This one surprised me... @thehomeschoolingpicker

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all right date Day date day yard sale day yard sale day okay Friday morning yep sign hunting right yes okay exciting day just pulled into our first sale yeah is an exciting day cuz we're both ready to work we been moving we haven't like worked in over a week so it's about time yes it is let's go see what they got right we need cushions we need lots of those we do need a lot of cushions look at that owl pillow right there oh that's Co is that cool for two bucks does that feel like a Target or little Target special I don't know it's very soft isn't it I trying to see what it said but I got nothing yeah French P delore Paris so yeah probably French nice little pill there that's incredibly soft on the back that's pretty cool that's really sweet I wasn't convinced until I touched it and you're right it's really nice you're funny it sounds good quality I likey isn't it okay nice we got something we got something yes do we need cushions we kind of do right we do but those are like super thin and they're five bucks okay feel them it feels like the cheapest ones ever oh yeah these might be good for the outdoor ones those are heavy duty right there one two 3 4 5 six it just stinks to get the kitens before the chairs what color were the chairs they were on sale the chairs that were on sale um yeah probably gray right honestly don't really know man look at this one oh the bee family a and this threshold that's Target that's pretty is that nice there's two of them there's a big one down there look this is a little crusty oh those pills are $5 we got crusty musty pillows okay $5 that's a really pretty pillow I would have paid $5 for that for us if it didn't have a spot on it right okay pass on it dang does that one spoted up uh let's check it out you want me to hold that one while you check it out man those are nice yeah it's a little crusty tail yeah this is uh let's see who what we got here Oher Nicole Miller home her clothes and shoes aren't that great I don't know about that that's pretty oh really I'm going to look into that just yeah that's only seven bucks seven it's got the little paac cutes on there I got distracted I thought that was a cool float but it's just a beverage boat oh okay did you hear what I said though par parakeets I meant I meant to say parrots and then like Pikachus no not Pikachu I don't oh no I snorted hello hello good morning good morning it's crazy that uh narwhal's new with tags oh yeah I think he's missing his little horn to be an nwal though he might just be a whale oh yeah just a regular old whale dang be [Music] toys all right just a pillow I think so okay is it okay we pay you yeah we're going to take your $2 pillow here $2 pillow thank you and it has a e on it e on it yep it's me all right thank you all right all right thank you all right just a pillow just a pillow but it's a cool pillow did you um I was conflicted about these because I wasn't sure that I liked the pattern they're $15 but yeah I mean it's a great deal it costs like 35 bucks for one of them so you think we should just go ahead and grab these if only if you like them I mean I feel like we see these at every grage though so I mean personally I don't like the patterns I know we need something yeah let's just skip on them then okay I think that's the smartest decision okay did you want to look at any of these clothes or probably n right go ahead like these Blazers and stuff sure a dollar for you got that I doubt that these are going to be anything but yeah yeah all right plus alarm sorry don't know until you look exactly all right on to the next one yeah I'm still trying to peek at that um oh the bedding set bedding set that was really nice for $7 right yeah there's no solds at all though okay any listed no okay well there was one tropical not of that I'm just going to look and see if there's any quilts that do decent okay we can do a update if we if we come back at this garage s we're buying it if not we'll see you at the next one there you go is that a little free poppy over there it looks like it looks like a good kushion on there too man those are actually worth some money yeah we just paid like a hundred bucks for just a cushion I know right I'll have to go peek at it after this just to see yeah who was saying that they likeed it Parker or I guess Parker I think they all like it yeah cuz that one that's in Sophie's room Parker just doesn't have room for his I guess no he doesn't hello hey good morning how we doing good good come in and Shop it's a mess and I don't have many things priced that's you just let me know if you have an interest in something and we'll sell it to you all right sounds good I'll pretty much give it to you even better we like that all right you're looking for uh not really we're just kind of looking around having fun good deal awesome heck yeah what that's cool math and body work sampler if this is they we'll take this one yeah that's cool I've never seen one of these before it's a cool little set these are a few of my favorite things nice okay little pickup they got a lot of tapestry uh purses purses yeah pretty cool little vintage naughty should we grab it Matthew