I Hired PRO Bass Teachers and Pretended to be a BEGINNER...

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tHEkILLERbOY7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i am gonna tell you something shocking please take a seat i am actually getting bored of playing bass it's the truth you know i feel like saitama in one punch man i can play anything i want easy i'm just too powerful to the point where i'm getting bored but i want to solve this issue now i want to learn something new on my base so that's why i hired some pro based teachers on the internet and asked them to teach me something i contacted them using a secret account so they don't know it's me and i'm hoping they won't recognize me so i have to disguise myself first epic now i'm sure nobody will know it's me slap like now if you agree the first teacher should be calling me in a few seconds while we're waiting it's the perfect time for you to subscribe now time on the play button base reveal at 10 million subs omg it's time what's up is this your first lesson it's the first time uh playing bass yes all right what sort of stuff uh would you like to learn i just want to learn something new on bass let's start with slap right well let's let's give this a try let's give it a draw okay so we're going to do this with our hand make a nice little blade shape we're going to turn that into a nice fist like that nice fish a nice fist and then we're going to make a little uh you know hole in that fist then from there could you do a little thumbs up so we've got a thumbs up with a little hole in it so i want you to imagine you've got like a hammer and instead of hitting something with the head of the hammer you're picking the hammer up by the head and hitting something with the handle i'm going to teach you three octaves so three little shapes like that in total [Music] really good really controlled movements actually like you barely move your hand to play that's really impressive actually good thanks so then after that what we're going to do is we're going to add in some percussive notes so it's going to sound more like [Music] that sounds great it's all thanks to you you're a very epic teacher oh thank you so much teach me something harder something harder okay okay i understand um the hardest thing i know is called tears in heaven it's like so we're going to try get through as much of that as we can in this lesson we're going to hammer on from e0 to e2 and then 5. perfect a very efficient technique for a beginner and then after that we're going to go on to the g string and then land on d7 it sounds really good then from there and we're going to use our little finger on g9 finishing on g6 really good and then this is the hardest part for a lot of beginners and that would be moving from this part here to a chord amazing the hard part about now um now this is something i really struggled with when i was learning this so there's a lot of notes here so we're going to play on the uh a string okay maybe not everyone finds it hard it can just say it's so weird because i've taught this piece maybe like three times and uh it's always been like a 60 minute lesson so this is crazy we've got half the time like okay uh checkmate nopes oh this is so weird and then what we're going to do is we're going to slide up we're going to slide up from maybe 12. it doesn't have to be like a crazy exaggerated slide up to the 16th fret of a d string and land with our pinky on the 19th [Music] so from here this is so weird right let me try to play the full [Music] version [Music] there you go no that was fine that was pretty good actually i'm really curious actually what's for like a beginner what's the most difficult song you can play right now it is a song from a bassist called david [Music] and can i just say as well from like from a teacher's perspective your slab technique is actually crazy good you're barely moving your hand it's so like efficient and controlled it's really cool actually like there's a couple you know youtube bass players who play like that as well i've never seen like a student who who does that so well so thanks to your epic slap bass lesson thank you now i have to go thanks for the lesson dude bye bye bye omg guys i think we did it he didn't recognize me check me cuts that was a very good lesson and i actually learned something new epic the second teacher asked him to teach me a metal bass line hey what's up what's up teach me metal bass please so let's play some item eating the troop this song then you'll go back to frets and the same thing nice so and then yeah epic like two to now ask for for some advice on my slide game because what you are supposed to teach me yes like i wasn't expecting this but the chance you know sure i'm gonna teach you something if you pay me for twenty dollars actually i mean i'm a huge fan man i mean you rock so much and what happened to the bald hair we don't talk about that anymore very sweet guy from brazil obrigado cold base lesson looks like my disguise isn't working very well i'm not sure why next teacher is from brazil again hello what's up hey man i really named 504 how did you know that yeah i can't believe it i would like to hear about you how did you start my favorite technique slap my favorite bass player darby de biani it sounds italian yes i think we could start here with a jacob stories groove i was just listening to the bass line goes like this [Music] great man that's it cool yeah that was easy for you right now i actually never heard of this baseline it's not every day that i learned something new i just really want to say thanks to you so anytime you need i'll be here and have a nice day have a nice weekend see you around bye i just showed you one short part of our lesson because that was a very long lesson and it taught me more exercises as well bass teacher number three very cool and now we have one last base teacher i couldn't call him so he just made a bass lesson video for me and i asked him to teach me one cool slap bass line let's see what he sent me hello david uh i hope you're doing great so yeah let's get to sleep bass tone is very important in sleep you can play simple stuff but if you have a good tone it will sound amazing okay wise words okay tell me how you find this one [Music] this base exercise is teaching me sounds like the base exercise i taught my girlfriend in my slap bass lesson video [Music] thank you bass teacher number four very cool that was a very cool learning experience they were all very good teachers and very kind people i actually learned something new i'm gonna leave a link in the description so you can learn something from them too it's worth it you know whether you're a noob or a pro bassist there is always something new to learn in music with these very wise words i'm gonna end this video and i will see you in the next video stay funky bros [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm cheating
Channel: Davie504
Views: 3,613,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davie504, bass, bass solo
Id: oQl_eCA7EGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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