This new StarCraft 2 strategy is cause for moderate concern

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welcome back to the most professional Starcraft 2 with the tan who represents the rest of us in the red it's the people's tan it's gear up against the protos with some of the most interesting ideas in the game right now not a dream not even hallucination it's a nightmare a best of three DVP starting things off on site Delta and honestly I'm looking closer at nightmare right now but either way I think these two always bring good games for the fans and if that's something you want to see well I ask one thing for me to see which is one more like And subscribe if you haven't made there yet and Jimmy what are we one 1,34 likes on this series on this cast and I'll cast another one and I'll probably do it anyways but thank you for watching hopefully you've had a good day so far and hopefully it's about to get just a little bit better Stargate in 2024 that's is that the year yeah I don't 2024 as a Reaper comes across the map Stargate has kind of Gone by the wayside it's not completely been shoved out of the meta and since the Cyclone has been tone down just a little bit has become a little more common as the Oracle can survive it um but the Stargate is definitely a more Precision Tool than even the blank stalkers or the robo and speaking of the devil I mean the Cyclone well we've got one on the way as cure is your straight laced macro Teran in fact I think cure of all of all people is the one you can take the builds you can copy paste throw them on the ladder as best you can and have the most success compared to someone like beon or or Maru or clam cure well there's a reason he's the people's Teran uh good and well not always is good but a couple of depths and Phoenix is on the way it's not going to be Oracle first but the Phoenix is in order to keep control of the situation at least for as long as he can cure with one Cyclone going on two I'm going to need to in order to combat wait what no no no I need to see did he do the thing cure did he why do we even build Reaper walls am I a joke to you the Teran are the only one who can laugh they're the only ones with mouths and that Reaper used it to scream just before the Adept came in or three adepts came in and slaughtered it of course that gives away the fact that three adepts are still chilling at home and aren't coming across the map right now so that gives kir a little bit more of a sense of security he gets in and there wasn't really anything else to see though he didn't have the opportunity to confirm that I'm just still annoyed about the ineffectiveness of the Reaper wall it seems so simple I wonder I've never seen a player not even Maru with over 50% consistency actually do the jump over the reaper wall it seems to be like you pray to the server gods and maybe the the reaper goes over the top something to do with unit collision and who has uh and I quote sick hops but uh K's able to get over there doesn't make much use of it besides making me somewhat upset well that's not hard to do not much of an don't write home about Robo Bay on the way as nightmare going for that heavy mechs style he's actually got a bunch of adeps underneath so going for the cheapest option for boxing out early Marines and mines zealots aren't going to get the job done as without charge they're well they runed them with laser swords and they don't deflect the bullets back at them with uh their plot devices so uh adepts are probably the best option for something of a meat Shield that doesn't cause too much Vine gas the Cyclone zoning out the Phoenix's for now and the Phoenix is kind of a soft counter to any sort of early drops Kier knowing that is going to head the other direction he's already loaded up two of them nightmare has a good idea of what kir is trying to do but he doesn't know exactly when or where the medacs are well he knows they're coming out of the starport but you can't just sit over the starport while the Cyclones have something to say about it I'll see if nightmare pulls back in time to deal with it he can always recall but that of course gives away that tool as well it's quite a long cool down spylon on the way might be able to intercept one Marine a conspicuous lack of metac here though the spylon is not quite done yet and that means cure doesn't actually have vision and the metac are coming in immediate recall on the phoenixes is it enough the widow M can burrow he picks it up though slices through where are the adepts in all this targets down the shield battery and that opens up the opportunity to take out the Phoenix's where are the adepts they're going towards the front a single Colossus comes out well I guess that makes sense how many gateways only three of them so K ends up picking up they'll expect some and the metac goes down with all hands nightmare loses five probes but Kure loses two metac 17 Marines the reaper died earlier and a widow mine uh five probes and a phoenix I think is a pretty solid trade for nightmare a bit of a steal actually plus one infantry weapons about to complete but and he stems to kill the pylon which is actually going to soften up those Marines potentially he