This Popular Plug-in Is A WASTE Of Money

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going to show you why all vocal Rider plugins are a waste of money so their job is to automatically adjust the volume level of a vocal if some words are too quiet and some words are too loud here's what a waves vocal router plug-in does on a dry vocal always go away too fast always get hurt too bad so I'm laying low like I should this plugin can cost 250 bucks which is ridiculous because you know what else is designed specifically to adjust volume levels a compressor if you have any compressor that has a function called hold then you can create your own vocal Rider I'm going to turn the attack all the way down set a medium release and now for the most important part I'm going to turn the hold all the way up now when I add in some makeup gain we have our own vocal Rider always go away too fast always get hurt too bad so I'm laying low like I should if I bounce the waves vocal Rider to audio and then I bounce my compression version to audio there's literally no difference between the waveforms so save your money and use it somewhere else
Channel: Big Z
Views: 195,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big z, music production, tutorial, edm, electronic music, mixing, mastering, sound design, how to, make music, producer, DJ, serum, vital, synth, bass, Logic Pro, Ableton, FL Studio, masterclass, remake
Id: pxinGYsCbIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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