This Sahara Railway Is One of the Most Extreme in the World | Short Film Showcase
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Channel: National Geographic
Views: 7,379,718
Rating: 4.8470159 out of 5
Keywords: Short film showcase, national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, Showcase, short films, filmmakers, wildlife films, films, PLivjPDlt6ApRiBHpsyXWG22G8RPNZ6jlb, PLivjPDlt6ApTqKN6DbR-GOM5omen0Xm2a, PLivjPDlt6ApTDlm7OufY6HAzNmFAqxWSo, Sahara Railway, One of the Most Extreme, Most Extreme in the World, more than 430 miles long, Mauritania Railway, 1963, Sahara Desert, longest and heaviest trains, trains, railway, mining
Id: jEo-ykjmHgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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There's a guy on the hitchhiking subreddit - /u/kidp3 - who has ridden it. If I remember correctly he wrote that it was simultaneously the most uncomfortable and incredible experience.
gorgeous video. what the fuck is wrong with the audio though?
I like that there is no narrator.
National Geographic uploads mini and full length documentaries like this all the time. It's seriously one of the best channels on Youtube.
If you like this, you'd also love The Hunt nature documentaries on Netflix by the BBC Earth.
Worked at that mine for a while. The sand is brutal, it's so fine it gets into everything. Everything is always coated in a thin layer of sand, including you. You can't get away from it.
This video is just breathtaking! Surprisingly beautiful images that illustrate such a rough environment and the strength of the people living there.๏ปฟ
I have little to no knowledge about cinematography but what makes the image so wide? Is it a lense? It looks really good and it kind of highlights how large and barren the landscape is.
The filming reminded me of Baraka.