This new case makes me SO happy!

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what's up guys js2 cents here and uh if you just watched corsair's live stream that you know then you'll know that we just announced the 7000 d and the 7000 x the first full tower cases from corsair that we've seen since the obsidian series but jay what about the 1000d that thing was behemoth behemoth bohemian behemoth whatever no that was a super tower that's actually a designation above full tower so let's take a look at the changes they've made to make the uh 7000d i have a feeling that means i'm going to end up redoing my system here that i did in the 5000d in this case nzxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer and right now they are proud to announce expansion and availability to australia the netherlands france and italy build a gaming pc on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform and all builds are backed by the bld peace of mind warranty to get started building your next gaming pc visit the bld link in the description below i think what they just they did is they took the 5000 d and like control teed and grabbed the corner and went i think that's really what they did but you know what the other two we had were in white so it'd be kind of nice to take a look at the black version of the case today there we go full tower cases these days don't have to be completely gargantuan because with an efficient layout inside you don't have to make up for it with just the overall giant dimensions of the exterior this one is a little weighty though if there's one thing i know about george corsair george he likes a big beefy case and this one is obviously it's designed and curated by george and it's pretty obvious already i feel like the black the texture is really nice on the blue that's glass on that side but powder coated finish you can see it's got a nice uh real nice even kind of a dusting effect to it if you will this is on a swivel door so this kind of carries over from the 5000d door opens up it's got a captive screw on the back so that you don't accidentally pop off your side doors that also includes the tempered glass timber glass is nice it's ultra clear doesn't scratch like plastic however it's more delicate so pop that off like that dang this door phil feel this am i going to drop whoa that is oh magnetic filter on the side but yeah this thing is so beefy man not only did they scale up the overall size they scaled up the thickness this one's got three c's so this is a carryover also from the 5000 d that's a magnetic door that closes hides away all of your cables and stuff right off the bat you can see we've got three two and a half inch mounting drives or cages right here so you can mount obviously two and a half inch ssds on there you can mount things like rgb controllers or commander pros or whatever on this they are captive screws i like the little touches like the yellow the yellow rubber piece i'll do this one the yellow rubber piece in there get a little bit of a touch of corsair yellow i want to do a throwback to my 900d build which was black with yellow accents and and yellow fluid because i feel like that would be just fun to be like here we are almost 10 years later from when i built that system so this is the airflow version so what that means is that everything sticks on there tight what that means is it's going to have the ventilation in the top and in the front the mesh panels versus the solid glass panel so the non-airflow is gonna have where this perforation is right here it's gonna have a piece of solid uh tempered glass same thing on the top but because i'm the kind of person that goes i want as much airflow as possible to the radiators and such i like to have the airflow versions of the case so just like the 5000d this pops off has the little rubber grommets on there and the little rubber tabs that will hold the panel together same thing for the front this is just gonna pop off really easily which makes you have easy and it's there we go makes you have easy access to your filter which is right here so there's your dust filter you see you can take that off in a matter of seconds to blow it out clean it wash it i mean it's about the same density as like a window screen so it will cut down on your airflow just a little bit but given the fact that you can fit three 140 millimeter fans in the front or a 420 millimeter radiator or four 120 millimeter fans or a 480 millimeter radiator in the front means that you are going to have a lot of airflow to overcome any of the potential restrictions in the front so let me take off this guy this is just a magnetic filter on the top if you're using it as an exhaust just ditch that now if you remember in the 5000d it had a cover right here just like this does but it came down and it sort of swooped like that one of the things that that did was it took the airflow coming in the front and it gave it a nice gradual incline or a ramp to ramp up into the rest of the system this has a cover just like that obviously but it's square because what we have on this particular case that we don't have on the 5000t is two three and a half inch drive bays here so you can fit up to six more drives whether it be hard drives or ssds because as you can see with these sleds these guys do have mounting provisions for three and a half inch drive or the mounting screw holes for two and a half inch drives so you'd be able to uh mount ss plenty of ssds in this three here potentially