This Leblanc build is so unbeatable I made the enemy Yone mental boom (PENTAKILL)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some LeBlanc in the mid lane Okay so since the energized items charge faster with her dashes Fleet should actually charge faster too so this might be decent Fleet shouldn't pop though if you're full health I mean I guess you still get to move speed classic misdirection I'm gonna be real Annoying see my fleet's already charged back up I wonder if I should have just got my root try to kill him here foreign at least I got the cannon I think kha'zix might be around mid night all over it's pretty good so far I'm working them Rick kha'zix show it's rather annoying promise is W right now is just winning him every trade I like try and bait it I think we got him at what cost though not me Cannon actually I'll leave the wave how it would be oh Reese thanks for the two oh I'm cooking I'm cooking I'll be cooking I gotta freeze too it's perfect look at this wave though oh he's so screwed we're next oh he's a Roman well an enemy has been slain who's betting on Yoni rage Quinton okay look can be deceiving foreign this Tower yeah wave clear is pretty satisfying it's kind of hard to wait a second I proced Sheen there without even actually spending Mana without even casting the spell interesting if I do it right when it dies I wanna help this but there's a kha'zix wait what happens uh copy can't move they did they really Lane swamp wait what happened I think I didn't go for it she went into this what happened to myone what did I do to him oh there he is I missed you everybody you're practicing there but it is the spell never mind that one used the spell it's got to be like the perfect timing I need to use it that way he killed Kendra oh no surely he doesn't get hurt too how much money I have though that's interesting good Flash is gonna perma-room he's getting destroyed maybe that'll help you my team be feeding them no he only has one kill I thought he got more he's gonna get more interesting this is probably the type of person that complains on why they don't get good Tunes oh I got a red buff out of that you know what never mind thanks kindred yeah mate my Autos actually do a lot of damage a bit of kha'zix tries to kill me here I think I beat him come on hey we got the shiv I think I'm gonna do triforces Mythic I could also do Sunder I think Triforce is actually kind of hitting op right now I'm gonna do Triforce I shouldn't have hit that last one wait this is actually kind of fun I'm not weak bro please Kendra do not die to him again what am I witnessing oh my God she still died well whatever I think eurone figured it out that like he's not gonna stand a chance against me he's like getting outplayed so hard so he's like I just gotta do whatever I can to in Rome or somewhere else whatever I'll get his turret I mean I'm look at the 89 Farm 56. foreign ER why is my Kindred still trying to invade silly your name mid lane is my Lane oh Rome oh my gosh I don't know where they went I'm not walking into a poppy foreign oh my God what did I do to them what did I do to them perfect well gin hasn't seen me all game just probably like oh it's just a little block see nothing I think I killed the Nico didn't they [Music] just save them no wait that auto still went off who founded that auto still go up this guy's dead I know this guy's dead oh my God what have I done what have I done I'm not oh I got baited I'm like no way another one he didn't even chase me foreign I got an assist well an enemy has been slain definitely need a storm racer or storm racer build out of an ally has been slain this is actually kind of op he's like I don't even like leaning against yone but like this wasn't really bad it was bad early please don't be in this push wait for her root though I'm so confused oops I'm dead what Triforce Health how did I live that I should 100 be dead your tea has destroyed I didn't pop back fast enough I took an extra turret shot on accident it is actually crazy I'm charging up the static I'm procking it like two or three times on one person as I move so fast 325 it does I don't have any AP ril looks can be deceiving there you go oh where am I going wow that hit me really far away for her not charging it up on 13.50 I kind of knew I made him boom after the first kill or two because he never came back mid that seems to be a repeating factor with all these yonas they play against they lose Lane and they never come back that damage and I can jump in again do it again I didn't get the shock on that one though it's a second one let me watch the bar a little bit more I mean Poppy's the only one that can really lock me down along with Yoni oh he has a hex oh my God how long was she there kind of forgot about her to be honest darn like you didn't kill kha'zix because a hex Drinker popped when he was one HP an auto attack would have killed him though but I couldn't because he went in it okay I have a storm racer now I think I'm gonna do a rapid fire at least he can't kill them yeah start counting the waves now I wonder if it's better to Max my Q or my e it might be better to do the e he's giving me more kills who's this skit even by maxing it cool down um only two seconds for Max drink but it does do a lot of damage does this get cooldown oh yeah it should be maxing E I think um yeah yeah like to move guys I was really just cc'd for like 20 seconds might need mercs I might need some mercs well this is turning into them just waiting Nico to going away for me so I should just go somewhere else sideline I need red shut down can you break open and in him I mean at least the turret's dead but we're starting to throw which is what happens in ranked games all the time I think I'll still be strong late I'm just I'm getting Pharmacy seeds so mercs might be the move because Nico root lasts like three seconds and then gin root lasts like another three seconds so that is a real kha'zix this is indeed a real kha'zix that is an eco right where I want they didn't do the dragon oh my God dude I killed him in like two autos oh my where's our jungler all right where'd he go oh he's down here he's alive Jim would I this is kind of crazy what did I want oh yeah me Cannon oh the zap is that really I think that was a clown or it was Nico looks can be deceiving okay oh he's over here thank you oh my God it's all how is he not dead okay why did he die so delayed okay rapid fire what should I do last I could throw on a death cap to amp up the damage but as a death cap as the only item good what about a nashers max speed it's either death cap or nashers inknashers I do a wee bit of damage I'd say now I can see my Auto Range though um I just gotta be careful I get cc'd my daughter you didn't really get it not here thank you where you going what oh please don't take the sir will you end out of this game though I'm like about to be full build I gather building magic resist but I mean like I'm also doing physical damage with a real Poppy that's really unfortunate I couldn't get a last hour see the heel I'm scared of Poppy and Nico I get cc'd I die see Nico pop in pop out oh Nash's as perfect as it gives phase two I need taste oh my God where's the last one oh my God it is a cloud I almost got a Penta with this build first try too foreign oh my God Penta holy cow why isn't letting me jump back oh my God oh I'm popping off at 4200. oh we don't get to use the gnashers but dude 4600 Trinity 2600 this 4300 that that was crazy I wish I was recording I'll have to rip it off the VOD but I wasn't really anticipating on the first try to be that good if you guys enjoyed make sure you leave a like those of you watching the stream right now please hit the likes subscribe to the channel if you're not and last but not least leave a comment on the video it helps me and also join the Discord at swag I'm giving away 10 keyboards in there you got a week left to enter 45k damage I actually did a bit more physical than magic but I did do a lot of magic from the storm Reserve shiv that was fun that was actually pretty fun Elite healed 4200 I didn't really have Mana problems so this page is nice the last time I ran this I did Harvest thanks for the two I believe I got a Penta oh perfect thanks for the two um I'm not gonna do valkaz with static shiv I'm gonna just play whatever I want right now any Lobby salt that was like so much better than I expected oh my God look at my match history something like 20 bombs 30 bomb foreign
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 147,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zyraJH0uAL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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