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they don't do that please don't do that if you do that I'm going to take my belt off and I'm going to spank you with it because that's horrible look at I'm MAC with aeropest service and Welcome to our Channel today I'm going to show you how to get rid of ants it's going to be super easy it's going to be super effective and it's going to save you a little bit of money right everybody likes to save a little bit of money answer something that we deal with on a constant basis we've been in business since 1977 and I would say probably the most calls we get about bugs it has to do with ants probably out of every 10 calls we get six of them have to do with ants if some sort some way some form some fashion so we deal with ants all the time so we know how to get rid of them super quick and we know how to do it uh in an effective manner okay and today I want to share with you some knowledge all right I want to give you my number one ant product that we use every single day in our company we have about 12 technicians that are out on the road every single day and this product is on their trucks 100 of the time if they have an ant problem they have to deal with on the inside of the house guess what they're going to use this product and I'm going to show you our number one hack that we use on the inside of the house that gets rid of these ants quick and easy now if you have a wife that's just like mine right and you get ants she's going to want them gone yesterday she's gonna she's not gonna let you sleep she's not going to let you rest she's not going to let you go fishing or do anything until you get these ants gone right so I want to show you today how to make your life a little bit easier you know what my dad always used to say he said Son a happy wife is a happy life and I've been married for 26 years to the same woman and I found that to be absolutely cracked so when it comes to ants let's make our wives happy and uh let's get rid of these things quick and easy now the first thing that I want you to do is that when you encounter an ant problem in your home all right there's one thing that I I do not want you to do because I understand that you want to get rid of the ants quick right and most of the time we grab for a can of spray maybe it's a can of raid or some type of over-the-counter uh bug killer and that's what I I don't want you to do that please please please please please please please please please don't grab the raid and spray the ants you know I'm gonna tell you why okay yes you're gonna get a momentary relief of the ants okay it's going to be just momentary it's not gonna last very long okay and so if you spray them you're gonna actually cause more problems all right you're not going to solve the problem you're going to create more issues I'm gonna tell you why because a lot of these products that you can buy at Home Depot or Lowe's or Walmart any of those things like that okay those are what we call repellent type insecticides now you're going to spray those ants and yes those ones you spray they're gonna die right they're gonna die pretty much immediately but the problem is the ants are going to know where that product is at and they're going to avoid it and so what can potentially happen and this is where you're going to get in trouble all right the ant colony will separate into two separate colonies and then what do you have you have a bigger mess on your hands okay so that's what I don't want you to so number one when you do have an ant problem don't go for the raid don't go for the over-the-counter products because that's going to cause you more problem okay now that you know not to spray the ants that you're seeing in your kitchen and your house with the raid now I want to share with you our number one ant product that we use every single day now you can get this on Amazon you can just Google it it'll come in a box of four and it's about 38 dollars all right and so you take four divided into 38 that's about nine dollars and fifty cents all right and it's this product right here Max Force Fleet this is what we use every single day so this one tube will cost you about nine dollars and fifty cents and this one too will go a long long wait so for 38 dollars man you can treat your house all day every day uh with this product right here okay with this right here you shouldn't have any ants in or around your home now this product right here the active ingredient in it is called fitronelle I love I love this active ingredient okay because what it does is that when the ants eat it it doesn't kill them immediately and which is a good thing it's going to be a little slow acting okay but here's the thing they're going to take it back to the Colony it gives them an opportunity to take it back to the Colony and so they can feed it to the rest of the colony and guess what it will kill the entire Colony all right so fibranil is an amazing product now this Max Force Fleet it'll take care of carpenter ants Pharaoh ants pavement ants honey ants acrobia ants odorous house ants Thief ants corn and field ants big-headed ants right so it has a wide range of ant species that it would actually take care of now the great thing is about this too is that highly attractive once you put it out those ants that are in your house they're going to go to it immediately right they're not going to try to avoid it because they see this as crack they see this as a Gore May meal and they're going to go to it and they're going to be on it like crazy and they're going to take it back to the Colony and it's going to kill your ants extremely quick okay before I go into my super easy top secret trick hack whatever you want to call it to get rid of ants with this product I want to show you how not to use this product okay because one thing you don't want to do you don't want to make a mess with it all right so let me show you what not to do because if you do this no bueno man no bueno all right so we need to know how not to use this before you know how to use it okay first of all you have this little cap right here on top all right just just twist it off they just twist off all right okay now you see all right now you got this little plunger let's stick it in here all right now here's what I want to show you how not to use it all right now a lot of people even professionals use this in the wrong way so this is say you had ants right here going across um see there made a mess already see see that mess see let me show you how not to use it a lot of people will put this [Music] can I tell you don't do that please don't do that if you do that I'm gonna take my belt off and I'm going to spank you with it because that's horrible look at that that is a mess now you want to make your wife happy don't do that all right knucklehead don't do that I see a lot of people that are lazy and they do stuff like that you just make a mess don't do that if I saw one of my technicians do that I'm gonna knock them outside all right I want to show you how to do it the right way a lot of people put it like that [Music] and put them like that out in the open please don't do that that's [Music] horrible right now you got to go back and you got to clean it up okay so let's get a paper towel okay let's clean our mess up it's cleaner messed up because after the answer did you gotta have to go back and clean it up right so let's just don't make a mess with it because sometimes you have your ants they're going to be over here by the Keurig sometimes they're going to be over here by the honey and the and the