This is CREEPY! Mangaka Takes His Waifu Doll Out On A Date... | Rent a Girlfriend

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I had thought we had hit rock bottom with Reggie miyajima's Antics but the man somehow keeps redefining what it means to be an encel the rent a girlfriend author has reached new depths with his weird mizuhara obsessions and continues to surprise us with his total lack of story progression after my last time talking about the series I assumed that things would hopefully get better but oh boy was I wrong some semi-recent events happened in real life that provide pretty conclusive evidence of Reggie being jealous of kazia and stalling the story because he's likely fallen in love with his own character if you didn't watch the last video about this topic don't worry I'll sum it up for you very quickly Reggie miyajima is the author of one of the biggest dumpster fires in the history of mankind rent a girlfriend the series follows Kazu akinoshita as he falls in love with his rental girlfriend chizuru mizuhara and their lives take a turn for the insane when kazia accidentally tells both of their grandmothers that they are actually a couple this lie propels them into crazy wonky situations that they can't seem to squeeze themselves out of especially since they are actually neighbors introduce a character that wants to watch the world burn one that's the embodiment of pureness and a high score that's obsessed with our main character and does some pretty shady stuff and of course a cosplayer and you've got yourself one crazy ride of a story this story started off awfully and pretty much everyone that watched it hated it or it was the type of bad that you just can't look away from I was included in this chaos having watched the first season and reading all 260 chapters of the manga that's right 260. please someone take me away from this series every episode would consist of kazia doing something odd like beating his meat to thoughts that were literally just in his head yeah this guy didn't even use pictures just his imagination kudos to him you know good for him I guess he stalked her on a few occasions and he blew up on me Zahara once or twice all while ogling at basically any girl in the series series he was essentially the worst of the worst when it comes to protagonists this was coupled with fan service often so it felt like a pretty miserable experience I can't even lie despite it starting off really trashy though it progressed to being something good that fans actually found very endearing and heartwarming as the spoilers by the way if you even care about that the two became more open with one another and started to embrace how they were feeling kazuya who was a [ __ ] stain of a human being began to develop quite nicely as a character and a cold-hearted mizuhara started to open up with one another fan service also took a huge dip and was hardly ever in the story I went from hate watching to becoming a pretty big fan and resonating with the story pretty hard that's right that film Mark that happened in the manga that really hit home with me however it randomly decided to take a turn in its story and regressed back to where it was before and really started to choke a bit I'm not going to talk much about it though because I made a huge video about that so that if you really want to you can go and watch it if you're interested in knowing more about it the bottom line is that it was painful for all of the readers I'm talking really painful like jamming toothpicks under your toenails kind of bad it was that atrocious kazia went from incel to someone discovering new passions back to an end cell but worse this time people before this were thinking oh my God this is it we're finally reaching the end I can't believe it no of course you couldn't believe it because it wasn't the ending actually we're taking a trip to a resort and every character is here oh what's that the fan service is back oh yeah it's back and it's here literally every chapter all the time especially regarding Ruka who again is a high score bro what kazia is going to confess nope never mind he's not oh oh yes there he goes he's doing it up nope never mind he's wait they're kissing now hey yo what the [ __ ] they told everyone about the rental whole thing too come on man this has to be the ending no no it wasn't they actually didn't see each other for three months after they kissed and told kazia's entire family about mizuhora being a rental girlfriend why you might ask because she was afraid of hurting a character named aruka who forced herself on kazia a few times and has become a pretty toxic and controversial character in the series so what does mizuhara do well instead of talking to him she sees him in random objects like a carrot she goes out to buy the grocery store kazia ends up getting into contact with her again because many appeared that cosplayer I mentioned earlier because she's only in the story to forcefully move kazuya and mizuhara's relationship along which sucks because I do like many she's a fun character anyways he white Knights for her by saying despite him already waiting a canonical year or more that he'd be willing to wait 10 years for her to be open about her feelings brother this guy stinks alongside the extremely uneventful and prolonged story at the time were some really creepy but oddly hilarious stuff the mangaka would put out and say on Twitter some examples include but are not limited to him going out in public and drawing her in