This Life Thing... Third Time's the Charm? | The Game of Life Online w/ The Derp Crew

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[Music] you cheat that Melissa know what I oh yeah I think I'm gonna go full lesbian for this one are you you're gonna you're gonna get lesbian married mm-hmm I think I went gay last time or the time before now I'm gonna go lesbian tamo piĆ¹ if you haven't played this just keep them on that uh but gay marriage is cause more expenses for the other people to pay for that what are you sure okay yeah if I'm correct that's how it works wait a second I'm supposed to be blue Z's red John's yellow yes I guess I'm gone okay there's no you're not wait wait you guys are being girls yeah I said I'm going full lesbian this time yeah he's gonna be a lesbian this time I'm going I'm going straight I need a man in my life got John's you tried lesbianism and it hurt what was that no I did push-ups yesterday for the first time in like months into my arms oh god I think I tore my chest Pepa Jim you mean your boobs if you're a girl man well like more like my armpit I think I tore that women can fill intact corals they do the pictures that freaks me out sometimes when I won that woman has a more defined pictorial than the boob makes me uncomfortable it make me feel small thing gotta feel mightier than the woman no I guess Jill gasps alpha-male Alex Jones bata creatine's whatever excuse if they're beta cretins that make you a beta male beta carotene created creepy what does he serve it's it's it's super male vitality and his before and afters are the best thing I've ever seen read right no no no it's he he before shot of just him with his shirt off and the after is him a little red weiter Photoshop and these are the beta-carotene so this is this is the male by the carotene is just like what food colors carrots orange make so much sense let me start this a debate occurred game of life everybody was while I was riding my bike home and dying I was thinking what's one thing that you guys want in life I there would be you be happy what if you got it like boom your one aspiration um I'm gonna say bow to Z materialistic things materialistic things I would say one Oh God my spinning spinning here sorry about that one for me I was thinking either being an extra in a movie with a speaking line so like a featured extra or pull the movie theater that's self sustained like no whenever I want like if I had to pick those would be the things now grads I'm going to college so I don't think that's going to college I can actually answer that first you know what to Spain this even goes first okay yeah okay I guess whichever one comes first love or professional voice actor for me okay okay that's pretty good yeah I'd say I want I want I want to play a live show that would be one of my things play music in a live show I don't know I put my building behind a banker I won't let it click it click click it oh why I swear to god you have me feeling self-conscious about like where do you see yourself in five years questions okay so I don't know sorry I I honestly I suck at its laundering so we're pondering life's good question become like if it lets me movie star Hey thank you family band children the family chaos okay I never do this why is everyone doing this right away it's not like I forgot about that I just yes ten second memory lawfully if I spin red I collect 200 if I spin black I pay 200 eggs rafted Rhode Island yes yeah I'm gonna spin red please red red red red all right what the wait you just paid this has been oh I didn't really apparently you're designing a video game with me well enjoy your money mmm John's the cause of the bugs I'm the guy who put magnets on the computer welp I'm broke you can't do this to me crabs I went to college wait for five I think you collect from people when they roll tens of you're a police officer it's not a rule I think so it wasn't for myself guys I'm gonna jump this car all the way over to my ten spot Tom and Zhi you guys went to college yes they tell you that interesting statistic when you uh in your orientation like you know by going to college your guarantee or you're more likely to make a million dollars more than someone who doesn't go to college they tell you now they didn't tell me that at all they told me I'm gonna be broken that socialism is they really wanted to drill it in your head you should stay in college so you can taste the future the college professors go to school [Music] what am i teaching Jesus Christ what are you what are you getting what's the other one you're teaching communism take the brain surgeon no children more lawsuits that way is a beautiful thing you know if you [ __ ] up one lobotomy you're gonna be sued I guess so it stopped my 10-roll one little ice pick lobotomy [ __ ] venture playground or name your favorite thing in the playground the people buried out in the back so patients these you feel that you failed to operate on could you please operate on mr. suitcase here you're never gonna see mr. suitcase again