another one or two here six there so 10 drives before you ever have to bust out the double-sided tape they include two 140 millimeter corsair airflow style fans so here's that ramp i was talking about in the front uh so you can if you want to take the drive cage out like i already showed and then put in this so you can maintain that nice smooth airflow like we've already talked about so the nice thing about this particular layout is because you don't have to account for fan thickness and then radiator thickness if you're doing a push configuration then you can go with like a 60 mil radiator and really fill this out with a nice thick rod if you want and you use this guy here obviously to give you the clearance you could use this you do have some thickness there that you can play with but you'll have this obviously if you want more and you remove that drive cage you can use this guy right here but we have the same little cover right here that you found in the 5000 d airflow uh and the x with the uh 700 and this is designed to give you nice uh hide away for your cables it does put a little bit of a bite tent a tight bite tend a tight bend on the 24 pin and any other cables coming through here so you want to keep that in mind if you are running like a atx like a true eatx board one that's really wide or even an ee atx then you're going to want to make sure that this cover doesn't interfere with that because then you might not have enough clearance there but if you're running any sort of a motherboard like say what evga does where they take that 24 pin and they make it a 90 degree or it plugs straight in then you may not even see your cables at all right there which is kind of good and bad because if you have sleeved cables custom sleeve cables then you're going to want to show show them off but if you can't see them then obviously you can't show them off so one of the things i just learned is by taking off the two front screws this first piece actually comes off so now if you are running an eatx board and you don't have the clearance you need to fit your 24 pin this piece will come off giving you the access to the grommets but retaining this cover right here to hide any sort of cables going on back here if you're not going to be using the motherboard tray mounting option so these are literally just held on with screws which is you know one of the things corsair was always just big on especially the obsidian series is using rivets sparingly pop rivets are nice if you're never going to adjust or you know modify anything but by using standard i think they're m32 or maybe m3 or m4 screws uh did i say m32 three thirty seconds geez i can't american anymore uh then it gives you the option to be able to easily get all this stuff adjusted and moved around as you want so you've got two screws right here and then two thumb screws on the front side and then once you get those off you can just slide this back and i think we have some cables zip tied to it oh no they're just fan cables running through it so if you want to take that off you have to undo the fans and reroute them through there because they've got them going through the little cable management holes which admittedly is why they're there but okay all right so once you get that off then you can take off the little front cover here i'd probably recommend putting screwing this back together that way you don't lose the screws for that but you can see the amount of modularity we're sort of showing here is pretty nuts now the front is also held on by some captive screws and these are the types of designs that i just love because what this allows you to do is to just take it out get your radiator and everything mounted to it and then they're not kept to screws by the way but you can take it out get your rad and everything mounted to it get your fans on there get it all nice and neatly cable managed zip tied together and cables out of the way then you can mount it back in the case because working on it in a case sort of stinks so as you can see right there we can fit three 140s no problem or 100 or a 480 millimeter radiator i can't even say the number right anymore because it's been so long since we've had cases that will like natively support it in the mainstream market not like super expensive high-end custom cases now you can see we have access to look at the size of this thing this is crazy but you know ultimately like i said it doesn't feel that much bigger than the 5000 d so there is the motherboard tray mounting bracket thing i'm just calling it motherboard tray because that's the plane it's on if you will so now that we've got it pretty much naked can you see the possibilities for water cooling in this thing so let's get a 480 rad and a 420 do i mean to have a 420 let's get big radiators and see how they fit do you know how long it's been since i've been able to take this and go like this in a case without mods overcompensating's back so the motherboard tray bracket thing if you will as you can see only fits 120 millimeter fans and radiator size so up to a 480 so you can do 120 240 360 480 and as you can see it fits on that with absolutely no problem whatsoever look at this on the back side too if you want to run the fittings through it it's like they made the opening perfectly the right size so that the fittings can pass through without having to drill any sort of holes or pass through holes all the everything lines up beautifully the front as we already showed does fit both 140 and 