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Davi I challenge you to a base baffle what's up slipper I challenged many people to a slap bass pedal the past weeks but everybody keeps ignoring me I even challenged the flea and he gave up without even trying wise choice that's because every bassist knows I have a secret weapon that will let me win every single bass pedal my epic slap is just too powerful so nobody even deaths challenge what I challenged AV 504 to a bass battle see these are only jokes nobody's gonna challenge me seriously baby 504 I challenge you slap bass this is just a random slap bass video I see no challenge here wise choice sometimes you challenge me in the comments I challenge you to slap like on my comment down now I challenge you to slap like on this video now next challenge I challenge you to laugh in a video I wish I could let's reveal it 5 million subs subscribe now next I challenge you to play something else besides the bass I've already done this many times no brah famous vida I bet he didn't expect some Italian check me I challenge you cook a pizza pizza video confirmed ethical left-handed bass solo done play bass with spaghetti dad play bass with a bass da I challenge you to not say bass from now on let's do this I challenge you to make a video without saying slept like now slept like now if I should do this I challenge you to play bass without slapping if you can do this I will buy your t-shirt I did a live stream where I didn't slap the bass for 1 hour straight checkmate so by this epic t-shirt link in description see there are no challenges left I already want them all checkmate everybody the pro from fiber challenged you to a base battle stop lying he would never challenge me stop ignoring the pro base battle challenge are you afraid of losing what I never lost any base battle ever alright let's go to his channel and see if you really challenged me preparing for battle with David 504 quaza there is not going to be a battle because he is the one who is afraid hello my fellow bass players I want to tell you about something that happened this morning so I went on Devi 504 was channel and I saw this we needed bass battle between the pro and David he might be a favorite pro basis but I am a pro bassist - I really hope for him that he doesn't challenge me because I would only his wise words unbelievable [Music] OMG he has three cameras now is the triple camera Pro orange he is getting stronger but not enough he slaps better than Devi favor for say it again if David doesn't accept the challenge I will call the police I am the only one allowed to call the police Davis hide his to scare rest in peace save if I want baby won't accept he knows he will lose enough let's go my sobriety at least there everybody supports me what the bro uploaded something here - lets see hi everyone I just wanted to come here on Davey's subreddit page to say thank you so much for the support that I've been getting on my videos recently it's been truly amazing ok that's sweet he just came to say thanks to everybody no problem it is said there is one other thing that I want to say though which is I've been getting a lot of comments which have been saying basically the same thing and I think it's about time I say this Davey I challenge you to a base battle what what what he came on my subreddit to challenge me to a base bed Oh how dare he betrayed me we are not friends anymore we are very nice bro slept like if you want me to accept his challenge what you want me to do it bro this is too much from you cannot challenge me because I challenge you to a base battle now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no that's illegal [Music] what is using hex again [Music] so you don't want to give up not wise you leave me with no choice but to use the holy slab I didn't want this battle to end like this but you forced me to what a shame [Music] I told you my holy slap is just too powerful who do you think won fingerstyle tap and slap putts leave a comment now big thanks to Charles the pro for having his battle with me but unfortunately he did not survive my holy slap press be in the chat the only way to bring him back is to subscribe to his channel he will come back to life if he gets 100,000 subs go now that this challenge is over I challenge you to make a video where you challenge me to do anything you want title your video baby if I before I challenge you and maybe I will accept your challenge in one of my next videos do it now so that was it for today I hope you enjoyed this epic face better remember to slap like leave a comment and subscribe so I can finally left well I know that base battle was so mind-blowing that you need therapy therapy die feel free to tell me anything you want I'm here to listen to you pray that was epic epic oh well said pretty cool I remember very sad times but those said times are gone there are always ups and downs it's okay don't worry tomorrow will be better epic very nice do it now I will see you in the next video OMG
Channel: Davie504
Views: 7,969,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davie504, bass, bass solo, This PRO Bassist BETRAYED Me (BASS BATTLE), pro bassist, challenged me, bass battle, slap bass battle, charles berthoud, solo, battle, fiverr, fiverr bass, hardest bass solo ever, pro, bass riff, verified pro, Pro bassist, this pro bassist challenged me, to a bass battle, hardest bass riff ever, meme, fiverr pro
Id: EkepM6uTOv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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