This Roman Diet Is The Secret To Old Age | The Art Of Living: Sardinia | Tonic

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[Music] so this is my guide and expert during the entire week here on sardinia [Music] who doesn't want to live a long and healthy life my name is nicholas extent and i run three restaurants my greatest passions are food and health since i recently crossed the 40 year old mark and it feels like i'm in the middle of my life thoughts of living for as long as possible run through my mind more frequently there are six mythical areas in the world where it's common that people live to become a hundred year or more these places are called the blue zones how come you get so old in these places who are the people living there how do they live what do they eat and what is the secret to a long and healthy life i have decided to travel the world and visit the blue zones to get answers to my questions is the first time i cook breakfast for a hundred year old man look at that jeez are you kidding me she has her own radio show you have sex up to a high age as well are you done for today are you gonna do more wins no no i've already been here for two hours you are hipsters yes but we started it hopefully i will come back knowing how to live to the magic age of 100 or even more what you're saying actually is that my diet can change my gene yes exactly but you believe in the devil yes in hell yeah bye-bye it's just difficult to understand i mean he's born in 1915 [Music] i've just arrived on this beautiful island of sardinia in italy and i'm on my way to a region on the island called ogliastra the ogliastra district consists of 15 smaller mountain villages here in sardinia this is the place where the world's first blue zones were discovered here the amount of people over the age of 100 years old are more than double compared to the average in the rest of the world it is the most isolated and poor part of sardinia where people basically live the same way they've always done many do still use the local language sardo it is a special dialect that is hard to understand even for native italian speakers driving in italy is always a little scary you don't know what they're up to and i'm on my way to meet my travel companion and my expert here on the island piad i've heard that he's a bit of a character pierre is a greek anthropologist working as a researcher at the sardinian blue zone observatory for longevity and the rumor says he does not really live as he learned finally necklace pierre yes finally we met each together i heard so many things about you likewise but uh i have some little secrets local ones traditional here to make you so we should roll straight away so we have to go now exciting [Music] you are my living gps how did you end up here on sardinia yes because i came uh 12 years ago after four down here 40 years of travel in the world european countries central asia africa really yes and now we are studying this famous longevity yes the longevity on this island is super famous yes and is that linked together with history as well yes of course of course i i study some documents roman periods and we have one example from one who lives more than 90 years at this apricot so you think that even going back to the roman period yeah people lived to be in 90 years old in this region yes and that would be of course it's incredible incredible because back then people lived to be a 30 40 years in the blue zone of sardinia people have been living the same way for thousands of years in general the women have been taking care of the household while the men have been working in the mountains as shepherds this is an old clan society where people have always been poor but managed to get by due to their strong bonds between families and relatives and generations always looking out for each other so where are we going we are going to a farm they are waiting for us for the milking okay the ghost left yes the people waiting for us at the farm are the owners and the couple franca and massimo i will call them in their language sardinian yes hello [Music] so you are in the field a lot of sort of paradise here yeah it's beautiful quiet you can listen yeah the centenarians they were living in such a way yeah and style of life now you become a shepherd yeah yeah okay so are the goats this way yeah yeah oh question it's for the baby elena yeah the last daughter oh how many kids do you have [Applause] five hi and franca yeah one more anchor five so you have six kids all together big family [Music] the girls of the mountains they are looking at you because they are very shy yeah and also frightened of us because we are strange people and doesn't understand what we are doing here hey [Music] this is like candy on halloween at home i give the kids some candy look how quick they were okay two minutes eat and after coming to milking okay in salina just like in many other blue zones it's mainly milk from goats and sheep that are consumed not cow's milk men have speculated that the animals free time out on pasture in the mountains have contributed to healthy omega-3 fatty acids in the milk good nicolas okay [Music] bucket you make this [Music] it's way more milk from yours this one is thinking like who is milking me this swedish viking with bad hands oh no problem it's good for your skin where does the milk start way further up here yes don't worry for the goat is good strong no don't worry okay perfect ah i got it i'm milking a gold finally one and one and one this is gonna be like a milkshake now finish the milk and after go to cheese yes [Music] okay that wasn't easy now the milk should directly be turned into a cottage cheese called casa oxido which according to some is the secret to a long life beautiful okay more milk how many liters is this oh in a day about 35 liters and how much cheese will that be about six seven kilos of cheese this is my share yes the people were very small back in the days right no it's good why yeah because if you are down they smoke all right you want yeah and what is this the stomach of little goat so it's the stomach of a kid yes so you make the render to just dry the belly yes so that's like an original