okay did you mean for resale they actually are really good for resale are they really yeah yeah that's what I meant oh okay they got stuff everywhere that's awesome look at this guy no way oh that's awesome that's so cool isn't that Co see I like that hey what's up Taylor how you doing doing good hey I know hi oh uh maybe $5 $5 okay nice sounds like a deal yeah S I know right this heat is killing it yeah true that true that it's been a little warm you just getting started today yeah I think I had another one up there right off Tage cre on the other side of nothing I was a mower but it was gone so oh dang we came from the other way I think it hasn't been much out this looks I don't know pretty that's not Fenton right not fancy enough it has a little V on the bottom I think it's Viking ooh probably or is it upside down triangle it's really pretty has a little yeah maybe gra grab that maybe okay or ask about it and do we want to sell another one of these or um I think we only sold it for like $9 but we totally can okay yeah maybe we'll pass on that all righty I'm curious I've sold you know those little rice cookers uh yeah so they sell really well because kids use them like in dorm rooms and stuff and you can literally like steam chicken in them if you want to they have one over there but I think it's $10 10 bucks so I want to look it up just to see if they're still sell really well cuz the last one I think I sold for like 60 but they could have went down cuz I haven't sold one in like maybe 2 years yeah so I'm going to look yeah you look that up and I'll look through some of this stuff real quick so it looks like they still deal sell really well this is the same one oh the broccoli steamer it's just a rice cooker or a food steamer yeah okay so there's one for 100 nice then oh dang 89 it's just the same one yeah I should have put that in but this one's pretty good nice there's it again so that's awesome 10 bucks worth it as long as it's new I think it is actually cuz that's the sticker yeah that's got to be a seal so is it $10 or $15 I'm going with 10 it's always got lower of the two right yeah that's a nice little f right there um I just looked at this company and like their big baskets sell for like 60 to 80 bucks it looks like a nice oh that's a stair basket is that a stair basket see how it goes down it sits on a step oh maybe I could do a better search now with the stair basket yeah okay and that's I don't know how much that is but there's another cool basket right here okay I'm going to see what's in this lcom thing and then I'll help you out okay cool oh you're good wonder what kind this one is just says fragile oh Peter borrow that's another one of those Peter boros okay I'll help you in one sec okay this is just full of like vintage makeup it's used okay it's cool then that is nice okay okay well um updates to come in a moment after you look up these L SCS yeah we got to look up the stair one for sure right okay okay updates to come all right so we found the same used one that's all for 48 and this one is new with tags I don't know how much they are though should we go ask her yeah we definitely should cuz the prices are kind of kind of up there sometimes how much are you asking on your little baskets okay you got the stair basket and then Salad Express you said another one I don't know like maybe $30 a piece 30 a piece okay thank you you're welcome yeah all right well should we grab what we got and and run you want me to okay slab that back yeah I'll put that one back there how much you give me for the basket oh man I was hoping you're going to say like five bucks yeah beat me up real bad yeah I wasn't going to oh wow thank you thank you you have a good one man all right Taylor we'll see you see yeah probably see you at the next one probably we do have these things right here okay I don't know what this thing is here yeah this price it did somewhere yeah and I said what five on here yes man five on this one uh no how okay we'll think about it but uh four come on okay let's do four that's fine okay eight 13 23 how much are these cups I got $5 a piece on them five a piece on them all right what would you give me oh I don't know I'd have to okay thank you think about it for a second what are they okay all righty got the McDonald's bags they were wrapped in and everything really oh McDonald's cups cool all right well thank you so much very much good luck with your sale oh find something else yeah appreciate it thank you okay so those cups were 25th anniversary Walt Disney World or whatever whatever okay McDonald's cups I guess okay I doubt they're worth anything right yeah okay I'll look them up before we get in the car but what are your feelings my feelings are we went from everything is basically free to everything was like a little I think that $4 is probably a little bit too much for this Ste little steep on that guy yeah it's probably like a $12 vasis I guess yeah at least we got a good deal on everything else right it's okay right yeah the steamer I guess is good okay yeah all righty well I'll look up that cup and then uh that's the cool though right guys yeah I like that guy made 1998 wow very cool it is cool originally 45 bucks loving him man with this heat wave there's