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so recently we have had our Channel on YouTube hijacked guys and in this video we want to explain some very important steps that we learned after getting our Channel back that you guys can take to make sure you guys are secure and this does not happen to you so stick around to the end yes welcome back to our Channel guys hey as you can see we're back as well yeah we're back this week was a very interesting eye-opener of a week for Roxanna myself that's true um just in case you guys did not know on Thursday our channel was hijacked we had everything taken from us had no control over it had no control over it and um it was a very scary time for us yes so at first we started warning to get ready for the day and I that I had some notifications on my phone that stated that our password had been changed on our country road cure um so I didn't really think too much about it I thought maybe Anthony had done something last night because I went to bed before he went to bed so I did the morning thing got ready um we took Wyatt down to the bus stop uh we hung out and did our morning talks with Melanie and Gary and we were hanging out and we went back inside and Anthony was looking at his phone and I said oh yeah by the way did you change the country road Cure's password and Anthony looks means like no and then he starts kind of going through the all the notifications that we had gotten that our password had been changed and um our phone number recovery phone number was changed and he was like I think we got hacked so Anthony started freaking out which therefore made me kind of panic a little bit and Anthony took off and went into Thunderdome instantly I'm like oh no thinking what's going on what's going on and if you guys know the feeling of getting your accounts taken over or anything like that you kind of know where I was coming from so I get on the computer and I try to log into anything with our email you know the website um any of our Google photo stuff our Drive nothing was work working and so I started looking at my phone and right when I started looking at Country Road cures stuff I started getting notifications that my personal email was they were trying to change the passwords on that too and then our CRC Vibe Channel The Daily Vibe we started getting notifications for that too that someone's trying to change the password so we're in like freak out mode going what's going on what's going on we can't get in anything and then we notice I go and I search on YouTube and type in Country Road cure and nothing's coming up so the first thing I do is I call Melanie my sister right yes and I'm like this is what's happening Melanie what should I do because I think she had some problems in the past with something similar I wasn't sure and I was already trying to find like contact information for from Google or YouTube and it's almost impossible to get a hold of these guys yeah and we weren't 100 sure yeah we had no idea this is like eight in the morning yeah um and go ahead and try to like if you try to like get a hold of Google or YouTube it's almost impossible because there's no contact email to just email them there's nothing simple you can't get a hold of a real person it's all done by Ai and so and I knew that and so we were starting to freak out a bunch yeah and I did Google and end up finding a 1 800 number to call I did call it but it's just an automated thing and it tells you to go on a certain website and follow their protocols to try to recover your account which we've already been trying at this point in time so then going back through all the emails that I was getting like the notifications saying what was happening what these guys did is they changed our recovery password and email changed our phone number yeah recovery phone number recovery phone number um changed the backup codes changed everything and then added a USB authenticator onto our account yeah right so you need a physical USB security key pretty much right plugged into your computer to even log in yeah and so we were 100 completely locked out of everything yeah and they they did all this within like 30 seconds I'm seeing all these emails when I woke up and seen the emails it started at 6 12 that morning and it was done and over with I think before 6 13. yeah so Melanie's chatting with a robot from YouTube helping us out the best you can she's in panic mode too and after a little bit of conversation with them they said okay we're gonna send you guys a form yeah to fill out but you're not going to get it um right away it's going to take up to 24 hours to get yeah and during this time we noticed that someone was streaming on our Channel yeah so we found out we found our Channel yeah and found that they had changed the name from Country Road cure to Andrew Tate and they were live streaming a looped video on our Channel and unlisted all of our videos yeah every like you go on there and that's all it was it's one live video you couldn't comment in the video you had to be a subscriber for like five years they were trying to sell Bitcoin in there and all this stuff right you guys know how scammers are yeah so we were even in more panic mode we're like great you know our whole entire channel of three years that we've been working on is gone yeah and um what do we do yeah I will say watching you know there's literally nothing we could do we couldn't get into the account to do anything and this person was live streaming on our Channel some weird video and watching our subscriber account go down watching basically our Channel fall apart it seemed like yeah it was falling apart that's how it felt so hearing we have to wait 24 hours just to fill out a form just so they can start the investigation uh that did not set well with me no I didn't sit well with me either I was you know I was like man this needs to be fixed like right now yeah and so I go online and I start researching the best I can you know