Struggling Family has to FIGHT off BedBugs to SAVE Disabled Child!

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thought of bed bugs crawling on you sucking your blood kind of freak you out all right now this is an adult bed bug that's crawling on my hand [Music] he's just trying to get away and I can I cannot even feel him crawling on me right now I cannot even feel him on me so that's what happens is that you have bed bugs in your house they crawl on you at night you can't feel them and they inject their mouth parts inside of you and suck your blood blood meal [Music] [Applause] okay guys I'm Mack with aeropath service welcome back to our channel uh today Lamar and I swear Lamar today Lamar and I are going to go in this house and we're going to do a bed bug heat treatment uh bed bugs are pretty bad in here but when we get through guess what we're gonna be all gone so let's go check it out that's what we got in the couch here [Music] okay [Music] it's more good [Music] [Music] all right in there [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] wow [Music] yep [Music] all right let's get it all pulled out and get started treating come on let's do it foreign baby [Music] listen we know what to do we're gonna set up our fan set up our heater and uh we're gonna just start heating this thing up Lamar how how hot are we gonna get this house about 120 130 degrees I think that's hot enough and at 120 and 130 degrees it only takes about 60 seconds to kill adult bed bugs their eggs and their babies so let's heat them up just to heat this place up and let's kill some bed bugs come on let's do it all right [Music] I'm Lamar's cameraman for the day doing a great job thank you my camera skills are off the charts here's our heaters we got two propane heaters right here and they can put out the Heat [Music] Lamar we're going to use both of them today oh yeah we'll need both of them on this job okay [Music] [Music] let's grab the other one here [Music] [Music] let's get our fans out and get them inside come on we're going to use all the fans we use all the fans we got so uh Lamar tell everybody what the fans do basically we just use them to circulate the air inside the heaters will blow the heat ends the fans will circulate it around so we can get every cracking together in the house good deal okay [Music] these are fans [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how long does it usually take to set up everything Lamar I'm about an hour to get everything running how long do you think it'll take before it gets up to 130. um depend on insulation in the house usually 45 minutes to an hour that's not bad yeah pretty quick so these heaters pretty much get it up there pretty hot pretty quick yeah these heaters do real good in it get these in the living room here um she didn't see she's seen some in the kitchen I'll therefore get the rest of them in there okay [Music] okay now we're going to get our propane tank set up uh connected to the heaters then we'll get our duct system uh hooked up to the heaters get that running into the house that way we can get this thing heated up and start killing these bed bugs listen we've been doing Pest Control since 1977. we've been doing it for a long time we haven't always done bed bug work because we haven't always had a problem with bed bugs but in the last five years bed bugs have been a big big problem here in Florida especially with people going out of town bringing them into hotel rooms bringing them into airbnbs things of that nature and here's the thing you can bring bed bugs into your house very easily you can get them on the bus you can get at a movie theater you can go to someone's house you can go to a hotel and they can disattach to you because they're hitchhikers and so uh here's the thing you just got to be careful about them it doesn't mean that you're dirty doesn't mean that you're nasty it just means that you went somewhere that they were they were present they got on you you brought them home I went into a house one time and it was a completely Immaculate house I went in didn't touch anything walked out 10 minutes later and I had one on my shoulder I mean that's just how easy they can get on you and so my wife's always freaking out all the time Lamar Joe wife always freaking out about bed bugs when you do bed bug work oh yeah she asked me every time you didn't get none on you didn't my wife's always freaking out every time I gotta go do bed bug work you better take off your clothes outside don't bring them clothes inside so Lamar's setting up the propane tanks right now those are 100 gallon propane tanks and they last just how long they usually last um we probably usually get about two treatments out of the tank okay that's good it lasts pretty good while but we've been doing bed bug work for about five six years now and we've found that chemicals just don't do the job now chemicals can kill them and they can get rid of the problem but it's very very very difficult very hard so we have found that the heat treatment is more effective at getting rid of the adults the eggs and the babies so what happens is we Heat this house up to 130 degrees and once it gets and once they get exposed to the heat it it kills them pretty quick and so we use that fan to move all that hot air around and so about every 15-20 minutes my man right there Lamar is going to go in it's going to check the temperatures uh