the spaces as if she was actually there with him on a date pretty weird and what started making people pay attention to him more him saying he wants to be a swing for her to sit on I can't make this one up who says this this is [ __ ] him fawning and freaking out over every minute detail of her life-sized figure while writing literally ooga booga sound effects and posting weird photos of presumably mizuhara's underwear and her in the shower where he calls her his girlfriend bro I still don't know how he did this and no one really batted an eyelash at him yeah stuff of that nature just really weird kind of and sell vibeye stuff you know but anyways this led the community to theorize that he's been making the story slow down as much as possible because he is in love with his own character and some others to theorize that Umi could be a self-insert and was used in the infamous chapter 218 for him to have sex with mizuhara yeah pretty insane stuff right it gets even crazier when you realize this guy is married and has kids you heard me right this guy is married with Children I feel bad for them man with that out of the way though we're caught up to talk about all the new stuff that's going on how about some of his current real-life Antics on January 22nd he posted a photo of her in the subway saying that this was the moment he fell in love with mizuhara what a fantastic thing for a married man to say what about this one where he posted a photo of her in the park with the date it was taken which might be a stretch here but feels like something couples do on social media all the time you know what I'm talking about the ones where they're like April 20th heart emoji my life changed forever stuff like that he's taken to reposting a lot of images of cosplayers which isn't the most bizarre thing ever good on him I guess for switching to real women but all the mizuhara ones are the same cosplayer and a few of them are pretty revealing and like he's still married so this is still kind of peculiar there's also one where he put mizuhara into an AI drawing program saying I put my girlfriend's photo in the topical AI drawing but the original photo is the cutest man's really seems like he's convinced she's his girlfriend let's talk about the elephant in the room that shall we the entire reason I even decided to make a new video on the series in the first place besides this I promise I am not a rent a girlfriend YouTuber guys please I'm not please no don't call me that in November kudansha hosted a lottery for someone to win the life-sized nizuhara figure and someone won it named kaigosan or at like Matt's not I also don't like math so I feel you homie after winning his prize he took her out on a date to the asakusa hanayashiki amusement park which was fully paid for by kodansha which you know good for this guy I guess the caption for this post clearly has a lot of passion in it for the series but into it and gudacha probably helped this guy get outside for probably the first time in a few months this guy winning the figure isn't the issue here though it's Reggie's reaction to this that was the Shocker after seeing this post by kaigos-san he replied to their tweets saying that quote she rented and then after that he went to the same exact place they did with his own life-size figure saying that this was the real date this I'm sure he thought was Alpha going up on kygo Sam but not gonna lie it just comes off as kind of pathetic he couldn't handle someone taking out mizuhara so he did the same exact thing proving that in a way he was somewhat jealous of kaigosan this was fuel for the theories that he is actually jealous of kazia in a way kind of proving them to be true that's uh well that's yikes from me coach how about the manga surely you know that can't be doing the same right it's been months since I made my last video well if you were to think that you're kind of right kind of after the Hawaii trip ended the story didn't really feel like it was progressing much like I said earlier for a while the two just never saw each other but once they did it was okay the two would hang out which felt like a bit more organic I guess but mostly on mizuhara's end I'll talk about kazia's changes for the weird here in a second the story has stayed in its non-progressive stages for nearly 20 chapters until an earthquake happened the Quake ruined mizuhara and kazia's apartment forcing them to move out and then to them eventually living together somehow because you know of course with many living with them too of course because Minnie is only brought around to again progress the relationship for them as per usual this Arc has been dubbed the cohabitation Arc and I'm gonna be blunt with you guys not much has happened so far in fact it's kind of weird if you ask me in kazia of course still hasn't changed at all in nearly 300 chapters he still has some weird Illusions and literally every single chapter that have been basically the same delusion since the beginning either ending him thinking about the two having sex or her cheating on him he still freaks out about everything regarding her body no matter how small it is he even still does that thing he always has done where randomly people compliment the main girls then he starts getting like all in his head and super depressed thinking man I'm so lonely or man this isn't my actual girlfriend stuff he's done for literally the entire story now he also has done some other pretty weird things such as freaking out about finding a singular bra