This Plane "doesn't exist" - SR-75 Penetrator

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brought to you by War Thunder there's something flying in the sky above you that's top secret and officially doesn't exist with Incredible experimental engines and based off the technology proven by the SR71 this black project flies undetected to radar and in an eyering Hypersonic speed to perform its secret mission but even more incredible it's not one plane but two launching at 100,000 ft in the air this this parasite aircraft is capable of powering up to a Tom Cruiser fever dream speed of Mac 15 breaking several human records and reaching near Earth orbit this is perhaps one of the biggest speculative aircraft ever thought to exist this monolithic craft appeared as a rumor alongside the equally mysterious Aurora program in the mid 80s but did it ever exist something is in the sky what is that the evidence is more real than you might think welcome to the dark side of Aviation the story of the mysterious sr75 the [Music] penetrator Our Story begins with another famous aircraft the SR71 Blackbird able to fly Beyond Mac 3i and effectively impossible to shoot down this top secret jet was essential for the Cold War Spy game before the rise of spy satellites serving the US intelligence Community from its Inception in the' 60s but 20 years later with the technology slowly becoming obsolete there's no way that the US government would wind down the program without a replacement in sight and let me tell you the obvious answer up in orbit isn't perfect either while spy satellites are incredibly useful they can be slower to get into position than spy planes and you can't change the tech on board once they're launched a high altitude aircraft can do all of that and more thus near the mid 80s the US government found itself with a retiring spy plane and a lack of aircraft capability to get to those hard-to-reach places they would need a craft that could carry out both military satellite insertions and reconnaissance missions anywhere in the world in less than 3 hours enter the sr75 penetrator for the US Air Force it was actually comprised of two separate components a mother ship and a subcraft parasite that would perform the actual spy missions very much alike to the previous generation loed M12 Mothership that launched the D21 Mac II drone let's start with the mothership it measured 276 ft in length and had 120t wingspan with a narrow fuselage alike to the SR71 to operate it it would have a crew of three a pilot a co-pilot AKA reconnaissance officer who would navigate and take photos if needed and facilitate all the other Mission needs as well as a rear facing launch control officer who would work with the subcraft they were positioned at the extreme forward section of the aircraft in a small joint cockpit this mother ship was capable of attaining altitudes exceeding 120,000 ft and fly faster than mac 5 more 3,300 mph and let's just talk about that speed because it would operate with an engine that the world had never seen before called the pulse wave detonation engine in layman's terms the aircraft would actually detonate its fuel in a special chamber at the rear of the aircraft and then ride the shock wve up to a theoretical top speed of Mac 10 it was mechanically simple with these engines that could operate up to an altitude of 30 to 50 km above the Earth's surface and would only require a mix of liquid methane and liquid oxygen the engines would be slung under the wings in two box like narel about 40 ft in length with vast air intakes at the front in order to get enough oxygen after all at the height that this aircraft was operating at air would be in short supply and would need to be big enough to fit even a VW Beetle a pair of retractable nards were located just after the third crew member which could be deployed during slow flight conditions such as takeoff and Landing to give it much more control and then fully retract its speeds exceeding Mac 3 to reduce air resistance the aircraft would also have secondary twin High bypass turbo jets that would operate at the slower speeds but the plane would also require a very long runway for takeoff one such Runway that happened to be built at Groom Lake AKA Area 51 around the same time that this project was in operation coincidence well we'll get into that later the sr75 would also have a tricycle landing gear configuration with two wheels on the nose and four on each main wing and for all those Material Science Geeks out there you'll be happy to know that the penetrator consisted of composite titanium like the Blackbird that had come before lastly this aircraft had the same Suite of sensors as the SR71 including a sensitive gamma radiation sensor for detecting hidden nuclear weapons but it's the parasitic subcraft where it gets a little bit more interesting now I bet you're watching this and wondering I bet if I was a cold war pilot I'd be able to chase down this black project and defend my country's border well you can totally see how good a pilot you really are with today's video sponsor War Thunder don't fast forward that timeline because I'm actually inviting you to come and play with me and fly some of the craziest aircraft ever built in War Thunder a free online military vehicle combat game you see War Thunder features over 2,000 different land SE and air machines from the 1920s to the cold war that you can fly drive and cruise to challenge yourself to be better than the aces of the past with my favorite one being so far the f82 twin Mustang with its iconic double fuselage the last propeller planes before the US Air Force switched to jet