This Marble Run is INSANE!!! - Marble World

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three two one go wow [Music] wow guys hello everybody Mr sticksman here and welcome back to Marble World in today's video we're going to be checking out one of the best Marble Runs we've ever seen it runs down the entire side of a mountain and it's got tons of incredible features like this massive marble mixer an enormous marble elevator and this cook crazy box that you can drop thousands of marbles out of all at the same time this is gonna be a good one let's get on with it Link in the description below if you want to have a go with it I mean look at it just look at it sat there on the mountain this thing is insane it's made by somebody called Felix down here that's the end of the marble run by the way and look how big it is if we go up here guys it takes ages for the marbles to roll down the whole thing there's even a banana down here let's go over to the top anyway and have a look at this thing properly here are the spawners let's Chuck a few Marbles and there we go four different colors three two one go oh and look at that as they fall down the middle or mixing up in there all the colors lovely colors as well on those marbles and here they come they're so vibrant aren't they look at those things just popping everywhere let's follow them down here then the first part of this huge marble run and they're already splitting up look uh some of them are going down this ramp here and straight ahead the other ones are just going around the corner and then joining back with the others but loads of them coming down at the moment through these big wooden pegs here now there's a big half pipe here which they're all going into next and around this nice Tower or structure there which is holding up the track and then down into these Lanes here really quickly down here I've just put a few more marbles in here because we ran out they were going so fast that they went a bit too quick for me and they went off into the distance and I lost them all so we're gonna get in this other bunch here and follow them down properly oh look at this there's actually a switch do you see that it just switched and opened up [Music] I didn't notice that before so they're gonna rush through now into the half pipe that transparent half pipe they're down here around the structure into the lanes and then down here is a really steep ramp guys it's just dropping all the way down there look there's lanes for them to sort of go through then meeting all down here there's a bit of a bridge going over the top as well and this is one of my favorite things on the whole marble run it's a mixer and it's just spinning oh look at that it spins around and some of them do drop through uh down below here look through that Gap and the other ones just stay in this mixer until they they can hopefully get through the next time there's a big traffic jam building up down here now because there's a there's a huge Escalade whoa look in the background okay we'll get there in a minute that looks so cool though but yeah there's a big sort of um escalator here which is taking them up to the top in large groups going through these pyramid shapes here and then there's a spinner going into this tube now let's just see what happens here whoa guys the Spinner's really powerful so some of them are going through the tube we'll go through there in a minute it's okay in marble camera mode and see what that looks like as we become a marble but first of all let's go around here first we'll make sure we do go into the tube in a minute and then they're going to go through this really technical section next as they go around the corner now it looks like that tube goes in there and it comes out here look at that guys it's the same tube is going in the mountain then back out again I've got some more marbles coming down in the background as well just up here look another round and currently we have 2 800 marbles on the marble run look at that isn't that just an amazing sight to behold I mean just marbles everywhere on this thing where are my new marbles where are they are right they're coming down now now let's go into marble camera mode we've got to choose a marble which is going into the spinner let's use this blue one and see what happens okay there we go I'm gonna put it into slow motion as well here we go and hopefully we won't miss anything oh yes we're going through yes here's the spinner we're gonna get knocked okay we just got knocked by the spinner right now we're going uphill and I can speed it up a little bit maybe but if we go really quickly it's quite hard to see what's going on there we go in the tube now around the corner into the Rock we're going into the mountain and they're always really dark in here we've got more marbles behind us and in front leaves are sticking through the tube but we're not getting held up by those and it looks like we're about to come out actually in a minute back outside here we go back outside again and then uh there's the end of the tube just over there you can see the other tube the entrance to it at the beginning just over there okay we're falling down oh here's the Spinners yes we'll have a look at that from a distance in a moment but there's the Spinners we've just gone through I'm going to roll out here there's actually a really big wheel over there as well so uh let's just zoom out a minute oh there we go I'll just speed up the game a bit more as well and we'll see what happens now so that's where we just fell down through the Spinners there and the other track which is just going down next to it there's a big spiral and they also joined on here you can see as well going down with those spinners the spiral does join down here with all of the as well so they're all meeting up into the same track eventually together as another sort of thing sticking out the middle of the track there and then there's wheel here so some of the marbles going into the wheel that's so awesome guys look at that and they're being picked up by us a big sort of gear thing isn't it whatever it is and okay so they're being dropped off onto this track over here let's follow those first and then we'll go back in a bit oh there's a jump here oh that's amazing okay we're gonna do that in Marble camera mode