way of making cheese a small piece of that's it that's all you need only this a half a cup 35 liters half a teaspoon and a little bit of water yes it's just fascinating how always in these blue zones and where you have long livery there's always very little additives so like when you're making cheese there's nothing added it's just the belly nicolas from the goat sorry i need to whisk at the same time what temperature are you looking for 35 degrees the temperature is okay i'm gonna add this yes okay one two three bye okay that's heavy now and that's to keep the temperature for about 40 minutes yeah come we need an expert welcome to the fire and the smoke too these are where the lies and the stories are created yeah so what i find really fascinating you can see some sausages hanging there some charcuterie some cheese it seems to be that it's not very seafood driven yes you're right because for them the sea is something where the danger is coming from because it was invaders so evilness came from the ocean yes they are not they are not sounds of the sea so there is so this is an island in the middle of the mediterranean yes where they don't eat fish yes and still you have long liberty and you have high percentage of centurions yes here in the zone of olyastra yeah and the other part of barbara but the sardinia is not a very long shave land okay on the 14th rank on the list of the longevity in italy in italy okay but in these two province of origami you have the big biggest point of longevity from all over the world more than japan okay so that's very interesting so the island itself yeah doesn't have long because this is an island in the island here because of the satellite in the island and just because of the the the the sea just beside you have a special air also and with the mountains which brings the winds the cold one also there's a breeze coming in here yeah you have the gastronomy that's focused on goats and vegetables cheese and chocolate theory honey and honey and so those are the main ingredients in the long living in this very part of sardinia of course and since eight thousand years that's it the food that people eat in the various blue zones differ quite a lot it's apparently not one single diet that will make you live a long and healthy life but rather different ones i probably caused that people on sardinia cope well without eating a lot of fish is that they get healthy fat and other nutritious compounds from other sources like for example the local cheese casa accident what do we do now now take the cheese and make a ball like a ball slow slow slow soft and okay are those your hands no [Laughter] it's like brokeback mountain cheesemaker no no no no no no okay and now ah okay into the water okay [Music] look at that look at this cheese jesus and now work okay and voila i'm a cheese maker yes the very secret of a long life lies in good cheese making now test it ah so this is amazing like five minutes ago was milk that was milk it's like a mozzarella yes but it's not acid now no no acidity no salt you use this for anything for make now make ricotta are you making a cotton yes ricotta the name of ricotta is cook another time second time second time cook okay ricotta okay put this one in the fire and the maker what temperature is ricotta made on 85 oh very high yes almost boiling [Music] here we go ricotta this is fascinating exactly at 85 celsius the ricotta started to appear yes so the ricotta is collected from the liquid but is this liquid used for anything yes he's good to to drink because there is a lot of minerals inside all right okay so it's a nutritious drink yes no waste no i have learned quite a lot of new things today with massimo and tomorrow i will get to try out being a shepherd myself but first pierre will take me higher up in the mountains to a little village alsana so where are we going we're going to meet the doctor sister one of the specialists of uh gentinarians really for example when they come to him he doesn't ask them how are they the chanterellians ask the doctor how he is how about they help himself rafael sesto is a doctor in arsana he is the one that have treated the most hundred years old in the world hey how are you and today i'm invited to join him on one of his home visits to the sisters eda and the azunta ida is 94 years old and the younger sister to diazunta who is turning 101 years old i will be making culeriones together with the sisters and the grandchild franca so this is a very traditional ravioli yeah yeah from art center just have a look about the gestalt song to prepare oh no that folding thing god that's difficult yes look at it [Music] okay so this is the way that food and gastronomy has been passed down into generation which is also one of the reasons why the gastronomy and long liberty are linked together importance [Music] a how do you do it like so this is [Music] say what so is there anything that she remembers strongly recorded [Music] [Laughter] [Music] extraordinary will there ever be hope for me this was really hard but it was a lot of fun to meet the sisters not only they are both around 100 years old also they have lived a whole life together without arguing that i think is really impressive now i have to get some rest to be ready for tomorrow when pierre is taking me out for new adventures [Music] me hey nicholas hey how are you how are you ready if we go to the mountain yes let's go let's go great day yesterday pierre told me yesterday that evidence from the roman times had been found proving that the people here in ogliastra district already back then lived longer and could be up to 100 years old now we're on our way to bawa norage where there are excavations that are over a thousand years old nice and um beautiful yes it's amazing now the paradise yeah where are we and we are in bao no reggie in sardinian language this is a fortress look at the size yeah those are big stones yeah this is the main wall to protect something inside you will discover now because inside this big wall they protect the production and i will show you for example here in this hut on exactly on on this part we found a amphora from the third million millennium before christ i've brought something just to give you an idea it's not very easy for you to imagine it so the site these are these arts so these were houses yes these are houses to uh as a reserve a silo here we find this type of amphora one with uh wine another one with oil of a leaf wild olive okay and another one with wheat wheat olive oil wine yes it begins at that time yeah and continues so people were drinking wine yes eating olive oil yes thousand years ago here we find the the triceps and testimonials yes evidence yes so so wine is a big part of the longevity diet so why is that why is it linked together because you know what they are so antioxidants that for your pressure for the blood for your heart it's good to drink one or two glasses of wine for lunch but i mean this type of wine that they were producing here it was organic organic wine yeah you can imagine it yeah imagine it yeah because they're without any chemical inside and yeah there were no additives no there was just grape juice and wild yeast yes of course so have have these fines affected wine making the the contemporary wine making on the island there's no difference the reason why sardinia is very important for us anthropology psychologies that the the life is the same since five thousand years yeah it's incredible and that's why the research on this specific diet there's so many evidence that it's good for you yes and so in other places where you start with a diet it might only be 50 or 30 or 10 years old but this diet yeah it's a continuous 5 000 years old yes yes it begins here sardinian diet is the [Applause] now kiara and i will go and meet the olive oil producer paulo in a small mountain village called ilbono [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow those are beautiful trees huh yeah they're very old yeah yeah this is what is so fascinating isn't it that olive oil is still a very big part of every day on the island this is yeah because without oil fillet we don't leave no you don't live without olive oil there's no life that's the reason why you have so many strengths yes thanks to the olive oil yes olive oil but tell me a little bit about yourself your family been making olive oil with the family business [Music] [Music] then i'll come and visit you but i'll be 80 years old well that we will be easy because there will be red wine goat cheese yes and some pasta as well oh wow you prepared something for us another speciality of the local sauce from elbow no yeah so it's made all the garlic basilic special tomato tomato from sardinia so this is a a salsa salsa salsa salsa mediterranean salsa what are we going to do we're going to put all the ingredients in there see yes and garlic in just two of them too close yes we will put a little bit of salt on the pecorino yes half bottle more a little more okay now let's mix it yeah [Music] of course an olive oil producer says that is thanks to the oil that everyone reaches such an old age in this zone but i do not think it is that simple a little more as a chef i do know that oil is good for the heart but right now i'm more interested in how this will taste you have to taste it with your fingers oh [Music] whenever in doubt add some more cheese [Music] it's better so good it's so good [Music] taste it [Music] are you happy did you know this sauce first no very simple very good and natural and natural yeah the basil is great the tomatoes are amazing the olive oil is like top class and then the sauce is like five minutes is finished and thank you very much that was a great pleasure i always wanted to cook under an olive tree yes very special this is the life yeah to be honest i could eat this even if it was unhealthy it's taste experience like this one that could have me moved to sardinia no matter if i wanted to be a hundred years or not you think you'd live to be a hundred i don't know i would like just to permit the others to to live until 100 years old so my blood is made of the same dna from sardinian lebanon and and crater so we have the same bloods in our way so you have good dna to be a hundred yes so the genes are better for people who wants to live yes but you can't explain it only because of the genes genes are for 20 maximum 20 persons yes what you're saying is that jeans might play a little role yeah but lifestyle and gastronomy yes and and physical and physical activity is more important yes there are no other blue zone where people have moved around this much in such a steep terrain like the shepherds here in the ogliastra district and since it's almost exclusively men working as shepherds maybe this is the reason this is the only place where men live just as long as the women [Applause] [Music] a couple of goats escaped and then we have a horse coming in two horses full speed go to the where did the goats go so you do this every day it's like other people take their dog out walking you take your goats out walking yes this is the goat street yes goats highway both men and women in the sardinian blue zone always had to move around a lot physically but was the shepherds that had to get the most exercise the daily workout you can compare to walking 16 kilometers in a very steep and hilly terrain ah beautiful here huh yes this long lasting low intensity training has also led to that the people here eat um a little bit more food than in other blue zones because they just need the energy ah you took the car yes sir helicopter it's not a car you're cheating your long liberty are you supposed to walk yes i'm walking leave the car up here hello the problem is that the ghosts are waiting for you now yeah they're waiting for you to call me the bug come on nicolas let's go come on nicole come on come on where [Music] most likely it's a daily physical activity in combination with healthy food and varied food that is the reason that the men on sardinia live just as long as the women so i heard that the farmer is right their long live it is a little bit connected to the amount of walking they they've done so i mean this type of lifestyle has been here for as you said six thousand years very very very long time but right now it must be changing quickly right now here in oliasa it won't change no