engines of course this might be a bad idea because now I'm a bigger Target to shoot down and there are updates every few months with more content like the one that just dropped featuring some insane tanks like the flat Soviet tank object 775 and the f1a arvar for the USA which I can't wait to flow because apparently it has the most Rockets of any aircraft ever put in the game you can also play solo missions or my favorite in huge air battles with over a 100 different Maps that's right huge battles that we can actually all play together we played a few weeks ago and it was the most chaos that I've ever seen in a long time in a match and I still am very much a beginner at the game so you still have a great chance to save me from other players or if you really want to you can have a go trying to shoot me down plus when you making account with my link you get a free bonus premium tank aircraft and ship as well as a boost to your account now I can already hear your excuses but the game is actually free to play across all platforms PC PlayStation and Xbox and you can crossplay with anybody on any device so you don't need anything just a keyboard and a mouse on a basic PC will play it so no excuse not to make an account below with my link do the tutorial and come play with me at the end of this month it's going to be an absolute blast I know and'll be details in a pin message down in the comments okay back to the show the smaller parasitic aircraft dub the sr-74 or otherwise known as the XR7 Thunder doart would sit on top of the Mother Ship during takeoff and launch mid-flight to perform its Mission at 90 ft in length with twin vertical stabilizers it would have a crew of two and have a fantastic near orbit capability yes that's right this bad boy can be launched from a mother ship at around 100,000 ft and deploy materials up to 800,000 ft or 151 Mi above the Earth's surface and trust me there is nothing that could shoot down this aircraft at that point let alone having to worry about entering other country's borders and this was all thanks to its two scramjet engines they were supersonic ramjets that would burn a liquid methane with a boron based additive giving it a range of around 250 nautical miles at Mac 15 yes I didn't make a mistake that's Mac 15 because the scram Jets already require air to be flowing constantly through them to power up the jet would not be capable of launching itself it would have to be flown up to that height and at that speed by the mother ship the parasite would also have a small liquid hydrogen rocket on board to place two 1,000 classified NSA military satellites into orbit when needed although you can totally imagine that these could be swapped out with 1,000 Unstoppable guided bombs of the radioactive variety but that wouldn't be its main mission as the aircraft would also carry multi Spectrum sensors such as Optical radar and infrared capable of mapping a Target area down to an accuracy of 1 in to 30,000 Mi which is just plainly ridiculous ous the combination of all of this was The Ultimate Spy aircraft that could be deployed for any mission to get any intelligence anywhere in the world once the little bird had sent its goods to near Earth orbit and I know you're laughing when I say near Earth at 151 Mi up the jet would then return back to Earth and land at a typical airport like one in the middle of the desert I also want to specify that multiple sources are say either the small craft went into orbit or just the rocket on board and I actually believe the latter as during the design process the US military still had access to the shuttle it actually resembles the convey Kingfish and superfish and very likely the project was directly inspired or utilized learnings from this predecessor both aircraft were parasitic aircraft That was supposed to be launched for Missions by a mother ship and were quite capable of going the speeds required now now you might be scratching your head at this point and asking Nick just how realistic is this project that no one has even heard of now this project is highly speculative but based off the Myriad of rumors and the sources that I've collected it does start to paint a bigger picture that makes a lot of sense starting in the mid 1980s the US Air Force and NASA endorsed several studies focusing on aircraft aligning with the descriptions of the Aurora reconnaissance aircraft project this project was intended to succeed the SR71 Blackbird which was slated for retirement in the distant year of 1999 whilst it had been revealed by various sources that Loi secretive Skunk Works was developing the sr75 predator for the US Air Force the initial discussions of the term aurora occurred way back in 1985 in the US budget this term apparently according to the source of the video was only for the Prototype aircraft leading up to the sr75 a small sum of 455 million was allocated for the aircraft construction by the fiscal year 1987 with arrest coming from black hole projects in the US budget previously with the challeng of disaster in 1986 and access to space reduced the military realized this project was needed more than ever and thus the prototypes prioritized to be bble to launch those essential spy satellites Aviation week and space technology magazine were the first report on this Revelation with the design and construction being awarded to loi's famous Skunk Works their Advanced development projects division with Rockwell retaining the structural subcontractor job thanks to both its works on the SR71 and the North American Aviation xp70 respectively Groom Lake was then selected as its testing location obviously and suitable hangers and