri i wanted to show you this trick this unwritten law of climbing and working at heights and it's it's how you pass things from one person to another okay believe it or not there's artwork to that okay you can't just throw things to the other guy okay now watch this i want you to see if you can catch it ready watch this do you see what i just did there it's watch very closely ready right there is a hazard and you don't even you might not even see it if you're not even brand new climbing you might not even know it so if i pass this to him and then i let go there's a chance that this person may not completely have it and i've already let go and then they drop whatever it is okay so this is the way you're supposed to pass something ready watch this come in the person grabs it okay you don't let go the person pulls it it's very subtle but it actually makes a huge difference you grab it the person doesn't let go and you pull it out okay this ensures that you have it and they're not just laying letting it go that'll actually save you dropping a ton of things that little trick right there okay so let's get into the grigri okay so here's the problem with the grigri okay you're going up a multi-pitch and it's time to take you off belay to take you off belay the belayer takes the grigri completely out opens this up and then drops it okay that's the problem so there's got to be a way to ensure that doesn't happen now if you don't want to use this method then what i would advise you to do is not even take this all the way out take it here grab this put it in take the rope out grab this put it back on okay that's that's a really legitimate safe way to do it instead of taking it completely off and then playing around with it in midair okay but here's another method that the guide shared this guide shared on my discord so on this older grigri and even on these newer ones if you take a close look you'll see that there's a little screw right there there's a little screw focus right there's a little screw so if we go and take this little screw out let's take a look at that see what we find [Music] screw you gregory okay so let's open it up now we have this little plastic part now with the like a beale birdie this beale birdie which is a grigri-esque device it doesn't have a bottom at all here the rope is exposed these grigri's here they have bottoms i think this is a good idea because it prevents things from getting caught up into the rope while it's moving so i like that but if we take this screw out like we just did we can now bend this back and expose this little channel down in here you see that i moved another light over so maybe get a better look you see this channel that's down in there so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just mark a spot i think i think right here would be best so mark right here it needs to be two pockets this one and that one i kind of like this more outer one this inner one looks like it has a little more room though we're going to go with this outer one right here so we got a little mark right there now what we're going to do is we're going to take a drill and drill a hole right through here okay so now that our hole is drilled we're going to run some accessory cord through it now this accessory cord is just a little bit too thick i would like a sexy record like this but the problem is this one's just not long enough it's too short and i don't have much more of it so it'd be nice to have some thinner type like this type and i don't know the exact sizes on it i think the size for this is uh extra extra extra extra extra super small and uh this is pretty thin as well so we're gonna do is we're gonna stick it in this little hole that we just made like so it might not be a bad idea to like router the router like round the edges over here so you have anything sharp and this rope's kind of fat not like that thinner one i had over there so i can't really do a double fisherman which is what i want to do i can only do a single overhand which isn't the most ideal thing but it's probably good enough to save from just a simple drop but nothing you really want to pull on you know so we're going to try to make just a a tight over single overhand and then just uh not too much tail so we could stick it in this little this little space here because there ain't much room in there okay so we're gonna stick it in there and stuff it in and there we go i'm pretty happy with that so now we just stick the screw on and i'll show you how this is done hope i don't screw this up so this is how you're gonna use it or your uh your one friend you know who you are so we're gonna stick on the and what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the loop on first okay you want to put the loop in first put the loop on second then it cut you kinda defeat the purpose i'll show you why now what you're going to do is you're going to put the grigri on like so now the loop was on this loop should be tight enough so that it can't pass up like this if it's tighter then you won't get the loop over there and then defeat the whole purpose which is take this off and then the griger off you want this to stay on okay so this stays on here and it's tight enough that it doesn't ride up this locker so you take this off and you take this off your belay and then you take them off oh i dropped it oh guess what it's still there okay awesome awesome idea okay you know a good technique like this you know goes goes a long way as well making sure it never really comes off and being extra careful that goes a long way as well but if you're bringing in some guy that's accident prone i probably shouldn't be climbing with anyway let's do this like videotape him so i could make some clogging fails but anyway uh that's that okay questions comments concerns let me know down in the description below check out the discord we're about to hit 30k pretty soon so hit that subscribe button join the 30k member club and uh i'll catch you guys later let me uh hope you have a great uh week the rest of the week josh perry climbing out of here i'm definitely going to be using that one now it's a neat trick give it to my accident prone friends
Channel: BetaClimbers
Views: 69,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jwZ637FYax8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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