anymore because they are used to yeah and they don't want to change their way of life so you don't die so you don't see this lifestyle being endangered by modern equipment like tractors and cars and smart no because this is a reason why we are working with our uh scientifical observatory not to count centenarians and so on we are not making records no we are just working you're preserving it to prove that yeah how beautiful is that that's amazing let's see what the goats are up to yeah [Music] so is it difficult sometimes to find the goats when they're all spread out of course sometimes for all the nights oh this is a little kid and they are talking together yeah just to see i found the lane i found the lane you know a lot of things about goats yes the sound is good listen to the noise the goats bells yeah where are they oh they're over there damn they're fast [Music] i think it is very beautiful and peaceful here and i'm glad to hear from pierre that they will strive to continue to live this way as to my own life life here is a huge conflict with modern life i live today what can i do that's equivalent to working slow and stress-free in the mountains i really don't know we'll tell you something in the class you know from where is coming the the words the term magical no magen in greek cinephore kuchinare so you are a magician yes we always come back to a chef don't we yeah because there's there are ingredients in life yes and they're all boiled down to a lifestyle yeah and that lifestyle then become a philosophy yes and that philosophy becomes your long livety okay pierre is right i have to find the right mix in italy there are very family oriented and food recipes are inherited now i will get to learn how to cook a real traditional course together with women from three generations what's going on what are you doing we are cutting the vegetables to put in the soup okay we're getting some potatoes yeah some onions parsley a little bit of celery and chat and wild fennel okay okay white fennel all right so can i help you out yeah peeled potatoes and you can put pretty much any vegetable into this dish yes yeah you want yeah you you prefer to put more potatoes you can you can add legumes as well okay like beans chickpeas a little bit of everything can be very various and this is pretty much the way that cooking is also put down into generation because you're the next generation yes of course my grandma made for first learn to my imam and then i yeah and so will you live to be a hundred as well do you think i hope so yeah maybe with a little help from a soup maybe yes so do you live in the house as well i study at the university okay and i live in uh in calgary for now but i come every weekend here to help and to stay with my family and to work in the in the farm oh okay but enough we stop everything should i go with the potatoes for her yeah of course okay yeah we have the potatoes she's putting our vegetables she puts already legumes she already put salt as well but need more water so this is very much nostalgia for you as well the real cooking yes yes yeah you missed it it's a special thing yeah to see she cook in this way yeah do you miss it when you're in the university yeah of course for this every weekend i'm here to eat all these things and how old is she 88. all right well and she's still cooking every day she's going yes yeah yes yes look at that get some the way that you learn to cook and the way that you appreciate food is completely opposite to me because my mom and my grandmother were so bad at cooking that i needed to learn myself because i loved food so much so that's why i became a cook oscar what's her favorite dish so paula have you ever had fast food have you ever had like a hamburger or something mcdonald's no no no she don't like it she likes what is it you [Laughter] is she eat if it's homemade she'll make a hamburger she make with bread yes but not spicy not to the restaurant no no no to them what does she think is the secret to food and long liberty [Music] questions so how are we doing with the soup delicious [Music] it's delicious and you can really taste that fennel it's stronger than the taste of fennel is the character yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so one thing pierre i found in the blue zones is that they always have like a very traditional dish with a lot of different ingredients yes so in this for example there's potatoes there's beans there's wild herbs everything they have in their garden or in the nature yeah it's not a precise it's a with what they have yeah but it's also a great way to eat a lot of different ingredients every day yeah so it's not that you eat only wheat or only oh no no here you exactly it's made of a lot of things since so many times so there's a big variety of products or produce into the dish and the main ingredient is not meat but you enjoy great meat as well of course a piece of meat or piece of grass to put in the soup to give it we haven't any vegan here no vegans the vigors are only the goats and donkeys yes and the donkeys yeah well thank you very much for having me i really really appreciate it yeah for longevity yes thank you thank you i like the sardinian lifestyle even though it feels a bit outdated i also like the way that they are active no matter what they do at home and out in the nature [Laughter] i think that myself and many others should improve and defend our old traditions and take care of each other through generations the way that they do it here in sardinia [Music] all right [Music] m
Channel: Tonic
Views: 1,817,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Italian longevity diet, Mediterranean cuisine, Sardinia's long life secret, ancient Roman diet, ancient nutrition practices, blue zone diet, centenarian lifestyle, centenarians lifestyle, healthy aging tips, healthy eating habits, healthy living tips, long lifespan secrets, longevity exploration, longevity research, longevity secrets, mindful eating habits, mindfulness practices, natural health remedies, senior health tips, well-being practices.
Id: hI2To-KeGBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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