and by freaking out I mean losing his absolute mind this is [ __ ] weird you are a grown man come on bro losing his mind when mizuhara texts him questions of any kind and when she sends him an emoji which is silly because he's texted girls before he even dated a girl before this why isn't now such a big deal basically creaming himself by imagining a giant naked mizuhara cradling him in the bath I can't make this one up how did this get greenlit by the editors it's it's real this one isn't necessarily super strange but kazia freaks out about a cat being in their house for like nearly three pages and I think it's kind of hilarious busting his shorts when mizuhara puts a bandage on him and this one is probably the most pathetic one of the bunch freaking out about brushing his teeth next to her and she spits in the drain after brushing hers what does he do you might ask he stares at it blushing why are you blushing at her spit dog what this Arc weirdly has felt like it's trying to teach kazia self hygiene you might be saying to yourself Hunter what the hell are you talking about Let Me Explain kazu's apartment is a dumpster pit it's full of garbage and random knickknacks and a bunch of claws with his [ __ ] mizuhara invites him over to help her clean her house so here he learns how to clean mizuhara randomly tells him that she loves people who brush their teeth while they're brushing their teeth together because before this he hadn't brushed his teeth in front of her for like four days or more and it sounds like he didn't really brush them at all before this this tooth brushing thing is the entire chapter by the way Peak riding obviously and of course he takes a bath for what seems like mainly him wanting to be in the same bath water as her what the hell is the point of this because he would not do stuff like this often or at all before he started Living With mizuhara You Know actually I wouldn't be surprised he doesn't act like the type to bathe himself this is also a small detail which to be honest I might only notice now as much because I've started thinking about it but it feels like Reggie draws mizuhara naked or in provocative poses much more than he did prior to the movie art like it is pretty much almost every chapter that we have a scene of her bent over with her ass just Full Throttle or a close-up of her body parts but with all that being said it does feel like the manga actually might be reaching its conclusion I actually mean that this time for a while we pretty much got the same exact chapter over and over again someone compliments the girls he's with causing yourself loaves mizuhara does something to make him happy he imagines her in weird scenarios he freaks out about something small they're doing gazio talks about how hot she is mizuhara gives a very Stern face some other girl shows up looking kind of jealous births and repeat but now we've got Ruka who is still persistent as ever with her feelings for kazia mommy is back and seems to be wanting to admit her feelings to him and for the first time in like I think over 100 chapters as girl Sumi is finally back in the picture oh my gosh thank you I'm so glad she's back but I'm also really scared because there's been a lot of characters ruined in this series and I'm I don't want her to get ruined too where this all goes one can only guess but I guarantee it'll be some kind of [ __ ] I theorize that they're going to fess up to Kasia start fighting each other for him and we're going to go to some new arc where all the girls want him called like the girlfriend Battle Royale or something like that for now though that's about it the mangaka still seems to be weirdly attached to misuhara I still feel really bad for his wife honestly I can't imagine what she must have to go through seeing him do the equivalent of publicly humiliating himself on Twitter and other platforms kazia is somehow the same exact character he's been for the entire story and still shows no signs of changing anytime soon it's good that the side characters are back and that things seem to be hinting towards a resolution for the stories but man this story has been just so asked to follow I'm making a firm promise to myself that after this video I'm just not gonna revisit it ever again this is it this is the last time maybe I'll pick up his series about Mass incest in its place but for now this is it if I even consume one more piece of this series I'm actually going to explode if the ending to run a girlfriend is good I'm happy for you guys if it's not I told you guys in this huge video essay I posted a few months ago that things wouldn't get better you should watch that if you haven't already also quick thank you to Ryan for helping me with this script out Ray and Jim for supporting me on patreon and making these videos happen and I'll catch you next time
Channel: MrHunteru
Views: 138,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rent a girlfriend, rent-a-girlfriend, kanojo okarishimasu, rent a girlfriend chapter 218, rag chapter 218, chapter 218, mizuhara chizuru, rent a girlfriend mizuhara, rent a girlfriend kazuya, rent a girlfriend author, rent a gf, reiji miyajima, rent a girlfriend chizuru, rent a girlfriend analysis, rent a girlfriend 218, rent a girlfriend manga, rent a girlfriend controversy, rag season 3, rent a girlfriend season 3, rent a girlfriend season 3 episode 1, rent a girlfriend 3
Id: WgEnlldtUR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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