as well let's do that now they're ending up on that track there I'm just gonna go and get a marble camera mode going so let's choose the pink marble here there we go we're gonna do the jump this time here we go we're still slightly in slow motion here just a little bit oh no okay I thought we're gonna get stuck off there in a minute okay there we go around the corner then and here's the jump here's the jump and yeah that's us right there that's so cool and uh okay we're gonna fall down this part now down some steps here we'll just zoom in a little bit oh there's a hole here and okay we're really close guys look at that in the background there's a massive custom elevator which you can see spinning around in the background guys that's so amazing we will have a look at that of course when we get there soon but first of all wait where are we going oh okay there's a zigzag descent down now so that's pretty interesting we'll just speed up the game a little bit here I know that we missed a bit of a track earlier as we'll go back there in a minute and have a look at that but let's let's go down this one first guys in the background there's another spinner or whatever it is over there as well we're going to go into that in a minute actually yes here we go here's us we're gonna go into this downwards oh no where are we there we go first person mode we're inside it now let's just zoom out that's what we're in at the moment and we're going to go round and round and eventually I think we're going to join yes we're going to join onto the half pipe which is another bit of track with loads of marbles on it so where's us I think that's us just there look okay so we're gonna drop out now there we go into the half pipe and we're gonna carry on going down oh yes this is the big elevator oh guys okay this is actually amazing I was blown away when I saw this earlier and I was testing it it is it's a custom elevator made out of a big spinner hang on there we go we'll zoom out look how big the elevator is guys there's probably like over a thousand marbles in it all at the same time and if we zoom out here it's huge isn't it it goes right up to the top here it might be the biggest elevator I've ever seen actually in this game look how many marbles are coming down here it's crazy we will go back soon and have a look at the the other bits of track which we missed earlier but let's go up here first and see what happens oh yeah now this is actually where all of the marbles meet up down here guys and we have to control The Flipper which ejects all the marbles it is amazing when we do that so we'll do that in a minute let's just go back over here and what we'll do is we'll wait for all of the marbles to get in there at the same time because all of these are going to join into this box all in one go and then when we open up the bottom they're all gonna fall out at the same time it's gonna be so fun I can't wait to do that so this is what's happening up here look they're just dropping off the top there's a moving platform which is quite nice here they come out of the top of the elevator right now and loads of them coming out it's so impressive isn't it that thing I can't believe honestly I just I can't believe this marble run it's just insane isn't it but here they come out of the top and then they're gonna sort of snake around these bends here along the side of the mountain I love how we've got lots of supports here as well holding up the track it's quite believable isn't it it feels quite sort of natural and realistic in that sense and here they go bouncing off the side a bit of a step there they make their way down onto a track below and then they're gonna drop off a little oh that's a bit dodgy look at that are they falling down the gap no there's a gap here but I can't see any falling out I think they're okay to be honest yeah I think they're okay and uh in a minute we should actually have a full box here we go here the last ones guys the whole thing now is nearly thought right to the top so we're just wait for the last few marbles to come down we are literally going to have about 2 800 marbles in here and yes when we drop them out at the same time it's going to be amazing let's do marble camera mode with the yellow marble here there we go so the camera's going to be spinning around for a bit but we're sort of one of the last marbles on the elevator there and here we go just outside the top that's us there that yellow one excellent okay so now we're just gonna roll down here and uh let's not last that pink one is last we're gonna go around the corners drop into the box and then we're going to press the special button and we're going to drop out oh guys look how many marbles are in there this is crazy we're still really look how high up we are that's the end of the marble run well we've come all the way from up there here we go then are you ready right we're going to drop them all out three two one go wow oh wow guys oh there's a jump here as well okay quick quick yes there's another jump here as well that's insane they're all going to go into this really big funnel and oh how amazing is that just so satisfying they're all dropping down the funnel there it's like a big whirlpool in the ocean isn't it let's quickly Rush down here and follow them through well all right hang on a minute they're on a spinning oh yeah they're on a spinning gear so that's where they come out look out of the funnel there if we just go whoa okay here's a funnel so they're all coming out this other funnel luckily it's transparent so we can see through it and they're all coming out here oh no the big traffic jam building up I hope they don't get stuck oh hang on oh guys look at this there's a track here and look at that it goes through the mountain let's choose this one and marble camera mode here we go right first person mode go right let's see what happens to this marble then let's zoom out a little bit so you can see what's going on there we go oh yes guys we skipped out loads of the traffic jam and we just go around the corner now stay in camera mode for a minute there's another piece of marble run over here after this track that's pretty interesting we've got a few Spinners to get past wooden wedges as well now here we go dropping down into this massive pit for the Britain with marbles