This PC blew our circuit! - VRLA Tech Threadripper PRO Workstation

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I wouldn't oh crap we blew the breaker you know why this computer costs twenty thousand dollars because it was from the bulk aisle and they charge by the pound there just kidding it all comes down to Performance this video is sponsored by vrla Tech and they're having us take a look at a top tier specimen ah from their threadripper Pro workstation lineup oh my gosh this thing is heavy oh and on my laptop you've seen the fractal defying 7xl before I think last time around we put about 20 hard drives in it but if you don't fill it up with hard drives it can fit all kinds of other cool things optional solid top panel will not be needing that with the kind of Hardware we've got stuffed in here extra hard drive sleds let's take a look at the accessories vrla Tech includes okay screws this is just all the accessories that would have been included in the Box for the Enthusiast grade parts that they're using but instead they Consolidated this is the lot of PCI slot covers a second bag has all the power cables that we're going to need for our power supply and the event that we want to plug it into the wall or wish to upgrade the machine in the future not that there's anything to upgrade it to today since it's already the absolute freaking top of the line oh until the wheels fall off your trailer man the defined 7xl feels like kind of a relic of a bygone era you know who wants a mini ITX small form tractor machine the bigger the computer the better in this case that does actually appear to be true oh the bottom of the case is one gigantic removable mesh air filter so that's where a ton of our air intake is Gonna Come From but just that not going to be enough for the there goes my back panel I appear to have experienced some shipping damage oh yeah there's no windowed side panel or anything hey this is all professional all the times I'm not getting derailed though I want to still talk about the outside where at the front we're going to find oh I like this four I've noctua's nfa12 fans that's gonna be some hair flow oh and on the top we got another four of them that's over 200 US dollars and fans alone wow it's full of bubbles this is actually more necessary than you'd probably think remember that thing that just happened where this thing probably got kicked around by The Courier and one of the little plastic Clips managed to break off this prevents anything like that from happening inside so that you can at least still run the machine while you wait for vrla Tech to get you sorted out with a replacement little plastic clip what it means though is that it is Trey's important that you pull all of this stuff out before you actually try to run the system it looks like this particular piece needs to be removed from the back definitely be careful pulling this boy out because if it gets caught on a cable like a SATA cable or something like that it could conceivably rip it off but it looks like ours came out without anything eventful happening I do think this system got an extremely rough ride though you can actually see this cable right here is coming out at a bit of a strange angle from that hard drive it's not broken or anything it just a little bit that seems to be the worst of it though everything is strapped down nice and tight held in place so it can't really come loose from its connector and shipping and it's nice to see that even though there's no window on the case they're still taking the time to Cable manage it properly and that's one of the reasons that that's so important especially for a pre-built system that's going to be shipped you know halfway across the continent Brandon helpfully pointed out that the machine's not as much of a looker as you might expect you got your brown knocked to a fans you got your no case window no RGB to speak of and my retort to that is sometimes it's not about the looks sometimes it's about the raw power that looks good to me we've got dual Founders Edition RTX 3090 TI's in here that's right the 3090 and the 3090 TI both still support Envy link which means that technically you could use them in SLI and games but realistically what you're doing is you're using these bad boys for compute and the Envy link connection between them ah which you can see right here enables high-speed communication between the cards that actually allows them to share the frame buffer share the video memory between the two cards to work on larger data sets it's a lot of compute Honestly though I think the motherboard i o might be as impressive as the GPU compute we have a whopping eight USB 3 10 gigabit per second ports oh sorry that's all the type A ones we have another type C10 gig port and a type c 20 gigabit per second Port we've got Wi-Fi six on on board as well as 7.1 audio still hook up like surround sound analog speakers to their computer I'd love to hear from you in the comments should they even bother to include these ports anymore and I really love this dual 10 gigabit Network ports on this thing what a beast I guess it stands to reason this motherboard