This new ADDITION took this BUILD to the NEXT LEVEL | Shed To House Conversion

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have some angles to cut today so I'm going to need [Applause] this you know this was probably the best Christmas present you ever bought me babe was this right here yeah that was a pretty good Ed the most I bought that when we were working with the trailer yeah that's what sparked that to get it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try to be precise on gra this big one cuz we using 2x sixes today and 2 by eight [Music] yeah this is the import important part you want to make sure this is precise precise as you can these two things because they need to be the same height yeah I mean half an inch off quarter of an inch e an eighth of an inch will change everything true I mean you can even argue 16 of an inch but that's cutting it pretty close [Music] yeah GI Square for a little to by4 doesn't even take up half the square [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you do that Qui [Music] well there's the start of the precise Cuts huh uh yeah yep Anthony's using his favorite tool yet again that's one of them that's that's for sure that's for sure we have use that pocket hole jig thing aot a I know and I've looked at these things to buy like I've always wanted one yeah just one of those things you just one of those tools you just never buy yeah you know or when you think about it and then you kind of forget about it and yeah until you need it like man I wish I would have bought that man I should have bought that you know a week ago when I was in town I was looking at them and everything but then I was like nah and then all of a sudden when came in the mail true from outdoor Studios so you know what's funny too you probably didn't realize how much you would use it until you had one yeah and then I use it for everything yeah so this thing should be um 12 ft it is so yeah a smidge yeah I was going to say I might have to cut just a hair off of that I don't know why they they always give you a a hair more I don't I mean maybe it's so you have that half inch or you know quarter of an inch play yeah you know I mean I don't know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] where are all these dark clouds coming from it's CU we're working outside I know I probably going to pour I I hope not either it's not supposed to rain today and we got stuff to do [Music] [Music] oh it [Music] I don't know why it tells me to put this right here in between I figured there'd be a stud right here but says not to put one there but I'm going to put one there if we have one left over anyway just because cuz usually you put Rafters or stuff like that trusses right on the the studs going down to hold that down pressure the down weight or whatever I don't know this is what it says to do but it's really really tall like really tall this is like tall and I'm 6 feet me it's probably reaching up to like 8 ft it's pretty tall [Music] [Music] the hold it [Music] [Music] [Music] locked in pretty good pretty uh yeah they going to gowhere pretty solid up there yeah yeah I'd like to talk to you guys about the state of our country and the choices that we make every single day every day guys when we walk into these big giant massive big box stores it seems like we have Endless Options like options are everywhere Freedom of Choice it's an illusion guys it's been carefully crafted by these major corporate Giants believe it or not it's just around 11 companies that control everything that we buy I think it's time to wake up and smell the chemicals like literally did you know that most of the products in these big box stores contain very harmful chemicals I mean chemicals that get into our bodies um our pets pet food uh the environment and they're just wreaking havoc all along the whole step of the way did you guys know at any given time these big companies they are undergoing hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits like take a look at this like I didn't even know any of that stuff was happening you really have to like dig down deep and research yourself to even find this kind of stuff out because they have so much money what ends up happening it gets swept under the rug and they we don't even know about it we don't even know this stuff's happening I used to use Old Spice deodorant and it used to burn I just thought it was oh well I'm not used to it whatever no nuh-uh nope there's reasons why it burned these big companies they don't care about the small guy the only thing they care about is their bottom line so if it hurts the small guy me and you along the way eh so be it a lot of These Guys these companies their values don't even align with our values I'm a patriot I love America I care about the the environment I care about not having toxic hazardous materials in my house around my dogs around uh my son I don't want any of that so I urge you guys click the link Down Below in this video get some more information switch away the only thing we can do is stick together and a whole bunch of small people we can make this movement happen there have been thousands and thousands of people that have been doing the switch making this switch sending our money to americanmade familyowned local businesses you can do it too instead of spending this much money at The Big Box store you're now spending it over here same amount of money on everyday items guys we're talking like toothpaste soap cleaning supplies detergents um health and beauty stuff vitamins so much stuff that's all americanmade and really really really good for you they spend millions of dollars doing research to get the best most eco-friendly ingredients and extraction methods and different things is the best thing I've come across and I really want to share it with you guys you need to be invited to be a part of this so guys let's stop feeding this corporate machine you know they don't care about us anyway let's start focusing on more of America America America first let's start focusing on that let's have a more healthier happy better future for our kids for ourselves for our grandkids for everything can't do it alone guys click that link down below you will not be disappointed I promise you [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] so the other half already got the right angle on it yeah well you know you cut it be saying just flip it over line it [Music] up line it up the best you can yeah as close you can I mean you need them to be you want them to be straight they don't have to be I mean obviously as straight as possible but go there's as number to nice I'm going use this one at all times for the template so you don't you don't use the new one if you guys ever use templates this is just something I found here maybe you guys probably already know this but like here's my template don't like cut this one and then use this one as the template then use the next one as a template because it changes yeah you know what I'm saying like each time you cut it's not going to be exact to the 100% yeah so always use the same template yeah could possibly keep going down inside or up up too yeah right we've uh figured that out before so just use the same template so now we got this template we should be good yeah should be rocking yeah just a couple more things he [Music] the worst is over which was cutting all those Rafters that takes a while yeah they're all cut though they are all cut and they all match I would say perfect I'm got to make