what do you do if you get your account hijacked what do you do if this happens what do you do what have other people done in the past yeah and so I came across a uh Reddit post about the same thing and this person had his channel hijacked and he said the best way to get in contact with YouTube or Google in general mainly YouTube is go on to Twitter right and I don't even have I mean we have a Twitter account but I don't really use Twitter at all no I don't either never have never really did anything with it just was never one of the platforms I used and so I went on Twitter and I had to basically message team YouTube yeah tag them or at Team YouTube yeah um so when I did that I wrote at Team YouTube and I said hello you know my account has gotten hijacked help please please please please please help and believe it or not guys within like two minutes they responded to me yeah so team YouTube told me hey we're gonna direct message you and we'll get started on some stuff and so they did and that became a whole nother process in itself too though yeah they asked for like a secondary email they wanted the channel um URL that got hacked right yeah our country road cure and I didn't have any of that information on hand because I couldn't get into my country road cure yeah and if you guys know some of the the URLs your web address for YouTube videos sometimes they're a giant long number you know in letters and all that stuff yeah this is all a robot I'm talking to guys this isn't a person by the way this is an automated response for things and so finally they're like all right we're gonna send you a link that you can click on you have access to a form to fill out which is the one we were waiting for for 24 hours right and so I kept clicking on the form I'd open it up and all it would do is bring me to their their account recovery page yeah their self-help account recovery page like the steps you need to do to try to recover your account which those are things that we had been doing and tried doing I mean all it's already been through all that yeah numerous times up at this point and it's very frustrating for those guys um if you ever have to do that so it'll say what's the email you're trying to recover so you enter your email address yeah you press ok then it asks you for the password well our password has been changed yeah and even if we put in our old password that was on there at the before it got hacked and it'll say you know your password was recently changed you know four hours ago yeah how do you want to log in do you want to try logging in a different way yeah try another way and so you say yes and then it says please enter uh your USB USB stick authenticator into your computer because the hackers added that onto the account yeah so we were completely locked out so I'm talking to YouTube and they're telling me to go to this link that's bringing me to the same exact page that we've already been to 100 times it was very very very very frustrating yeah because you're just going in circles right and you're talking to a robot yeah and at this time at this point in time we're like losing hope oh yeah you know we were already thinking the worst but at this point it seems like it's even way worse than we thought like we're never gonna get it back yeah we're never gonna get in contact with a real person can I hear Nance and that's I mean that's how you feel you feel very violated you feel very um helpless too helpless yeah there was nothing we could do it was out of our control yeah so I was chatting back and forth with this robot for like hours hours and hours um and I was getting nowhere so during all of this I'm chatting with them on my phone different things we decided to go live on our Vibe channel for the first time ever to do it on that channel right yeah yeah horrible that was under those circumstances but we started we wanted to go live to let all of you guys know what was going on the best we could yeah because all of you guys were reaching out to us through like Instagram Facebook commenting on um videos on the vibe say what's going on yeah I think your guys's Count's been hacked and so about an hour or two after our live stream um I was still going back and forth with them on Twitter sending him screenshots of what was going on yeah trying to explain the best you can what was happening yeah they finally finally sent me another link and they verified and it was the actual link to the form that they want to have us fill out and so this is where I was talking about the channel URL right this is where this comes into play so I fill everything out they want to know like the last video you posted what was in it what was it about what's your Channel about all this stuff that people would know and then they want to know your exact Channel URL which I didn't have right we did change it to a handle it was you know youtube.com Country Road cure well that didn't work they couldn't find that channel because it was using a handle instead of the URL well my mom was over and she was there and we were all talking and I was you know scouring and stressed out trying to figure this stuff out and my mom had such a great idea she says don't you guys have merchandise on like Teespring and you know bonfire and stuff I'm like yeah it's like well you had to have linked your channel on that once you go check that and the light went off and I'm oh yeah so I went on there and ensures plan his day my big long Channel URL for Country Road cure was in there so I copied and pasted that put on the form and they accepted it I was like yes because if I didn't have that okay even fill out the form yeah like we'd still be stuck yeah and I mean the form is partly to to just prove that the channel it's your account yeah yeah to prove that it's your account the best they can decipher yeah right and so we fill it out set the form um and I let them know here I have the form they're like okay this you know this can take 24 hours to investigate