This One Transformed into a Beautiful Painting! - Pearl Colors are Gorgeous! Acrylic Pouring

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hi everyone it's Molly! welcome back to my channel  thank you for being here. I'm gonna do something   fun tonight I am going to I guess it's today I'm  going to do a pearl colored painting again so   those are the magical paints that are pearlescent  and shift to the color that they are designated   on the tube once they dry it normally works better  on a dark background I've been playing around with   these with the ice scoop that I did and a couple  of I almost said ice cream and a couple other   ones but this time I layered my cup with the pearl  colors and I'm gonna do a ring pour in the center   from there I'm gonna puddle black and then I'm  gonna puddle the colors and then I'm gonna swipe   through it and I am just hoping that it's gonna  dry to be like super colorful so let's see if it   works I'm gonna go ahead and get started let's  paint all right so for the first part of this   I'm gonna take up try to take up a pretty  good amount of space with the ring pour and that is not white that's going to be  in the center I think it's Violet actually tiny little Rings all the way around all right phew okay I'm done oh I need to come up with some new jokes I  have the same jokes all the time I got jokes   all right so although a lot of you appreciated  my um Forrest Gump joke that I did about the box   of chocolates so pretty happy about that  one um okay so I think I'm just gonna go   ahead I have a little bit of black left over  here so I'll just puddle this on this side and then I think I want a little bit more paint there and then I'm gonna puddle on this side and then I actually that was probably  too much paint because I'm going to   puddle the colors on top but oh well  maybe I'll mix it scrape it off my   table and see what pearlescent color  I get from it all right let me torch okay so I'm going to start with the green   puddles I should have poured these into  smaller containers but you know two it is what it is I don't need too much paint I  just need it to sit on the surface oh all right okay next I'm gonna do my blue I do love this  blue pearlescent color the blue and the Violet   I think are my favorite and the red comes  out a really pretty almost maroon type red I want to have enough space to keep some  of the black there I'll go Violet next this looks like a bow tie and then I'm deciding whether or not I want to  wreck these puddles I think I will but I don't   know if I want to do it with my head scratcher  or let me see where's my red yes if I want to do   it with my head scratcher or if I want to do it  with this tool to get some more intricate lines   I have not decided leave enough room for my red really those will definitely go off the end  all right here we go so let me see yeah I like this because this gives a more   woven look and the head scratcher just  comes through in kind of One Direction   and you could swipe it in the other direction  but I like this I'm gonna stick with this the next question is do I wrecked the  ring for I think I'm Gonna Leave This one   without and if I don't like it the  next one I do I can wreck that too   I can already see the color starting  to pop up here again I always get to   this point and I'm like do I swipe because  this is really pretty the way that it is but I think I will but the one thing  I'm gonna do I think this outer edge   I will swipe or will blend together  with the background but that's it   all right let's go I'm gonna swipe with black  because that shows up better for the pearl colors   and let me see do I want to swipe I  think I want some a couple big swipes and then a couple small ones maybe we'll see swiping on through so I'm  going to swipe through here those colors are chef's kiss and I'm  trying to decide because I actually   really like this pattern and I know that  it's going to be those pearl colors so I   don't know if I'm going to swipe again  I'm going to swipe on this side here up through it here now the only part that I don't love is  this right here so I'm gonna have to   figure that out whether I wreck it or do  something and this side I love it as is   so I'm not going to do any more swipes what  I am going to do is one tiny little swipe on that side over there I had a little bit of stiff on there all right okay so  this side I'm just gonna swipe to meet it down there okay that is it  okay oh now for this part I don't know I hope I don't mess this up but  I just I'm not in love with this   how it kind of protrudes into there  I wonder if I can maybe stretch it trying to take one of the  lines that I already have I don't want to mess with it too much I think  I'm just gonna leave it be all right so off we go   I think maybe to this side first deciding which  side to stretch to is also an arch in itself while I'm down here I guess I'll stretch this side so I actually I just took a look