wasn't it a thing in the office Tom where it's just like he was number one surgeon he killed the Mafia or the Tom aren't you liked the least movie guy out of all of us and you install a movie theater sorry doesn't turn me on yeah but just like the cards you got you I'm in a band I'm speeding through life I mean I made a video saying they're in the movie click see this took two weeks to finish college this is horseshit I know that's why I just hit the fast-forward button what was the the key appeal sketch with a with the high school and let's see what college I went to University DeVry University I'm going for more money stuff yeah but think about the fashion designer that has the potential to be on movie sets event I don't know he'll say one bad thing in a first I prescribe a trex weed what he needs it really needs the chill yeah he's anxious he's crazy out of control that dog needs to mellow that what we're - Oh crash this game that was the one lungs will [ __ ] you up yeah John that's why I don't buy a house yet we were telling we were talk sometimes more get is been talking about wait how do I control this let's see real life is like this I don't know which one I am right now oh they're uh okay that's me God it's because the game was developed for a mobile tablet with your own metal tablet if I was able to get information from the world and the tip of my finger tips I would be man I think I did I guess which one I was a writer Clint great that you was e Wow I don't think I've got single have you all right the goal is just the suck released in this day of your life yeah that's John oh my god no which one on the board I was so exciting to figure that out the whole time do you subscribe 3 where it says don't look in your neighbors bowl to see how much food they have but to see if they have food at all yeah I don't know that no you really are the grumble that statement I'm not trying to be communist I'm just saying that's a theory or a rule or life lesson I heard them like it spin the wheel make a deal you're gonna be saying like if you see an empty bowl next to you give slip to give them some of your food if you won't take it that's what happened to Catholic Church you just they gave you a bowl you to put money in it you're gonna marry the pink peg oh no smart he's gonna get peg what's smart Smarties going in a straight relationship I mean you can but now if you'll excuse me pay our boys need money for this wedding seriously your life's put on hold since this wedding to determine the wedding gift Oh 50k wouldn't it yeah which is really upsetting when you think about it because that's what I'm wanting to give someone for like them to be miserable for the rest of their lives someone clicked something there we go sorry I hope I'm getting 20k for those sixes am I still going what the [ __ ] yeah you get married then life just comes pretty fast thank you beautiful wife for giving me this 50k and only if you went to college dude I'm happy being the stunt racer that I am three budget foes actually a stunt racer in real life it would be a nightmare mass casualties brain surgeon to rocket scientist curly I prescribed to the to the the notion that not everybody not everybody who spent seven years in college is a doctor so you're gonna fall asleep and faceplant on the abhorrently what I'm a lawyer now lawyer if you fall asleep on the job being a lawyer I'm gonna laugh just because I imagine that's so passive-aggressive you just fall asleep during the other side's defense you be youth 100k to teach first grade pretty uh pretty expensive I agree with that I think I think teachers would have six-figure jobs so that way we attract the worst six pigs weight first first through sixth you think if you become a cop you district as a cop it's okay you can get away with falling asleep on the job as a teacher you get a better education for the bonus number I need to slow down in life 5550 let's see if I can get a spin for 80k the studio would only buy that house it became with the donkey jackass look like let's there we go uh I I guess you didn't spit after all I could see and you spin for it oh man I'm just different like the studio down chill you guys slow down every once in while I'm just gonna die would you like the blue peg or the pink peg I kept on doing the whole like girl stuff getting gay married Joe he's choosing how he wants to get pens the blue paper in the pink thing yeah I think there are no kids in this game it's just how many you're willing to take up the book extra kids like our kid start to disappear last game just like John had like six kids name just falling out of the bus yeah I think I missed like four of them Jesus why did you guys tell me 100k for it because that was the wedding yeah but John rolled a five and only got 50 K well that was impressive his money and my semi just depend on what number you roll like the like each each number has its own thing as opposed to the number determining I already have a babe have a second pant you can stay you can you can double dip on