This is Your Year | Jentezen Franklin

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if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me please to the Book of Luke Chapter 13 and uh I have a word from the Lord today is that all right Luke Chapter 13 I'll begin reading with verse 6 he also spoke this Parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his Vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none then he said to the keeper of his Vineyard look for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and found none cut it down why does it use up the ground but he answered and said to him listen to these words sir let it alone this year also in other words give me one more year give me one more year let it alone this year also until notice the two things I dig about it and I dung it how many of you know what dung is and for the young people that are here it goes with the word bull dung chicken dung this is in the Bible I'm preaching the Bible he said I'm going to do two things I'm going to dig it and I'm going to dung it for three years this tree has not produced it's been in the same rut for three years now now listen to me carefully the owner planted the tree in the soil that he knew that it would need to produce greatness to produce fruit to produce what he wanted to get out of it you don't choose the soul the pain the problems the difficulties the challenges that God plants you in but if he planted you in that particular Soul it is only because he knows that's what it's going to require not an easy life not luxurious sand it may require a a pain and a problem in your life to produce greatness that God wants to come up out of that and and it's not the soil is not the problem because all the other trees were fruitful except that one it was the response of the tree to the soil that it was planted in the pain and the problems in our life cannot stop us unless we get in a rut and we just keep and and and the thing that got me about this story is God kept coming the owner is God in the story the tree is you and me and thee tree instead of producing in the soil that God planted it in because he comes back and checks on it when he plants you and allows you to go through pain through problems circumstances adversity he backs off and he comes back and in this story he came back annually he came back at the first of the year and he he comes back and he's not expect he's not expecting whining he's not expecting complaining he's not expecting a dried up tree that has become puny and weaker and barely hanging on to faith just the roots are alive there's no fruit of the spirit he's not expecting that he's expecting you to to to Blossom where he has planted you to prosper where he has planted you and the thing about this story that got me is it's been three years and God keeps coming back at the beginning of the year and you still have an unfruitful marriage and last year and the year before it's not any better it's not any better that could be your family treat it could be your family and and the family has difficult soul that it's in and so the enemy wants you to accept that but God comes back and he says this isn't meant to destroy you the place that I allowed you to go through is not meant to wipe you out other are going through the same thing and it forced them to a fruitful relationship with me going through the same rejection the same divorce the same pain the same tragedy of losing a loved one and it didn't wither up their tree it actually made them Blossom and become more fruitful in longsuffering the fruits of the spirit peace Joy love longsuffering patience kindness goodness it had to come up in the kind of soul that was difficult not easy God doesn't need you to be with a lot of friends right now he knows what it's going to take for greatness to come out of you we always want a happy blessed wonderful wonderful wonderful life and we don't understand it's usually more to the story than a beautiful tree that's blossoming somewhere that tree had if it's go if it's going to go high it's going to start low and listen to this it's been three years and the owner said we might as well cut it down and throw it into the fire and this is what I came to preach today this is your year this is our year and the Lord told me to tell you it might have been three years and some of you have been saying I might as well quit I might as well give up I might as well try something else because I'm caught in this cycle of maintaining a deferred dream I tried and here I am in the same place that I was last year and I tried in last year and the year before and the year before and the enemy wants you to settle but God is just when he said it might be time to cut it down and throw it into the fire upstep somebody called the dresser of the field and let me give you hint his name is Jesus because I know he's Jesus because he put himself between an Angry God and a fruitless puny tree and he said leave it alone did you catch those words leave it alone in other words he's saying if you've got Vindication if you've got anger if you've got uh some problem with the tree you don't have to talk to the tree anymore put it on me I'll take the tree's place I'll hang on on a tree I'll take his curse I'll take what he deserves I'll take his wasted life I'll take the ramifications of that and Jesus in that moment became the middleman between the tree and notice what Jesus begged for and I believe that you're listening to me at all of our campuses and all over the nation and by television and those of you here in this room this morning live you're not in this service by accident this year is is the year I ask God to bring only the people who would believe what I'm saying today this is your year of fruitfulness this is your year it's going to require some things of you you can't just go through this year like every other year this is the year shout this is my year turn to somebody on your other side and say give it one more year I know you feel like quitting I know you feel like it's never going to change I know you feel like you're never going to get free from that addiction I know you feel like you're never going to get in shape I know you feel like your marriage is never going to get better but I heard the Lord this week in my spirit say the enemy is lying to people this is the year of breakthrough this is the year of fruitfulness this is the year of winning me the head and not the tail above only and not beneath take a praise break and give God glory Hallelujah We Praise You Lord come on give him a great praise if you still believe in times in Soul like this even in Soul like this and trouble everywhere Division and crime everywhere but even in Soul like this God says that can be your year cuz my people I know what I'm doing in the vineyard he said you're going to have have to have two things happen to you if you'll give me a