not too many garage Sals today huh no we've been driving forever to find this I know hi hi okay good morning I don't think any of this is going to fit you oh you don't think so she talking to me or you I'm not sure all right oh look at that you can come thing that coming through okay you see that thing there bringing up I'm going to set it at the end of the driveway for you okay she bought it you're welcome nice okay darn we could have used that we could have used that dang it probably would have went in the car huh yep okay darn that stinks so bad it's a stinker this is like Hobby Lobby everywhere h m so much Hobby Lobby they got like whole Hobby Lobby sections in here they got the they do I mean really they got AIS 14 and 15 oh jeez that was funny okay 14 all right who else we got here I guess there's some pillas over here we can look at man it's all Hobby Lobby man yeah so much decorations okay could have used this a couple days ago for $2 two bucks the towel thing speaking of which not tow thing I'm sorry the curtain rod oh the curtain rod speaking of which kinsley's bathroom is still need of your assistance to get that on I bought a new one and I still can't get it I had no idea I'll do it I'll put it on I'm definitely going to put that on it like won't it's a weird one so the new one we bought has stickers on the ends oh okay but like it doesn't get enough tension okay not trusting a a sticker to hold it all I'll throw some tension on there for you okay okay is that beautiful no the Woodcock I don't know if the woodcock's said H it's almost there this would be cool this is almost better than the plant in S window cuz that one would like hang down that's perfect isn't it yeah right she has that big old window oh no okay sh how much is that $5 oh dang I know you're going to say that more than more than Hobby Lobby D not well oh that's just cuz Hobby Lobby does have a sale on fake plants right now I like it though I could pay five bucks for it only thing I don't like is that how the inside kind of looks yeah but no one's going to see it cuz the window's kind of high right she already has one plant did you notice there's one okay she probably loves it to how many plants are in her room go uh three I got very close it's going to be three now though that's right this is number three we'll count it we'll count it all right should we buy a this plant fake plant and run yeah all right let's do it this is a cool little senty looking thing oh that is a ceny yeah it's got a little bit of uh little scratching right there yeah horrible scratching that's an interesting one though yeah looks like it was never used should we just see how much they want for it it's $3 oh you already got the price it's on it's on it oh wow okay yeah there it is it's funny how they hide from us your finger was just on it I saw it through the dang you got that eagle ey for the stickers not normally I miss them all the time I missed the pizza right in front of my face in the last video oh if you all don't see anything we have two more storage units we have to clean out tonight until tomorrow gosh okay so just keep that in mind okay any cool vintage stuff or anything or is it mostly I think that we might have a a vintage desk a desk okay and some like vintage like bottles vintage bottles huh okay that is cool cool I'm going see what she wants for that how much is your uh jacket that's mine oh that's yours that's yours yeah what do you that's nice I'm small a no way that yeah five bucks five bucks okay I think we'll pick that up for five bucks and this is the third fiver oh all fivers to I don't have any left now oh no what are we going to do use a tan or some WS a l we do have one more five oh there we go perfect all right you going to go snag that yeah you we just run a yeah you just pay her real quick all right my last five thank you guys okay ready to rock and roll yeah you forget something no somebody smoking some mared Jana you smell that I know I don't smell oh somebody's reefing it up right now all right thanks again thank Youk you you too okay so look at this car hard dang yeah that's nice that's perfect for five bucks he yeah nice and faded and everything yeah wow okay wow okay oh well I just grabbed this basket for the bottom of Sophie's closet dang brand new with tags yeah new with tags and we just painted the bathroom white so it's like perfect match and it ties into a room yeah we love it okay so yeah that ended up being pretty cool yeah man back of the car is not looking too great though uh at least we got some stuff in there yeah I just wish you guys could feel the heat right now it's hot it's 8:30 it's like 92° oh and we looked up this and we don't think it's Viking right yeah so I mean it's probably only worth like you said like 12 bucks that was just a kiss but like I just know that the size is not the best in the world and the better ones are the ones that like go down B like the swung faes yeah the big thing or like the unique four ones that come out yeah it's still cool though right yeah it's still cool and it's still yeah all right it's pretty pretty you know you can't win them all somebody will buy it and it has like the darker right at the top it's so pretty yeah it's a showpiece really