band also the other one was with just my family I suppose with my wife I guess it's like your Eskimo family band yeah I don't think that's the actual meaning when I say Eskimo family but you know what I mean like is it eskimo a racist term the [ __ ] kicked daddy for say I mean a man in my life yeah there you go honey someone who's gonna you know wear the pants Tommy not getting [ __ ] from you you need to get [ __ ] done I'm wearing a wedding dress so mom we got to clean up let's go do in the pegging did the man just get in the car I receipt that's that's sick in the moon you know having weddings he's not gonna be able to afford to live I'm getting blood 2008-9 thank you maybe we'll get fired again sleeping in the car you finalized are you kidding me I'm a lawyer I can help with this money well here's the thing Jill does have the most money but he's a lawyer so you might be able to not he's John I wonder if they'd let you not sue me like oh you tried to sue a lawyer good luck with that yeah yeah shitty lawyer okay listen he may be the Jimmy McGill of lawyers right now my money back it so who's wearing the weight you get your money back for both we're in the pants Old Glory like this no the pants no you could wear pants and blouses yeah blouses the top you guys look nice [Laughter] Reus that's a three so I get [ __ ] thing I'm like okay that's it okay yeah it looks like I just had like the biggest fall from grace I'm like 500k now I'm down to 150 because you bought a shitty studio apartment do anything cool probably not I guess I want to see John go into debt that's my life go see John and debt to the 20k we stop seed Sean's character get hit by a bus you are my so rude I'm gonna take the life path oh man at no education whatsoever in this game has to go sweets my son I'm taking a risk he's car smarts materials can make a decent amount of money dad's true buddies a stunt performer so I don't know they can make a decent amount of money if they're good at their job 50k with the liability of almost dying idle oh man that's I don't need health insurance you need health insurance job oh my god it's about a stuntman who finds a friend in the form of his car life is gonna go well for you life is good you are a thief of joy not an actual thing by the way yeah you know they report that like 40% of pilots fall asleep and join those 40% times another half times both pilots are asleep but coz isn't the plan on having a co-pilot is so what does weaken sleep yeah maybe sometimes they both fall asleep terrifying dude check on the pilots and they're both sleeping all right guys no Meatwad no red-eye back to [ __ ] New York anyway I'll pay you spend what I just met both pilots were getting high in the cockpit they literally are oh we're at 30,000 feet we're high mile-high club I had a card last time Tom I was a pilot and then I learned how to skydive please don't no don't do it suit your ass into the ground see I see sue the lawyer Nate don't you what did I do you crashed your car into the audience that's what you did emotional damages [ __ ] money it's stunt performers man - Szymon I gonna name them hey Evel Knievel needed a legacy I think their names are gonna be evil and usable you're welcome great that's gonna be great for their online dating profile the name is just evil evil paged no you can skip getting your heart broken if it's just called evil and that's the name I know which gettin goin in come on low numbers low numbers I want to take a long time this is working out make chills got six hundred cage John is a studio apartment yep baby I don't think people dislike the cute couple they're gonna get a baby I want a baby picket pull both spin to play the guitar all right John come on [Laughter] got a zoo you got a spin a 9 or a 10 here oh that ain't no what thanks for the cash Bank look at least you're not in debt till you are on the cyberbully path today what the [ __ ] I'm gonna have to pull up the clip in which you say my turn to be in debt catastrophic happens to everyone in this game you're nice for a price choose another player wait what choose them to the player to be your boss and tell them a joke hey I just got money for that I don't know why I didn't choose another player it just gave me money okay could see and steal that's best that's the right cutting life I was Johnny somehow down 50 ball I'm gonna go slip I'm gonna wait John at least you the only one with a house that's important night school you mean a studio apartment right I don't think I want to give it anymore lobotomy no my bank account would really enjoy the extra 30 K my mind is timing oh that's cool what is that from I just set it in the playground it's after the bodies buried in a backyard I would say it's probably the bodies in the pocket I basically just nullified the whole term we found the Irishman anyway yeah it's me okay I'm we're gonna just roam the world because you can have multiple properties yeah I need money oh it's mine so you get paid again alright let's see an investment you know John's okay it's