This NO COMMS SILVER Says They Deserve DIAMOND... So We Made Them Prove It

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oh dashes in oh oh the spring oh does you want this hello YouTube today we are looking at a silver player who refuses to communicate in his games because he thinks that his team doesn't listen to him so there's no point to doing it he does have a bike but he just chooses not to cop he does think he deserves Diamond because he matched MVPs in the games even if he loses and it's his team's fault today we're putting them to the test and if you guys want to see your stuff live coming over to egg like if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel our silver player for today his name is Fork great name I like the name fork and he's an initiator man so let's see what happens now Chad did choose the map split I said we would have went Ascent because you know if you're an initiator man solva fade great on the set but no no chat had to screw him over for game one and choose split so now I guess he's playing a raise no he's playing kill I like that I like the KO pic out of five players how many players have a mic usually okay is like three a good number for people who have a mic is it usually just two people talking does the entire team have a mic usually it's two two to three so there's like two people who don't have mics at all times all have Mike but no one comes so has the prime I like the prime default knife interesting Crosshair I don't know too many people who use a Crosshair that like opens up and closes depending on your accuracy because I feel like it's kind of annoying I don't like switching to knife and then the Crosshair becomes smaller switching to a vandal or another gun it becomes bigger I just like a simple stable Crosshair you know depends what you like okay the knife comes out I feel like oh right gets broken knows there's a ton here dude this is a big Crosser when it switches to the ghost okay wait what is happening he doesn't this is Diamond okay it gets taken down no never mind gets healed flashes up what oh dude he did get blinded by that wait what oh my God gets taken down by the turret and he's gone our Fork is dead this is Duo's name spoon sorry that joke sorry sorry anyway um I don't know how he didn't get blind over there because or or maybe it was like at the very end of the smoke but uh Forks team gets taken down 1-0 to start it off I don't know what the optimal KO knife is here because I don't play kale is this the optimal one like you throw it from here you don't throw it from ramp right I'm pretty sure you throw it from here because ramp is kind of dangerous you have to peek out oh he's switching up he's throwing it from here but everyone's going B he's alone on a okay he places the smoke here he waits for someone to push up and he gets one with a classic right click this is the play oh oh oh oh now we're just holding their team oh my God the biggest flank from The Omen they're getting destroyed right now that omen's on a 4K item sinner is going crazy round three this is the Buy around oh that's a bronze buddy okay we're practicing our spray the Vandal and Phantom got nerfed right they have lower uh ammo counts I personally don't know if that's a good change with the amount of things you have to shoot in Valor there's like raised boombot fade Prowler Reyna eye Salvador there's a lot you have to shoot but then if you think about it it does buff Sage wall like crazy oh dude he's not watching anything no he has to be watching cross here Reyna's gonna sneak up no it's over he's not getting any info who's the initiator he needs to be getting some sort of info or at least watching the cross that's the most important part rain is going to be Heaven Reyna's Gonna Fly this other Arena how did this guy get up there wait what is going on okay but they should have this it's one person left this judge is going for it and takes him down all right let me gets back Fork is unfortunately right now bought frag I don't know what's going on with the team I wonder if they're telling him things then again he is just no calm it's not like he's muted so he should be able to communicate or at least um coordinate with the team if the team is talking to him whoever's watching this video join the Discord server because we're gonna invite 100 people to a Minecraft server and try to recreate valoran valorent builds probably Valor Maps probably valorant agents too but uh if you know anything about like RT game I love RC game we're gonna try that out oh I see feeling sent okay okay it's not looking too hot but then again it's just a start you know maybe he has to adjust to the pace of a diamond Lobby very different from the silver Lobby for sure I don't like that he has to peek to throw the knife yep see see in that one moment in higher ELO they might punish you there you probably get one top someone's holding that so it's working out right now because no one was there and you know he didn't get punished but objectively that's not great oh he's gonna flash out and Peak dude he flashes right as the uh the smoke disappears oh where is that race looking okay oh okay he's looking a bit lost right now but currently it's still one to three oh my God why are we knife