This Modular Water Cooling Concept could revolutionize future Graphics Cards

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Isn't die cast a bit more costly in terms of tooling? Unless they can guarantee good volumes would it be a net positive when they would need different patterns per brand/generation and GPUs within a generation? What's the costs per thousand versus CNC?

Not sure about the whole "cheap block, keep the rad/pump" angle when it also means staying within their ecosystem unless the connectors are standard.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Anxious-Dare πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only thing I'm wondering about is the life span of the pump in that AIO. Personally I upgrade GPUs every 2nd generation, or every 4-5 years these days that would be. Is a bump going to last 4 years? If it's targeted at like RTX XX80 to XX90 owners that upgrade every generation, would they really go for a cheaper design like this rather than do a full custom loop for fun?

If they can also provide a CPU water block for $60 or less it would be a really good combo. It sounds like that is the plan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bubblesort33 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Decouple the pump from the rad using the same connectors. Release it to the public as a standalone product. Compete with the eiswolf but with a much cheaper aluminum based product.

Honestly, I just want to see a successor to the Kraken G12.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhunkeyPharaoh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign from computex 2023 but we are not in the exhibition area we are in a hotel suite visiting Tech and well they're now called link plus and you might still remember uh Tech and they made some very high performance water blocks in Germany Berlin and now they're showcasing this looks like an aluminum block but I can tell you this is going to be extremely exciting we are now looking at this tiny system first because I think it's very impressive to see how this fits in here very nicely and it looks nice and also works nice but let's remove that cover quickly and what you can see inside here that's a different version of what I had in my hands um in the intro part you can see this is an aluminum diecast part so that's already quite different to a normal AIO I would say and what's also a lot different is you have something that you can call a quick connector and also there is no pump here the pump is sitting in the radiator up here and that is part of why this concept is so much different from all the other aios that we currently see on the market so on here we have two different versions that is the open version of the RTX 3080 as you can see this is the Die Cast opened it's a little bit difficult to kind of get a feel of what the water channels look like and like what the in which direction the water goes because like if you look at the traditional water Block it's maybe like I don't know like a copper a plate and you have an acrylic plate on top you can easily estimate where the water flows through that's a little bit more difficult on here overall though like if this is closed obviously the Quick Connect part will go on here and the water will flow through the cooling structure which is CNC milled I mean the rest of the part is a normal aluminum Die Cast but what makes this so special and also why this takes a lot of like Ingenuity to to make is those structures that you can see all around because you have to keep in mind this is not a custom border cooling this means we don't have a typical Reservoir somewhere we have to create it somewhere else and if you think of a CPU AIO yeah the most dangerous part is that air could be trapped in the pump and overall the pump could run dry and damage the pump that's something you absolutely want to avoid that's why these structures are here to trap air in all well in the two major directions where you would Mount the cooler in so for example horizontal and like vertical both of those would be covered that in both directions the air would be trapped in here and not get stuck in the pump the people behind link plus which you might previously known as tag n are experts when it comes to like those cooling structures you if you look at what they did in the past and that's also one of the only things that are like CNC milled apart from the the Die Cast you can see on here you also have this area that's the GPU contact surface that's CNC milled just to make sure that it's perfectly flat and having like perfect contact for best temperatures then obviously some of the like small threads have to be cut afterwards and this structure in here which is like slotted afterwards but apart from that everything is aluminum diecast which will make this extremely cost effective and efficient which means that this should be like a much cheaper solution for the mass markets than anything else that's currently on the GPU cooling Market because if you I don't know if you take a fully CNC milled copper block that's like only maybe slightly better when it comes to Performance will be just so much more expensive so yeah that's definitely very very interesting so now let's go over to the radiator and basically the rest of your potential new water cooling Loop so let's just inspect this from the outside first I think just the design already looks pretty nice with the Link logo on it but obviously because this is a concept for the future maybe it will carry an Asus or like an MSI logo obviously the fans could be different as well depending on what I don't know whatever brand will do with this and if you look at this from the outside perspective um just like the shape of the radiator you will notice that it's flat on here but then there's this extended part on the back if we look at this area right here the pump will sit inside here and also in this area we will have additional Pockets that can carry air like an additional Reservoir similar what we had like with these cutouts in the cooler already all of this is optimized that in any kind of Direction you mount it so for the radiator as well not only for for the cooler any orientation will be covered so that air can be can be caught like an additional Reservoir and that's also what this in front is for is also to catch additional air to make sure that no matter how you mount it the pump will not run dry so that's