investigate our teams on it and at this point we keep looking and looking and then I forget exactly what time it was around like one or two or something like that in the afternoon um YouTube terminated our account completely and I want to say a big shout out to all of you subscribers out there that reported our Channel yeah we asked you guys to yeah we wanted you guys yeah just shut it down um I think it was better that it happened that way that it was completely like disabled yeah because at that time I mean I'm sure you guys know some of you guys were probably like who is this Andrew Tate had no idea that it was our Channel yeah and seeing it on your feed and you're like I'm unsubscribing I didn't subscribe to this guy yeah so some of you might have unsubscribed not realizing that it was hacked yeah so we were um we lost some subscribers so please be sure to check and make sure you're still subscribed if you wouldn't you know or if you're not even subscribed consider subscribing hit that subscribe button for us so now that the channel was taken down in the early afternoon it was literally just a waiting game from now on because there was nothing else that we could do yeah we were on our nerves were totally shot at this point it was I mean we're thinking of Plan B plan C Plan D right we're thinking everything we could think of thinking of how we're gonna start over from scratch and how rough that's going to be and you know we spent three years building this channel the best we can and thinking about how we're gonna get all our videos uh just I do have backups of our videos but not every single one because we got almost like 400 videos it's a lot yeah right yeah and um so we're just sitting there waiting yeah and around 8 30 9 o'clock-ish that night um you know I get an email to our Vibe channel from YouTube saying hey uh congratulations successfully we've determined your channel was hacked and hijacked and we've restored um access pretty much to your Gmail account go in here and draw out some stuff and please follow these security steps that we um advise you to do yeah I'm like yes I'm thinking yes our Channel's back right so I log in there fill out boom I now I have access back to my Gmail account yeah so we're back in to our Gmail account yeah but even though we had access to our Gmail account our brand which is our actual YouTube page was still down it was still terminated so Anthony reached back out to them and let them know hey I have access to my Gmail account now and all my drives and all that good stuff but I still don't have access to my actual YouTube page yeah and the YouTube page is still deleted yeah and so what do they do oh okay please fill out this form right and we had to start the whole process over again yeah but luckily at least we had access to our Gmail account the Google account right so I knew things were working in a positive direction so at this point there's really nothing more we can do yeah you know at least like I said everything's moving in the right direction so yeah we have the account back we had the account back yeah not the YouTube yet um so we just decided to go to bed I mean this was an all-day thing yeah we were pretty stressful event all day yeah and try to get a good night's sleep the best we can I had nightmares about it yeah like in the middle of night I was waking up and oh yeah it didn't really sleep very well I mean I went to bed knowing okay at least we count back and we're heading in the right direction yeah yeah so we wake up the next morning and I'm looking at the emails and they worked pretty quick even though I sent that I had to set him that Senate that second form for the actual Channel not the Gmail yeah and they said you know good news we were able to restore your YouTube channel your brand account and go in here and fill out all these security things and you know yada yada and sure enough I go in there and so I open up my phone and I go on the YouTube studio app and that's where I can see like our Gmail and then our country road cure and sure enough there was Andrew Tate's face right on my phone yeah and I go in there and I had to reset everything up like everything all the videos yeah they unlisted all the videos they did take down the live stream that YouTube did they deleted it yeah yeah but everything had to be redone from like scratch they got rid of all of our branding stuff our about me sections our page layouts our profile pics profiles everything was changed and so yesterday I spent all day doing that and our page finally went back live for the most part if you guys notice I think it was around like two or three something around there yeah something around there could be wrong on the exact time but yeah um yesterday afternoon so it was a big giant ordeal and you know we we before this we tried at least we thought we tried and thought we had everything secure enough as uh you would need but I'm going to tell you guys we were way way wrong yeah and I want to explain to you guys how you can make sure you're secure too we suggest everybody take to secure their account you guys might be wondering well how does this happen to you well we think how it happened was we got a sponsor email um asking us to do a sponsor you guys know we do sponsors sometimes in our videos yeah and this offer was a good offer we were looking through it and it and it was from a Vista creator Vistaprint yeah business to create yeah so we uh went through the email we responded back to them letting us know hey can you guys send us a little bit more information as far as what is expected of us out of this uh promotion deal and just typical response generic that we give to um yeah all the sponsors you know yeah sponsors that we're interested yeah you don't say yes right away you got to do some haggling due diligence and yeah figure out you know in different things um so we I responded back they wrote us back and was like oh hey um you know thanks for responding um