picks up both the Marauders and well the Marines one way or another a bunch of gateways in the main the drop heads in here we go again round and round we go and this time well the Colossus comes back around via the did he go back via the reaper Cliff I don't think he can just targeting down probes the Marines just ignoring the laser giraffe here in favor of dealing with the probes and honestly I think these ones were kind of worth it gets another Phoenix knocked out of the sky and yeah I think that one paid for itself he killed a dozen probes he got a a few more phoenixes and now nightmare is actually behind on workers K does have a third Command Center done and cure well what time is it cure drop a clock yes very clever um charge on the way making his best diamond tear an impression of you know it's very scary to just walk across the map when you could fly in metapa what could go wrong kir is actually probably the most common player to find himself trapped in the back corner of the base slowly dying to one Phoenix oh my God okay he had this around on the uh Observer there but a bit risky to continue such a committed strategy cure realizing it he's done so much damage just sitting back and building up his third could very well be a strong play but nightmare realizes does he have extended thermal Lance yes and nothing else that's the only upgrade right now I think he spotted the widow M on the ground there though he doesn't have detection to deal with it is he really going he's just going to give up the death that's the uh most expeditious way of doing it but a half dozen more Widow mines are so burrow those are not so charge L but two seconds out couple Vikings the phoenixes and see to fight them but there was wh M zoning out for now charge L looking for an opportunity cure that's a slight Army Advantage another adep sacrifice probably the best usage of adepts at this stage of the game when their range is too short to be effective in a in a large ball of units and uh they're not so great getting into melee either so the adepts are just kind of in a Purgatory situation at this stage especially without glaes whe they're just costly or zealots that do less another widow M hits Phoenix's are taken out as the Viking count grows blink is not done so he can't just jump in front but he might be able to Target down the orbital command at least the colossal by easily distracted creatures they are we'll focus some on it not the premier Target here though 2 two on the way for cure who now has a 20 Supply elad he's been working with that three base economy and with a few mules being able to grind out even more units zoning turrets nightmare still sitting on Kier side of the map waiting for an opportunity or going to to create that opportunity with a war prism into the main Adept at the front Kure now has to putl his forces a big warping of zealots as well couple Widow mins in front just going to eat the hits here Vikings moving into position a bunch of charge LS will actually slow down the ghost Academy may even kill it the Vikings are chasing things down over the top here Immortal going to be taken out chased down the the stalkers don't even have blanket just finished it loses one Colossus takes out a viking in turn a nightmare is forced back by the sheer weight of these [Music] Marauders It's Not Bow weight it's biomass all right that's what we're cultivating here but Observer will see all of this nope that's not an observer that's an Adept I just kind of assumed not nearly as effective or well hit but the Adept does its job nightmare warps in another round of zealots easily gunned down by the bio which is mostly Marauders 29 Marauders and 22 Marines right now he knows where his biscuit is butter and 2u is about to complete the bio ball is rolling across the map and what does nightmare have to respond to it some danger balls of his own four disruptors on the field 19 charge Lots here picks up for reasons unknown looks like he's heading towards the natural disruptor dangerous on defense the stalkers will blink and try to zone out disruptor shots and actually cure walled in by the robo Bay a surprisingly good situation here as as cure not able to use nightmare setup against him in fact it actually works out but the fourth base is under Fire and the bile ball is just ripping through it right now he should be able to take it out the Vikings are zoning out the colosi Aron underneath not going to be nearly enough to intimidate that much bio Vikings trying to kite back several of them go down cure with a couple empty metav facts boosting shamefully back home meanwhile the charge lots are trying to chase down the B 147 to 150 or so Supply nightmare has closed the Gap but cure still maintains a severe upgrade Advantage plus two plus two with 3 three on the way against just plus one attack but the disruptors don't care how good your armor is they'll incinerate it either way purification Novas for the great equalizer unless they miss everything in which case it equals zero again equals zero over for two sha at the free throw line fourth Command Center is landing for cure nightmare intimidating cure but not quite hitting him with the disruptors yet well he did okay back