This Race Has The STRONGEST Damage In Blox Fruits...

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have you ever wondered what a weak player would look like in the third SE well actually they would kind of look like me I don't have my angel race on I don't have my rabbit race shark race or any race for that matter I don't have any Tails any wings or anything right but do not let looks fool you my friend this is the complete opposite of weak this is the strongest race in the game I am talking about human race now hear me out there's actually two types of people in this world that exists the people that use the human race and they're insanely strong and can One-Shot you and the other half is is the people that really suck with it and just instantly die with it let me show you why that works if we take a look at the official Blox fruit Wei they explain to you how this race Works basically the less Health you have 50% or lower which is why it says it's a great alternative to cyborg it can One-Shot combo players but of course for all the people that suck with this race it's because it can be very risky and PVP it makes them very vulnerable when they're low health for extra damage but if you only think that human race is good for damage you are surely mistaken human race has so many tricks up its sleeve let me just show you one real quick now let's awaken look at how crazy I look my eyes blow red I get this weird animation and my body starts wreaking out as you can see I am just twitching right now kind of looks like me when I don't get enough sleep and somebody wakes me up early in the morning but anyways at the bottom of my screen do you see these three bars you can press your R ability and teleport very far and very fast it recharges not only that but you get to be invisible each time for a short period of time I'm invisible so it throws people off in PvP if you see this big number zero at the bottom of my screen that number changes as you deal more damage so right now I'm fighting an NPC so the number is not going up super fast but when you hit other players this thing can absolutely meltable your damage goes up as that number goes up that's called the overpower bar right there it's hard to tell right now but I am Ming the INF is a lot faster than I was a couple of seconds ago because my bar is up at 65% right now but my V4 is about to run out but let's just say you didn't make it to V4 in a fight and you only have to use your V3 ability which is this thing that goes around you you should only activate this when you have low HP because when you're at low HP you can turn around and One-Shot the guy attacking you and no I'm not joking because in this video I'm going to be going out bounty hunting and showing you guys what it can do we are now in a public server and there's a guy behind me that appeared but I forgot to mention one very important thing do you remember that teleport ability I showed you earlier yeah you kind of have it double the range so if I go ahead and use my R ability I could tell teleport like all the way over here now compared to any other race this guy's using the angel race and it turned out he's a fan this guy said he subbed Big W but this is perfect I could use him to show you guys an example I asked him if he wants to 1 V one because I want to show you guys the power of the human race so this is perfect I told him to go over there and I'll count down 3 2 1 go he's using the angel race like I said before the angel race is by far one of the strongest races to use right now and this guy's actually clapping my cheeks which is good cuz that's kind kind of what I want him to do it sounds a little sus but like I said the less Health you have the more damage you deal with the human race there we go we dealt some damage to him and we missed our combo right there where the heck did he disappear to oh he's right over there now he's kind of dead though because a Kitsune is just going to kill him for 122,000 Bounty and there is another Kitsune right in front of me who's staring me down and I'm scared and he untransformed and he's also using cyborg he's a friendly Kitsune which are unusual usually they come and try to clap cheat this is by far the most friendliest public server I've ever been in but unfortunately we're going to have to get out of here because we want people to try and kill us that's the whole point of using the human race am I right well we jumped in a new server boys and this is interesting I don't think I have ever seen anything like it if we look at the leaderboard there is 30 million Bounty players all on the Marine team and not just them but every single person in this game is a marine except for me and what the heck are they saying in the chat go to that team pirate 1v1 and he's doing some weird emojis well boys you guys are about to watch me 1v1 and I think we found one of them let's go try to catch this guy over here he might be one of the 30 million Bounty players but there's only one way to find out let's go ahead and try clapping him and wait a second does he even have a CVP on oh I am targeting the boss I'm an idiot oh my gosh I completely threw that wait is he trying to fight the boss or is he even trying to fight back oh he died what the heck is going on this is weird but I got to show you guys the powers of human race and it looks like they are not coming for me because they are scared it looks like they're Mak maybe one of the Marines over there but he is gliding extremely fast oh my gosh what is he even using I don't know