This RGB30 $89 Powkiddy - Unique Deal & Serious Good Power 😮 !

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it's regular birthday with the pach from China so let's It Go the rgb3 is known by is very interesting and strange display configuration something you don't see very often with handhelds so they come in black white blue and other but it needs to be it comes in different colors so in the Box I ordered myself this blueish color and I really love it blue is my favorite color so I just needed to pick it up and the configuration of the display I already mentioned before is quite interesting another thing I also find quite nice it comes with an IPS panel and the bezel is very slim you don't really notice it if it's even turned off nevertheless let's take a close look at the device today let's play some games because this thing is absolutely very cool for the money you're paying for it so deep dive into the box and let's check out what are going to give us more so it comes with a very nice high quality the type-c cable a very long one too and the toilet paper manual yeah it's not even called a toilet paper manual because there's actually nothing over here that explains how and what yeah of course it will give you some quick combination of the functions yeah but besides that there is nothing much to say but let's talk about the top part so we're going to get four shoulder buttons the four shoulder buttons is a configuration that we have seen with previous models of Po Kitty and Ember bernick when you're looking at the front angle here you can see there's quite some different when it comes to the height of the two buttons and that makes using the shoulder buttons on this particular device very comfortable when holding it like this you can press both buttons fairly easy and this configuration where I'm not a big fan of shoulder buttons this is absolutely great we have a physical volume control then we're going to get a reset button the on andof switch and even have the option for an HDMI out and when you're looking at the button configuration this makes me really happy and what do I mean it's quite simple the d-pad is on the right place the same goes for the joysticks and the ABX y buttons they're still tiny like Nintendo switch but they're not bad at all but when you're looking at the d-pad this thing feels absolutely amazing it does have an let's say in travel to it but not to the point it's way to let's say having an resistance and the travel is quite annoying to play but when it comes to the d-pad where I do love the feeli itself for fighting games is going to be absolutely great not perfect in my opinion but I does I do really enjoy myself when it comes to this handeld and fighting games just a way how we can grip this device and just play it but the d-pad doe of the quite long travel it's not really an handicap or whatsoever but you need to get used to it but next up let's try Contra for the d-pad and I can tell you that this is not bad at all where I can shoot in every single Direction without any problem whatsoever so looking at the joysticks they are similar to the Nintendo switch even with the tiny click underneath and not to forget we over here the select and start and I find it was very pleasant to have them on top and everything over here micro switch select and start buttons over here the ab and the Hy it's still kind of interesting that they changed it on it's kind of giv a little bit of malfunction in my brain but I'm getting used to it but when you're looking at the touch it's very nice the travel of the buttons are absolutely great not too long there has a little bit of an leg a wiggle to it but especially when it comes to the shape it's very pleasant to play so I already mentioned before I hate these switch like tiny buttons but this is completely different and they did a great job with it underneath there we're going to find two type-c ports or for charging any other one we can use for adding an extra controller and if you do want to use a headphone we still have it and two micro SD cards we're have complaining a lot lately about the cheap cheap horrible SD cards that get automatically corrupted p is bringing you something slightly different it's not the brand that I know of cpy doesn't say anything to me but I think it's always better than those really cheap to cheap unbranded so this is for the firmware and the OS and this is going to be for your storage when it comes to the overall games but something I really need to mention is the front facing speakers of the rgb3 this sounds absolutely amazing just listen to it [Music] but when it comes to the software itself this comes pre-installed with gel Os or jell OS if I'm saying it correctly and one thing is that it's absolutely in Great Piece of software but take consideration it's highly possible when receiving this product that you don't have any audio whatsoever the next thing that we need to do is go to the settings of this device the network in this case because we're going to connect it to the internet yep we're going to find a network in your area we're going to update your device and that's the one of the first things that I recommend doing if you have any problems when it comes to the audio like me there's one thing I just want to mention but when it comes to the overall compatibility with the chips Setter in here yeah that is going to be the same stuff that we' seen many times before but for people new let's do a quick overview so first of all the layout they implementing in this device is absolutely great and I can tell you this thing looks absolutely amazing it's such a very strange but also unique experience with this display that you're using the RGB 30 comes with a 4in display that looks absolutely amazing with a resolution of 720 X 720 The Rook 3566 that is an a gortex quad core running on 1.8 GHz LPD dr4 1 GB of RAM the battery life will be around 8 hours and have a charging time of 2 hours so specification list is also interesting for emulation so let's get into to it and let's see how it looks and how it plays let's start off with the Super NES and when it comes to these certain games yep we do have two black bars to give the best s best ratio option you can also mess around with the settings if you want to but for me it's not going to be a big issue whatsoever it's just a lot of fun to play these old school games but when we're going to get into the Game Boy there we're going to have