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you guys doing welcome to the video hello how you guys doing we are doing Minecraft holy [ __ ] settled into a new apartment now I can get rid of these ads and re-subscribe okay it's already it's already started okay it's it's our it's our hello Enderman okay anyways basically what we're doing today this kind of shows it is we are doing Minecraft versus chat I try and beat Minecraft while chat does things in my game they could do whatever they want as long as it's over there and then yeah that's basically the whole gist of it okay you guys any questions questions comments concerns okay cool let's get it that's basically the whole gist of it okay nice try nice Shrine kids I see what you tried to do what the [ __ ] oh good one good one I just tried the makeup oh my God I just chat we don't talk about the pickaxe I just tried to make there all right we don't talk about that [ __ ] that wasn't even y'all that was just a random ass creeper how is this thing still alive die all right you son of a [ __ ] oh thanks for the plank I'm gonna go in this hole I'm gonna kill these pigs real quick your boy needs some food oh that's lava okay we're good that was scary where did those creepers go okay wait we're good they didn't spawn okay okay nice try with the creepers you son of a [ __ ] nice try you son of a [ __ ] we good though no speaking of that thanks for reminding me oh where okay chill chill chill homie chill chill chill no way I die already okay I just died to a random ass skeleton okay I didn't even die in the chat I just died to a random ass skeleton that was a [ __ ] great okay cool all right what do we got look bro we just joined I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna chop down this tree and you guys are gonna let me chop down the tree okay here let me chop it in peace thank you hold on all right here we go there we go our first move please thank you ah okay our first tree excuse me get out of the way please thank you okay there's a turtle hello Mr turtle I have this back please thank you what just happened what just happened five thousand bits what does that do to me to the nether you sent me to the Nether and you sent me immediately into lava okay this is going great so far okay this is going fantastic you know what my you know what you know what let's start off simple my objective was to beat the game you know what I'm gonna start this off simple I'm gonna try and build a house okay you know what if I could build a house successfully I'd be very happy I'm on an island okay great start anyways can I just stop the fact that you guys keep randomly spawning Turtles on me is actually impressive because supposed to be a random animal but somehow it's still [ __ ] Turtles how there's no way it was a turtle again how are you guys actually managing that I have been blessed ladies and gentlemen we have been blessed ladies and gentlemen the gods have blessed us today we have been I guess two Pros out of that two out of five I'll take it I mean those aren't those aren't great odds but I'll take it well yeah I've been blessed ladies and gentlemen this is the world I was here when big puffer beat Minecraft okay excuse me I didn't mean to get the [ __ ] out of the way okay oh okay okay I'll okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay um okay neat we're already in the nether poggers okay great start back no he did so much damage oh my God okay hold on hold on okay hold on okay hold on you guys gonna get me killed you guys gonna get me you guys are gonna get me [ __ ] killed oh my god oh this is so bad oh this is so bad oh this is so oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no guys guys guys guys okay okay okay that's that's enough that's enough Bobs that's enough Bobs you only need to spawn so many [ __ ] Bobs bro that's enough oh my [ __ ] god oh my God I I I um okay okay yeah can we can we stop with this are they attacking the villagers oh my God they are oh my God it's a [ __ ] War down there it's gotta be [ __ ] kidding me oh my God I wish I could yell I wish I could yell but it's gonna hurt my throat because I'm sick but bro I I just want to scream at y'all so [ __ ] loud right now oh my God bro let me live oh my God a black sheep look at that what are the odds she had a black sheep and a white sheep whoa whoa Chad why are you guys being weird okay yeah I hit the black sheep but I'm killing the white one so reparations all right don't get it twisted everyone calm the [ __ ] down all right whoa dude calm the [ __ ] down chat oh is there a [ __ ] Village over here okay dude these zombies do so much [ __ ] damage oh my God bruh I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die okay hold on hold on I'm gonna die the zombies I'm gonna die okay okay hold on hold on hold on oh my God I got blessed oh oh y'all [ __ ] want this [ __ ] huh yeah damn get down bye oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay that one I cannot fight I cannot fight that thing I'm out of here no I have actually skedaddling from that [ __ ] thank you for reminding me about The Shield wait what isn't that am I stupid or is that nahi make a shield oh you need iron right oh my [ __ ] god also that scared to put Jesus bro oh my God the Enderman got a chill oh my God [Music] so that's what it does it has spots of [ __ ] super creeper Chad do me a fit okay stop [ __ ] spawning or not spawning stop subbing you sons of [ __ ] what about 100 gifted I it says trip to the end so I'm assuming it takes it to the end I have no I actually don't know what 50 Subs does I have no idea that one I actually don't know about you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me oh my God they got stuck in a tree oh my God okay okay Titan they give us some just me and my island of Enderman okay excuse me oh I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident relax bro why I need food I need to eat Chad can I have bread Chad let me get some bread thank you thank God I appreciate you guys thank you you guys were actually generous thank you your boy okay ow it's somehow you actually spawned a puffer fish I don't know how you manage that Chad what's the most annoying mob and why is that skeleton because they are the most annoying mob okay [Music] not good because now it's gonna spawn twice