okay any property househusband he doesn't seem to bring in any income you know what that's right I doing here sucks Oh take a dream vacation pick an opponent and okay so basically is the same as the air guitar thing gets John again John tell me your finger why are you like this I'm giving you a chance to win 20,000 no you're not what's your favorite trees the [ __ ] catch-22 catch-22 thank you yes the catch I don't think Johnny lost anything romantic I think whoever won that just gained from it okay well you didn't tell me your dream job bad job or your dream holiday vacation oh come on pick one dream job or dream about holiday vacation holiday vacation that's at the card requested okay so my I want to go delight is I know my dream vacation it's like night or - and is Hawaii hmm I don't want to go to somewhere that has like a beach I want to go somewhere really cold like nowhere she would kiss right like nor the other day or even like like we guys know we're Sparta's we did want to go one of our one of our two dues is definitely a slow John one thank you [ __ ] you John snow right cubic Iceland that was the one place we has tents okay yeah I know I want to go somewhere and snowmobile that's what I'm trying to say okay they have tents cool because the Northern Lights and stuff that's gonna hurt anywhere north there you'll get no no but tens see they have tens going ladies court ends ladies hands they have tens it's beautiful this is too many kids procreation continue to species since her last day his last game was way too many kids this is too many now you can get it break the odds okay you have one boy one girl you need a winner this is the game and when one person makes it to the end no okay how's your driving test Thanks you spelled the minivan so yeah they should really upgrade if it happens but yeah so so are you excited for those 10z if you go to if you go to Norway its style bard who doesn't have much of a population at all I think tens ten might be the high of the summer in - fair enough for like the hot springs they have there what's the other one's name oh they're both named Tony Tony - Tony - Bauer Oh kidnapped a child like two children I kidnapped no I think she just went in and had them road trip that road trip was the nine months no I just took two kids out of someone else's arms look babies get lost every day at the hospital is true there's always baby mix-ups they balaclavas pull in front of the hospital like go go go what are how many stories there are were someone with their entire life not realizing that oh you're not 12 percent of American children born waiting for their players what's going on here what is this like for chill dislike Umbrella Academy where he just takes you takes kids and he's gonna form it oh I see what's going on okay no no I what are we doing oh it's red red light green light 100k my god thank you don't worry we'll see that awesome soon if you use my services and you choose me it's free free of charge of pursuing John like I'm already merged into the chilled caskets Salton Sea firm so I know you guys are you guys are you're picking up new lawyers for the consultancy firm ah he's not he's not an absorber desk my business your favorite website and pay 550 K who's ever heard of an online business e-commerce yeah he started he started slash John Paul I don't never be a thing yes no no I started I started to leader calm but you're gonna be kicking the ass anybody who wants to date are you wearing a powdered wig are you judging he sent me his children all add to your final score so it's whatever oh good good good I thought they'd attract no I don't think they're detractors yes yes just like in real life the more kids you have the more of stress you have you die age if you have a bunch of [ __ ] bags you have you seen my jeans I'm lucky there's a family path all right John Tom Bob what do you get having the kitty kitten with like [ __ ] do.i the bat and I'm only at the first space two little babes where you want to boys to girls it's not let's see let's see what I get twins what are their names uh they're gonna be named Zach and Xavier and they're gonna be the most spoiled little shits ever they exclusively wear leather jacket on a particular thank you thank you for paying for part of my child's college also hold on here why is one of my pegs blue that's because your job you're wearing a you're wearing scrubs I'm a brain surgeon you might have no see you'll see yourself in the front you work you're just wearing the the hairnet that surgeons wear so hair doesn't see what Jon's characters wearing I don't know actually no helmet I don't think I traded in my session I exclusively played mini vans lesbo mansion window family house sale price is really good for the window yeah it's a that windmill if you want to sell it later this is kind of like having a tiny house except I have renewable resources okay probably say your house causes cancer here's the thing the window does cause cancer but the cancer we can't yeah the nuclear power plant two blocks