120s so if you wanted to fit this on the front that's like i was saying if you have the opening set so that you're running the big gapper right there on a dapper i guess whatever you want to call it you just sort of push this through like that you can see now the fans take up the thickness within the bracket so they don't push it out into the system anymore look how much room there still is with this thick radiator you would still have room to put a pump right there and fit a long graphics card that's pretty amazing so one thing i want to keep in mind though too obviously is with the thickness of the radiator you might start having some interference with the top part because the fans and the rad do have to hang down if i were going to do this particular build i'd probably do a 360 a 480 in the front and then leave the back with no fans because the last thing i want to do is create any sort of crazy airflow pattern by adding fans uh right next to a radiator that's in a perpendicular fashion so let's see how this fits with the standard thick reds so this guy's a little dirty this one the old skunk works rads but as you can see now if we go ahead and mount this this in here now we potentially won't have an issue for mounting anything on the top so what i think i want to do real quick is i want to go ahead and mount these down to the brackets and then i want to see how much room we actually have up there before i do that let's talk about the top bracket for a second this is awesome look at all the offset options they give you why is that important because if you're running a front radiator that is set in the center or slightly offset like the front bracket does it pushes the rad to the glass a little bit that side it means that you can keep these on the same plane so that if you want to bring a 90 degree tube down and run to the other radiator it's not trying to go at some crazy angle because this is offset more than the front so you have all these offset options which is awesome to see and then on the front bracket if you see the 120 like i said it's not centered you do have the same mounting options if you want with the front so it's the same as the top but i chose to move it offset just a little bit that way we can make sure we have clearance for any high or tall vrm heat sinks that you find on motherboards today especially if you're building a high-end system if you're water cooling it's probably a higher end system which means you probably have a big vrm heat sink which means if you're going to push everything towards the side of the glass and the top mount forces you to center it well now you can make sure they're on the same exact plane that way it's easier to do your tubing runs little things like that are when it's obvious that george designed this because he is a die-hard water cooler like i am and as you can see this is going to allow you to get all of that uh adjusted perfectly so now by holding this up i can see i've got this adjusted pretty much all the way that way which means now i'm going to be able to get it all nice and uh on the same plane which means i also just realized i put one screw on one another screw on the other on another so now it's diagonal so now i obviously have to fix that so yeah the 140 millimeter fans are still on here even though i have a 480 rad that's just well i guess you could do that if you wanted i mean they use different mounting holes in fact i've never tried that before to see if that would help with overall airflow i assume that this might help air go around the red this is just so i can get it mounted up there but as you can see that rad is mounted we might end up having a little bit of interference up top right here what i probably need to do was actually flip that rat over so the fittings are on the bottom a feeling that's going to end up being my downfall with this one so here's one of the corsair xr5s which we think would actually be best to put a 360 on the top and a 480 in the front because then you still have some room and you're not dealing with any sort of interference i'd probably still run those fittings on the front though on the bottom as you can see that way they're not interfering but once you because once you put the fans on there it'll be like that so yeah i would definitely run fittings on the bottom in the front nice about a custom water loop it's easy to get the air out even if the fittings are on the bottom then look at all the additional room that you still have for your motherboard this is essentially where the top of the motherboard is going to be because here's the top screws you've got your pass-through grommets here for things like rgb wires fan headers uh eps power that's pretty nuts and then if you wanted to go crazy you could put a 120 millimeter fan in the back too all right so the rest of this you've got a little window here that's plexi so you're not going to want to go wiping that too hard you don't want to scratch it but that is plexiglas this will allow you to if you have uh some power supplies these days even have a little display on the side so that would be able to show the display uh or it could just show the some rgb power supplies exist now so you could have the rgb showing if you wanted but one thing you can also do with these let's say you have really nice ssd drives that you want to show off you can move these from the back tray it's right here on the front which would allow you to then just have those on display and if you look behind each