it's beautiful okay all right let's go let's go all right well it's been like another hour since we've seen the last garage sale Yes Man a very long time it's been not our day for sales little rough today yeah okay hopefully this one's we'll find something h okay whole lot ofata MH hello Hi how are you guys good good how are you doing okay hot it's like a muggy yeah yeah ooh Monster High mhm she's missing or she missing something or is it little piece of something okay should see if there's any more in there yeah it's a little baby one um I don't think so oh those he like a little mommy one this is a I can't remember what they're called say there's also there was an LOL case I I don't know people are opening it but it has all like lol dolls and all the accessories like it's all included with it awesome nice okay I don't see any more do you no these ones do well on their own though but we need like lots I can't remember what they're called I'm trying to think it's something they're obviously animal related Enchanted Enchanted enchant en Chantal enchantimals probably don't quote me you guys it's been a while I wish there was a set of like two that'd be nice right mhm a little poly pocket I don't know hatch hatchimals that sounds newer those little okay they're in the exit kind okay uh look at that side table Isn't that cool you think kiny would like that that is cool or I guess we just got her her new one huh yeah okay um we need some something for downstairs though downstairs yeah and this this is kind of cool too huh yeah for a little uh showcase shelf I like it we could fit that in the car right now we got the seats down already um don't know what it oh m is need the side table too that is nice so let's ask about this and okay you want me to go get a little price I'm going to dig through these for a second and see if there's any she's like it's black so it's we got a question for you your side table there the side table I'll do 10 10 on that and then how about that shelf thing oh the uh bookshelf thing um 10 on that here 10 and 10 yeah okay well I don't know I think we'll probably pick that up um is that for disc golf yes that's a disc golf thing okay what are you asking on that uh give me a second closet why we just I was stupid I bought it and my husband was like that can't fit in we just put one up but that one nicer like I have a rim right there like cuz I needed to replace the rim on my vehicle and I never opened the box and I just Googled my vehicle yeah and uh didn't open it up for like 3 months I was like I'll get it replaced eventually and then open it up and my husband's like that doesn't fit oh no so then I was like oh I can't beint it now yard sale time um okay so the this golf bag said 40 or best offer 40 or best offer yeah our friend dropped off a couple of things okay all righty appreciate it I'm going to look in this uh baseball bag over here real quick I'm excited about the side table me too that's a nice one hey M Kayla I won't be able to open this one handed you want to oh yeah maybe just hold this for a second okay let's just see we'll show the peeps okay show the beep here bats in there okay just trying to see if there's any gloves or anything in here man there's stuff in here it's a cool bag balls balls okay we got the balls we got balls Lots the balls okay balls and balls balls and balls say I don't know my husand hasn't played softball yeah 5 years no it's been more hasn't it do you know what he wants like on the bats and stuff that's what I'm trying I was like the brush he didn't tell me anything for that I guess for just the bats not the bag uh don't know uh let me try to call him real quick okay cool I I don't want to tell you something and then I get yelled at later yeah you don't want to get in trouble I know um that closet set like we just paid $200 for Sophie's little closet thing yesterday I know that would have been perfect that's probably big enough for our closet I know either one dang it I'm just saying it a yard S price versus yeah if he was saying 20 on the bats 20 for both or each for both oh so 10 each yeah okay I'm going to think about it for one second yeah no problem is he thanks okay all right sorry we got the Mayhem I I probably need to look them up at yeah uh you got your phone on you I do that de Marini one looks nice the this one yeah this one's composite and uh the other one's not so okay I'm assuming this worth one's probably going to be worth more the green one's better I mean the orange one maybe okay worth Mayhem oops okay so I think it's that one right there right yeah that's the same one sold for 135 189 what yeah so we'll grab that one for 10 and then this is the de Mar fixt d e m a r i ning room Bruiser Bruiser softball okay um yeah not so good 20 all right so we'll grab that one okay put this one back so we ow 30 bucks uh I think it's going to be 30 yeah you happy with that yeah very all right I'm very happy cuz we got some furniture are we going to a did I leave my wallet in the car first time of the day I'll be right back okay so we're going to we're going to get the side table the shelf and this 30 is that what we're looking at 10 each wait oh you're getting the one B I was like wait just one all right cool yeah that's