at home but cure is sitting back and this gives the initiative to nightmare and that's what disruptors thrive on they're not so great on defense you miss a shot that's possibly the game but you have a little time to fall back and the best opportunity for disruptors is as you slowly Retreat your way across the map and leave a trail of explosive breadcrumbs like it's the marom perk in Call of Duty well we'll see a colosi just tiptoeing back home not even bothering with this fight right now just going to keep him on defense couple Widow mines trying to deal with them the disruptors are coming up which is a bit of a disproportionate response but it may be exactly what he needs slams a shot home curves into another Marauder a casual Observer taken out in the spot the Adept once was see it was a good spot another Observer how many observers he's down to one he's lost two so not too many that Robo time is precious but nightmare not so suddenly has a 20 Supply lead here only 63 uh workers overall as he lost scvs he lost seven of them but he's been so focused a full recall here from Nightmare I think slightly out of vision and cure is panicking here is trying to figure out how to engage this Army the arm's gone I'm not sure if that was a necessary move but he wanted to join up there's six archons in the mix now the goes kind of out in front land a couple emps before they go down colossi zoning out the Vikings nowhere to be seen and without him the colossi a real danger to this biall 33 about to complete though and this is a very dangerous time for the protos Army you're maxed out but if you don't land the disruptor shots and the emps start washing across well this is an army that can evaporate quickly if nightmare isn't careful thankfully you don't earn the nickname the surgeon with without being at least a little careful nightmare blinks forward eats a widow M hit the Observer spotted this The Observer knows where the Army is going yeah nightmares Observer is paying off dividends here I guess it's not too expensive but still that's a good thing either way couple exploratory shots the most dangerous force fields how long on recall we still got about 40 seconds which are we going into to a base train nightmare can't even warp in at home he's got too many units on this side K's helping him out with that the planetary isn't dying all right finally goes down a bunch of the the metac will die immediately but cure swits his forces and knocks out two bases simultaneously uh this is G's wheelhouse right here he's going to base trade to ter the oldest adage well there's a lot of them but when in doubt make d don't base trade a teret all right don't don't start a uh land War well really against Teran either historically but right now kir has zero minerals which is not very many and Nightmare is busting down the door but at the same time cure has taken out yet another Nexus nightmare has brought his probes across the map and the defining characteristic of all this I think here canceled uh some of his production so he does have a little bit of money but not nearly enough for another command center if that becomes relevant nightmare will rebuild on cure side of the map already preparing he's got the disruptors to bust through there's no liberators here there's only one Viking the disruptors in an enclosed space are a deadly enemy nightmare building Mass cannons cuz both players are Supply blocked right now the main base is still intact but really not that relevant he needs to win the fight oh some of the probes are transferring down cira's decided to just leave the Army on the other side of the map the probes oh no he right clicked on the minerals oh no that's actually going to give some of this away he's the the probes were trying to go back and return their minerals to the nearest Nexus which unfortunately is the main I don't know if nightmare realized that k still had a full Army in the base disruptor shot well there's no way to get down this ramp you can't recall his Teran their one weakness I guess he could oh my well that was an ideal the disruptor shots taken massive chunks and cure getting his chin bashed here it's not enough yet for him to tap it out the supply is 122 to 125 Cure's actually in the supply lead but nightmare will be mining technically cure can be mining again as well as he has 17 scvs and two command centers in fact cure technically has more basis the nightmare does right now a scan from one of those few orbital commands he's scoured there's a spyon that survived to the north side oh my God pure picks up he's getting out of the base they'll expect some of us oh no the SCV is trying to protect the ghost nightmare actually miss clicked for a moment the ghost dies dramatically they don't know any other way the production tab is useless there's still the seven disruptors on the field 99 Supply in Army one SCV for cure where is it is it just kind of casually with the oh oh my God it's the SCV at one hit City one probe hit he scans the base nightmare is mining that's still seven disruptors cure has killed zero disruptors this game which is a devastating problem the disruptor volleys are absolutely excruciating in fact cure doesn't even bother