at this and I  like this design here so before I stretch it out   anymore I think I'm just gonna add it to this side  as well I feel like it added a little bit more interest to it not a lot but just a little  all right so now let's keep stretching   over to this side don't want oh my gosh that is so pretty  I love the wrecked puddles on that side   okay I want to save them I want to save them  and I want to come back this way a little bit oh this one's heavy wow okay I need to take a look I'll tell you what I'm  loving and what I'm not loving what I'm not loving   is when this stretched out I'm sad I lost this  corner down here but it it fits perfectly here   so it's one two and then almost like a third  one those extra swipes that came through here   are really cool this got stretched out and  I'm not in love with this that I did now   I do wish it had been kind of more straight  I guess and I do want my I don't know if it's   possible if I have enough paint my ring pour in  the center got a little bit wonky so I think next   time I do it I will wreck that but I'm wondering  if I do just a very small straight swipe through   I know some people are going to be like why did  you do that but I'm just gonna try it and see   just a very clean it's going to  be very small cells but just stay straight swipe through on that side I don't know what do we think definitely just added basically more black to  it I want to do it very thin along this side okay I feel like that's straightened  that part up it's just this side I   like that that I did it as a very small  Line This was too heavy through here but all right so overall I'm very happy this part here   I wish I had done a smaller strip here but  I am so excited to see how this dries I am   definitely gonna do this again and I feel like  I might even do and I've done it before but   I loved the pattern the wrecked ring pour by  itself let me know if you want to see that one   um the only part that is not my favorite up  here is that section right here otherwise I   love it all I'm interested to see what color  this is going to be if it's red or purple   because I can tell there's purple in the center  here with blue there's green purple blue but right   here I don't know all right so we'll see how this  one dries and I'll show you what it looks like wet   all right here it is I did swipe through one more  time right up there so I think that is gonna dry   really pretty with purple the this always reminds  me of uh the artwork The Scream through the center   there the one thing I wish I would have done is  pulled those all the way to the edge but I tilted   a little bit more and the paint there just wasn't  enough paint on the canvas but if I had had enough   I would have stretched that all the way down so  that I would have just had a strip of it running   in the center but look at how gorgeous that is  and then the lacing is showing up like green super cool and it's really interesting that on the  black it still tinted that green color and that edge right there is absolutely  stunning I love it so I overall am actually   quite happy with this piece I think it'll  hang long ways my squiggly is in the middle   and not getting that to the edge were the  two things that I would change but overall   loving this piece all right I'll  show you what it looks like dry I am so happy with this the green  lacing it's hard to see out of the light   the pearlescent colors that section right  there that got shaded with black as I did   the wrecked puddles oh I love that it looks  so three-dimensional the parts that I fixed   now in the video that purple and that  blue all those colors in the center   they were white and it was bothering me I thought  oh man but now that they dried actual colors it's   like I forgot now that they dried actual colors I  think it's perfect and I love the little squiggly   lines I added in there it added a little bit  of motion so for these pearl colors you just   gotta let it dry and see what happens but look  at that green lacing with the purple undertone I am so happy hope that you enjoyed this video I'm definitely  gonna play around with this a little bit more   I want to do a technique where I just do  the puddles and wreck it because I love   that section but all right thanks for  watching happy painting! bye!
Views: 53,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acrylic pouring, acrylic pour, fluid art, fluid painting, acrylic painting, abstract art, art, abstract, pouring, pour painting, acrylic pouring for beginners, painting, mollys artistry, acrylic, fluid acrylic, artwork, art tutorial, molly artistry, art experiment, acryl gießen, coulée acrylique, акриловая заливка, acrílico fluido, pearl paints, interference paints, easy art, easy artwork, black painting, easy painting, painting for beginners, pearlescent paint, pearl paint
Id: EMZgYZhdGmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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