This lying dealer destroyed my dream BMW

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So satisfying, don't give em an inch when you definitely know they're wrong.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sonnyboom 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
he just sees my face he's on the phone and he just freezes and now i'm really nervous something's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i have a horror story to tell you and i know a lot of folks have come in here and told you horror stories about dealerships and i hate to talk badly about any particular dealership but this was a nightmare for me one of the one of the most stressful moments of my life back in 2002 i was lucky enough to put my pennies together and order uh an e46 m3 this is when the a46 had first come out and a good buddy of mine had just bought one he had the smg gearbox which i was really intrigued by i'm a manual guy i would have ordered a manual but my buddy scott like kind of convinced me to order an smg and i had driven his and i was intrigued by it and what i loved about that gearbox and any single clutch electro hydraulic box is that as a driver you're part of the equation yes they're clunky if you live in the automatic mode first of all you're an idiot why would you buy that gearbox and not shift the paddles and how hard it is to pull the damn paddle so anybody that complains about the smg gearbox or any f1 gearbox and ferraris or even the maserati quattroporte back in the day because it's clunky and automatic is an idiot never drive those things in automatic shift the damn paddles right i ordered the smg so here's the thing with the e46 m3 yes the e30 is the poster child for m cars but if you drive at any 30 today super light and nimble in the corner as well but no go no power stock on those goofy little wheels it just didn't i don't it didn't hold up but amazing car look it's the icon right and the racing successes enough said e30 is the e30 the holy grail i guess of m cars but the e36 that followed way superior cars especially the euro version amazing big jump to the e36 six cylinder over four cylinder yes it got a little heavier but still super nimble car by today's standard still lightweight and of course it was a lightweight version but then the jump from e36 to e46 i think was almost like a two generational jump i liken it to the jump from f430 to 458 that was massive that was almost like a three generation jump with for ferrari but the thing to keep in mind which we were talking about earlier the e46 came out in a time when what we would consider supercars today were obviously they were the pinnacle at the time but they weren't quite super cars ferrari 360 porsche 911 turbos which have always been amazing and and the 360 itself a pretty big jump for ferrari from 355 to 360. electro hydraulic gearbox i mean it was an amazing car but the e46 m3 when it launched wasn't that far off of those cars what made the e46 so amazing to me is that it was a usable everyday car the build quality had gone significantly up from the e36 as well the materials inside and when the doors shut there was just this german solidity that the germans have that reputation but kind of started to lose it that car had it and it just felt like a lot of car especially for the money and the performance wise it did like i said 80 90 95 of what the super cars of the day did so that's why that car for those of us that have sort of had experience through e30 e36 e46 e90 e92 if you're talking about the coupe and even f-80 the current car that's not going away that car is kind of the sweet spot i was a little nervous because i kind of couldn't really afford this car i was definitely going to be car poor but i just could right not the most responsible decision uh to make order the car it arrives and i'm like a kid before uh christmas uh that morning when i drive up to get the car and i bought it a dealership that was about an hour from my home even though there were three dealerships closer to me because my friend scott that i mentioned earlier had bought his previous bmws from this dealership his family had purchased lots of cars from them they were a known quantity and friends of my friends so no problem and they they gave me the car at sticker which at the time you could get but you'd have to work a little bit to get it show up to pick up my car and i remember as i'm signing the papers and they give me the keys and i'm in it i remember pulling out of the dealership on pch they're at newport beach thinking at some point they're going to stop me they can't give me i can't i have this car i was blown away by the car i think it took me that weekend to put the 1200 miles on it for the braking because you can't you couldn't go full throttle couldn't go over 100 miles an hour a bunch of stuff you can't do in those cars and the braking procedure was pretty critical we would later find out it was really critical because i had to rebuild all the bottom ends on those cars but i followed it to a tee and i called the dealership i'm like i'm ready for my 1200 mile break-in because after the 12-hour amount breaking all bets are off you can hammer down so i remember i called him and it was i exaggerated it probably took me that week because i remember i took the car on a friday for the 1200 