look how many are coming in here as well oh no I hope it doesn't overflow otherwise we might get kicked out the marble run before we get to the end okay so now let's go down here and uh right so almost out of this section now we got through unscathed for the most part interesting end to the uh the track isn't it we've got a big half pipe here got a nice end just keeping those marbles in there and uh right let's uh let's go around here we'll just stay in Marble camera mode for the moment there's another huge track down there guys look at that down there under us it's a massive section we're about to go into that now as we sweep around these bends here absolutely fantastic lovely design isn't it this this marble run does the whole thing is incredible here we go off the half pipe into nice I think we just skipped over loads of marbles we jumped over loads of them and skipped the queue now we're going to bash into these sort of uh posts here all the way down isn't that amazing we zoom out a bit look at that from what happened guys that yellow marble just it took a shortcut and then fell off the track foreign marble just appear and uh some more wooden obstacles sticking out the track there and I think yes here we go here's the end of the run and don't worry I have remembered that we uh we've still got another track or two to have a look at up the top somewhere on the mountain we'll try and see all of those bits as well we're trying to miss anything and here we go jumping up into the fountain and that is the end of this marble run that's us just there look they're still coming down look there's more so that means in this uh in this Fountain here we've actually got like over 2 800 marbles all in the fountain at the same time here's the view underwater look how many marbles are in here just everywhere you look there's marbles thousands of them they're everywhere absolutely incredible but yeah as I said we've missed out a bit of track up here actually earlier so let's go back up here and see if we can find it a couple more rounds of marble say oh no I put too many in oh look they actually spawn underneath as well that's interesting there's two spawner tracks on each side okay who they come through now what we're gonna do is move down here the bit we missed before is down here instead of going on that wheel that we went on last time in camera mode we've got to go down the side of the wheel instead and we go into this amazing section over here and we've got these sort of double line tracks and everything going through some holes and another spinner so that's where we're going to go as the marbles start dropping down there but anyway where oh here they come here they come is the mixer again we'll just have a quick look at that and uh oh yes they're pouring in here really fast and there's that shortcut look they can go across the shortcut there we didn't quite see that properly earlier either they're going through here and ending up on the escalator as well we'll just wait for a few more marbles to come down yes this is what we want thousands of them okay that's enough I think let's just pause the game here we're gonna choose this green marble here camera mode and uh right we're on the way we're on the way so a brand new better track that we haven't seen yet is just around the corner in fact this is part of it is and here we go under those tracks which we did see earlier and oh look there's a box here okay so we're going in the box and then dropping down some holes I think in the box and uh it's quite there we go hopefully you can see that on video anyway uh through the glass there we're just dropping out now it goes underground as well it goes under the platform there's the banana that we saw earlier and we're about to drop out I think just on the last layer or two here we go and here we go we're dropping out now overjoin oh guys oh no look at the spinner whoa is oh no I think you're meant to fly really high into the air we'll do that again in a minute don't worry we are going to do the spinner again and hopefully get a bigger jump going but uh let's just see where these ones go first um okay down there's a hole here so we're gonna go through this Gap okay into a half pipe oh this is interesting isn't it different sort of half pipe here which oh some posts sticking out of it and uh I really like this new camera mode option where you don't get sort of collision with the camera and other objects it's so much easier to enjoy camera mode like this uh so yeah it's a really good addition to the game there this is the uh the same box here which goes into the massive escalator over there so that's yeah that's where we've been already what we're going to do now is try and jump really high with that spinner over there and get into one of the holes but let's play the game here and yes oh no we didn't get into the hole guys we're gonna try that again try this Blue Marble here come on put into slow motion as well this is us here there's the spinner and the idea is that it just flicks you really high hopefully and get into one of the holes and the board over there come on please yes what's good guys it's good oh yes oh right down the middle yeah we are right down the middle of that hole didn't we now where are we have dropping down here where I'll be at the moment oh yeah so that's where we dropped out earlier isn't it just Speed the game up a bit and you'll see yes that's where we dropped out a minute ago down here look into that half pipe there well we've seen the whole marble run now and unfortunately it is time to finish today's video but thank you so much for watching everybody I really appreciate it if you did enjoy it please do hit the Subscribe button the like button and ring the bell if you want to be notified of when my upcoming videos release thank you so much everybody take care and I'll see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: Mr Sticksman
Views: 133,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marble, marbel, ball, track, marble run, marbel run, race, bridge, fast, toy, booster, funnel, spinner, spiral, massive, huge, crazy, big, elevator, escalator, wood, insane, ramp, jump, mega, tube, box, drop, run
Id: TRh0fG85ZIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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