This Legendary Bannerlord Mod Just Updated

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are you looking to enhance your next Mount And Blade to a battle or campaign well this legendary mod that hasn't been updated in quite a while has finally received its brand new 1.0 update and it is legendary so yes car radio expanded and carried your expanded kingdoms have now been both updated for the latest patch of battlelord and if you have never heard of these mods they are absolute musts in your next campaign the first cow radio expand it goes ahead and enhances the actual base campaign map it is still Cal radio but it has so much more love and life in it you have the Imperial roads of the Empire and stretching out into valandia once the Empire once held the villages are so much more alive with more scenery scattered around mountains look way more imposing and there are now River Lanes where you can Traverse from one side of car radio to the other next we have cow radio expanded kingdoms now this mob builds upon the first one and adds in several new factions to the base game cutting the original factions in half or in kind of unique and interesting ways as well as adding in brand new factions onto the map that necessarily weren't available to be played to begin with this does such a big thing when you're playing a campaign really spices up the gameplay giving you tons of new units to mess around with many new interactions as now there are over double the amount of factions that are in the base game all with their own unique cultures and units on top of this you can also play it with Banner Kings as well so if you want to go full in depth and have population cultural starts and everything else that Banner Kings does bringing you can have yourself one hell of a campaign first things first I think it'll be cool to show off all the new cultures that are in the game because there are several to pick from and even the original coaches also have their their abilities completely reworked as well so this just gives a lot more advice to the factions it's kind of a minor thing in car radio expanded kingdoms but I think it's a really nice thing and I would love to see more mods do this so right off the bat you can see valandia's uh perks and negatives have completely changed they still gain the increased Renown from Battle and income from mercenary contracts but now they also gain increased production they also gain faster training of Cavalry I also get better Workshop output and settlement Prosperity so that their settlements are going to be richer than the surrounding factions however that does also come at a cost their armies are going to be harder to manage and also their troops are going to be a bit more expensive because they're taking soldiers away from the fields and bringing them into the armies and this is just a little Glimpse every single faction or every single culture in the game has this you even have some of the newer cultures as well and you can see that a lot of them are kind of in that calradian uh-esque war Band Feel to them you have a lot of factions that are yet not yet kind of a thing for Rolex for example or the Republic there's plenty of other ones eat again as I said Each of their own unique style and faction okay so we are now in the campaign map and as you can see things are completely different to vanilla Bangalore however I will just go ahead and show off Cal radio expanded first before we take a look at all the different kingdoms because if you do just want to play without all the new additional cultures and kingdoms maybe you want to play with karate faction enhance or maybe Eagle rising and you want to use just the kind of map editions then you can do that so yes car radio expanded goes ahead and adds in loads of detail to the actual campaign map itself as you can see right off the bat all the roads are now being added into a lot of the Imperial roads you have kind of more of the central Imperial lands right here which are represented of course with more of these Stone roads a minute as you get more and more further away from the Imperial capitals you can see more of these dirt roads being built however if you go off say in into because I lands you're not gonna be fighting these roads these roads have been built by the Empire once it was at the height of its power so the further you go after the lesser of them you're going to be seeing again same in the azerite lands as well there aren't really any roads here whatsoever there's a few maybe you can see going from Village to Village but really not not much whatsoever I think this is such a nice addition you know I never really realized how much I miss seeing all of these roads on the campaign map until I actually see them and I think it's really cool you may also notice as well a bit more life has been added around these settlements as well so not only outside of cities but outside of villages as well you'll see a lot more detail being added in more bridges kind of being entered into the map itself and also even just like the Mountainside as well this has been a kind of amped up and made to be a little bit more iconic than what it was originally may also noticed stuff like this as well again just more little details being added into the campaign map which you may not notice at first but when you are looking it really does just add so much flavor to the actual battle map and the campaign map itself so again as you can see as we enter into botany you can notice more textures and kind of more more Mountains have been crafted out in Britannia which I think looks really really good as we get further and further into valandi you can see way more farms and Fields and other scenery have been plopped down again I really like kind of the sea Coastal territory here as well it looks very nice if you want to go sailing as well you can do so you obviously have to go to any uh kind of Port town and then just make your way in and then boom you can sell it isn't quite free sale it's basically you're sailing from one city to another but you can basically go ahead and enter any City like this and it does add in some nice little flavor again being able to kind of take a different route you know maybe I'm at war with a certain faction it adds in a nice little bit of extra kind of I guess a way around things and also if you want to play more of a trading campaign this would be a great mod for you so this is all entailed in just cow radio expanded and if you wanted to just play that mod you can do so and not have all the additional factions or kind of have it with eagle Rising you also have a new territory being added as well so this island has been carved