different SPS ratio and of course resolution we still have an tiny black bar at the bottom and the top but it's even less noticeable and if you just want to enjoy some classic games this is absolutely a very cool way to do [Music] so and there were so many hidden games absolutely Classics when it comes to the Game Boy classic and they look just freaking amazing on this beautiful display but where we had an amazing resolution and Screen filler with the Game Boy classic of course with the GBA it's going to be slightly different and the black bars how way more noticeable if you just want to keep it on the right resolution this is just actually one of the ways to play but we're going to back into the game gear and the handheld there with the Game Gear we're going to have absolutely amazing resolution and this is of course one of those system that makes a great advantage of the screen [Music] itself it's actually a lot of fun playing these old school games again oh messed it up let's move into the home systems and then first we're going to take a close look at the Sega Genesis or Mega Drive where I grew with it and it's absolutely looking great on the display with its Cris clear IPS panel but we do have bezels at the bottom and the top I think they're not really annoying because they're not that gigantic compared with the Game Boy fans for [Music] example [Music] so let's deep dive into the arcade part because I just wanted to Showcase what you actually can do with this of course we can play a lot of cool games when it comes to arcades but when it comes to killing things Tekken the more demand ones they will not run at well un this get over here A system that I mostly play on the arcade part when it comes to emulation but just see how it will actually run on the device and to my surprise where a lot of Bund books and other W wicked things have problems with this see running just fine on the device like this same story we do have quite a huge back bars compared to other devices but I don't think they're really [Applause] annoying but if you're looking at a device for N64 emulation on the go when an N64 is it's still absolutely in Hit or Miss yep we can play a couple of games but when it comes to gold and eye more than many games they will not run great or have a lot of frame drops for example with the beginning you can just hear that it STS like crazy fingerprint nightmare there we go you can just see that it struggles significantly compared with other devices we have checked out configuration for this handheld is not the best there we [Music] go but still it's it's quite manageable oh there we go and on a frame drop and there we go there we go that's great and [Music] annoying hello to my little [Music] friend okay let's move on to some PlayStation emulation and yep we can play it on so many different ends but just wanted to check it out on this particular RGB 30 model round one fight there goes my perfect okay next up I wanted to Showcase some PlayStation Portable but take consideration if you're just going to play play pro on this in my opinion this is not the experience you want to have look at those massive black bars and you can maybe stretch it out in the software but that's not the way I actually want to play in my opinion combination with the mixed performance of emulation yeah PlayStation Portable is absolutely not a device you want to play on this particular pitty model absolutely not it's fun that it's there but that's all but getting into the PlayStation emulation play portable was all fun and game but of course let's double check some Sega Dreamcast I did notice some minor glitching here and there and that's actually an emulator problem my opinion but the overall perform is quite good the battle [Applause] begin but if you want to TV out in my experience I need to reboot the system for this particular application but it's quite cool they can actually use this thing on the television and combine it with the Bluetooth controller we yep we do have freaking like an game [Music] system you can also change out the volume from the system itself and just relaxing play some old school PlayStation games on your television yeah but doesn't help with my gam play yeah but you get the point and the same is it when you're going to be switching to the handle itself you can wait forever to get the screen back so the thing that we need to do is plug it back in shut down the system and then plug out the cable and reboot but let's talk about how this thing has been assembled there are only four screws holding the two shells together because all of the other parts are basically click together yep it's quite let say flexible plastic and the overall construction is just how I've seen po Kitty many times before it's just an Bally cheap way in my opinion it's quite interesting how they El assemble these things so here we're going to get the battery this is an 4,100 mm battery it can get quite hard in my opinion in here here and the same goes for the chips been using it for some time but there was no cooling whatsoever needed so how is it with the repairs to begin with the joysticks can be replaced there are two screws holding this thing together and then ribbon cable same goes from LCD can be replaced and the battery the battery is coming loose already that's quick but the same goes also for the speakers so the construction itself the way how you like look at and you can replace stuff that has been done fa nicely so let's get this battery back in and let's put it back together the PO Kitty RGB 30 isn't very interesting unique concept p is a brand that is not always consistent with quality but this particular handheld I can give this thing a special spot in my Wicked heart when it comes to devices due of the Pham factor in the display it's something different something new let me know in the comments what do you think of this device would you pick it up for the money thank you all for watching consider subscribing hit that little bell and it would be great to see you in the next [Music] [Music] video
Channel: Wicked Gamer & Collector
Views: 163,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wicked gamer, wicked gamer & collector, pandora's box, handheld, portable, retro gaming, retro console, video game, video games, how to, ali-express, ebay, game, games, videogame, videogames
Id: YNaiPSv1AKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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