has all the bells and whistles at 999 US Dollars this is the pro WS WRX Ade Sage Wi-Fi SE it's got a whopping three m.2 slots on it at pcie Gen 4 speeds and can support additional nvme storage devices or really anything else via its total of seven PCI Express Gen 4 16x slots it features one of the most oversized cooling solutions I have ever seen on a motherboard and it is chock full of other professional features like the whopping three pcie auxiliary power inputs and support for ipmi Remote Management so you can actually remote into this machine even when it is fully powered down update the BIOS do anything to it completely remotely we've got a whopping 256 gigabytes of ddr4 3200 Mega transfer per second memory in here the only thing more wild than that is the fact that that's only about an eighth of the total memory that this platform can support and then for cooling this is a bit of a surprise but vrla Tech has gone with the nhu fort teen thread repair Edition actually I guess that's not that surprising because noctua doesn't make a threadripper version of their nhd14 or an hd15 so I guess we'll find out very shortly if this is going to be enough airflow to keep this 64 core threadripper Pro 5995 WX cool enough teasing are we ready to fire it up there's a peel on the front sorry one of the things contributing to how heavy this is is the 1600 watt power supply which I mean I could see why they whoops I can see why they did that because if you're ever going to upgrade these 30 90 TI's you will need it I know I I know the n-word right you will actually need it for the f word future proofing and then the other big contributor is the fact that it's got a bunch of mechanical hard drives in it in addition to its m.2 storage devices so we've got a whopping 3 by 18 terabyte hard drives in here so you can store all your workstation stuff on the system or you can use those dual 10 gigabit network connections to store it elsewhere fun fact if you're in North America you will need an entire dedicated 120 volt 15 amp breaker for just this workstation and the peripherals you have hooked up to it Moment of Truth considering the rough ride it got there's no guarantee that this is going to fire up first try try okay that's all good so far man it turns out when you've got enough of them even noctua fans can make some noise oh boy are you gonna go let's just make sure everything's showing up okay here 64 course all right there's our four terabyte fire Cuda 530s for a total of eight terabytes of pcie Gen 4 storage 16 pcie Gen 4 bandwidth to all of those slots absolutely Wild I guess we're just going to boot into Windows to find if those hard drives made it I hear them clicking so should be okay we had an issue booting it up the first time but I think I've solved it some of these workstation or server boards I guess is where they would inherit it from actually number the pcie slots one to seven from the bottom so I asked Jake our producer to plug the monitor into the top card thinking that would be the primary slot when in fact it would be the bottom card that would be in the primary slot and I think we're gonna boot up just fine now oh well this is some useful feedback for vrla Tech what they've done is they've tied all these cables at the back together which can actually create a large mass that can move around in shipping putting more strain than you would expect on the connectors that are attached to that that big massive cable and you can see our primary card had its power to slip out whoopsie daisies here we go Sprint I think a receipt of our gpus might be in order here and the glass half full angle on that is at least it gives me an excuse to talk about the LTT ratcheting screwdriver which as you guys can see I'm using to remove these thumb screws without accidentally dropping them got it all sorted there can be issues with auto negotiating pcie link speeds on some AMD systems looks like we ran into that but by manually setting both of our gpus to pcie gen 4. success everything looks good oh my word the question now becomes what can we do with this I mean we can game cyberpunk wouldn't launch according to CD projekt Red's website the most common reason for that is not meeting the minimum required spec I suspect that wasn't the issue today in any case we're going to play do maternal instead I think it's probably been over a year since I've used SLI to be clear nobody recommends that on a gaming machine anymore I mean not even vrla Tech like they have a lineup of gaming machines and I'm sure that they pretty much universally do not have SLI but they can't stop me from using it for gaming so you know the micro stuttering here is not bad you know why because it's only using one of the gpus love it but it's running great 175 200 FPS I don't know if I've ever seen it this smooth on Ultra nightmare settings at 4K and I am of course recording at the same time effortlessly at least that's something the second DP you can do wow the GPU that's actually being used topped out at just a 74 degrees our CPU never went over 55 56. fans they work all right let's try and find something that we'll actually