one of these brackets right here they have a grommet or a pass-through so that you can have the power and the sata plug go right off the back and have nice clean cable management i feel like the possibilities on this are pretty much only limited by your imagination and this is without taking out any dremels or anything like that now this one here does not have any built-in case lighting so if you're going to want to do case lighting you're going to have to start running either strips or use corsair fans that have nice bright leds because i feel like the corsair fans have the brightest leds on the market if i know the truth one other thing i forgot to mention here is this does have vertical mount capabilities they give you this bracket right here right right here right here you got this bracket that will allow you to take out some of these pci express expansion slots and then you can put this in there which will then give you the proper vertical mounting for the pci express mounting spot on a graphics card so that those are flipped 90 degrees and then you have the there's two holes right here which is where your pcie riser card would go and you can buy that separately from corsair it doesn't come with this case that's a separate addition or optional piece but then you would be able to have that mounted there and have your vertical graphics card pushed back because if you're noticing a lot of companies will put the vertical mount really close to the glass and the problem with that is then if you are using an air cooled card with cards these days being 2.5 to 3 slots thick the closer you get that fan those fans to the glass the worse it's going to perform so you need to have plenty of airflow or volume of air or source of air in front of those fans to get maximum cooling which by pushing this back this way is going to allow you to get that done cable management that's the other thing corsair gives you these velcro straps and this channel to be able to have all of your items routed through there so they're up and out of the way i cut the zip tie here normally this is tied up there so that you can keep things nice and tidy with this track right here you do have a built-in six fan hub so to control this you can control all your fans off your motherboard header if you want by just taking this uh it's this is the pwm header right here and plugging this into any pwm or three pin power as well on your motherboard or heck potentially even your graphics cards some graphics cards now have a fan header on them so that you can have the system ramp up speed when the game uh kicks on your gpu goes into 3d mode which produces way more heat in your system usually than your cpu so you've got this header which attaches to the motherboard in terms of connectivity on the right you've got your reset button you've got a headphone microphone combo jack usbc four usb 3.0 uh super speeds as well as your power button and then you can see up here the mount again for the top radiator so that is our quick unboxing and kind of a first look at the 7000d the first uh full tower case that corsair has made since the obsidian series first launched back with like the 750d or the 800d and the 750d and the 900d so it's kind of nice it's funny with this trend of so many manufacturers going with small form factor and you know sff these days it's kind of nice to see someone be like you know what we're making a big case again and and not like to be confused with the 1000d because that was really just like let's just get crazy with it this is much more manageable it really doesn't take up much more room on your desk than a 5000d it's a little bit wider just a little bit taller and just a little bit longer so if you can fit it's kind of funny this is this to me doesn't feel as big as the full tower cases that we're used to seeing but i i feel like this is gonna be a fun one to build in i kind of want to do a build in it i'm tempted to take all the stuff out of my white 5000d that we did and then rebuild it in my 7000d so if you guys want to see that build of course with maybe that'd be the perfect opportunity to do the glass bending we talked about wanting to do if you guys remember i showed you guys i learned how to bend glass tubing so maybe that'd be the perfect opportunity to get glass in here i kind of want to re recreate the original black and yellow skunk works so if you guys want to see that comment down below that you'd love to see that build or hit me up on twitter and don't forget we do have a massive giveaway going on right now which uh you guys could get rtx 3090 11900k motherboard power supply obviously the gpu a keyboard and mouse like the ultimate pc upgrade including a bunch of stuff that you can't even really go and buy look down the comments below you guys will find a link to the giveaway you also find links to learn more about the 7000d or the x because there are variations of this case as always guys thanks for hanging out with me today and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 666,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corsair pc case, corsair case, corsair 5000d, corsair 5000x, corsair, corsair memory, corsair 7000d, corsair 7000x, best case for watercooling, best case for air cooling, best full tower case, best mid tower case, are pc cases important, pc case, pc gaming, best gaming case, best pc gaming case
Id: 3cqv0JMuYNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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