out of the map and you can see in car radio enhanced kingdoms uh this faction has also been added it's an individual like city-state faction it's really really cool definitely a great settlement to not only maybe start your own kingdom here but also fight for it's got a really cool backstory as well so now that we have looked at car radio expanded now let's turn our view to car radio expanded kingdoms which is the mod that adds in all the new different factions as well as the new armors and unit trees and all that lovely stuff so as you can see by the campaign map not only does this mod go ahead and kind of rearrange where factions are it is also gone ahead and rearranged the actual size of actions and now all of a sudden you're not just fighting with six big factions there are multiple factions all of different sizes and strengths all different units so it goes ahead and gives a completely new feel to the campaign because all of a sudden certain factions are no longer able to steamroll their opponents because now they have to worry about several other factions I've played multiple campaigns using this mod previously where for example uh this green faction was getting absolutely dumpster done by the britannians but all of a sudden every faction around Britannia saw that they were fighting a war and jumped in on them so it's a really nice way of seeing kind of like keeping factions in check if one faction goes to war a lot of their neighbors will now jump on them to actually go ahead and take them down just because that's how banalore does work and because there are so many more factions that becomes way more apparent so there's very much a an interesting balance of power being held across Cal radio another thing to note is that each of these factions has really interesting laws that fit in with their unit style for example we have right here these are going to be the palestini these guys were once second class to them and citizens of the Imperium once it was at the height of its power but during the mass Civil War that car radio did see these guys broke away following verlandia and were able to kind of create their own Empire and as you can see because of that they have a very Imperial vibe to them they're kind of like a mix of the uh of Barbarians or I guess battalions and the imperial units you'll be able to see that in their arm they've kind of got a lot more of these like Imperial looking armors but they're also very very true to their their their Battalion kind of more Barbarian Roots so it's a really nice looking unit then if we take a look down in the South you'll be able to find this faction right here these are the Apollo lassi I believe is how you pronounce that and as you can see these are fighters from the south that are basically organized phalanxes of Spears they use fast Cavalry and that is all represented in the actual unit roster so if I go over here and we go ahead and recruit you'll be able to see that they're they're basically you know very much a heavy Spear and shield type of unit they'll be really good against enemy Cavalry and their roster is very representation of that you know they've still got Imperial kind of flavors in for when the Imperium was obviously in control of all of Cal radio then we have this amazing faction in the center which is part of this island there is no other cities that this faction currently owns and it's got a really funny backstory so the island was won in a game of chance against the previous Empire they are now a neutral Kingdom so they'll be more likely not to kind of get stuck into any wars and the whole point of this faction is that it's a very much a trade Hub which again is super cool I I love the way that that is designed and fleshed out and the overall feel of the campaign is just really really exciting because now you have so many different factions the azerite are split into three factions each with their own unique style of combat the kozites have been split into the Nords and the sturgeons has been split into the Empire now has a brand new faction to contend to contend with the battalions and the valandians are new factions uh you can see right there and also here and again this is probably one of my favorite factions via the guys right here because they have a very nice mix of the canyon and Nordic soldiers which look really really good and then of course we have to mention the Rolex as well which are basically the current volandians and as you can see they're kind of vary reminiscent of the warband roster right here kind of heavily armored knights with a a focus on some really really deadly crossbows and definitely a powerful faction whereas this faction kind of represents more of the older style the uh the container valandians right here uh kind of have more of that style again you can even just see car radio expanded right here with these little details going such a long way and you can you'll be able to see that these guys have more of the traditional a roster of the usual valandians again just kind of like heavily armored nice focusing on a lot of longbowmen decent Cavalry and then heavy infantry each of these factions also have their very own Noble troop line as well which I'll let you guys mess around with but this is definitely a mod to me to play if you've never played this before definitely go over to their Discord and download it it's really easy to install and I'm sure they'll be able to help you all along the way you just need to make sure that you have open source Armory the weapon Saddles and armor if you are planning on playing the kingdoms version if you're just using expanded in your campaigns uh which is just obviously the uh the actual map skin itself then you don't need any of that and you can just add it to whatever mod set that you are using and again I recommend that you do use it right away so if you guys enjoy this please do drop a like and a comment down below it really does help out if you want to maybe see some more content on this new update then let me know and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 126,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord mods, bannerlord, bannerlord mod, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, Calradia Expanded, bannerlord calradia expanded, banerlord, calradia at war, jackie fish bannerlord, bannerlord update, calradia expanded kingdoms, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord guide, jackie fish bannerlord mods, bannerlord online, gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount & blade ii: bannerlord
Id: H4nyZRtp1Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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