This Is Why You SHOULD NOT Chip Like Phil Mickelson!

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stop trying to chip like Phil Mickelson because it is ruining your game yes in this video we're going to be sharing why Phil Mickelson's technique the hinge and hold method is actually so harmful for golfers but we're going to show you a very simple easy method that's going to have you feeling more relaxed more confident and it's even going to make your bad shots still turn out good we're not bashing Phil well actually we kind of are bashing but we're not so look he is one of the best golfers ever got one of the best short games ever but he's incredibly talented very skillful works at his game and lost his job it's his job it's his job and he's one of the best at it so his Precision is one of the best ever now if we're looking at the average golfer to try and copy that Precision it kind of doesn't make sense so please make sure you don't do what he does now look if you enjoy this video which we know you're going to make sure you hit the like and if you haven't already hit that subscribe okay Andy so we're going to go through the two methods The Fill way and then the easy more simple and more consistent way so let's go with the hinge and hold first and what problems it can potentially cause okay well let's explain what the hinge and hold is first of all just so you understand this so what Phil says is that on the way back we want to create an element of hinge and what we're talking about really is the the angle in the wrists and then on the way through we want to hold those angles in order to keep the Leading Edge down onto the ground so we create this he describes it this inverted line through impact and then we hold that into the finish so you'll see here now that the the angle of the um between the arm and the club is there but we've got these sort of the club head is very low here as well so the idea that Phil talks about is really hinging on the way back and holding that angle to keep the Leading Edge down now we're not saying that this is wrong by the way what Phil does is absolutely incredible but it's pretty good isn't it it's pretty good but what we've seen over time is golfers who come to us for lessons who are trying to do the hinge and hold it completely screws them up why does it screw them up this is the most important thing well what happens is we talk about this a lot what a golfer scared of golfers are scared of thinning it through the back or actually duffing it hitting the ground early and we talk about this so much that what we want to do when it comes to using the club is allow the actual bounce of the club to Glide across the turf so if we can use the bounce of the club Glide it across the turf ah confidence and our interaction with the ground is pleasant as opposed to a horrible death now the issue that we've got when we see excessive lean shaft lean is it exposes the Leading Edge so as soon as we lean the shaft forward now we've completely took off the bounce of the club which means now that if you hit the ground first that club is digging into the ground which is disaster but what you need to do to play this shot really well is you need to be absolutely precise now that's great if you're a filmmakers and you've got a real high skill level because he's going to be so repeatable and very consistent but for the average golfer who plays on the weekend if they're trying to lean the shaft forward and hitting the ground first it's going to leave that horrible Diggy Duff feeling where you feel like you've decelerated so let me just play a shot first of all because you'll see that it can be played so I'm going to hinge and hold on the way through so this is ball back in the stance even for you there that looks the a need to knock it a bit further exactly because we're not used to it being that far back so here we go so hinge hold now I've played that shot look very very nice now the shot's gone extremely low through 52 but I've hit the golf ball absolutely perfect but you can even see where I've hit the ground there it's created this sharp almost like knife edge where it's stopped into the ground it sort of dug into the ground there so if I got that wrong disaster but if I get it right it's absolutely fine but you've got to think about how fast the club is traveling here and then how fast is the club traveling here it's reducing in speed drastically so you're right it's got to be perfect now the problem is what we see amongst golfers is that as soon as we try and create the hinge and then hold what happens is that they often are going down into the ground so it's more of a hinge and then unlike that so it goes straight into the ground horrible shot really embarrassing another thing that it causes here is that I want you to show you from face on here if I create a hinge and then I hold the hinge for as long as possible notice now look that the arc I've narrowed it the only way I can get to the golf ball now is by lowering myself like this so if I hold on to Too Much angle here I've got to do something which is not very nice if you've if you've ever hit a shot and you feel like your knees are dipping it's because there's too much angle so your knees dip to lower the arc down to the bottom of the golf ball so it doesn't create so many good things in the swing really the instance in that is the knees dipping is actually imperative yeah that's not a bad thing it's what you have to do to hit the golf ball But ultimately we won't want to be doing that yeah so you just go over the top of it if you didn't you'd just be doing this here like this so that's why it's probably not a good idea to do it look we're not saying that you shouldn't do it we're just recommending that you don't because you