kill any ah what is happening I think the knife is fine I don't know what higher ranked players knew but I know they should switch up a bit like sometimes the KO knife comes out b sometimes the KO knife comes up a you don't have to stay in one side all the time and it's sometimes good to just you know switch it up especially in ranked sometimes you know if you're not working on one side oh wait he's like me but unfortunately the entire team's going hey oh the knife doesn't come out The Omen smokes himself out here in a okay I'm switching over there's a little something going on in either delaying they're chilling there's one guy on the box now we're pushing up to heaven the problem is I don't know if anyone's crossed so he might be taking a fight here oh he takes the fight life comes out if they break it yeah they do it as expected oh my God you're loading out here that opens going crazy with a judge his team is going crazy it's all up to radar now he hasn't done much but he does pick up the skin typically we like that flash swing okay I don't know why but the sense feels a bit too high or what's your sense his sense is OverWatch ready glad I play Valor my sense is so much lower compared to every other game I think my Apex sense is like times two of my Valentine's even show me the death to suppressed okay as Molly has everything he didn't answer my question understandable he's a no comps player but he should answer me at sub point right this guy sense is 801.19 that's pretty high no that's above 1K wait that's pretty hot I feel like it I mean some players play with really high sense but this one looks like he can't control it very well it looks very jittery dude oh my gosh that's going crazy minus 800.19 and it still feels High F minus like mine's 800.24 and I feel like that's a perfect sense for me holy crap we're just slow walking back to sight I'm scared let's see what he does oh Molly comes out now that's almost perfect timing the smoke still there though spam so Smokey might get a kill he does tag someone oh he's dead I feel like when you hear the result I'll just pop mine right away cancel that old hide behind the cover pop your alt and the race can't do anything okay Aussie gets one defense is on the fat retake here 1v2 oh holy crap this guy also looks like he has really high sense Jesus Christ are diamond players dude the sense looks insane like he's getting kills anyway though I mean doesn't matter but spam I'm just taken down so fourth grade now is two to seven it's not looking too hot please don't throw this knife throw it from another place it's a lot safer and you don't have to Peak unless you're like jump peeking this and throwing okay you know it's fine oh now he'll get popped he flashes out oh my god dude get spam through the Smoke From Heaven they can res him he's still on 500 The Omen needs to re-smoke this or something or have the sage wall in my folks oh he's up he's up my guy has eight assists by the way which is kinda insane if you think about it a lot of these are probably from the knife scan too okay we shoot that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh the Crouch though I see him oh my God pounding here how the hell is this guy go all the way to spawn oh my God that's crazy God damn his team's winning though I'm pretty sure you guys are gonna say that his team is doing well which is why they're winning and he's kind of being carried but uh I'd have to agree actually usually I'd have something else to say but right now I have to agree he's not boosted he looks like a typical silver player oh oh the slow peeking up oh my God we're turning her back to the enemy oh except the vandal flash swing swings this is a crazy [Music] hold on like this hey Here Comes Ozzy oh my God it's all up to my calculator oh my God he missed the turret okay get the oven picks up the judge this is very surprising to me why the judge oh Dash is in oh oh that's big oh this okay I can't believe this not the mid-range judge eight to four Chad I think that's a decent path for attackers put a scene oh oh that's scary I'm scared okay knife comes up okay never mind you guys haven't already the spike is here okay 3v3 no 2v3 it's all up to Jeff and KO now oh he's swinging this he's speaking this there's a shorty the blood oh wow what a shot from that track he's going crazy 19 and five there is a killjoy here that is a problem I think they're going back a Yep they're re-hitting age that's one HP just going in first beating now swing switch so far we're three nine and ten Jesus Christ double digits on the assists by the way it's the highest number of assists you've ever seen in the game not like someone going for a challenge or anything by the way like in your game I've seen like 20 dude I think the max I've seen was like 17 18. never 20. is that over did something okay did they all just buy judges wait no they picked up the judge from The Defenders from that open oh my god oh wait but there's a bulldog Here Comes Jeff with the Bulldog 65 HP 2V1 you'll take it down a dollar oh what a clutch raise those clutched two rounds in a row now Ray's Built different it's really a battle just going on right now trap it's a jump versus rage right now I think my guy right now has a problem yeah the