use both of our gpus and our CPU though all right here we go CPU multi-core and [Music] [Applause] done not bad D7000 points oh my God it completes the benchmarks so fast that it gets a short cooling cycle in between actually being utilized it ain't the quietest machine in the world but you can't fault the cooling performance we've settled in at around 66 degrees Celsius Max on the CPU of course this is without the gpus blowing hot air at it so I've got an idea for how we can hit it a little harder we're going to go into our cinebench preferences and we are going to use only 96 of our CPU threads that's out of 128. we're going to go ahead and start that then we're going to go into blender I've already disabled our CPU so I'm gonna see that it's done set it to 10 000 samples and we're going to hit both of our gpus with Peak hardness and see what happens uh ten thousand samples okay let's try that again hello there we go 94 CPU usage 96 to 97 GPU usage good this still actually has some time remaining on it let's have a look at what our temps look like it doesn't get any louder so that's a plus definitely a cooling first design I wouldn't oh crap we blew the breaker that makes sense yeah it does okay one moment please and this is why you should always use a UPS that is appropriately sized for your machine you see this forced to install Graphics I don't even have GPU drivers anymore after that crash to be clear this is not the rl8's text issue this is just you should not let your computer shut down suddenly in the middle of a heavy load like that short circuit more like blown circuit after a reboot we're still having the problem so I guess it's time for a quick Tech tip this is a little utility called ddu that anytime you're having a GPU driver issue is the first thing you want to turn to yes before you contact tech support at your system integrator or whatever the case may be please wait man if the amount of effort it takes to get a system up and running has any impact on the end result this thing's gonna be freaking amazing ddu Tech tips display driver uninstaller here we go GPU Nvidia perfect clean and restart highly recommended let's go I didn't do anything but I think we're back why Windows search why why not the 64 one that's what everyone on the web wants hey maybe that one yet idiots feels kind of like a like a spiritual dance at this point more than actual troubleshooting because this is on here fine there was there was nothing wrong with how this was installed okay sure do not I repeat do not let your computer suddenly lose power in the middle of a heavy load like that immediately the message comes up I click it and then it proceeds to not launch the Nvidia control panel I love it it's almost like slis of dead technology no one cares about anymore okay here we go we're enabling it be clear when I say dead I mean for gaming for other workloads it can still be very useful crushing Center bench brushing blender rendering screen recording is there anything it can't do how about go shopping on wow it can do that too look at this guy has a hood package power on that CPU just shy of 300 watts GPU power in the neighborhood of 300 watts each this is really not very consumer grade I'm sure there's a consumer somewhere spending like 20 grand on a computer just because they can not that you're stuck with Zen 3 vrla Tech offers five different workstation lineups ryzen ryzen threadripper ryzen threadripper Pro and then also Intel Core and Xeon so you can kind of pick your poison just depends on what you're doing depending on the industry it might be better to have fewer cores that clock higher and are more cost effective or you might actually need a ton of course ECC memory support and all of that full fat workstation stuff sponsored or not this is a great result for the thermals on this system our CPU ended up under 80 degrees 76 to be precise and our gpus the bottom one is 65 degrees with the top one which is taking in hot air from the bottom GPU at just 75 degrees that is very very reasonable and it actually didn't get any noisier thanks to the noctua cooling fans pretty sick the main reason vrla Tech sent over a workstation was because after looking at their gaming PCs I was kind of curious what they can do and while nineteen thousand dollars obviously a lot of money you can see where it went I mean spec it out this Hardware just is that expensive if it's not for you don't worry you can check out vrla text Frederick for pro workstations or the ones based on maybe something more reasonable like an Intel core or a regular ryzen at the link down below and once you're done doing that make sure you get subscribed to Short Circuit so who did you guys all bet on in the big Linus versus Dennis fight Dennis obviously all right channel super fun guys make sure you're subscribed
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 886,026
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Keywords: shortcircuit, SC, unboxing, first impression, tech, gadget, home, fun, buy
Id: eIIAKkb6lNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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