cream and the sugar and sometimes they're going to be over here by the bagels and sometimes they're going to be about the muffins and what is that butter yeah and sometimes they're going to be over on the stove don't put them in it don't put the bait in areas like that all right just out in the open that's that's whole board that's that's going to be now are you going to get rid of some ants probably yeah but it's gonna it's not a good way to do it all right I'm gonna show you the right way to do it and it's going to be quick it's going to be easy it's gonna save you some money okay so now you know what product to use just go get this on the internet all right now here's the next thing and you're probably not going to believe it's going to blow your mind but just go get you a straw this is it right here very easy just a regular drinking straw get your straw and then what I need you to do next is get you a pair of scissors so let's get some scissors [Music] some really cute scissors it's going to work just fine now you just take your your straw and cut an inch inch and a half something like that are you gonna cut it into sections about that big okay now this one straw is probably going to make about I don't know six different um little sections [Music] [Music] one two three four five we made five of them okay now what we're gonna do we're gonna make many bait stations out of these things all right now here's how you do it take your bait take the top off okay now you take your bait stick it inside of the straw now I want you to see this it's not going to take a lot of bait don't fill this thing all the way up just a little bit probably about a quarter of the way now watch that's it that's it now guess what you pull that out and what do you not have you don't have a mess you don't have baked everywhere okay and what are these These are the little ant bait stations okay now let's go ahead and fill the rest of them up we're going to lay them out foreign [Music] when you get done filling these up put your cap back on and guess what we're done with that now let me show you where to put these things out it's just that easy come on I can do it if I can do it you can do it come on let's go okay let's say you have ants over here by the bagels all right and by the muffins you just take your pre-baited station and wherever you're seeing the ants just put it right there you see it it's just that simple that way it doesn't get doesn't touch the muffins doesn't touch the bagels doesn't bother your food and guess it doesn't make a mess it's not making a mess okay and so we got five we got four more all right so we got some just say you have ants that are crawling around on this thing just put your little bait station right there put them right there it's out of the way okay what about uh over here by the coffee pot I'm gonna tell you something I don't want ant bait in my coffee I drink one or two cups of coffee every single day I don't want ant bait in my coffee but sometimes ants are going to be around the coffee pot the Keurig machine all right so if that happens just take it [Music] does it get any easier than this no it doesn't this is super super easy right you can get this box of Max Force Fleet a box of four of them on the Internet for 38 dollars it's gonna be super super cheap all right You're Gonna Save tons of money all right so anywhere you're having an issue with ants maybe it's in the uh maybe it's around your plants all right okay let me put one in the windowsill all right let's say you wanna you got it in here this is blowing your mind I mean it's just it's so easy and so simple and you can put the you can put these base stations anywhere in your house all right that anywhere you're having ants in your house it's in your bathrooms in your bedroom it's in your kitchen you know you can even make these bait stations outside and put them outside by your front door you can put them out on your back patio you can put them anywhere that you're having an ant problem and I'm gonna tell you something this fit for nail is going to kill them very quickly and I said it gives it a little bit of time to get back to the Colony but after it gets back to the con it's going to be over with in about three days your ant problem is going to be solved and the thing is if you spray it with some type of repellent spray you're going to cause and make the problem even worse and that's not what you want to do so if you get this Max Force Fleet and you get some straws and make little mini bait stations this is gonna be a game changer for you now here's the thing go ahead and order this go ahead and go to Amazon or do it yourself pest control wherever you want to decide you want to get it from go ahead and have it on in hand because you never know when you're going to have an ant problem you never know when they're going to show up because matter of fact they show up at the most unexpected times and at the worst times especially when you're having a party you're having a get together you know having some type of special occasion that's when it seemed like the ants are always showing up and those are the phone calls that we get all the time say I got a party tomorrow it's my daughter's 16th birthday I got hands I need them gone right now okay and so we go out there and we take care of it for him but if you had this on hand you can go ahead and take care of them quick and easy now here's the thing if you got any questions about ants or any kind of bug please put a comment down in the uh the chat box because I would love to hear from you I want to hear any type of uh feedback that you may have because I'm here to add value to you I want to help you save money and I want to help you save some time I want to give you uh some resources that you can apply to yourself now I was very hesitant on sharing this product and the way we use it because it's it's It's very effective all right and I was just a little hesitant on sharing that with everybody but here's the thing I decided that I wanted to add value to you so what better way to add value to than than to show you our number one product and to show you how we use it correctly now okay last but not least the really cool thing about this entire hack is that when all the ants are gone you know what you just go back and you find your bait stations and you pick them up see hear them no mess [Music] you get your bait stations and you know what you do [Music] fill them away it's quick it's easy it's effective and it saves you money all right thank you for watching this video I appreciate you so much thank you for supporting this channel y'all are amazing if you need anything if you have any questions if you um have any feedback on any future videos please put them in the comments below I would love to hear from you um y'all are amazing God bless all right have a great day
Channel: Arrow Pest Service
Views: 1,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: termite, pest, control, THIS PEST CONTROL HACK IS SO SIMPLE, EVERYONE OVERLOOKS IT, pest control, how to, diy pest control, gardening, organic gardening, termites, bugs, roaches, flying termites, extermination, diy, garden, pests, ants, raised bed, diy gnat trap, diy pest control for home, exterminator, dan the bug man, spiders, insects, pest control company, termite inspection, bed bugs, ticks, mosquitoes, brown recluse, black widow, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, german cockroach, bug
Id: 8Ri7-9lTVVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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