annihilated in that fight eventually nightmare reaches the inevitable conclusion and cure is unable to reach Checkmate there his nightmare escaped from his grasp and he never found a way to fight the disruptors nightmare takes game one which brings us to our breakdown uh overall cure has won over 2/3 of the games that these two have battled in the past um but honestly historically up until the last 6 months or so nightmare uh was struggling to break into the top 50 players overall but he's kind of hit his stride he found his style which is this technical protos in cure pretty clearly is not so interested or even capable necessarily of fighting so we go into an even more creative map game two will be on Aon what are you doing are you oh he's Scouting For proxy r yeah I don't believe them on that this map does have a few express Reaper jump points they even cut the barbed wire for him on it well a pretty decisive victory for nightmare despite well it was cure kind of I wonder how much nightmare wanted to go into the base trade and how much he just kind of accepted it cuz kir was clearly not interested in fighting nightmare had the Observer over the Army the two3 of the army that was sent to the north and ended up base trading nightmare knew where it was going and he decided to go into the base trade anyways which conventional wisdom says um not a great idea but it appears nightmare uh was confident and when you have disruptors against not liberators or Siege tanks but liberators are is he going to take a hidden third that's cute in the the corner of the map here here is going to do a three base in possibly the last scouted location I I guess maybe there's the the mixed gold and Blue Mineral base over to the 3:00 but it's not so far out of the way that like it's so far away from nightmare's base it's the furthest base away that even if he wants to attack it cir could probably defend it or he could just lift it and move it over to the third if it gets scouted so I actually really like this move maybe gets an economic Edge uh instead of relying on just a better unit composition so I'm pretty sure that is a Reaper wall though technically you built a Reaper wall last time we saw that worked out this one seems like yeah the pylon fun fact pylons are approximately two times the size of an average chain link fence now why is there a random chain link fence with bobbed wire on this like zel Naga Temple you know what I'm not I'm not sure the consistency and L this is actually like some Resort that turned into a war zone there's like surfboards and it it seems like we're on some sort of Island Resort um it's markedly less violent than average vacations but Kier is going to use this to go into Mass Marines a classic Teran stret nightmare actually suspicious he's building a shield battery he's wondering if this is some big like three play and it is a big Barrack play but not at the timing he expects a nightmare is actually kind of over defending here assuming that cure assuming that he Scout everything this is the kind of thing that these hidden bases work so great at the lowest and the very highest levels of Starcraft 2 cuz at the lowest levels nobody Scouts and even if they do let's be honest do you know what you're seeing if you see a base in a corner you go for it like is that really going to be a worthwhile uh investment of your time you know they haven't built scvs for the last 3 minutes they're building battle Cruisers but at the highest level when players are so perfectly efficient and bases like this are so risky and easily uh dealt with like the amount of risk compared to the potential reward uh both are very high but I'd say the risk is even higher but somewhat less so for tear because their bases can fly but uh still that's why we don't usually see it especially on standard Maps cuz it's just almost incidentally scouted much of the time but cure choosing it here um could very well be a deciding factor but that little Reaper Cliff fun thing about it also very nice for the blank stalkers nightmare well that scouting get wet Billy Billy why did you name yourself Billy Eddie doesn't even get the scouting Depot the chew toy there doing exactly what it's supposed to do distracting any unit that comes in and of course scouting that exact location here uses the same tactic very often against teren Observer coming around and it looks like nightmare pretty happy to end up in the same sort of unit composition as last game here he doesn't have the phoenixes to start but he's going to end up with two base Colossus and thermal Lance only now taking his third Nexus after he already got all his infrastructure together so the deciding factor here will be whether or not uh kier's extra base gives him the ex the bonus momentum the kind of unexpected explosion of units and Nightmare gets overwhelmed as yet to see he's dropping all his mules there Ming it out first is in his best interest keeping as many minerals fresh um in his main base and natural as he can we see the Observer is following the Army I not quite done with extended thermal Lance but almost there Marine Marauder tring forward cure does have the supply lead ghost Academy and Armory on the way links out just