it's gonna see how hot it is he's gonna move furniture around move beds around move things around that way we can make sure that all that everywhere in that house gets at 130 degrees okay it says we importante that this entire house gets up to 130 degrees on the couch underneath the couch on the bed underneath the bed in the cabinets and the drawers everywhere we'll pull out drawers we'll open cabinets we'll move pillows and move mattresses because if we don't do that those bugs are going to try to hide and try to get away from the heat all right so as that heats Rising the bugs are going to try to get away from it because they don't like it all right and so that's why we got to constantly be moving clothes and moving things of that Nature's bed bugs with this heat treatment we are we're pretty successful at it people they have a a handicapped Sun I think they have two handicapped Sons so we're going to help them get rid of this and that way they don't have to worry about that much anymore so anyway let's go on for the haste also if you got any questions about bed bugs please put it down in the comments below I want to hear from you all right if you have any questions about any kind of bugs let me know any kind of feedback we love feedback we want to know what you're thinking we want to know what's on your minds one of the most common questions I get about bed bugs is do they transmit diseases no they do not transmit diseases what they do is they uh they suck your blood okay but if you're not transmit diseases but they will cause you to have some psychological and emotional issues just the fact that bugs are biting you while you're sleeping it it freaks freaks people out freaks me out so I get it a lot of people that I've done bed bug work for just had a lot of emotional issues with it and so that's why if you had bed bugs yes you know you can try to get rid of them on your own but it's very difficult hire a professional and I mean when I hire when I say hire a professional make sure that the professional you hire yeah if a professional at bed bug works just because they are a pest control professional doesn't mean that they know bed bugs it's a whole nother animal guys a whole nother animal so if you uh have bed bugs search out a company in your area that has knowledge and experience about bed bugs okay if not you're just gonna be wasting your money all right these people that I was talking to earlier when we walked up they said that um they talked to a company and that company said oh heat treatments don't work we got to use chemicals and I can tell you right now they hired that company to do a liquid treatment now you walked in that house and you saw all the bed bugs now that company ought to be spanked and what they did is they just took these people's money all right but we're over here we're gonna put this heat on them and we're gonna kill these things because this infestation is too bad and you got to know what you're doing to get rid of them if you don't you're just not going to get rid of them and the sad thing is there's people out there all they want to do is take your money all right and so that that whole that breaks my heart it breaks my heart to know that there is a a pest control professional telling them that heat treatments don't work that the liquid is the way the treatment the liquid treatment is away now look at all the look at the bed bugs those babies have been sleeping that breaks my heart Those kids deserve it those two handicapped kids and that Mom and that Daddy they're working their tail off to support these two handicapped kids and they need these bed bugs going on and that's exactly what we're going to do because Lamar and I we're going to take care of it again we're going to keep it up baby so anyway this is our duct system it ducks in the hot air into the house the more we'll connect that to the heater and that heater is going to blow hot air into this house I know some ladies that can blow some hot air into a house I'm sorry I didn't say that don't tell my wife and said that never mind did I say that out loud [Applause] you're gonna get in trouble don't get me in trouble too they say you're an average of the five people you hang around I'm in trouble then I'm around back [Music] Okay the reason why liquid treatments don't work that well is because bed bugs can hide in the tiniest of places and it's hard to get that chemical in all those places I mean all they need is just a width of a sheet of paper and they can hide they can lay eggs they can Harbor in those areas and honestly it's almost impossible the chemicals they have out it's just it's very difficult but that guess what that heat that heat can get in every little crack and every little crevice and it can kill all the eggs kill all the adults and kill all the babies so that way they'll have no problem no more okay so that's one reason why liquid treatments don't work that well oh grab the next one here the more you're already sweating bro I know it looks like mother nature is going to help us with this one come on [Music] Lamar usually takes care of all of our bed bug treatments he's been doing it for years he does a fantastic job and one reason why I like Lamar doing the bed bug treatments because he takes his time he doesn't get in a hurry and you know what he cares about his job he doesn't he doesn't want to leave a house with any bed bugs in it okay and so