down Babu what's your name Jennifer I should get testicular cancer [Music] here we go yet another boy I'm gonna have a tomboy I got three boys and one girl she's a keep this [ __ ] of every guy yep you ought to do anything it is he'll learn she'll learn to be tough just from from being in a family of mostly exactly together my mind my sons will kill him it's fine legal smell blood they swarm very cool legal Oh God we're Hannity where's the big bucks Greta coming from Miami you just bought a house that's true you know what you congratulations see it Oh is he getting a Babel I don't know oh yeah he's gonna baboo you were doing a bongo contest right now that's a bong Gogh we're in a bongo contest Melissa the scenario we're done loses money no road wins get the bank pays them collect your money judge I know we should maybe be able make some trades like I should be able trade my lawyer job for like five hundred thousand yeah they need they need it so let's see one okay it's nice and it has termites is a fish skeleton that bodes well yeah that seems that's a raft video right there our last tenants died was the fish John that house promotes oh nice nice that's it was just to the end spin for a beat what does it even mean spin for a beta set legal your play roulette for a baby wait the baby [Music] [Music] they gets deducted every single term so now in the dozen dozen kids this is going baby with my partner how did you have two boys with when you're when you're adopted love your children those girls aren't they right it was a boy and a girl I think we had surrogates you're right I probably did get my leftover kids Z again but are you johning it again yeah that work what are your speeches I think I'm gonna head that's your speech I'm up my my speech is about the wonders of Hancock you were gonna tie for the wonders of having children work it didn't work out here at China the wonders of having children Network oh no thanks thank you that's okay I landed right there I'm sorry to think you should have gone to college maybe I should have but you know what I'm trying I'm speeding through life moves pretty fast you might miss it what if you don't look around once in a while because you already earlier no cuz you crash I have to add that far does it stop man you cite the source in MLA formats Marty 120,000 amazing thank you my god you're putting you gotta cite your sources in MLA format okay your quotes I won't do that teacher Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1985 or six john-john use super Babu did you not know those my Ferris Bueller's Day Off no I knew was first behind it was chill drink did it I think it's Bunyan oh my god my children now it only one girl oh my god dude solutes I saw take your babies get ready I'm gonna win this I'm winning again you may if they give the game favors money may the odds be ever in mind perfectly in still is [Music] come on today okay I am a lawyer like something JG went were in a car site if you have an annuity and I need cash now is that all four four four four four four four four Oh what are you hundred Chilly Willy what am I doing here am i screwing someone or I know you're the your disco contest my best friend this game you keep giving them money either that or you're cheating on your spouse's okay Jonesy keep going in these weird closet concepts interesting to say without their wives right he's cheating on his wife what wait you invent a light bulb that uses no energy name an alternative energy called this one - bright bulb the black book energy sources - trusts I'm a big fan of the bright bulb maybe thirty thousand oh I'm going do you want to know I actually gave royalties sort of do I collect 80 good you get royalties - who - James Gunn cuz this was the bright bulb and he's involved with bright burn how many you just lose the game oops no you should give royalties to them it's not even what you think it's deferens this entire session yet by the way nobody made one not at all okay can we leave it alone please cuz I just want to enjoy my time with you risky road of the safe route you don't like them just know we want it is a road as a risky road hit by a meteor what Wow we're going to risky Road oh boy reward just invested in some Bitcoin yep and wait until it crashes seven children how are you fitting them all in the car we of the road tom quadruple baguette what's a good Lord when I when I rolled at the end of the of the child path it gave me three kids quadruple baguette Wow does it cost money to adopt a kid absolutely and actually depending on the race it calls you back z you're welcome it's like breeding it's like breathing the dogs supplying demand it's crazy you get a cheaper baby if you don't really care I want a purebred okay perfect calling a kid on now is being fun you're a mutt you're not really chill the Vito directs that he's adopted yet I told him he's useless I've heard that multiple times from you saying that's a 20k you have no value here's gonna go read you some [ __ ] you live out of your van cuz you don't