runways were built the latter remarkably long for only it seems a heavy and Powerful aircraft design coincidence so what happened next well apparently the sr75 went fully operational in 1989 after 2 years of flight testing with the actual International test flights flying across the planet Global Security quoted a source that outlined this Mission the Aurora was flown from a base in the desert to an atle in the Pacific and then onto Scotland to refuel before returning to the US at night a specially modified tanker aircraft was being used to top up the Aurora's tanks with liquid methane fuel in midair the US Air Force was then also using the remote RAF Airbase in Scotland as a staging Point thanks to how remote it is the mystery aircraft dropping in at night before streaking back across the North Pole to a America at more than six times the speed of sound returning over us soil it was escorted then by an F1 arvar which you can actually play in War Thunder a fighter bomber that was scrambled to fly as close as possible to the black painted aircraft to confuse air traffic control and hide it from civilian controlled Radars with testing showing promise the budget was then expanded to a range from 4.4 billion to 8 billion with a procurement of 24 aircraft one parasite and one mother ship each costing an additional 10 to 24 billion but all of that would start to come undone by 1995 the US Congress approved a100 million to reinstate the SR71 Fleet and bring three aircraft operational one Viewpoint suggested that the sr75 penetrator project might have actually been abandoned at this point either due to cost constraints or technical challenges leading to the Urgent Revival of the SR71 to resume its mobile surveillance duties you would only do this if there was a flaw with the current plan on that note we can turn to Rhino crates on secret projects who said the Hypersonic applications were all the ranged for a while and then suddenly they weren't perhaps not because they suddenly became secret but because testing showed that they didn't work or they worked but vibration caused cumulative eple damage to the air frames other possibilities are that they didn't achieve the performance needed to fulfill their intent and missions or that the thermal management system had problems that were intrace with the technology of the day or maybe it even worked but was incredibly expensive and required an extensive rebuild after each mission in some ways prolonged Hypersonic flight is more difficult than space flight re-entry from orbit is fast brief whilst Mac 6 Cruise throughout roasts the plane its systems and its occupants and side note on that we do know that there was a breakthrough with hypersonic Technologies only a year or so ago where they 3D printed a cooling system to be built into the engine they didn't have that technology back then as for the sr75 airframe Prototype the super black reconnaissance system May in fact be in seclusion mothball at Groom Lake or rumored at a highly classified new test site in Colorado with its technology going on to develop the incredible Boeing x37 space plane which very much does exist and will be a future video on the channel so be sure to subscribe so let's actually answer one of the big questions why would the US actually build this aircraft and does it really exist first I want to answer the exact question that's in the comments why build this when you have spy satellites it's true that satellites do some of the missions forly handled by aircraft satellites can provide strategic intelligence but have a number of drawbacks they orbited a predictable flight path so the enemy knows when they're coming and they would know when to stop their nefarious secret activities or more simply just bring the equipment inside away from prying satellite eyes the US military at Groom Lake and other test installations do this all the time for the likes of Russian or Chinese satellites manned airplanes or reconnaissance drones do not have that limitation by their nature if the launch spot is not known the enemy doesn't even know where to begin looking for their arrival the launch of a parasite type vehicle from the back of say the sr75 type Mother Ship would be an additional layer to keep the precise launch point a complete secret other than the other problems of sub lights is that their Optics can actually be blinded by high powerered laser arm devices and fired from the ground which is not possible against a Hypersonic aircraft plus to intercept a Hypersonic vehicle you require an Inception system that can not only detect but also do the extremely rapid mathematical calculations in order to place an intercepting set of devices where the Recon plane is going and all of this with a machine that's moving at Max 7 air speeds a few and Nations can afford such systems and even fewer can build them lastly we know that the US perfected the technology with a lock M21 and its drone on board which was easily prototyped a good 40 years ago so you were telling me that this whole time they just sat on the technology and never built a 2.0 version well what other evidence do we have that it [Music] exists apart from rumors on websites that you would be embarrassed to having in your search history there are a few other examples for one the model makers have been putting together pretty much accurate kits of the aircraft for the last 30 years for particular a designer Bondo Phil Brandt put together a highly detailed model from various sources and seeing that he absolutely nailed the f17 a few years earlier much to the shock of the Air Force maybe he struck gold again but that's not all according