mile inspection drove the hour out of my way to take it in and my plan was to wait for the car and i'm super ocd you know that about me i write down i stop i write down the mileage on the car before i would ever take my car to the dealership i'd make sure it was washed because the dealership would wash it for you but they're never gonna wash your car the way we wash our cars so the car was clean and i tell them every time no need to wash it it's fine and i even i remember asking them and i knew the answer because it's that that 1200 mile inspection is an oil change a differential change which is kind of the key and a couple of their little items and i said do you guys need to drive the car and he said no i'm like all right cool so i'm gonna wait for the car and he's like well really busy and he's like i'm gonna eat it over the weekend i'm thinking no over the weekend you're freaking nuts and then he goes well we got the the new seven series i can put you in a seven series for the weekend and as a car guy out i wanna drive the new seven series so i reluctantly agreed i took seven series home for the weekend thoroughly enjoyed that come monday as soon as the dealership is open 7 30 service department i'm calling i'm like hey i'm ready to pick my car up and it gets on and goes emil we were a little bit bigger than we thought we didn't get to your car give me till tomorrow and now i'm like i want my car 1200 mile break and done so i can hammer down on the thing but what am i gonna do so now i'm waiting until tuesday in the back of my mind a little doubt started creeping like what's going on here tuesday 7 30. boom well we might need the car for another day i'm like what's up with my car and he finally tells me he goes well one of the mechanics put a little scratch on the front fenders just a little itty bitty scratch we're fixing it i'm gonna show you where it is when you come up and see the car and then you know if you're not happy with it we'll we'll figure out how to get you happy with it and now my blood pressure's going up and i'm getting really nervous but what am i going to do i kind of have to agree right and then as i hang up the phone i'm like something it's like to trust your instincts right something isn't quite right and so i get in the seven series and i start driving to the dealership and i'm about 50 minutes away and i call him and i said hey by the way i'm heading up i'll see you in about an hour and he starts hamming and hawing and now i know sums up and i'm very close now but now i'm getting on the gas even more so and i show up to the dealership not an hour later as he's expected and he turns into a go he's white he just sees my face he's on the phone and he just freezes and now i'm really nervous something's up again i can barely afford this car this is my baby so i walk up to him he hangs up the phone and i'm like i'm here to see i need to see my car i need to see my car now and he goes um okay give me a second let me make a call he makes a call he hangs up and now he's weirdly he's kind of calm down he goes all right where's the seven series and i go right there he goes let's jump in and i'm like i need i just wanna see my car he goes yeah it's not it's off-site throwing the keys we get in the car we drive off-site to their body shop essentially okay now i'll paint this picture come up the driveway and it's like chain-link fence because they don't care how the body shop looks right cars everywhere and as we pull in to the right i see a steel gray e46 m3 but it's covered in plastic and clearly has been thoroughly repainted so not my car as far as i'm concerned i'm looking to the left we park he gets out i get out and i'm trying to find my car as the owner of the body shop or the guy that runs the body shops walks out and he's he's the typical like mustached greasy body shop owner guy right and he walks up and goes oh your car's over here and he points at the car that i saw on the way in that i know is at my car and so he starts walking towards the car and i'm i turn i start walking behind him going like no freaking this is not my car right and as we get to the car i realize the entire body side of the car has been repainted not like the front fender and a scratch has been touched up not only has it been repainted they they painted the car in the wrong color gray because it's faded in past the door into the rear fender and it doesn't match forget that the texture doesn't match the orange peel on it it's a different color and as i'm looking at it the guys i hear the guy talking to me i'm just i'm seeing red like the red mist is it's on right i'm looking at the black shadow black trim over spray clear on it i'm just telling you this right now i'm getting a little worked up right and this guy's talking to me i finally turned the guy i'm like will you shut the you know what up i don't know what you did to that car that is no longer my car and i took turn to the service managers and i'm like get me back to the dealership right now and the other guy keeps yapping at me and i i don't know how i didn't fly off the handle and deck him now i know not to do that but i am so fired up now a former me would have knocked the guy the you-know-what out get back in the bmw back to the dealership on the way back i called my friend scott who was my connection to the