already a very interesting design and what's probably even more entertaining are those connectors because as you can see I already split them apart usually they are connected together then you will just connect it to your potential graphics card but if you split them up that's what I find really fascinating you can hook up a second radiator like in series so you can even extend your cooling Loop depending on your cooling needs depending on the power consumption of your card and also like what your case supports so for example you would connect this to the GPU this to the second radiator and then from the second radiator you would go back to the GPU and now you have to think about this because this is like modular if let's say you run an RTX 30 gen or like 40gen and you keep running this for like two years and then maybe RTX 50 is out you have to think about that this is basically the water cooling Loop so you have your radiator and you have your Reservoir and you have your pump all in this system if you buy a new GPU you can just buy this because it doesn't even contain the pump or anything you can just swap out the the card with the cooler and attach it to your existing water cooling Loop so you will save a lot of cost and it's also from an like economical and ecological point of view it's it's just very good because you don't have to throw away your components you can just reuse what you already have and this way it's good for our environment and it's also very good for your pocket because you don't have to buy those parts again the cooler I had in my hands at the beginning of the video in the intro is this one that is a prototype for the 7900 XTX you can see it's fully CNC milled and the reason for that is because obviously if a new GPU comes to the market you have to test your design first just to make sure that everything fits they will first see in a similar part and verify it test cooling capabilities and everything and once everything is confirmed and working they will turn this into an aluminum Die Cast part and here in the system you would see an example using a 7900 XTX so basically the same cooler I just had in my hands and this is running with a 360 Radiator in the front also in this orientation and on here you can see how the connector is fitted to the card and that's a bit different to let's say a quick connector you might know from a custom custom border cooling Loop where you just pull it back and it like snaps off that's different because there is this screw in here and you basically slide it in and then tighten the screw to make sure it's perfectly aligned this is how this connection would look like if it closes and you see that there is a screw I was talking about earlier the nice thing about having this screw is that you don't have to push from the front so there will be no Force to like the GPU to the PC Express lot to the motherboard all will be done by this one single screw and you can see that's fairly easy and also quick to do it's not like an like a pop on quick connector but with this design that you first have to push it in and at a certain time it will start like sealing off then yeah I mean it will just never spill no matter if you open or if you close it and this way you will not stress like neither GPU nor main board during the installation process and after opening it again you can see that all the water that's left on these connectors also in between you can see there are some like gold fingers that's because this connector is also forming the electrical connection between the GPU because you can see some wires and also the radiator and the pump for communication I'm pretty sure you will ask yourself but how will it perform especially because those are aluminum parts and I think a lot of people have the misconception that aluminum might perform very bad but as you can see the temperature with this 7900 XTX running fewer Mark load and you can see the board power draw is around 350 watt the GPU temperature is sitting at like 48 49 degrees Celsius hot spot 75 roughly those are amazing temperatures and there is no reason why you wouldn't go for this like instead of copper especially because this will be just so much cheaper let's talk about the price point which I think is extremely exciting because you might think okay it's like a it looks like a custom border cooling solution like what's going to be the cost this block that will be on the GPU has roughly the same kind of cost as an air cooler that's sitting on the GPU so if you buy a graphics card with this equipped it would cost exactly the same as any kind of other air cooling solution and then the only thing you have to get is the radiator that contains the pump and this will obviously I mean it looks like an AIO it contains the same kind of components components as an AIO radiator fan pump everything so this is exactly the same cost as any other like 240 AIO for example and that's where it gets interesting because you will get like an extremely good cooling solution like very high performance at a very low price essentially just a tiny bit higher than an air cooled car because you have to buy this but yeah but then you have to keep in mind you are able to keep this because in the Next Generation you can just keep this in your system upgrade the graphics card and you pay essentially a lot less and you will be able to fit it to your needs and also be able to run a much better cooling than any other AIO could do because as I said before you can upgrade this you can use a 240 you can use a 360 you can like connect multiple of them and that's where I think it's very exciting because it provides both very good Cooling and at the same time very low price which for us as consumers it's like that's the dream right and that's why I hope there is a manufacturer out there that will collaborate with link so we can actually see this on the market I would be very excited and I'm pretty sure you will be too so if there's any manufacturer out there and you find that this is interesting you should definitely get in touch with link well you can definitely find them on their website and for you out there let me know in the comments what you think about it and thanks for tuning in to next time bye [Music]
Channel: der8auer EN
Views: 33,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o0HAG6PunrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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