year notice what he said he saidou going to have to let me dig you and you're going to have to let me dung you I'm going to dig you what does that mean I'm going to tear tear up the environment all around you you become hardened you become conceited you become you're not soft anymore to my spirit I can't get the spiritual nutrients through till your soul you become hardened in your soul and so what I want to do is I want to tear up things and a lot of us know what it is to have God dig deep tear up the environment all around us what in the world is going on but one thing it does is it softens you it soft you to where you you you you you begin to dig God knows and what he intends for you to be and that's an overcomer but in order for that to happen you've got to dig deep I I found this and I want to I want to give it to you what's it going what does that digging thing mean what what are you talking about make room for growth George shotgun Shuba played Seven Seasons with the Dodgers he was the first pitch hitter to hit a home run in the World Series and he knocked the home run in the World Series and and one of the announcers calling the game said these words his swing is as natural as a smile and after the after the program or after the game every everybody was using that quote and they asked him about it he said I would is that what he called it is that what you he called that just as natural as a smile he said no he said every day I swing a weighted bat 44 ounces 600 times a day and that's 4200 times a week and what you think was just natural and that's how we feel about people who are spiritual and who who are fruitful and are walk with god well you just naturally no no there's nothing natural about it you you you you pick this book up and you read it you get on your knees and you pray you get up out of the bed and you get in church and you'll be amazed at how natural it is to be blessed and how natural it is to have a faith that believes no matter what the environment around is doing and then lastly he said Not only am I going to dig but I'm going to dung you God can use horrible things to bring Miracle growth the one thing that is so obnoxious in your life that you can't hardly stand it is the very thing God takes and throws on a fruitless tree to make it come alive without fertilizer the tree dies and fertilizer is not pleasant you go through things that stink there will always be in every relationship sooner or later your marriage will stink your family will stink your job will stink your your your finances May stink you will go through maybe your health stinks but God says I don't waste that I take it and use it as fertilizer here's here's why that's good news well this is not an encouraging positive word today yeah I'm telling you God's going to dig you and God's going to dung you and you can't do nothing about it but here's your last option there's only one other option left remember he said I'm coming back at the end of the year and if you hadn't let me dig you and you haven't let me dung you throw mess on you and it not turn you sour it actually makes you grow I believe it now more than I ever believ now that they're coming against me I know that all things are working together for the good I know that that I am more than a conqueror and I'm not discouraged that's when your tree begins to Blossom but here's the thing that we ought to be shouting at how many of you been how many of you feel like God's just digging all around your little tree let me see your hand how many of you feel like God's even throwing some dung on you just be honest just be honest well here's the good news this is why you ought to shout cuz the only thing left is to cut you down and burn you and and since since if if aren't you glad that you're getting dug and dung instead of cut down and thrown away God's not through with you God hasn't given up on you and he's giving you one more year what if this was the last what if you knew what if God told you this is your last year to fix this to get real with me I'm giving you one more year to change things and enjoy your life like it is in the soil that I planted you in and if I come back and you're still discouraged and defeated I'm gonna let you have what you complain about now I know this isn't popular preaching right now and I understand that you came for but sometimes you don't just need blessing you need blister and I'm a preacher this is what I do for a living I have a license and I'm up here telling you and I'm preaching to myself My Cry is this is my year dig me dung me whatever you want to do now watch this let me close with this the Apostle Paul said in Philippians chapter 3 and verse 8 yay doubtless I count all things all things all things all things L for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ for whom I have suffered the loss of all things listen and do do count them but done he said you know what he said everything I've been through I have lost I have I have been beaten with rods I have been snake bit I have been left for dead I have been stoned I have been falsely imprisoned I have been lied on I have been run out of town I have been tortured but can I just tell you he said I count it all as dung he said all it is is fertilizer God took everything I've been through and put it on me and I wrote half the New Testament and I couldn't have done it in any other soul I had to have the mess to bring the [Applause] message the very things that we want to hide when Jesus walked into the temple and he said stretch forth your hand the man with the withered hand could have stretched forth his good hand that was all manicured and perfect but he had to reveal his weakness and the ugly part of his life I close with this but hear me David said in Psalms 83 that my enemies he said they became as dung one translation said the very thing trying to destroy you God will use as fertilizer I close with this in Luke chap 11 Jesus arrives at the tomb of Lazarus and his sister comes out and says Lord you're too late you should have come three years ago but in this case three days ago he's four days dead and then she makes this statement by now he stinks this is bad this is this is dung Jesus smiles in my mind I I could see him smile and say you don't understand girl this is just fertilizer for the supernatural this kind of environment is just fertilizer for miracles I'm going to dig it and I'm going to take the most obnoxious things that life throws at my people and if they will stay rooted and they will submit to the digging and the dunging process and give me one more year don't quit don't give up don't throw in the towel give me one more year I will bring fruit where the tree is withered and dead I'll turn from the puny into the mighty and you know who said he would do it the dresser of the field Jesus he said I'm the one I'll take their shame I'll take their curse I'll take their