have a house Mike they're gonna take my kids oh ha ha what were you saying about my assumption - I don't have a house yet either so you weren't defaming me John to go into debt okay is it possible to have purebred children anymore I don't think so I know everything Jesus I think Hitler would like a word with you congratulations you've ever climbed give the baby some money Mount Washington in New Hampshire or is that in Vermont whichever whichever mountain is Mount Washington wherever that is now Washington if George Washington was really smart he would name Mount Vernon after him if he was really smart he's not the world tell everyone we're going okay I'm forgetting was was Abe Lincoln the cherry tree is that him yes no okay okay wooden teeth that's wooden teeth you are evil children you guys think about Isaac Newton how he discovered gravity is the whole Apple thing falling for you yeah like that was before the apple fell they got hit by the like an orange or some pear you know but it's like things fell before the Apple and II just realize you know what this belt why did you do oh oh oh what a divorce a hundred K for a divorce what's rude John you didn't have the funds to go risky road at least so that's a that's a nice return on my double so Johnny that he got a divorce I guess what happens here no exit we all spin I'm sorry to paninis a failure o Benigni the movie what the hell's the beneath me oh oh I think I've asked this before the Benigni yeah I wasn't here for the Benini but I remember no as a banana and believe it's a banana and a Kiwi oh because it was a merger fruit of a banana and a Kiwi and we for some reason went Benini instead of the occupier house which is Vanilli highlights Wendy we is the proper one between mm he was better sell it sell it for later maybe okay this time and it got worse it was a mad risky Road risky Road risky Road rocky road place I'm gonna say for a safe day per man I don't know I mean I would have really appreciated you following into the Wabo I got I got two hundred thousand by going the risky road and I can get - two hundred thousand going that way no John's divorce only cost him 100 I just say got just as much money I wonder if she took the kids I don't know take the kids your jobs is too dangerous I mean maybe we'll see it is yours fun driver they get to sit in the passenger seat though it's fine Jesus Christ John why are we why are we robbing why are we robbing this armored car I think it's an ATM machine that's just going haywire this this is the weirdest looking ATM machine with wheels see oh my got the fifty thousand college is so expensive [Music] two fifties that's ten I got some debt tends to shut out the fifty like it was going out of style [Music] no I didn't get a lot of fifties you 173 K look at 34 on your screen okay so many of the bills II collected a lot of loans loans count them all for you I have no idea at least I got a hanging stuff he's a millionaire it's a two-million-year-old time millionaire double millionaire but I don't have a house and live ahead of the fan all right well let's roll I'm living on a boat thanks for the money well actually your boat oh is that so if you want the same thing that somebody else me no I'm trying to figure out how this lucky number thing works I give money to animal rescue better processor than I do a 21 50k Wow yeah you see I went for the i9 [Laughter] great I'm dying I think my over holy [ __ ] spin they see how smooth it is what get the most aggressive smoothie Bowen chilled are you not buying a house to date it's pretty smooth though I decided to have sex eight times oh my god realtor Diaz van oh yeah they're gonna take my kids picnics are you still before the risky road oh nice for a price what what there was a duck and he died there's my joke that's I guess happy hilarious some in some light 2.5 million feels good have you got no life experience you're like if Scrooge McDuck never had one that's nothing wrong with one else and last see very nice of you to not not rub your warehouse it was seven okay John you should know went to college and let me drive I'll be oh I got the waiting there let's very shortly wanted to tap dance against let's go let's go shelf oh you know I see my tap dancing skills you're just giving children or money what do you want good die next turn so here's these hamboning oh okay if you want to make us sound like a jack and it to start hitting your head repeatedly country acres are millionaire management well do you see my well the end game I forgot but look at this I ain't you oh my god where do all your other kids go they're dead how are we all gonna live in the same mansion back in the 1700 you have a lot of kids you know just for the off chance man is that is that you already saying that because of the powdered wig meanwhile all of us future folk divorced and finally gonna fall in the lava oh [ __ ] I think it's red that's definitely ready oh god okay for me I wish I showed you falling in the lava what does he decide to treat when you okay I'm like a