in time extended thermal Lance is complete more prism loaded up nightmare well he has perfect vision of all this he's got the Observer pretty sure cure is aware of it it's almost implied you have to assume there's an observer nearby against a protos of this caliber so even if he doesn't see it he has to work under the assumption that most of his moves will be scouted if he doesn't actively scan nightmare just sitting back cure now mining off those four bases he has a comfortable economic lead so this is great for him but at the same time nightmare doesn't know so nightmare is playing this relatively safe but I think I think not knowing at this point is actually helping nightmare because kir is not using this for like some sort of uh massive Tech switch or something like that he's just essentially building a little bit more of the same stuff he usually would so if nightmare sat back and defended he may get picked apart but in in putting himself out on the map he forces Kier to respond to him and might be able to take back the initiative without even realizing the economic deficit he's in kind of a placebo effect sort of uh economic situation here if you don't know how much less money you have than the other player does it matter all right of course knowing about that that extra base hey well what are you doing over there that's one way to scout things oh he gets it here is maxed out at 9 minutes with two two on the way he's got 74 scvs he's got eight Barracks done starport Factory all the upgrades even more bases he's got everything you could want as a turn at this stage of the game disruptors point flank range does not connect and that is the dream The Marauder could get targeted Shield bettery overcharged though more disruptors Point Blank targets one targets two four for four in cancelling the shot so far meanwhile another engagement chariz lot's chasing down to the right side The Shield battery overcharged though saving the day and keeping nightmare intact and kir was busy microing on this side so he just pulled back with the Army on the right and Nightmare actually manages to warp in but the sheer tide of tearing continues to roll across them out plus two attack about to complete ghost on the field nightmare actually sending those units towards the third base ignoring two bases out of cure cuz he doesn't even realize they exist which is certainly one way to do it a ghost may go down cure forc to micro back and lose a lot of scvs at what could be considered by the innocent bystander nightmare his third and may incidentally Scout another base as well no he won't because he's recalling out of that location nightmare recalls out but he doesn't actually micro the recall to re he didn't pick the fourth Nexus to recall to which means even though he tried to come back to defend it's going to go down either way and kir will maintain the momentum he loses 16 scvs but he's building five at a time which if my math is correct means he has at least five command centers like And subscribe for more big math tips the numbers don't lie and they spell 5 six medac drop changes course after the Scout oh he's just going to drop on top of the of the kathi here EMP at Point Blank Grand Shield battery overcharge knocks out one Colossus the second one going to be brought low as well but not even all the units were able to drop out cure dropping his own Supply picks up into a medac immediately dies but he's willing to send more and more across the map he's already lost 2,500 more minerals about the same amount of gas as Marines don't cost too many but nightmare now has a similar Army to the game Ender last time kir just keeps picking up and he keeps headed towards the May a hallucinated phoenix spots all of this nightmare still doesn't know about the two extra bases nor I think does he care the fact he hasn't scouted him is working heavily in his favor right now as he thinks he's up against a three base all in Teran and he's making that happen oh here we go again oh no another base trade where cir is going to be quartered into his main by disruptors at the natural there's some archons back here to deal with everything the forges are depowered nightmare not responding directly he bust down the door with a bing Ram of disruptors but he fired every shot did he fire three shots or did he fire four now we could look and see EMP has come through four field holds the door for now down goes the engineering bait main base cleaned up metax picked up go to the third takes out ship weapons level two disruptors have recharged k caught on the ra direct it and once again he's caught by the most dangerous force field nightmare still doesn't know about the extra bases kir just keeps sending units across the map he's not going to have plus three done plus two weapons is not going to finish for nightmare either he's base trading but he doesn't even know where all the bases are oh no a recall no it it's canceled it's denied at the last second and another drop towards the main well that one's not going to happen picks it up arons well their stubby little energy arms aren't going to be enough another drop he's just sniping nexuses NEX eyes nexus's eyes left right and Center Shield battery