to the source of this video there are some eyewitness accounts evidence for the existence of the sr75 or also known throughout the community as the brilliant Buzzard comes from multiple sources including eyewitnesses and ear witness reports from residents of the Palmdale Lancaster area Witnesses describe a high-speed aircraft characterized by a very loud deep and rumbling Roar reminiscent of heavy lift Rockets when observed at a medium altitude this type of aircraft makes a pulsing sound and leaves a thick segmented smoke Trail very typical of a pulse detonation wave engine but the source doesn't just come from America but in England as well Captain Tom illz from the RAF recounts an encounter with an unidentified aircraft over his residence near the US Air Force Base in suffk around 2: a.m. on Sunday morning in 1993 starlord awake he describes a particular pulsating engine noise of the aircraft unlike that he had ever heard before the lights of the mysterious craft vanish in the direction of the Air Force Base and upon inquiring with a senior officer the next day he was sternly instructed to cease investigations immediately he would then go on records to say that this sighting was the new stealth aircraft known only as the Aurora with so many people witnessing such a contrail you have to start to wonder how so many people could get it right maybe some viewers have seen these types of donut clouds in the sky and if you have I'd love to know in the comments but everybody knows that eyewitness testimony can be a little bit shaky so what about actual data well starting in the early '90s a series of particular Sonic booms emerged in Southern California which were detected and recorded by sensors belonging to the United States Geological Survey they were originally designed to pinpoint earthquake epicenters these Sonic booms exhibited characteristics typical of a smaller vehicle distinct from the 37 M long space shuttle Orbiter notably neither the shuttle nor NASA's lone Sr 71b were an operation in those days when the Sonic booms were documented in an article titled in plain sight published in the Washington City paper back in 1992 Jim Mory one of the seismologists remarked we can't discern anything about the vehicle they appear more intense than other occasional Sonic Booms that we record and then all of them record on a Thursday morning around the same time between 4: and 7 a.m. the article would then go on to quote Dom magari a former NASA Sonic Boom expert who analyzed the 15-year-old Sonic Boom data from the California Institute of Technology and concluded the data indicated something at 990,000 FT approximately 27 km flying at Mac for Mac 5.2 and he also noted that these booms didn't resemble those produced by any aircraft versing the atmosphere several miles away at Los Angeles International Airport instead they seem to be the result of booms from high altitude aircraft directly above the ground traveling at a significant Hypersonic speed their distinct boom signatures were of two different aircraft patterns that were marbly dissimilar meaning many experts to believe that there are actually two different aircrafts flying perhaps our Mothership and its parasite but what does loed the supposed creators of this aircraft say about it well the national interest cited a book by Ben Rich who was a former director of The scunt Works and he poured cold water into this Aurora hypothesis somehow the name Aurora leaked out during Congressional Appropriations hearings and the media picked up the Aurora item in the budget and the rumor surfaced that it was a top secret project assigned to the Skunk Works to build America's first Hypersonic plane that story proceeds to this day even though the Aurora was just a code name for the B2 competition funding and this line is something interesting because we know that Lo is actually working on the SR 72 which will be a Hypersonic spy drone why would they need to work on this when they've already developed this other technology and had it under wraps for so long and why would they be public about it now see it's this type of more logical answers that make me start to think that perhaps we've got it all wrong and that they really did have nothing after the sr7 71 but I'll leave you with the account from an offshore oil platform worker and seas an aircraft observator off the coast of Scotland who witnesses aircraft flying he said I certainly don't know what looks up at Area 51 but you should all be very proud of your country what do you think what do you believe and don't forget that we're playing War Thunder by the end of this month make sure you make an account and do the tutorial Mission first as it takes about 20 minutes and you don't want to miss out playing with me I put a link down to make an account and when you click that link you're also supporting the channel so thank you very much we also have two other videos on the channel about the Aurora program and the tr3b which you can check out right here on the channel right now H lucky you so let us know down in the comments what you think and thanks for watching this video was put together from a variety of sources but I'd love to highlight the contribution from openm minds. a great website that covers all sorts of black projects and my usual partners in crime Aerospace projects and secret projects thanks guys
Channel: Found And Explained
Views: 492,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SR-75, sr-71, sr-72, ufo, area 51, groomlake, black project, top secret, aliens
Id: qJ_rDFai-w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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