repast oh yeah I might have another turn after this okay I think you do alright well collect the money John okay thank you I mean it's like it's like the Sheep sized worms or were they were Maasai's sheep exactly scary questions oh I didn't mean a [ __ ] okay that's fine oh okay no works you just sort of like think it has to go all the way around guess I'll die thank you thank you helps pay for the snail farms at acres are nice it's okay yeah so there's a prerequisite for going familiar imagine right yes mm-hmm I don't think it does anything though no I don't think so I think it's just prestige pride privilege in another read no I landed on minigame I know the right again batches 100k when I went on the read the divorce unfortunately we had seven kids we had to split one of them in half John John's a Geisha this one John still good clicking things really fast something's already clicking yep oh my god a split second after he turns around the pile yeah but we both have tens we need recognition for that so they just round it up you could come to the millionaire mansion okay let me come to the millionaire mansion but I'm gonna have a pouty face the whole time like 50 more turns for me to get tour you guys that's good though you can be racking up money I took I took my time in life I just don't get sued just don't get sued don't get sued Devon that may be in a shitty like it's not well-kept mansion yeah all right regards to premiere Emma Watson or Kristen Stewart either or something or other out of my bed damn it talk time you're robbing me and I'm ready to retire they can't get money I love it finally collected money cool actually when you retired you should be getting money then I got if you're not getting my not in it because it had poor investments Wow welcome back yeah I just get to go on my lonesome here I think that's it yeah but you got to pay days which is nice one I think I think goes a lot 1 million look shittier than countryside acres I'm just saying okay it's just that the game is horribly textured I think that's a night look at the backyard look at the real estate value on that one what is this again this is I think this is money for your cards yeah it's calculating everything I think you got a solid amount of yellow fur so pretty sure chilled one like I'm looking at the gap between my money value in your money value like yours is slightly narrower than mine there which means you have a higher stack of yellow curve oh this is based on who who finished in what place Oh so if you finished first you get more money that's your houses thanks game I sold my house oh that's right here we go don't you want black you want black you don't say I don't say you want [Applause] awesome thank you that's good feels good now go for 500k oh okay that's a big number all right I'm gonna lose my investment it's actually pretty good for just a houseboat we humming a houseboat 300,000 thank God she'll does even get the spin because the other house I'm sorry I was too busy boning he lived he lives out of the back of his van Tom's got more kids than I do concerning you should I only know kids kids he kept boning and boning and bone oh wow okay hundred K for every little cards it is okay [Music] you definitely got a million right they all maybe you guys get a twelve one two three four five six there's a million dollars very nice now here's the kid founder Oh an extra hundred khj Sarah Gibraltar [Music] your girl named Ricky are you doing burning all your kids away or what a poor kid like throws seven kids into the fire Bethenny Phyllis Craig I didn't so much no loans for me you know was catching chill oh I was expecting that to be honest ya know after the I guess definitely didn't help by we kept targeting John because you thought it would be funny for him to go everything else that required us to did that had us target John we gave him money yeah it was just giving him money if you want we also has tag cyber bullied no we sued you for 130 real-life bullied me throw it on the screen several every time we chance to give you money you got picked to go up there John we gave you so many opportunities to gain money John you should be thanking us right now thankful you are a cyber bullied and Sikes is a hashtag grateful okay also hashtag cyber bully extent you should be thankful that were your bullies [Music] you see the Bini we always face off
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 52,152
Rating: 4.9611921 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, the game of life, the game of life gameplay, the game of life online, the game of life 2016 edition, the game of life steam, the game of life zeroyalviking, ze, ze royal viking, game, life, its the hard knock life, its a hard knock life, the game of life chilledchaos, chilled chaos, chilledchaos, chilled, galmhd, galm, tehsmarty, tips, tricks, live, commentary, hilarious, funny, funny moments, hard knock life
Id: z3bWRSkkEnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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