movement's a thing Martin we're running rich moving Martin loves the name I like Colleen user names do you guys get your preferred Discord username you know I just got egg like I'm so happy it asked me today and uh I was able to get the username eglick with no numbers or anything like that so it's just I had to put a period at the end sad the snap should go backside probably right oh I thought I mean I feel like backside would be better info I don't know if he likes you back sight that would have been big because you would have known the Gekko oh my god oh you know what where's the radar apparently he's three and twelve you know what Chad maybe it's just not his map Gamers probably just a bad day why is he pull out his knife so much A lot of people have that habit though it's not just like this guy I'm pretty sure I have that habit too especially when it's a knife I like it's just a feel-good something about pulling out the knife I don't know Chad it just makes me feel a certain way does it not oh my God imagine when Ray's name here it's always scary going through events or at least for me I hate going through events with my whole team because I feel like you just got stuck there one sage slow one Gekko Molly and you're screwed oh pick up the Phantom oh let's go I think his sense is higher he's moving his Mouse too much I agree I think that's one of the problems that people have too is that they come from other games where their sense is insane and they don't realize that valorant you kind of need to tone it down a bit again there are exceptions to this and they're really good players with high sense you do you but that's my suggestion tone it down a bit because these really precise stuff it's a lot harder to hit with high sense Saturn okay walk up dude okay in that situation that like so pulling out the knife there I don't know why he did it so often maybe he's nervous and that's like his coping mechanism that's just too often for me like they're like three times or something in that smoke where he pulled it up I don't know if it was three exactly but okay 2v2 oh this is big for Martin versus Malik Martin does not have this it's all up to Finn oh he's dead oh he's a gunner doesn't check him oh he's so smart it's dry cyanide gets him and they tie it up nine to nine oh my God the Village near this guy oh my God one suppressed do you guys know the commentary YouTubers all they have in the background is CS go surf gameplay or con Game Boy and they just talk over it and that for some reason evolved to Minecraft Parkour those were the OG's man hey quick man that CS goes he's smarter than Valor nah dude valorence has nothing like surf surface so satisfying I'm happy they're using CS go what are you gonna watch in Valor in just five dudes peaking someone literally watching five dudes walk up to heaven oh my God let me get one see and they win 9-11 oh Martin's is gone now they're all just chilling in spying welcome to Diamond everyone sneaking up wait there's two people invented all right what the hell happened they have full control of a site except for screens now that knife comes up really late oven plants for where plans for heaven yep there it is surely the amount to come back here no he has this he's holding that's the easiest clap of his life dude dude just chill man chill you don't have to swing every angle just hold okay I see it now the problem is we're playing too fast my guy just has to be patient and hold that doesn't have to keep looking around you don't have to do a lot of things at Valor at all times because if you try to do two things at once chances are you're gonna do nothing at all flash comes out lock it up oh the knife goes out Heaven oh my God Molly you got healed up oh nice are we swinging heaven Jesus oh almond big TP oh that must have felt so nice does this Omen have Oath though he does Martin is on the spike wait someone's on the spike Dazzle does get Spike oh but kills right here oh he's dead these monsters how disrespectful at least he got the knife in person Match Point Let's see if Fork can do anything about this if he can't then we move on to game two unfortunately with the loss in game one he is 6 and 17 final score assuming he gets no kills and no deaths this route he'll pop off next game trust true I believe slow peeking like this oh yeah he picks up the bathtub okay you don't have to knife out this is a good moment don't pull out the knife don't pause the knife okay the reload dude someone can walk up don't pull out the knife don't flatter knife don't pull out the knife okay you know what that's better that's fine as well as a nice end come out thank you all right damn my man got removed on all right Chad we go game two we're gonna ask him what's his preferred map is and uh yeah let's see a set initiator no cons actually initiator is probably the most important role to have comms on now that I think about it because you need to tell your team d by flashing team I'm doing this or else your team gets blinded oh he's playing solva okay great map for Sova below average Joe this hey man no track average Jonathan for this well Dart this early right probably info info oh they hear a lot today so he's saving the dark maybe a cross map Dark for the people up in a we've