This NEW European Wind Turbine for Home Outbeats PV Solar Panels in 2023?!

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foreign [Music] F1 wind turbine for home that out beats PV solar panels in 2023 Yes you heard me right this amazing device can generate more electricity than solar panels and it's virtually soundless Compact and easy to install how is that possible well stay tuned and find out the lime F1 wind turbine is a product of a Dutch company called the Archimedes which is named after the famous Greek mathematician and inventor the company claims that the lime F1 is the most efficient Urban wind turbine in existence able to operate at approximately 80 percent of the Pet's limit which is the theoretical maximum efficiency of any wind turbine to put that into perspective commercial wind turbines max out at 50 of the bets limit or just 29.7 overall efficiency that means the Liam F1 can produce more energy out of wind than traditional models but how does it work well the Liam F1 has a unique design that is inspired by the natural spiral shape of the Nautilus show the spiral shape allows the wind turbine to capture wind from all directions and convert it into rotational motion the rotational motion then drives a generator that produces electricity the Liam F1 also has a self-adjusting mechanism that aligns itself with the optimal wind direction ensuring maximum performance at all times the lime F1 is not only efficient but also very quiet according to the company the lime F1 has Little Resistance making it virtually soundless this is a huge advantage over conventional wind turbines which can be very noisy and annoying for people living nearby the lyam F1 also has a small size in weight making it suitable for installation on almost every roof and wall you don't need a lot of space or a high tower to install this device you can just mount it on your roof or wall and enjoy clean and renewable energy so how does the lime F1 compare with solar panels well let's do some math according to the company a single Liam F1 unit can generate an average of one thousand five hundred kilowatt hours of energy per year at a wind speed of 5 meters per second which is equivalent to half of the power consumption of a common European household that means would need two units of lime F1 to power your entire home with wind energy now let's look at solar panels according to the average solar panel system size in Europe is 5 kilowatts which can produce about four thousand kilowatt hours of energy per year that means you would need about 3.75 kilowatts of solar panels to power your entire home with solar energy so far it seems that solar panels are more efficient than wind turbines right well not so fast there are some other factors that we need to consider before we make a final judgment first of all solar panels depend on sunlight which is not available all the time depending on your location and weather conditions you may have more or less sunny days throughout the year wind turbines on the other hand can work day and night as long as there is some wind blowing second of all solar panels degrade over time losing about 0.5 percent of their efficiency every year wind turbines also wear out over time but not as much as solar panels third of all solar panels require more maintenance than wind turbines as they need to be cleaned regularly from dust and dirt that can reduce their performance wind turbines also need some maintenance but not as often as solar panels taking all these factors into account we can see that the lime F1 wind turbine may actually outperform solar panels in terms of energy production and reliability in the long run of course this depends on your specific situation and preferences you may want to combine both wind and solar energy sources to maximize your green energy potential now let's talk about the cost and installation of the lime F1 wind turbine how much does it cost and how easy is it to install well according to the company's website the Liam F1 wind turbine costs 3 999 Euros which is about four thousand five hundred dollars that may seem like a lot of money but remember that this is a one-time investment that will pay off in the long run the company also offers a 10-year warranty and a 20-year lifespan for the Liam F1 wind turbine which means you don't have to worry about replacing or repairing it anytime soon as for the installation the company claims that the lime F1 wind turbine is very easy to install you don't need any special tools or skills to mount it on your roof or wall you just need to follow the instructions and connect it to your electrical system the company also provides online support and guidance for the installation process you can also hire a professional installer if you prefer but that will cost you some extra money the company also offers some accessories and options for the Liam F1 wind turbine such as a battery pack a smart meter a remote control and a color choice you can customize your lion F1 wind turbine according to your needs and preferences however these accessories and options will also increase the price of the Liam one wind turbine so you have to decide whether they are worth it or not so what are the benefits and drawbacks of the Liam F1 wind turbine well let's start with the benefits the Liam F1 wind turbine is a great way to generate clean and renewable energy for your home it can reduce your carbon footprint and your electricity bills it can also increase your energy Independence and security as you don't have to rely on the grid or fossil fuels it can also add value and appeal to your property as more people are looking for green and sustainable homes the lion F1 wind turbine is also very efficient quiet Compact and easy to install it has a unique design that is inspired by nature and Mathematics it has a high performance and a long lifespan it has a warranty and a support service it has some customization options and accessories it is basically everything you could ask for in a wind turbine but what about the drawbacks well there are some drawbacks that you should be aware of before you buy the lion F1 wind turbine first of all the Liam F1 wind turbine is not cheap it costs 3 999 Euros which is about four thousand five hundred dollars that is a lot of money for some people especially if you compare it with solar panels which can cost as low as two thousand dollars for a five kilowatt system of course you have to consider the long-term benefits of the Liam F1 wind turbine but still it is not an affordable option for everyone second of all the Liam F1 wind turbine depends on wind which is not available all the time depending on your location and weather conditions you may have more or less windy days throughout the year you may also have some legal or regulatory issues with installing a wind turbine on your property as some areas may have restrictions or permits for such devices you may also have some aesthetic or social issues with having a wind turbine on your roof or wall as some people may not like the look or the idea of it third of all the Liam F1 wind turbine is not perfect it may have some technical or mechanical problems that may affect its performance or durability it may also have some environmental or ethical issues that may concern some people for example some people may wonder about the materials and processes used to make the Liam F1 wind turbine and whether they are eco-friendly or not some people may also worry about the impact of the lion F1 wind turbine on Wildlife especially birds and bats that may collide with it so what do you think is the lime F1 wind turbine worth it is it better than solar panels is it something you would consider buying for your home let me know in the comments below I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new about this amazing innovation in green energy if you did please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more videos like this one thank you for watching and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Future Galaxy
Views: 1,895,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeromine, aeromine wind, aeromine wind turbine, best wind turbine for home, best wind turbine for home 2023, flower turbines, micro wind turbine, micro wind turbines, off grid, off grid living, off the grid, renewable energy, ridge blade wind turbine, rooftop wind, skywind, skywind energy, skywind ng, small wind, small wind turbine, solar energy, solar panels, solar power, wind energy, wind power, wind turbine, wind turbine for home, wind turbines for home, Liam F1 wind
Id: KnVXuMfiHdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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