LIES IN THE OLD REPUBLIC! | Secret Palpatine w/ Ze, Chilled, GaLm, Smarty, Tom, Aphex, & Ritz

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[Music] all right Hitler's blindfolded now while keep it now Hitler keeps their blindfold on the separatists raised their blindfolds and then revealed to each other who they are ten nine eight seven one zero everyone folds on right Hitler unblind take your card ten nine eight seven six five four three two one all right for the first game and that's who's starting first vice-chairs president basically started this round Oh since apex can like at the end he gives himself I think I'm okay with puppet government right off the bat is it too early for government dude it's your call we're being a little bit more strict in this game so we have to everyone has to place your ballots facedown and we all have to make sure they're all facedown and then we'll reveal them at the same time okay I know it's influencing and no touches to the the policy cards unless we talk about the first and then we want to shuffle them because we ran out they should not be touched yeah if this process failed fails like this at the same time yeah but I have three [Music] [Laughter] / - okay [Music] it's really close let's hear it one pick what do you want three alrighty rubber disk card facedown and don't you just know what you wanna you wanna talk about what you got in the blind [Laughter] [Applause] it goes too close to each other you know [Laughter] this is like 2009 your curly hair under there like your if your floof hair present you with with it with a difficult choice okay somebody else is grabbing this card and I can't are you placing it right here choice will be the choice will be determined as to whether or not you are going okay or you are not okay ballot cards out in the field still oh sorry I have really strong confidence for compass for gone to hence why I named him supreme chance you know you know the choice well just it is it is in fact now more liberal and separatist or so loyal that separates that happened bastard okay because they be devoted to the loyalists versus the Federalists or something right right right there's your slab so I whenever I our former base yeah I don't know way no nevermind yes hi steer that's why then our president doesn't know George Bush [Laughter] I almost let my card over immediately [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] getting really tricked by the big dead middle in the center okay okay Marty said you're like the person that in a courtroom fair choice that's fair grab on the correct card yeah look at that okay it'd be a quickie all right it's party you're the old vice chair I need to overcompensate that be tossed it hit back get back early like the rewind time you can use this chair was assassinated always trust chill he's been writing things down make sure I don't care about you I just care about the IRS loyalists thing to do thank you he voted no every time no I didn't get your first street I know once you voted no no you voted no twice oh you voted no one round two and on round four when I was getting elected how old are you backwards let me get my cards here go do it exactly just draw huh okay all right he was still going on [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] investigate okay what if X is up to all right so mm-hmm effects yes gum look a little bit when we talk to you why because I am any to choose the better Steven correct anything about you a fix I know I had a feeling he was gonna you know investigate me I was like uh-oh bad guys effects be wonderful congratulations the best thing you said about me all year I humbly accept okay good I feel like you're the one who's not really but grudging and how really and I have you down here that you did a good job in my notes and therefore I don't know how much I can really trust the other there are two policy cards I'm gonna take both we're gonna shuffle the empty one and I'll take one from there what Noakes do we do we do it afterwards like after these ones have been that's one curveball been discarded why is there an an odd number of cards anyways yeah shouldn't be two cards cards framed you could you get to pick the next vice chair so I will confirm me too so he was telling the truth there I just don't know what his third card was it was - anyways choose the next vice chair okay hmm can I pick me again what are the rules of this you just choose the next president pretty much choose the next vice chair and then once they're done it goes back to windows rotation four okay okay after this yeah yeah well I kind of feel like a fixing gum are not to be trusted I think you can super trust us you can super trust me roll is but if he trusts me trust him now okay I got mustn't hurt me too much in this game do you this way though if you do to me still gonna it's it's as those going to my turn anyway so I don't think it's twice right now no wasting a turn so I say I say give it to someone else for now they might trust ya okay all right fine I could do good if I pick the wrong guy I get [ __ ] but who's gonna become him anyway so it's like I'm just gotta be gotta be careful here with who votes no because uh the next fascist card this plate affix gets to kill somebody is your favorite person kill anyone Z writes my Chancellor rich has been okay so far [Music] my question before I put them and then we all flip it if he's the capo poo we die right so when there's three on they're not poor or when there's three the vice-chair can ask someone or yeah the vice chair is someone can I ask someone cuz it was another vice chair no because because it went three went to three on your turn I think right so that makes it sir yours that's dangerous don't [ __ ] do it don't [ __ ] do it because while I think I'm allowed to because technically if you want to use it I would like to you I'd like to actually ask the Vice Chair he has to be your Supreme Chancellor oh well there's three on the board when there's three separatist / fascist cards on the board the president can ask his Chancellor or whatever the name was in Hillary yeah the Supreme Chancellor if they're if they are Hitler or Palpatine and if they are Hitler Palpatine they win the game great if they can ask if they aren't Hitler Palpatine they just they can just say they're not and that moves on I am NOT Palpatine [Music] she gets a he gets a card for that I think me my Oscar we don't have it anymore okay I get the paw okay we have a Palpatine paw all right so now I have this back again