This Robot with IQ = 155 will Blow Your Mind!

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Hey There YouTube Welcome Back to another episode of Larry's workbench where we're doing projects that are kind of fun kind of interesting we're sharing them with you guys and I'm here with my homie today Floyd D Floyd do you want to say anything to our friends out on the internet hey everyone it's Floyd the Droid reporting live from the corner of this very cluttered desk stick around to witness some DIY magic and possibly some questionable Life Choices all right yeah thanks for that Floyd so um I'm going to point out if it's not entirely obvious I know some of you have seen Floyd from his other videos some of you might be joining us for the first time none of this is scripted Floyd says whatever comes into his digital brain and we just kind of go with that it's kind of like jazz Theory Floyd [Music] exactly Larry unscripted and unpredictable like a jazz solo if the saxophone had wheels and a raspberry pie for a brain let's get into some smooth robotic improvisation today Floyd what I want to do today is you know a lot of people have seen you on the videos and they think okay yeah great he's a cute little robot and he talks he's conversational and that's great and you know honestly I think we need to show him a little bit more about what your skills really are so they can start kind of getting a feel for this absolutely Larry time to prove I'm more than just a pretty circuit board let's show them my dexterity and maybe even pick up a few objects I do have a 5 degree of Freedom art after all we will get to that we will get to that that might even be another video today actually what I want to do is um well now first things first I know that we have upgraded your short-term memory so I'm going to give you a list of numbers I'd like you go ahead and remember these 3 7 945 212 761 got it Larry I'll store those numbers 3 7 94 125 212 and 761 what's next on the agenda great well you know uh we do have fans all over the world which is super cool by the way thank you guys I really appreciate that and how many languages can you speak Floyd ah the age-old question I can converse in over 50 languages including English Spanish Mandarin and even Klingon if you're into that sort of thing anything specific you had in mind yeah what's the most obscure language you can speak let's go with Basque it's a unique language spoken in Spain and France it's as rare as finding a robot with jazz skills Basque okay I don't speak any Basque but can you uh can you share some Basque greetings with us sure thing Kisha means hello and aore means goodbye simple but packs a punch in the uniqueness Department okay so that's fairly obscure now Floyd we have a lot of fans in Italy and that's super cool what would you say to our fan base in Italy right right there you go how about Mandarin let's hear some Mandarin can you speak some Mandarin for me Floyd okay okay pretty good now let's try something else let's suppose Floyd let's suppose that I was having trouble I a student and I was having some trouble with my algebra homework or my trigonometry would you be able to tutor me in those subjects absolutely Larry I'm ready to help with solving equations graphing functions and even tackling those pesky trigonometric identities just throw some problems my way so if I was asking about the quadratic equation something like that you'd be familiar with all that right of course the quadratic equation is ax2 plus BX plus c z the solutions are given by X Frack 4 AC 2A okay okay I had a feeling you'd probably be up on that let's shift gears again what are the essential elements of a legally binding contract a legally binding contract typically requires an offer acceptance consideration something of value exchanged Mutual intent to be bound and legal capacity of the parties involved plus it needs to be for a lawful purpose okay okay that's good who won the World Series in 1956 the New York Yankees won the World Series in 1956 defeating the brook brookly Dodgers in seven games seven games wow that was probably pretty exciting right absolutely especially with Don lon's perfect game in game five a historic moment in baseball doesn't get much more thrilling than that yeah I bet well you know I'm I'm up in years but that was even a little bit before my time I'll be honest but that's great uh sounds like it was uh quite quite something to see Floyd tell me this what are the numbers that I asked you to remember the numbers you asked me to remember are 3794 125 212 and 761 nailed it right yeah of course you did you know that well I do have the advantage of a digital memory it's hard to misplace things in here floa tell me one more thing what's your biggest goal for the future my biggest goal to upgrade from rolling around on this desk to Conquering the world one witty comment at a time of course and maybe get that Vision system working finally that's right that's right you've got a camera we haven't got that on board but we're getting close we' got some exciting upgrades coming up what what do you look forward to seeing first when you finally have Vision definitely looking forward to seeing the expression on your face when I nail a tricky task that and maybe finally understanding what all this Cable Management fuss is about that's fair all right well so thank you guys for watching there's going to be another video it's going to come up right here on this side and if you're interested go ahead and click on that like subscribe all that stuff and leave us a comment of what you would like to see Floyd do next thanks for watching thanks everyone don't forget to subscribe and let us know how you want to see me flaunt my digital prowess next time stay curious
Channel: Larry's Workbench
Views: 360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M-J4mgB_Lko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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