you know here is a download file of basically all the info it was called a media Media Kit Media Kit so in there they would have like all the information that you would need to do a promo video well you gotta you gotta remember two guys we didn't say but inside the initial email they have links and stuff which is totally normal yeah they say go check out our products here and every single link that they had in this email was legit going to Vistaprint so the people we're not 100 sure I'm pretty sure this is what happened I'm pretty sure too but but it's not the actual company Vistaprint that did this so don't blame them no um but in the email all the links are legit like they go to the right page you can just hover over it and then look and see exactly where the address is going to take you on a link yeah I know about all that stuff yeah and you can even type in you know Vista Creator and it pops up the same website that is on the link that's on the link of the email they provided I did go through the email and verify that everything was spelled correctly because sometimes uh scammer emails they'll tend to misspell things yeah intentionally just to see if people are really paying attention I didn't see any misspelling they had their Facebook Twitter Instagram links on there I clicked on those they went to the actual Instagram page of Vistaprint yeah I mean we we checked to make sure it was a legit thing the best we could anyway yeah the best our abilities yep and so like you were saying the second email they're like oh here thanks uh go check out our Media Kit for YouTube creators um here's a download file for it um and then let us know if you know this stuff will work for you yeah or not right like all right everything looks legit been there and done that right and so I click on it right and I click on it and I notice it's a not getting too technical order it's a DOT uh raw file RAR and I instantly thought I was like who uses that anymore yeah like in my mind right it's an old file type right um still used today but not very common and so I'm like okay I don't even have a program that can open those type of files on my computer because you don't need them anymore nowadays yeah so I went and I got a program which I used in the past which I know is a reputable program yeah that was from Microsoft from Microsoft open up the file and there was like there was two videos and like a script in the media kit and the videos they weren't even like they were like 30 second videos like promo videos and I was like this don't even look right yeah like they don't even look like good videos like what and then the script was really weird right what they want you to say if you're gonna do a script video like that yeah and I was like I don't know and close it out and didn't think anything of it like no that was the end of that right I was like I don't know yeah we're like oh we'll we'll Circle back to this so that was Wednesday night that that happened yeah that was Wednesday night yeah we're like well we'll Circle back to it later um you know continue on with our lives that day and we did and then we woke up the next morning to oh we had gotten hacked so we think that's what happened we're not 100 sure but I mean that's the only thing that was different in the days prior to this happening yep so they must have installed some malware well you know that's how they and that's how they got all of our passwords and were able to change everything so one tip make sure you guys double check your emails and don't just be clicking on anything yeah that's pretty standard nowadays but sometimes it'll look 100 legit like like happened to us yeah and trust me nothing you can do about it yeah we've seen the ones where they're very fishy where you're reading it and sometimes they don't even include links they're just like hey we want you to try our product but they don't have a link to their product and it'll say sincerely manager yeah or you know something like that and we're like oh this is yeah we just delete those yeah we just delete those ones um there's ones that actually do have if you're looking the um email address is different yeah um than like your typical you know at vistaprint.com yeah you know something like that and this one was legit too like it had a well the only thing that was not legit about it was the it wasn't a.com it was a like a DOT stz after we started doing some research on it I think it was stz I'm not sure but definitely not Vistaprint yeah we didn't I didn't I didn't I'm sure you didn't either but I didn't look at the actual email address no not at first not at first until after all this started happening and unraveling and then we went back and looked at the email address yeah and we're like oh that's kind of weird we should have paid attention yep so for any of you guys here are some steps that we learned and take my advice on this okay take my advice on it first off to secure your Google account or your YouTube account or any account yeah okay make sure you have two-step verification turned on we did but make sure you have that on and that's going to give when you when an unfamiliar computer or or a device tries to log into your account with your password let's say they have your password it's going to also require a secondary like code sent to your phone yeah that you have on your account enter that the code and then it'll let you in yeah okay that's that's number one number two okay I didn't even know that Google had this available to everybody that has a Gmail account okay everybody has this available if you go into accounts or myaccount.google.com when you're logged in to your Gmail you're going to be able to go into the security Tab and there's going to be something called backup codes those are 10 one-time use backup codes to be able get to be able to get into your account if you are completely locked out which they were asking for those codes for us while we were trying to get into it but we did