This Modern PREFAB HOME Can Be Ordered Online and Delivered Nation Wide
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kerry Tarnow
Views: 523,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxabl, boxabl casita, boxabl factory, boxabl tour, prefab, prefab homes, modular homes, modular prefab home, modular prefab, manufactured home, single wide tour, mobile home, mobile home tour, mobile homes, mobile home park living, Timothy p livingston, kristina smallhorn, kirsten dirksen, kirsten Dirksen tour, chances mobile home world, Shelby church, interior design, affordable housing, real estate, tiny home, tiny home tour, factory built home, modular, home tour, home
Id: Q05fFnH2pBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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