I've never seen anybody Glide that fast in a while let's go ahead and stop him there we go that's exactly what we wanted but he's still even far away from us let's just go ahead and try using Kitsune and we're not even hitting him what's going on with Blox Roots right now it's a little laggy I can't lie but uh I think that's fine I think we could still destroy him there we go he went ahead and used ice against somebody else and he's trying to take that kill n bro that is my kill we're going to go ahead and snipe him even if that's the last thing we do and he was able to dodge that surprisingly but he's going to die no matter what he wasn't much of a threat so we're going to kill this guy as well we just collected two bounties like it was nothing I'm going to let him hurt me or something does this guy have his PVP on please use your ice fruit on me what is wrong with these guys to be honest I can't blame them for keeping their PVP off as you can see the damage is very high even though my health is not low the standard damage human race gives you is ridiculous okay I know what some of you are thinking you guys are probably sitting they're like number school you're using Kitsune it's not the human race you're just waiting on the Kitsune to deal all the damage don't worry I thought of that too so I'm going to go ahead and switch to something like the ice fruit myself just like that other guy was using and what do we have here we have some guy in the monkey rizer's crew what the heck kind of picture is that is that monkey trying to RIS me up in that picture okay I'm just going to go out here and see if he's willing to PVP me or if anybody's willing to come out here there's a shark user out here but I don't even know if he has his PVP on it is pure chaos everybody's actually fighting right now and I think actually two of them may be teaming I got one of them stunned and we got a Kill from that which is great we got two people teaming because they are not taking damage from each other I'm the only one taking damage but this is great because I want to be damaged cuz I'm using the human ra okay enough yapping I went ahead and activated my V3 ability now this is perfect if one of them gets close to me they are instantly dying I just got a single one of them out the ice fruit is not good for 2v oneing at all but look it they're standing very close to each other because they know if one of them fails they can bail one of them out but there's a little bit of a problem here they aren't coming to fight me they're just playing next to each other so I might have to go back to Kitsune if this is how they're going to play look at this this is just funny to watch I'm not going to lie I have secondhand embarrassment my PVP turned off because they haven't damaged me in so long so uh we're actually going to go ahead and switch back to Kitsune real quick if we're getting teamed here let's make it a little bit Fair am I right let's go ahead and get this guy real quick go ahead and hit him with the combo there we go just the way we like it and he's trying to get away but I'm not going to let him oh my gosh he is is running for his life right now he's going to go to the beautiful pirate this guy is hilarious he's trying to Juke me out but we both know that's not happening there we go we got somebody for 12,000 Bounty and now his boyfriend using the D fruit came but he's going to die as well I'm going to go ahead and activate my V3 ability and oh block fruits glitched while he tried to get away but we caught him midair go ahead and try hitting him with the combo but we missed it he turned on his observation and Kent tricked it but uh I think he's still going to die pretty easily here oh his friend came back from the dead perfect I could awaken here very soon I just want him to D a little bit more walking into that perfect okay okay damage me yes yes yes perfect now I could awaken thank you for the Awakening now I'm going to teleport away I used two teleports and as you can see I am dealing crazy amounts of damage this guy is about to die oh my gosh 12,000 Bounty this is the excitement I want let me go ahead and teleport up there he is clueless right now bro there's no clue where I went just go ahead and snipe him and there we go that dealt 9,000 damage for one ability this is broken and look at my meter it's in the 80s keep in mind this thing can go over to 150 but nobody wants to come out and fight me anymore everybody's afraid of me and I don't blame them who knows maybe they might have not been teaming but if I open up the chat and look real quick they said Team something and 30 I don't speak that language but I'm pretty sure team and the number 30 means they want to team the 30 million Bounty player aka me to further prove that this human race is on a different level let me go ahead and use a fruit I don't typically use such as Spider we're going to go find somebody and try to hit them with a nasty combo or just delete them in general and by using my observation I think we may have found our first victim does he even have his PVP on and he absolutely does which is perfect because now he's just going to keep getting stuck and destroyed I kind of feel bad for him because he is absolutely dunzo now oh he got away whoopsies I missed that where the heck did he even go is he going up in the sky I can't even see him what the heck is going on all right let's go ahead and just just hit this guy I I don't know why he's not fighting back we're just deleting him for free I guess but uh all RP to bro I