not have that we did not have them because I did not know that they even existed yeah so you can go on there it's my account dot google.com go into the security tab go down and find backup codes you can download a file of it you can take a picture of them on your phone there are 10 one-time use codes make sure you have those safely somewhere printed out put in the safe whatever the case may be have those codes yeah and have them on multiple areas yeah don't just save them onto your computer that just got hacked and they erased your hard drive yeah um you know write them down like you said put them in your safe put them in your purse or your wallet put them on a USB drive and then take the USB drive and put in your desk drawer take a picture of it and send it to another email so you have it as a backup on another email even if you don't have a YouTube account or anything it's just your personal things you guys got to remember um accounts nowadays right like Google if you have like Google photos or Google drive or automatic backup anything like that if someone hacks in your account they can go into Google photos and look at all your pictures yeah they can download them all they can delete them if you save tax information onto Google drive or anything like that important documents which people do right they have access to all that anything that your Gmail account is tied to they have access to that yeah um that you're you know because Google nowadays they save your passwords for different applications that you may use um they have access to all of that information all your passwords when think and think of this guys like how many times you use the same password for multiple things yeah guaranteed guaranteed you guys you do guaranteed yeah we did we did yeah so our Spotify account will be the same Gmail and password um our bank is not but your Facebook might be the same your Instagram might be the same same exact login so if they have your email and your password well they can get into all of that other stuff too so it's very important to have those backup codes so you can quickly restore your account if need be yeah number three you can add what's called a authenticator onto your account what the authenticator is if you're wondering it's basically an app on your phone that you use to sign in to your stuff yeah so if uh someone in Hawaii tried to log into my Google account and they had my phone number my recovery email address they had everything hacked what that's going to do it's gonna prompt my app on my phone with a special code that only lasts for 30 second seconds right every 30 seconds it changes yeah and without that code no matter who it is you cannot get into that account yeah period just can't happen a authenticator is very very important to have on your accounts for security yes so yes it was a very very stressful 30 hours or so for us guys um hopefully if you guys take some of these security precautions that we mentioned yeah serious for your as his account hopefully this will not happen to you guys I'm very happy and thankful you guys all banded together and helped us out the best you guys could with reporting and being there for us on the other channel we do appreciate it a lot yes YouTube is our life yeah right this is what we do for you guys this is how we support Wyatt and our family yeah we do try our best on this and to have that like instantly ripped away from us that quick within a second um really was an eye-opener and was scary yeah and I don't want this to happen to any of you guys no I know we learned any other YouTube channel or somebody's personal email yes so the scammers and the hijackers are getting very smart guys oh yeah they're very they're getting very um just smart they just know they know what they're doing yeah they're a lot smarter than we are and a lot of those uh ways so just be safe try our best to stay safe yeah be careful be mindful yeah hopefully if you guys do take those extra security precautions and if something like this does happen that they won't be able to get access to your accounts going forward that's what I'm yeah it's all precaution right yeah so now we're gonna put this behind us guys yeah move on this is uh this is completely my my mindset for the past couple days has been up in a cloud and all I cared about was YouTube getting our Channel back getting yeah you know making sure all is well again it really put a damper on this week for me yeah it was a bummer week and um we try to have good vibes around here the best we can but that was a horrible Vibe we just it's horrible so yeah we're gonna be getting back on these kitchen cabinets real soon we were supposed to have a video out for you guys um yesterday showing all the progress that we've done and getting some work done but obviously that didn't happen so yeah yeah we didn't make any progress nope so we're gonna be getting on that real soon guys I want to say Happy Easter to everybody yes happy Easter happy Easter hope you're spending it with friends and family that you care about and get good food and get some good food and enjoy your enjoy your day yeah so you guys have a great day thanks for being here be safe yeah internet safe be internet safe and safe in general and we'll catch you guys all in the next one bye bye I
Channel: Country Road Cure
Views: 49,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arkansas, country, country road cure, cure, family, farm, farming, forest, garden, good simple living, homestead, homesteading, homesteading family, life uncontained, living off the grid, off grid, off grid homestead, off grid living, portable building homes, shed, shed home, shed house, shed life, shed to, shed to home, shed to house, shed to house conversion, tiny homes, tiny house, tiny houses, woods, portable building house, shed house, simple life reclaimed, tiny home
Id: KibxsBveyA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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