seen lower rank silver players do that that comes out for the retake feeling area discussions as well he's kind of screwed yep oh this is big okay that's a silver this is tough Arena's out oh I think he digs Arena too oh versus the killer there's one guy hell but they're playing Molly lineups we got no thank you that's a guy hell dude these Diamond players look at them chat look at them they have double Molly lineup for post black they have a brimstone and they have a killjoy dear God no way look at the chat GG yes revealing area okay gets taken up right away oh he doesn't get spotted off by this starts though I take it back he did gets flying off maybe if we didn't get started out there I feel like you'd have a better chance why do I jinx our players so bad it's all up to the jump now classic only completable wait he stopped Frank Jeffy stop Frack I don't want to hear anything else from anyone why does he do so many unnecessary flicks I think it's because I sense man I think that they're gotta keep your attention span for longer like this you don't have to keep like crouching and moving around just hold it okay they're entering eight why not the one up here no maybe you can drone first yeah I think drone first any droners for side standing ahead oh there's a double lineup amen look at these Skizzy uh children mollies oh he does oh dude oh he gets half no he gets half no winnable winnable get the brim oh nice try dude Jeff got an ace layer though day oh man my guy is cocked in oh my gosh he's playing don't shoot that don't shoot that you've got this thing then again he could have accidentally shot it because of the spring okay come on Finn it's just a 1v4 come on Finn holy holy he's got he's gone who's that we believe something dark he's waiting he's waiting for them fancy standing ahead and I found them no I feel like he's crouching way too often he isn't even letting his spray reset when he's shooting again okay you know there's one gen because of where that shock guard came from lots of knife out I'm a little stressed with a knife off but you know what this is what it is are on the knife bind it to like five or something so it's more intentional revealing area oh that's big what ah dude he hits two though unfortunate knife comes out here five four three two okay a knife comes out every three seconds no not three three comes out every ten seconds it's real revealing area someone body block that brim thing oh my God monsters oh my God yeah Jesus Christ they're getting moved on this on his map on the sun it was supposed to be better hey at least it's a silver different chat oh my God that is scary we're walking out someone could be mad someone could be Topman we're just dead there gotta be a bit more careful with our life here I'm scared I'm actually scared maybe Dart there's a gun nice there we go omen's waiting for the smoke to come down and he's gonna swing up oh what no oh that's actually nasty dear God that's how you do it with so much like this yeah they're trying to not Martin man not Martin deserves better Martin deserves better that's two knives and two rounds oh my God he's got the Odin you have dark you have everything come on drone first bleach drone you should run oh cyanide gets off in case what did these guys drink what is in their food they are pretty even last game and now look at them what in the world happens please not a 13-0 if it's a 13-0 I'm gonna lose my standing ahead where's that go there they are oh big scan imagine if nobody on team defense gets over 10 kills that'd be crazy you know oh my God not the Stinger Kyle look at this peak Valiant gameplay chat Peak oh valorante Game Boy Hey You know if this was a rank game you guys would all be saying oh my God kill Joy you're the best thank you for winning the round for us but now that you guys are watching it you guys like Mary but if that was your teammate and they won you the round without giving you any stress you guys would be so happy any droners any groaners oh my God the reloads okay here comes the drunk these guys are really going for the 15-0 huh I like playing this spot as Omen as Silva I don't know because that's Omen you're in trouble you just TP up heaven right are you TP like into hell or something you can reposition with the TP but if you're Silva and you're playing there you're stuck in no man's slime kind of revealing area we don't talk about it we don't talk about it we just don't we have drones Dear God not the 13-0 that's all I asked guys just not the 13-0 we will try not to right for you attackers you guys can try your best but Defenders please oh my God he's not a judge standing ahead he's by the judge oh man smoke this out come on guys this is your moment no I don't run don't run have some Faith except in the smoke there's no smoke kill this I'm sorry I know he tried to get the Vandal but it seems like he just changed his judge skin for a better skin I'm pretty sure he was trying to get the Vandal chat oh is that Arena was just faster okay I don't think drones to play here if your team's just running out and again we're not coming so that's also them oh we're holding for flag oh he's got this let's go I actually drink some though I drink them so hard the moment I mentioned it currently we do the