overcharge tries to Pat it on the back but the spine is broken then Nexus is down and well picks up some of it here all over the place right now trying to find the antidote to protos with anything but liberators and he flies into the units he just flew away from and he's going to lose two and a half metacx full of units gets them all it's a bit I well nightmare in nightmare's Vision here's on one base you know maybe he has this one over here he hasn't really scouted that in a while but oh no oh my God this is what you don't know can very much hurt you all right it might not come over across the map and beat you across the face but it'll certainly fund the forces who will four command centers in production for cure which is a combination of hubris disrespect and confusion I think he's not supply blocked he doesn't need this many commands he's trying to replace them he still hasn't SE oh my additional pylons I I know dark isn't in this match right now because nightmare is in it nightmares in the dark okay um there's only awkward ways to transition from here for both myself and Nightmare who's just now realized that cure has this base both players are reestablishing nightmare has three NE in production cure has four command centers From the Ashes they will rebuild as they both still have plenty of minerals and gas this base trade took place before even the main base was mined out just going at it right now oh but the Army disruptor shot will chase a widow mine CP some Mor as well what no cure no cure why I like do they do how many people are controlling it's cure playing archon mode does the the left hand know what the right hand is doing as the metapa just kind of passing each other he scans the main which kind of telegraphs this move here's also coming in Observer is tracking the Army to the South problem is the base actually works against there's a couple emps in there the Marauders are going to work it's two two for either side right now the colossi in purgatory where they can be targeted though a lot of Marines are going down as well here is fighting archon's heads up while he's losing his head about it and the metav will get gun down as cure a Titanic mistake as his met BS fall into the sea but kir still has so much a what is this nightmare just do it fire it blind crouching Raptors one two make it three all three shots land and just like that the 20 Supply lead becomes a 20 Supply deficit the Blake stalkers come in he picks off the ruptor but at the end of the day he loses the mava and cure is wiped from the field every single metac outside his base so he loads up three more what are you doing the people's Teran can't stop the drop and here we go again a base trade buture he has more command centers than he has production facilities at this point he's got seven command Cent 7 Barracks he's going to lose plus three weapons again more he's building more Barracks not anymore the main base most of the Army is here well in both main bases boxed in deja vu we've just been in this place before like two different times but this time around nightmare once again how many ruptor where are the ruptor there are two disruptors found him TI plummets under 100 Supply oh my God again here's greatest nightmare the disruptor nightmare finds this base with no minerals and may finally realize what has happened here but in the end did it even matter nightmare with a decisive 20 Victory against Kure who absolutely refuses to do anything but send metac to their Doom nightmare keeps his cool holds it together and brings it home well that brings us to our anti-s spoiler match yes another match from gmho versus hero a series that was remarkably short but also so quite creative as you might expect from those two um artists but nightmare with a decisive it one more time can we overcoming I believe the odds I I don't know if I want to show the odds from Alig but the odds were over 75% of cure winning a best of three maybe I don't know if that was 20 or in general but so a huge a that maybe not the biggest but a significant upset here today as nightmare takes down cure but goho against hero this is from the same series as our anti- spoiler game the other day we may eventually see the entire series as gumio versus hero is always something a bit different but like And subscribe if you like the anti spoilers and if you tuned out already well it didn't matter so hopefully you guys I don't know what I expected from that series nightmare versus cure we'll have a moment here to to reflect but o here the people's tering yeah you my Teran friends out there they have friends all right contrary to popular belief um aren't disruptors the worst you're think so too you're would rather be microing metac with Marines and Marauders be like cure actually there's not too many ter really shiny a light goho all right goho and sometimes CLM right now it seems we're in that phase of teren where we've decided to just use the same unit compositions and strategies from 2011 and see if they still work today and they do just not as well gho of course has been adapting since that time with he he's not gone for an early expand but he is expanding us see it as a wallof hero on the other hand sending the