failures and God says I'm going to take the mess of your life the the Wasted Years the wasted relationships the terrible decisions I'll turn it into ferti elizer and I'll put it on that fruitless tree and in one year's time I'm telling you if you'll give God one year see we want the Quick Fix bam you got it now go do your thing that's not how it works in the Kingdom give him some time let him give you some miracle growth in your life and he'll take everything you been through the tears the Brokenness the abuse the hurt the horrible decisions the failure the addiction the pain and he'll use it as fertilizer if you'd let him just break you up a little bit you would leave this place with a faith that is beginning to grow again and come alive again and before this year is over you're going to have have a one-year turnaround in Jesus [Music] name right now I want to pray for you everything in this new year is dependent upon your relationship with Jesus Christ say Jesus at the beginning of a new year I Surrender my life to you wash me in your blood I believe in you you are God you Rose from the dead and today I am forgiven because of your love and grace in Jesus name amen hallelujah oh praise the Lord you got to tell somebody that's why that number's on the screen pick up the phone and tell somebody call your mama call your daddy call your brothers and your sisters welcome to the family of God and if you haven't started your fast yet it's not too late to start you can start start your fast today you can watch our services all month long and you can even join us live for those services and I'll be praying special prayers and we'll be doing special things it's just no telling we might break out in Revival you just don't ever know what God's going to do when his people start fasting and praying and just before I go today this is so important it's so very important I want to thank every one of you who has sewn a seed and help us bless the nation of Israel in our latest initiative the escal resilience Center you can imagine the mental and psychological Terror of being attacked in your own home or in your own Community that's why we've committed a $1 million gift to help the resilience Center where survivors will receive the much needed psychological treatments to help restore restore peace that they'll recover from PTSD even the soldiers that have fought and so many other emotional mental traumas that they've gone through together we can be a blessing to Israel and as we know in Genesis 12 and verse three God says I will bless those that bless Israel I will curse those that curse Israel and in you all the families of the Earth shall be blessed pray pray and see what God would have you do early in a new year here's my announcer to tell you how you can be a part of blessing the people in the Holy [Music] Land over the past five years friends and partners of Jensen Franklin media Ministries have worked to help build an amazing Kingdom play school four fortified bomb shelters and a fire station for the eso region in southern Israel near Gaza thankfully we can report that these shelters and projects played a vital role in protecting Israeli families from this terror attack together we have stood shoulder toosh shoulder with the brave people of these communities for years that's why we're partnering with the Jewish National Fund to help build the Jensen Franklin media Ministries eshal resilience Center here Jewish men women and children who suffer from PTSD anxiety disorders and other emotional trauma will find state of the-art facilities and treatments in light of the devastating circumstances here in ashol on October 7th the need for psychological support is critical more than ever thank you Pastor Jensen and all your partners we know that you have our back yesterday today and in the days to come thank you let's Stand United with Israel build resilience and bring Comfort to those who need it most call or go online today to see how you can get involved our story is a story of getting knocked down trying everything the world had to offer and finally deciding to put God first you know for me it started about 27 years ago so I got to high school and uh I was still heavily involved in athletics and I thought you know that's who I am in 10th Grade I didn't make the basketball team and so I really started to look for different crowds or different groups of people and So eventually I found my identity in the party crowd I grew up in a home where I was mentally abused physically abused sexually abused from the age of four until the age of eight and I just you know I truly just felt like I was dealt a crappy hand and I blamed God for a long time so when I was uh accepted to college I had come back from school to celebrate a a buddy's birthday and uh we went bar hopping I ended up rolling a a car six times in over in and was airlifted from the scene it got so dark in addiction I've done around six years in either a prison cell or a jail cell I was on probation and I had failed my first drug test and I was incarcerated for I don't know maybe two weeks and then Free Chapel at the time was coming into the jail for like the services and there is where I I guess I was actually saved and from there I went to New Beginnings and spent a year there and god Set Me Free April 30th of 2013 I was arrested again and I didn't know how to pray but I knew I needed help so I prayed a simple prayer God help me I knew that the urges and Cravings were instantly delivered the moment I surrendered it all through fasting and prayer God has really opened some doors we met started talking during a fast when our first dates were uh on a fast we had our first daughter during the fast you know another door opened for a home so during this fast we'll be moving into basically our Dream Home you know it's everything that we ask for so fasting and praying and seeking God in every circumstance is so important but we're not special because what he did for us he'll do the same for you this this program has been sponsored in part by friends and partners of Jensen Franklin media Ministries your prayers and financial support make these programs possible for more information about this message and other Ministry resources visit us online at Jensen
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 94,411
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Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, jensen franklin, jentezen franklin sermons, christianity, franklin jentezen sermons, church online, kingdom connection, free chapel jentezen franklin, sermons by great preachers, pastor franklin, kingdom connection ministries, pastor jentezen franklin sermons, kingdom connection jentezen franklin, fasting, sermons on fasting, sermons for the new year
Id: 6pCFhOFp3Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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