we'll look around a little bit more and then we'll get you paid up thank you okay got the wallet I the table sorry are you good I was eyeballing the table cuz I need something for our shipping yeah it's a little I would like to get you one that's more your level though a little higher yeah but that'd be good for you I guess yeah I don't like the leg it's not the prettiest yeah in a newly renovated room and go one yeah okay ready yeah I think we're ready here is $30 we're taking one bat your shelf and the side table okay cool thank you so much appreciate it okay should we uh maybe load these up and get back to them yeah all right you good job on the bat cuz your bat yeah like covered all this plus covers everything man 190 what all right we going off two mirrors behind there yeah we'll see if we make it out here without buying anything else we'll update if we do yeah like I would even put this on the porch if we don't have a spot in the house what are we looking at this really cute little table little table yeah this green one right here yeah that's nice 15 bucks like it has nice lines the shapes cute do you like that yeah I like it cuz I mean we have the spot right by the door when you walk in on that side where there's nothing we have the whole Space downstairs we have that big porch with nowhere to set anything we got lots of spaces for it it's 15 bucks too okay you want to snag it do you like it I love it do you really it's probably the best table I've ever seen I'm being serious yeah I like it okay he like happy wife happy definitely it's an amazing table we just moved too and we need Furniture so it's perfect perfect y um I'm glad that that will work for somebody yes I love it it's cute she ended up like cuz I thought about putting it for her rooms and everything cuz it would work really well with her color she wanted a looft bed really bad and it has a desk built in and I was like well we don't need yeah there you go well I can definitely find a spot for it all right we'll grab it right y okay Co yeah that's cool I like it there's I don't have change sorry no you're fine uh should we come back for it or whatever you want to do where do you me come back for it the change there is thank you so much you were prepared today huh ready went to the bank oh my gosh this is so light whoopsie yeah thanks again here I can just carry this oh thank you beast mode this is cute holding tables with your eyes closed and listen here's the thing here's the thing also is that Madison my oldest daughter is moving into her first like college apartment and she needs furniture too so if we don't need it need it nice lightweight Furniture like that we need I love this I really like this yeah it's perfect I love the little design here like the I too the shap and the lines here and this cool drawer got me some of the best stuff I've seen all day we need to situate okay we're going to situate and we'll get back to you guys all right we're all loaded up loaded ready to go okay so we got three house pieces very happy about that very nice and then a bat that's going to pay for all of them and we'll make some money taking a photo for Madison oh yeah she's going to love them she is yeah okay are we trying to find another sale or we headed to Goodwill uh we're head to good and see if there's another sale yeah sounds good let's go do it all right okay we made it to a Goodwill we're going to head in we did just grab some coffee and donuts so don't tell anybody did you even take a sip of your coffee I haven't taken a sip of coffee I haven't ate one single bite of a donut that's okay we're going to head to this dut and we have rental car to return we we got time crunch time crunch for the rental car so yeah yep let's head in this Goodwill try to find some stuff for cheap I flip back on eBay for a profit right there we go hello oh yeah yeah no worries I got it for you guys thank you yeah no problem thank you yeah oh it's so nice in here hey how you doing okay to rock and roll M quick run speedrun all right purses first always right I like it this is kind of huh yeah look at that the [Music] looks Cheapo though uh it definitely looks Cheapo thank you hey welcome damn I said welcome oh man I've done that so many times every time I go on Walmart they're like welcome to Walmart and I'm like you too you too uh this is style City okay yeah probably not the best right style city is not that great okay oh man I'm glad that was on camera everybody is relating right now right yeah we've all done it bcgc that's kind of bcgc style right there okay I heard BC gc's were a brand right they are a brand not a good brand though I I mean I've never sold any I've looked up a few yeah we'll pass on it I think that style though it does have some good style we can look into it if you want yeah I'm not I'm not too worried about it I mostly always pass on them yeah okay I mean I guess I should say always I've never bought always have to pass on right okay anything in here man there's got to be something right we've kind of been uh striking out at these lately H yeah well we haven't been in like 3 weeks Wilson's Leather that's new to me also o Wilson's I see a lot of jackets that have Wilson's Leather maybe that's the same kind of deal