probe across hanging out with the adept did he see this was a reactor he didn't but awkwardly with the reactor that means there's actually not going to be any units to deal with this he may try to delay nope Hero's going to build a pylon on the bottom of the ramp not yet can he oh he's blocking the expansion with a with a cyber core and the reason you pick a cyber core is cuz you don't care about it finishing a cyber core has more HP than a Gateway and it builds faster so if you for some tacar forsaken reason want to block a Terr command set her from Landing this is more relevant in PvP oh my God he's got so many hurt SC which manag to slip away wait why are there so what is going on why are there ad deps in the main the Cyber core is canceled at the last moment the scvs wait okay four scvs are dead there's there's a pylon still blocking the base um okay I'm sorry uh will goho move his command Center does he not care wait is it even off center it's off center right like 87% sure yeah it's off he's going to wait for the yep okay all right all right yeah if you look at it for long enough then maybe oh there's an ad dep oh that was just the shade you may get the mule that just dropped which is actually no he missed he missed a gun oh my God go wow certainly a different sort of game now Phoenix is coming across it feels like one of those like we see this a lot with dark as well goho 2 heroes another one in that category of drunken brawler players where they're very good but fully willing to get down into the dirt and roll around Kira versus nightmare was slightly different that looked like two guys who just came out home from like two guys who went to the bar after a long day of work at the office and got upset at each other over something that happened at work that was a small slight but they can't handle their alcohol very well so now it's a big deal and they start trying to fight but they're not very good at it and that's kind of what that looked like and then at work they pretend it didn't happen the next day or something like that theoretically but goho versus hero is um this is a professional Street brawl right here if such a thing well if were to exist it's like an anime fight somehow they keep hitting each other but nobody takes any damage actually goomi Ho's down 13 workers but he has mules it's fine in Comes The Raven just taking a look around going to put some Auto turrets where the uh Shield battery is not which is most of the places actually going to get some probe kills Now Phoenix has come back and kill the raven never more they say Hero's taking a third I don't know he's getting storm which is kind of crazy to beting at this stage of the game he's gone from Phoenix's from from an Adept cyber core block at the natural to Phoenix's to storm in 7 minutes and that's like it though he has that's like all of his units he has five Zealot a stalker and a Sentry besides his Phoenix's and Templar so if he loses this prism he loses the game assuming he doesn't get a bunch of storms off on the Marines obviously hero hero does seem to have a lot riding on those prisms though on a regular basis of cyclone drive by sure yes charge right yeah there are seven gates done so there should be a very dangerous Force out of hero here yeah oh that's a conspicuous prism look on the Templar there's the storm all over everything yeah well this is going quite poorly for goho oh he's super dead yeah well it just kind of ends Heroes good oldfashioned Adept into pylon and the everything else spilled throws it in there takes it home and brings us to an abrupt yet somewhat exciting conclusion that didn't require multiple ridiculous base traits but uh it wouldn't be nearly as much fun or uh as much time out of the day if we didn't have it so nightmare with a decisive victory over cure hero taking one over gmho there I'm not sure what to call that one but uh the the drama continues either way I hope you enjoyed I hope I made your day a little bit better I know this was a bit all over the place but hopefully sometimes you like it that way either way we got the means of motivation be awesome to check out patreon uh YouTube membership you're liking and subscribing is still free for now though if you haven't yet checked out the second Channel winter gaming TV uh you can find it in the description or you know you can type it in which I mean that's pretty hard though sorry wrap it up I know I thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed see you next time good luck have fun stay chill just edit it out every time just edit it [Music]
Channel: WinterStarcraft
Views: 55,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft 2 tourbament, serral sc2, byun sc2, byun vs serral, winterstarcraft, sc2 guide, starcraft 2 highlights, stacraft highlights, serral starcarft, stacraft, battlecruisers, maru sc2, dark sc2, terran sc2, dark starcraft, starcraft 2 game of the year, clem sc2, serral, serral starcraft 2, serral vs maru, maru vs serral, iem katowice 2024, iem sc2, sc2 grand finals, serral vs clem, clem vs serral, sc2 2024, reynor sc2, maxpax sc2
Id: U9RwV9XOnCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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