sure these are all lined up equally here to there yeah so I'm just measuring make sure they're all the same so I can mark them up there yeah and then we know that they'll be straight you know yeah right on top of that post but there's no posts over here so you don't know where it's at yeah you need to be spaced [Music] correctly the other one's Ling from the end yeah don't tell OSHA I'm doing [Music] yep which are we doing this one first yeah you can do this do this one first I'm ready right here line up on the St don't worry about that one and I want it all the way to the top y see where okay doesn't mean have to tell oan I said I just want to so it doesn't fall yeah wa [Music] I'm going to I'm going to adjust all that it's just I don't want it to fall that's all that' be it with your giant Cathedral of a greenhouse giant ceing hang plants in [Music] there workout in the day h [Music] um there scre on [Music] good needs to be pushed over yeah how could we do that I'll pull it and screw is screwing in screw is screwing okay you got to come over here and tell me when it's okay it should line up I'm pretty sure it should just line up to the end I'm almost [Music] positive that's the end right there yeah it's pretty level yeah yeah [Music] line them up is what you're going to do long at that's level right there right yeah should be okay perfect [Music] actually all right that wasn't so bad [Music] we only have half of the roof done guys but I will say it totally changes the whole feel of the greenhouse it looks so like I think it just looks super cool um like being in here with the roof on and like getting the kind of the the vibe or the feel for the like the space in here but man look at this I mean the camera does zero Justice but it's huge it's so big yeah I'm just locking these in yeah before I put the ties on and stuff I don't want anything to move yeah making sure nothing's moving while we put the other side on that way at least we know this uh what is this ridge beam yeah the rge beam yeah we at least know that is straight and in line but man I love it it looks so nice it's big it is big but I don't care I love it so much I will say actually working on this roof or installing these Rafters it was fairly simple considering we actually have like a level surface and it's higher off the ground oh yeah so it made it like putting these in very easy than you know trying to balance the ladder and so no yeah it's trying to do it that way the nightmare yeah once again I'm very happy that we decided to install an actual flooring instead of doing it on the Brown made things so much easier with this build it did yeah oh you checking again see the bubble right here oh yeah I see it yeah that's what you want yeah good job baby all right [Music] good wish love was an easy song to write cuz I have Pages worth of words not your name would be the Mel that's on my tone was a [Music] song There are our words have been written all been song my ears have heard but I've cheaping with my Tong hold the way of this thing we call love oh love not a simple song but my soul though not pretty or po I hope you know it's true I'm not perfect in my ways and I let you down most St know it's true the darling I love [Music] you I've got a rhythm in a m i like without you by my side there's no Harmony your eyes just a freight train rolling down the tracks of a lonely night oh you are wor fight because my soul feel the not pretty or poetic I hope you know it's true I'm not perfect in my ways and I let you down more STS know it's true the darling so what you guys think I think it looks great um the more and more obviously we keep building and adding to it the more more it changes the feel over here now that we got the other side on and I'm looking in the camera right now and Anthony's kind of up on the ladder right when he gets up there like it does zero Justice for the size of this thing it's it's pretty big um I know we keep mentioning it and like that it's so much bigger than we pictured it but it really is yeah it's huge it's huge um I will say this is a very wellb built Greenhouse um I don't see it going anywhere no or falling apart during a nasty rain or snow or ice storm that we get around here and um so I think my plants will be very well protected uh come this winter time [Music] well everything is square and in place where it's supposed to be so uh Anthony's go ahead and he's going to put some what is it uh rafter ties yeah and some hurricane straps right uh I don't know if we have the hurricane straps right now okay I I wasn't sure if that was we were putting hurricane straps on it or we need to we need to I think I have some I got to go find them if we don't get to BU yeah so you got hangers rafter ties um hurricane straps I mean like I said I don't think this thing's going anywhere no it's not going to move unless a tornado comes then it might go somewhere well yeah our shed might yeah it's could say and our shed would probably go somewhere too if there was a tornado so I hope not n i don't I hope not either but what a rough life for the dogs man they this is their new favorite spot they both have been loafing here pretty much all morning while we've been working they may get up and move around a little bit but they end up right back in the spot so there must be something here that they must really like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well check it out guys it looks amazing it does it looks really really good um we were pretty much out of our wood pile yeah we got like a couple pieces and I was sitting there scratching my head see like hey why do I have extra pieces yeah did I do something wrong but I double checked and everything's what it needs to be I think we got some extra 2x4s cuz I think um it's for the door uh that's what I'm thinking or the window frames yeah some of that but we still do have a lot more to do on this greenhouse but I'm very happy that the trusses are up now yeah me too it actually looks like a a house now or a framed room yeah it looks it looks really nice we're uh putting our heads together right now thinking of the other materials that we need we do have a list of things that we need to buy yeah and get to finish this out but this weekend is our Meetup here that everybody is preparing for and this was my main thing I wanted to get done yeah um and get that finished before we have to start focusing on everything else yeah and today was a perfect day to do this yes because it's very nice out it did start sprinkling for like half a second and I was like no go away I'm not done yet but now the sky is looking nice you know clearing out a little bit yeah still kind of gray but I think all the clouds are going that way so we might be in a good weather yeah be gone with you clouds get out of here yeah yeah but thing's looking amazing guys I can't wait to get it finished yeah me too [Music]
Channel: Country Road Cure
Views: 28,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arkansas, country, country road cure, cure, family, farm, farming, forest, garden, good simple living, homestead, homesteading, homesteading family, life uncontained, living off the grid, off grid, off grid homestead, off grid living, portable building homes, portable buildings, shed, shed home, shed house, shed life, shed to, shed to home, shed to house, shed to house conversion, tiny homes, tiny house, tiny houses, woods
Id: zYZ_3HZ2Gfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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