like is it the sport company Wilson or what the heck uh no it's just like Wilson's Leather I think that's what they're called uh here's a tangel ego these are kind of nice right take that as one now sorry sorry I thought um well most time they're not that great yeah they cost a lot retail though do they but they just don't res for two bucks I mean it's a stylish little tangelo I don't know might only be worth 20 I look into it probably not worth looking take okay oh you grabbed it nice I mean I'll look into it for you for sure yeah let's look into it it is cute it's got some style yeah it's got all the style get to those hard yeah let's get to the hard Goods real quick all right so Kayla looked up this wallet she was so nice to look it up but she was right so this brand does not sell too great listen the some of these wallets s for better than the purses though I saw a couple of these in different colors that sold for closer to $20 yeah so considering they're 99 students they're $1.99 here yeah that's not that bad yeah it could be worse right yeah um could be way worse yeah but we're going to pass on it right well I mean I think only because it's orange and the oranges didn't sell that great if it were like red red would have been like 20 bucks that would have been great can we spray paint it no okay uh this stud Baker thing has a Sil comp of like 20 bucks used but they want seven bucks a yeah so that's cool yep we're just striking out we're just having a rough time in Goodwill today it happens to all us it happens look at that little Dro in time co-ed sweatshirt what okay I don't understand it but it's a sweatshirt pattern designing okay on the inside for either six vintage wow vintage that's pretty nice okay we got to find something right yep and we have it's going to be 20 plus minutes to drive back for the rental car so we probably only have like literally a couple minutes the heck is this dude you got a cool little guy over there what is this thing I don't know who's that from that's from uh is that the new Lion King oh I don't know maybe I have IDE dang we got the old school Dumb Way dumbbells executive dang those are nice okay got a lava lamp but it's not a vintage one unfortunately $12.99 they $12.99 I don't know must be new management in here this is cool this is glass oh wow it's a person it's got to be worth something isn't that neat yeah let me .99 though and look shnikies like you would have to be oh it just needs to be like reglued for stabilization no I think it's glass it's glass yeah all right let me take a quick photo for Google real quick get your head out of there okay it's cool it's strange and the song's playing at the same time it goes with the BBE of the L kind of weird huh strange all right I want to see the bottom of this bed baby please don't fall off please please don't follow it's from two the year 2000 it's vintage mhm uh Google imag is not pulling up anything but I wish it wasn't $112.99 cuz I would just buy it anyways cuz somebody would love that it's a cool piece well I put the photo plus lamp and there's nothing so there's no maker on it or anything no just the date okay all righty well I'll I'll keep on looking into it hopefully we can find something similar so we kind of know right okay huh I wonder if either one of or any of the children need this I don't know a little makeup thing yeah that's cool little should we get this for the house little fce water thing what the heck is that Isn't that cool it's like a trigger and you smack them togethers it fun way of getting that's pretty cool that is cool huh yeah they were only two bucks oh we have a lot of bugs here in Kentucky oh my goodness jez I was just trying to make sure it was new not a crusty inside I don't know if any of them do they need that where they both are get or have vanities I mean that would fit on Sophie's vanity like one of the shelves perfectly how much is that5 bucks that's that's really not bad it's probably like 10 bucks at TJ Maxx or something yeah take half price do we need that one for 99 it's a good like under the drawer puller pull out one huh oh yeah yeah let's get that one too that might be nice okay okay or we grabbing you want me to grab that other one I'm still trying to look into that lamp but there's absolutely nothing yeah you want me carry something thanks all right don't really see anything over here either this is Bleak today yeah and all the cool stuff's $100 yeah dang it this is the worst good whe where they be watching us this is the one where the managers watch us too guess yeah for sure okay I don't see anything else now watch us to clarify also we need watch our videos not watch us extra in the store needed to clarify that oh watch the videos they watch our videos they're not actively watching us inside here no um yeah I'm not seeing anything else dang it oh why did I just buy one oh that's dirty okay makes me feel better oh is that one of those things yeah and I just paid we just paid $12 yesterday for a plastic one dang it cuz ours didn't fit okay there's also another one of those white mirrors we don't need one but oh it's the same exact one we have is the same exact that's crazy how much is it here $24.99 okay that's not bad yeah but I think we got