B execute here we just fast run it through b oh dear God oh my God you tagged Arena does it matter no not the knife out please please we're fine oh we've got this it's only up to the server ain't clutches I will lose my sh standing ahead oh he's using this that's big they don't see him oh but they're both playing hell oh my God calm down they got two rounds now 11 is all the way down Fort gives five kills away from hitting double digits we're almost there how am I ghosting maybe you learned from your ex again okay I I realized oh we're about to hit a triple oh my God this is insanely high sense I'm getting dizzy wait does he have a lineup is he lining up for something bragging is one thing but game sense and you tell usage equally I don't think fragging and like game sense are as different as people's Santas because a lot of the things that go into getting kills in Valor require good game sets your positioning matters a lot where you decide to play how you want to peek your movement stuff like that well technically movement's not game sense I'd say movement than like aim not really bragging because fragging is too General but yeah I get what you mean you need everything but if you can't aim then game cents won't matter at all because even if you get yourself into the best position in the game if you can't capitalize with aim or if you can't just hit your shots and there's no point oh standing ahead is that scan it does oh he's walking foreign holy crap my guy my guy just focus on one angle just one just focus on one angle okay oh my God oh my God no no you know I feel like he's making decent Apex player not gonna lie attack side your map wait what is it a set defense sided I've always thought it was a more defense sided map since when was a certain attack signing flight no no no no no no no no that's a club okay seven I've lost count nine this bike hence revealing area 11. 12 13 14. 15 16. 17. one yo here it comes sneaky peaky like he can't go longer he needs his fix it's about to come out five four three okay someone could have like pop down and tried to trade or something oh my God that omen's going crazy now we're playing lineups don't have to Dart if you're playing off your Killjoy then oh he's toying with the arena it's not planted oh they have the crossfire yep let's go good play for it good stuff Nobody Breaks the door I wonder why he switches from Vandal to the dark so frequently please just don't knife out here they're inside everyone calm down I'm saying that to calm myself down everyone come oh wait where's that go okay hey okay Fork I see you I see you can stop taking advantage of the Paper Walls you're open to Heaven oh with the heaven guys dead that's fine I think it's 7 11 though hey haven't why did he do that one more kill to hit double digits we are about to hit it there's a prediction over 10 well he had 10 kills or more than 10. oh if it's over 10 it has to be 11. if it's 10 then it doesn't count because he's not over 10 he's 10. okay that sounds weird to say out loud but yes there's only one dude left oh my God and it's no you're so close what is the inner capitalist and me is saying why are you wasting your shotgun for what not much impact to be honest yeah true I think he's pulling out his knife because he has like nervous energy to burn this is the exact problem that Tick Tock has has made up or has conjured into our lives all you Subway Surfer iPad kids this is the result you can't go a few seconds without doing something or being entertained by some random dude jumping on top of trees okay here it comes [Music] I think they do 1v3 oh my god bewift oh no I also have to watch Tick Tock you know it's part of my job you have to see what's working on Tick Tock recently it's been GTA driving with streamers talking about life stories that's 200 credits gone down the drain and one smoke gone doesn't have any more smokes bro how many knives are coming up oh my God he almost has them this is what you're talking about oh this almost dead oh what the oh big oh if you didn't jump chat if you do exclamation point mod that will proof you by the way the sick cruel joke that the mods have implemented into twitch chat don't worry everyone I'm on your side it will poof you if you do exclamation point please don't oh God why is it that the moment I say don't do it you guys do it I see no that's understandable this is why I'm giving you guys a whole Minecraft server to yourselves to try to what the happened guess that right okay oh that was way too close for some oh oh he's almost on double digits one more kill shot I mean he's almost over 10. it's over ggs everyone oh my oh no anyway here's one kill away now it's close we are almost there four cat ten all right GG's Gamers thanks for playing all right Chad what do we think we think our man deserves diamond we think he deserves silver gold plot what what's our play here he did blending at the end that's true he was like mid fry doing decent on Ascent on split not too much but uh honestly he looked fine foreign [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 177,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4pKxOUhc1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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