guess oh he's finally fighting back but he's just going to die anyways let's just go ahead and hit him with this goodbye broi oh never mind he delayed his death even longer oh but some other Challenger has appeared out of nowhere let's go ahead and do that real quick we're deleting them with this damage oh wait what the heck is he not fighting back oh no he is oh my gosh wait actually this is good I'm going to let him combo me yeah get me low get me low yep yep keep doing it I'm standing here keep doing it buddy perfect now I went ahead and upped my damage there we go we're doing that now he's in some serious trouble but so am I I might have to awaken here just to save my death there we go oh my gosh I could just kill him in one shot all I have to do is just Land one ability on him all right there we go bye-bye brosi oh he survived that long there we go we killed him for 121,000 damage and another cyborg user appeared out of nowhere this is not good boys we can possibly die here because we don't have much defense and we're kind of playing risky can we teleport oh we're stuck in the ground I can't move oh this is cheesy no way well boys sometimes when you're super strong the Blox fruits gods have to step in and they may have to glitch you in the floor so you can't teleport out or can do anything besides accept your death and waa we have a bunch of fans that appeared out of nowhere asking if I'm real but because the Blox fruit's gods have defied me I am going to do the absolute dirtiest combo in the game if somebody gets stuck by this combo they are guaranteed one shot to pull this off you have to use ice fruit so we're going to go ahead and equip that like we were going to earlier until we got teamed the problem with this is it only works against one person if you get teamed by on all these guys uh good luck but there is also another condition that must be met you have to let them damage you because you want to be low Health to get the most damage out of this combo so now we have 10 people charging after me and they are using soar and everything but I kind of have to let them hit me otherwise this combo won't do any damage oh there we go we have somebody already targeting me we're getting hit by like five people now this perfect we do want to get a little bit lower but not to death so let's kind of hit some people back deal a little bit of damage here and we got a bunch of De users surrounding us but let's get them off of us and oh my gosh this is bad okay okay hold on we got somebody stuck here we could go ahead and try hitting them with the combo this is perfect we got him super low uh-oh here we go we awaken here this is great now that we're awaken we can probably kill one of these guys here there we go we teleported out of there but as you can see we are being chased to death let me just go ahead and just snipe this guy real quick and he is pretty much dead here just go ahead and do that and rip to you bro we got 115,000 Bounty while we have a bunch of other people chasing us which is scary what's good about human race is you do have good Escape because all you can do is just teleport around like that many times and nobody can catch me this guy's trying to chase me down but look all I have to do is just teleport around him or teleport on top of him and then stun them just like that it's a secret little trick that no one will be expecting and oh my gosh I just deleted that poor guy we have two Buddha people chasing me down this is terrifying boys but look it I'm a lot faster because I'm using the human race cuz I have three dashes built in they don't let me go ahead and just you know one shot this guy real quick oh he was able to dodge it that's impressive but it won't be very long go ahead and do that yep perfect go ahead and do this and oh my gosh he is one shot away from dying and I just one shot him oh we have more people standing up to the plate go ahead and teleport out of there we're going to go ahead and use our soul guitar just a little bit here oh there is so many people surrounding us right now we got this guy stuck oh no we didn't we got two people chasing us down all right I have a perfect plan I'm going to go ahead and use my V3 ability and jump on one of them boys watch this let's go ahead and activate V3 once it's done charging up and uh-oh I messed up my combo woo they almost caught me stuck all right boys perfect oh my V4 ended V4 ended boys this is scary now okay let's just go ahead and do this this guy is super fast cuz he's using the rabbit race but we got two people stuck right here we can try to combo one of them and never mind we have so many people here this is scary and we just got stuck this de user is about to take both of our kills okay can we awaken here perfect we can we are one shot away from dying and we have so many people here there we go we got a kill for 8,000 Bounty and oh my gosh we died it took about five people to take us down finally using the ice fruit like I said this fruit is not good for 10 v1s but the amount of sustain and damage I was able to provide such a fruit crazy boys so I think this is where we end it if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see how much more powerful the human race is go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 96,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial, kitsune, kitsune fruit, blox fruit kitsune, kitsune bloxfruit, blox fruits kitsune
Id: TNt3aXgG6lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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