oh my God oh oh the [ __ ] Wombo Combo bro what the oh my God I thought that was a [ __ ] creeper okay you're chill you're chill iron I'm not killing it I'm not killing it it's gonna kill me oh we're good oh we're blessed okay okay actually I will kill it now oh yeah baby oh yeah oh this is the Run chat I was here now that we're gonna get a shield this is the [ __ ] right I lost them what there he is um yeah so hold on um we need to figure out how to do this without you know okay you keep going higher which is bad for me the [ __ ] Golem survived that oh my God oh my god I've been blessed oh my God okay this is like the third the third or fourth time we've gotten Diamond uh stuff which I kind of feel bad because every time we get this we usually die to some [ __ ] but I really do appreciate the diamond stuff round Applause for that you're actually a hero in the making chat stop [ __ ] spamming about 25 gifted if you want the 25 gift that you do it yourself it's not [ __ ] happening all right stop asking for it you freaks oh my God okay hold on I can't do anything it spawns it twice why does it spawn it twice if it didn't spawn it twice I would have [ __ ] I would have nailed it I would have survived bro wait there's a hold on there's a railway here oh wow oh my God shot we gotta name something wait a minute that's the objective chat our new mission to name something in this Minecraft world [ __ ] beating the Ender Dragon we gotta give something a name okay um oh okay um ciao we're gonna beat Minecraft um Chad it's time to beat Minecraft I have all the beds in the world and I have red sand is that the spot you do it I don't I don't remember how you do this I have no sticks I got nothing I got I got nothing I got I can't oh [ __ ] oh God this is terrible was that actually Cruz Cruz what the [ __ ] are you doing I have nothing can I even I don't even think I can right I could do that will that work no that would blow me up right [Music] oh what eleven ladies and gentlemen Ward 11. oh my God it's someone gifted so someone gifted bits for armor wait what if I replay the alert [Music] oh my God I just found a cheat in the system wait a minute wait a minute I just oh my God I can cheat oh my wait hold on wait I'm beating Minecraft today ladies and gentlemen hold on wait a minute y'all are [ __ ] it's over oh it's over baby oh it's so how do you do it how you doing how you do it um um let's see you do like you do like this and um and um how's the [ __ ] work right how's the [ __ ] work hold on you do like uh um no help guys help me out here please uh let's see here let's see here [Music] [Laughter] you know what I think today I think today I think this is a good World 12 I got a good feeling about world 12. Loki you're the one who cheated I don't know what you're talking about I just tested something okay thanks for moving my stuff I appreciate it um really unnecessary in my opinion but thank you man okay that's really bad that's really bad that's really bad I'm upping that you know what I'm up in the zombies you know what no the zombies are getting up no that no no you're talking me into it the zombies are you know what Chad I think they're gonna have to raise any prices today but I'm raising the prices zombies are getting raised yup inflation ladies and gentlemen we love inflation it's big you know the problem is we're never being this is this for charity if the charity meets my pockets then yes all right this has to be the run this has to be the run because honestly I'm sick of this [ __ ] game this is World 13 for crying out loud this has to be the Run Zombies don't work by the way they're broken it's good you know what I have zeros I have zero issues with that good good riddance okay okay as I try and hit the [ __ ] pig bro that was a [ __ ] accident I didn't mean it I didn't mean it it was a [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] missing Point wait is he calm now wait wait where is he wait this is him right is he calm now is he is he chill with me did they just they just become chill he's chill with me look at him oh he gone okay Chad I genuinely believe you guys would be nice and not let me die while I'm here I am going to grab a protein shake or not a protein shake a protein bar cause I'm [ __ ] hungry so I'm gonna go grab a snacky real quick okay let me go grab a snacky and let's all chill okay thank you guys let me go grab a snacky poo you guys are the [ __ ] worst oh my God I heard that [ __ ] I was walking downstairs bro your guys are the worst nice try your sons of [ __ ] y'all really doing this [ __ ] to a sick guy yeah she'll feel y'all should feel sick in my opinion oh [ __ ] oh my God I ain't gonna lie to you though trap I if I don't feel good I don't feel good you know what I I ain't gonna lie to you chat [ __ ] kill me chap blow me up I need a good ending to this I don't feel good I think it's time for me to lay down I've had my fun I think I've got my video but I think now it's time for you know to me go out in a bang you know what I'll do it myself you know what Chad fine I'll do it myself also [ __ ] you [ __ ] the zombies I'm not going out with zombies uh okay I got killed by zombies I'm sick I'm tired I'm gonna go lay down I hope this video does well I want to do this with more stuff so honestly if you have ideas drop that [ __ ] in the comments because I wanna I'm gonna take you guys suggestions and I'll make like a bigger list of things to happen for the next time we do this also I'll probably get some friends on and we'll make like a world to do this on too anyways like the video I'll see you guys later bye wake up everything [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Bigpuffer
Views: 180,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bigpuffer, Puffer, Iambigpuffer, Puffer reddit, Puffer grizzy, Puffer unban requests, puffer beef, puffer drama, unban request twitch, unban request, Puffer ban, Puffer twitch highlights, Bigpuffer ban, Puffer reddit review, reddit review, Bigpuffer reddit, Bigpuffer reactions, Bigpuffer reacts, Reacting video, minecraft, minecraft vs chat, minecraft twitchspawn, minecraft chaos mod, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft hardcore
Id: who816h3lH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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