Lamar is a great guy he's one of our best technicians uh he's one of my right hand men I trust this man with my life so I appreciate Lamar 's a good Christian man serves at his church what do you do at the church again soundboard sound booth live stream anything they asked me to find that very often anymore anything they ask me to that's a true servant right there man they're really bad in that in that bat in that bedroom that one bedroom that bedroom oh yeah foreign things around to make it work what you do you know what we say whatever it takes to get the job done big or small we do it all big or small crazy and all we've seen it all been all right Lamar oh yeah we've seen about everything in this job honestly I was actually thinking about doing a video of some of the crazy things that we see in some of the crazy phone calls that we take if that's something you want to see on this channel just give me a thumbs up below and let me know because uh hey we got some doozies for you so let me know if that's something you want to see a little explanation here why we're doing two heaters is we got to keep this entire house up to that 120 130 degrees so we got one heater running in here and it's going to get the bedrooms in the back area here we got the other heater coming in it's going to get the living room dining room kitchen so in order to get that high temperature through the whole house we got to use the two bits so we can put it in all the space gotcha gotcha okay so we just got two heat sources coming in so we can get it spread evenly across the house Lamar yeah you look like you've done this before a few times get our hoses for the propane and get this heat started [Music] all right let's get the gas going here we'll get this one started get off got heat coming out of that one I'm all heated up baby heat it up we go all right we got them both going let's do it we gotta turn fans on yeah we gotta get the fans going now oh it's already getting hot in here oh it's already hot in here come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] we cooking now [Music] thank you it's hot we don't even have all the bands uh hooked up yet and running and it is it's got to already be 115 in this house it's it's already hot when we get done with all the fans we're going to bring a thermometer in here and we're going to check some spots and that way you can see what the temperature has already gotten up to in literally like 10 minutes okay guys uh it's been about what 20 minutes about 20 minutes yeah it's been about 20 minutes uh Lamar and I are going to go inside and he has a thermometer where's that thermometer at right here okay and we're gonna go check some temperatures and just see what the temperature is doing right now I know it's already hot we just need to know how hot it is so come on let's go check it out song I can feel it already out here mamma mia papa pia 145. son that hot 145 means bed bugs are dead 131. at 131 degrees that means no more bugs no more bed bugs okay 106. [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] 120 degrees it's dead didn't take him long which tank we got going now we're gonna get it all the way up to 10th and let it run for about four or five hours what's going to happen after four or five hours they're all gonna be dead come on that's what we do right oh yeah killing bugs killing bugs the bug life hashtag for bug life this is what we do you know what Lamar what's our mission statement to provide the most outstanding Pest Control service experience ever good job all right guys it's only been about 30 45 minutes the temperature is up to 130 145 in some places one room is only 106 and bed bugs are already in the process of dying and we haven't even been here all that long so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let this house continue to heat up for another four to five hours Lamar is going to go in probably about every 20 30 minutes about every 20 minutes or so okay he's going to go and move some stuff around to make sure that the entire house underneath the bed the couches the doors the cabinets all those areas reach 130 degrees that way we can make sure that this house is totally bug free bed bug free when we leave here okay so hey we're gonna let this thing heat up so we'll see you in about four or five hours okay guys it's been four hours already the house is completely done the more you think we got them all oh yeah we got them all Dead come on that's that what that heat does it eliminates every single one of them so listen here Lamar you got anything you want to say to the people I just want to say thanks for checking out our channel here and don't forget to like And subscribe and leave your comment down below let us know what you want to see next God bless [Music]
Channel: Arrow Pest Service
Views: 10,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bed bugs, bed bugs how to get rid of them, bed bugs las vegas, pest control business, pest control sales, bed bugs infestation, bed bug killer spray, bed bug heat treatment, bed bugs spray, pest control reaction, pest control in home, bed bugs home remedy, bed bugs and beyond, bed bug, bed bug bites, bed bug bites pictures, bed bug trap, bed bug queen, pest control, Pest service, pest control services, Heat, How to, Get rid of
Id: NciqL3sWdcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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