the other white one for like 10 bucks at a yard sale oh really that's cool got a steal on that one yeah know right okay I don't see anything else okay dang it well we planed to go anyways we got this Ral car to take back yeah let's go do that and I think the plan is if we see any signs on the way to drop it off we're going to stop yeah as long as we have time and we have to unload all this bur TR of our car real quick yeah okay but we are going to head to some more Goods after this so we will catch up with you guys in a bit yeah unless find something else right now pull something out jport duffel bag w i mean Duff yeah sometimes these are really good okay uh should we look it up real quick maybe dang all right JanSport black duffel bag would that be something Jack would like to use like when he does his overnights with his friends bag or just a backpack is good yeah he might like that I think Jack is uh doesn't care Jan Sport black duel what the heck is this okay here we go we're looking we're looking what is this going to be like five bucks here uh yeah I think the bags are like $5.99 okay let's see okay so I mean not not amazing but like 30 40 okay you know not bad not amazing not bad uh grab it or no it's up to you it'd be easy to ship just would be easy to ship yeah yeah let's just grab it right yeah we got to grab that thing okay we got a Duff bag on these pillows but they're cute right I'm trying to decide there's a set of two of these but I feel like are they cute or are they just slightly dated like I can't decide uh I'd say they're dated oh this one's missing all those tassis all the tassis like I'm trying to decide though if it's a mixture yeah it could be like with the right couch could be really cool like they're very yeah you know get like a nice solid color couch and put these on there just little Pizzazz little Pizzaz yeah too bad they're broken ooh the magic skirt oh those are pants I was going to say might be nice for you oh for me um okay we got to go unless you want to pull us out some other money from somewhere uh I can try do your thing real quick I haven't checked to see what time it is for the record uh the time right now is 1025 ooh we're screwed yeah we got to go like right now the organ Trail those are fun Should we grab it or no uh if you want to does it work no 2017 let's roll okay not vintage oh goodness D so is your foot okay I think I just told the wagon sorry sorry wagon sorry wagon okay no hats okay hello how you doing good how are you good little bike there yeah should we buy it do you like it or do you just want to buy it I just want to buy it okay I'm going to go put the changel Lego back okay we got the Duffy and the organizes yep and we have like 34 minutes to go home and then drive 28 minutes oh my gosh so we're going to be like we're definitely going to be late yeah it's all right hopefully it'll be cool we had to spend like three times what a normal car rental is yep cuz as you guys know we were looking for a car never found one then we had to rent one last minute very last minute and it was the only van in town and was way way way too much to much but it's okay you got to do what you got to do yep I nice little uh Snap-on wrench set over here uhoh yeah I want to see you want to go check it out with me yeah okay so it's this uh it's right over here so it's not the biggest set in the world but there's a lot of pieces so that's snap on and then all the pieces are right here well even if we don't sell you need one of these yeah for sure perfect yeah I think for $10 it's probably a pretty good deal huh yeah okay cool anything else you need uh I don't know you want a cool new yard stick for photos that' be that' look cool for photos H man I had a really cool one before that was wood I like this where it's s yeah okay decisions all right Snap-on and L L shape okay all right cool 12 bucks yeah I only got we're use the 20 want that thank you I'll grab the stuff is that a laser level right there where oh right there yeah is that a BOS why we didn't get that s binder here I know would have been a better deal right Avid designs not familiar with that no all right so we're going to grab a $10 bag and then a $2 ruler but we don't have exact change sorry yeah soole quite a bit of it today I bet I went through to pass away oh okay bag them yeah I like how you bagged it up nice that's awesome people love their tools all right well thanks again yeah thank you take care all right you think we're going to find another cell I don't know I hope so questionable it's almost 12:00 right oh yeah man the day has really run away on us it has it's not been very successful not many sales but uh it is what it is yeah and we got to get home soon cuz the sitters off it with one oh no I know oh no oh no all right all right see you guys again soon yep [Music] I think it is actually yeah that's got to be a SC five bucks okay I think we'll pick that up for five bucks for just the bag not the bag support duffel bag what there's a lot of pieces so left [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 142,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZnipaH-bGOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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