that's mine okay we got derailed all right okay okay okay let me get my policies now oh so that's this is getting intense guys now I felt like my bad okay okay sorry like so gobs yes vote means that either strippable DOM is either loyal or he's got separatist alright so you have a decision your loyalty is gonna be tested right now we give me a choice you guys say that every time and every time I'm three for three did you even read it I just figured where for you pixie don't [ __ ] it up thanks and Ritz our uh our Royalists I want to get puppet government another chance you know you can still keep it on smarty and see what happens it only applies if you ask him if four cards after the after after they come on oh [Music] yeah [Laughter] this is on you two [ __ ] to kill somebody penis one little one fascist Tom played liberal that's what happened one second I'll trust I'll trust Richard I trust this team okay I don't try try trust Ruth because I trust [ __ ] even know I trust towards the one with all the power I don't just kill them but rates will still have to be the one who chooses to kill someone and if Tom plays a fascist card that I'm denies yeah here's the thing I but it but if we're sure does it well first gives me two fascist cards and I won't have a choice they probably would kill me that's true well we'll send very nice but sometimes government all right here we go just playing it up that we should discuss so because a lot of comments didn't like that one person randomly taking someone else party I think we should do a little wolf a bit of a bit of a conversation John is there a decision the conversation so it's not you know so we don't get something conclusive yeah so around 1z claimed there were three separate parts and smarty said yes there were two and that was the first up her skull a on my round I believe was myself in Tom it was a loyalist and separatist we got a loyalist through yay Tom and Dom Tom said choice calm did loyal around for I was reelected we got loyalists redone again round five it was calm said there was three separates two chilled two separatists and then chilled said on round seven three separatists and two separatists to Z yes so far the only suspicious people I would say are Z with two separatist runs on his own three separatist cards initially and I got past two separatist cards I had no choice both ways I and I get I gave him two I would complete when I gave him the - I drew three as well that was some bad math and then tried to counteract still maybe not kind of court stenographer read that back to it I did I did vote against Ritz but for no other reason than the fact that he's rich though for no other reason besides affected I'm chilled that's that slogan can't trust rules and I sit down but now in terms of in terms of my voting stuff I have been gum Dom can confirm you have given me two separatist guards to work with it's not like I was doing like a scrum he's telling me yes this deck is nothing but some bonus cards who planted the special someone it's a fake news deck blindfolded number one you picked [Music] I'm sorry I picked is that the sincere sorry to do a dramatic death I have a wavering I'm stabbing myself [Music] what was that all right so what's what's your plan tom shows gone last time you choose me again triple or triple or double evil loyalists look you use God you gave me three separatist cards I trust them I would choose Ritz if I could but I can't okay and this is why the crush ends up being developed in the first place my pants say I feel comfortable here's no no don't shuffle it up I pick all three of the cards which means that if if none of these are our loyalists that means somebody throw away a loyalist card I'm still more or less worried that you're that you're a fascist but you don't really have a choice in the matter you took both say I think I can talk okay well you know [Music] put this out first loyalists it's children smarty why did you vote me Chancellor's why didn't you try when we had three cards in the board he puts me Chancellor three cards he gives me one fascist to pick we win just from see like you need him to be it was your choice to be made me Chancellor you previously elected anything as Chancellor yeah once yeah but did you have the Platt card on at the time no joy in that picture Chargers going into space I was Admiral Ackbar so as it notes I want to say this I did I had I was exactly right by the way I said that gamma effects and writs were all loyal tests admit that for the sake of because we had like a whole bunch of Lois cards in a row for the sake of variety I actually I threw their way along its card I just wanted to see things get heated and they did oh my god say what's true how much better without the extra loyalists good person wait hold on okay so then we have the ones in in Tom's head holy [ __ ] what one two three four five six seven separatist carts so there is one extra slot here for the fascists and then you have these ones here one to you okay okay forgot about these apiece me and smarty was dumb holy crap easy to be hit yes so it's actually a lot more believable when someone says that they might only have [Laughter] when you're a president once you should have elected me or killed as Palpatine like no one gave me anything I'll have to look back at the footage I just for some reason I didn't see you as an option and I was on smarty as an option it's like if we call him picked a chilled as a like to spy on his card and he just takes one look of it and goes party role so it would have been well yeah that's just or separate is something like oh I trust him revealed that [ __ ] instantly I was playing yeah I was a loyalist he was all over like that middle-click [Music] policy cards on the first turn by whoever announced me as Chancellor now say me fault like it was C
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 66,838
Rating: 4.9632182 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, secret hitler, secret hitler card game, card game, tabletop simulator, secret hitler tabletop simulator, secret hitler zeroyalviking, ze royal viking, ze, chilledchaos, secret hitler chilledchaos, chilledchaos secret hitler, chilled chaos, chilled, galmhd, galm, the derp crew, derp, tips, tricks, live, commentary, funny, hilarious, secret hitler funny moments, funny moments, deception, secret palpatine, palpatine, star wars, palpatine star wars, secret palpatine game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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