dealership and i said you better get to bmw because i'm about to get arrested and scott just hangs up the phone this is the kind of he's like a brother he's the kind of communication we have right but scott was the president of sparkle usa at the time and they're 20 minutes away from this dealership so i'm gonna get arrested i'm beating someone that's right get to the dealership the service manager hasn't even stopped the seven series and i'm out the door and i make and i'm by the way now i'm seeing myself from outside outer body experience i'm not in control i am not in control i make a b-line through the dealership to the gm of the dealership at the time storm into his office full steam and there's a couple in there like the early 60s sitting in the chairs chairs like this side by side and i go right between them hand on the desk and i'm yelling over the desk and i'm fingering his face your effing dealership wrecked my effing car you tried to f and lie to me about it in a volume appropriate for a helipad so the whole dealership has now stopped right then i feel a hand on me and and i go to turn around i'm like i am coiled and ready to attack and i turn it's my buddy scott and i'm like thinking to myself how did you possibly get here it turns out he was down the street at a sandwich shop when i said get to bmw because i'm about to get arrested and he knows me puerto rican hot blooded so he dropped a sandwich and went to the dealership probably saved me from doing something really stupid so anyway he calms me down the dealership is like a meal we're gonna fix your car and i kept on that's not my car that's your car that's not my car that's not my we'll fix it for you not fixing it for me you're fixing it for you i want a new car i want your car scott calms me down i leave the most stressful three or four days of my life follow i finally called a friend who's an attorney and i didn't really want to do that but i i'm thinking these guys are trying to screw me every time i would talk to them they're think their their message to me was like we're going to fix it we're going to make it right we'll give you your car back and i would remind them not my car i don't want that car because i'm the way we are about cars that who knows oh by the way they weren't supposed to drive the car i pulled out my mileage log the car had been driven 17 miles not two miles not seven miles 17 miles someone was out hot dogging the hell out of that car so this attorney friend finally says to me okay meal firstly you gotta calm down this is like five six days later and i'm still amped up he goes i want you to calm down go back to the dealership call and make an appointment to see in the gm sit down with him and very calmly as calmly as you can muster say to him here's what's gonna happen today i'm either gonna order my brand new e46 m3 my next one or i'm walking down the street to the porsche dealership i'm gonna buy a brand new 911 and you guys are gonna pay for it and so i did that and the gm looked at me and said give me a moment went upstairs to i guess upper management whoever the heck happened to be upstairs came back down with a sales guy uh whose name i can't remember he was amazing australian guy and he was meal this is your new sales guy such and such go sit down with him and order your new m3 i just didn't think it was to happen that smoothly and go that well so it did i went the bummer of it was that my car was steel gray steel gray was discontinued i i ordered silver gray sight unseen it turns out the color was beautiful i was very happy with it had to wait four months for the car and so in the four months that it took to build my car and bring it to the us i had a brand new 7 series all fuel paid for any time to stop the dealership they would wash the car for me and that 7 series i got all of it out of that car all my friends drove it one of my friends took it to vegas with a bunch of his buddies so it was cool to have that 7 series and it was also cool to get a new m3 even though it wasn't the color i originally wanted i fell in love with the color but let me tell you what a stressful moment it was my life and if i had to go back and do it again and even if i would have gotten that 911 i just assumed not have that experience because it was massively stressful finding your next dream car can be like searching for a needle in a haystack but the best tool to use is auto tempest is the smartest and most powerful tool to search for your next car or your dream car because they allow you to search all the major listing sites at once their motto is all the cars one search and they've been supporting vinwicki for the last three years quite honestly it's the first place i go to look when i'm searching for my next car and i think that you'll absolutely love it so check them out today at the link in the description below and thank them for their continued support of ben wiki [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 446,363
Rating: 4.923223 out of 5
Keywords: BMW, E46, M3, Coupe, Silver Gray, Steel Gray, Emile Bouret, dealer, nightmare, dream car, smg, vinwiki, car stories, lawyer, savings, loan, wealth, investment, negotiation, payments, southern california
Id: TBPPaDwirws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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