have to be such high skill level in order to do it and there's a few things that you need to do wrong you've got to land the club in the exact same spot very often to be consistent without having you and your bad ones are terrible what we're about to show you in a minute your bad ones are still going to be good the good ones are good but the bad ones are going to be still good all right so what are we looking at are you done with that you happy with that I think so yeah all right let's go into the next bit then so what is the simple consistent easier way simple way first of all you need to develop a good relationship with the ground that means we want you to be able to hit the ground and actually have the element of freedom and confidence that the club is going to Glide because it means you can hit the ground just before the golf ball get it slightly off but because of the bounce angle it's going to Glide across the turf which means you'll still hit a nice shot even if you're a little early on the ground so the first point what we're going to do is we're actually just going to put a t either side of the golf ball behind maybe a couple of inches behind the golf ball and just show you and get you used to hitting the ground slightly before the golf ball so we're okay saying that it's fine to hit the ground between these t-pegs and the ball providing we don't get any excessive shuffling so that's the first thing just want you to go okay let's see if we can land the club just before the golf ball and get used to it we recommend doing that we practice swings first definitely practice swings yeah so you can just have some practice swings and just feel as if you're brushing that ground where those teas are and you'll get a sense of how the club brushes and Glides every time I do this I feel the club gliding across the surface is that again for me a few more times and just understand remember before when I was talking about how it was accelerating before versus after sorry the speed of the club the speed of the club now as it goes through these tees and brushing the ground is a lot more consistent it's a lot more constant that speed is hardly dropping when it hits the ground so the key thing is now how do we do this what do we do in the technique well we mentioned shaft lean well we don't want excessive shuffling so let's get the shaft pretty neutral let's take the belt buckle in our in our setup here we're going to go feet narrow ball position can be Center or even slightly ahead that's absolutely fine so we're going to keep this neutral but we're also going to just raise the shaft slightly here this is really important to get that sole of the club flat on the ground now in terms of the motion this is really important the motion is going to be driven by the shoulders we're going to swing the shoulders and the arms back we're going to turn to the right it's okay to have a little bit of wrist set in the backswing here so you'll see as I'm swinging back here there's a little bit of wrist set but what what's really important if we create some set we want to release that so we want to make sure we swing back if we create some setting the wrist release that as we continue to turn and then turn through here what's really important is that we keep the butt end of the club through impact pointing somewhat close to the belt buckle so if I swing back I'm choking down here that's going to come away as I create a little bit of wrist set but down to impact bang I'm getting the butt to point at the belt buckle continue to turn through and you'll see this now is still pointing at the belt buckle this really helps you use the bounce in a good way and one thing that's crucial look at the arms the arms are nice and soft we don't want to be seeing any extension of these arms away from the body here because that changes the The Arc in the swing so we're really going to feel as if the arms are nicely connected let's hit a shot actually I'm gonna say hit a few shots here and let's get a few out there because it's almost like you just as you say you're just collecting the ball off the turf aren't you so what just watch the finish here as well so a little bit of reset and you'll see here when I finished I've got the book The the butt of the club my arms are soft it's pointing at the belt buckle here and that was really easy that was I've got no fear of the ground there because I'm using the club to Glide across the surface as well okay so let's have another one there now so again soft hands really important the pressure in the hands is quite soft here so a bit of a brush and watch the Finish look at the difference in the height as well compared to the fill one that one could go in but look at that bit better which it had to be because it fills was the best one it would have been a problem exactly look at the Finish though the arms are soft the the butt is still here I'm facing the target such an important thing to get right just one thing you mentioned earlier about a little bit of wrist set are you creating that wrist set or is it the softness in the hands and the momentum the club which is almost creating that really good point so the I'm not trying to create the set I'm not going right let's let's set the wrist here all I'm doing is I'm keeping the wrist So Soft that as I swing back the momentum is going to produce the wrist set so if I'm swinging back here there's going to be less reset than if I swing back to here so it's the softness of the hands and the weight of the club effective it's the heaviest Club in the bag so it's going to want to move I'm not stopping the wrists I'm certainly not active with the wrists I'm just feeling that they they are just moving so made your mind basically exactly so let's try another one here he's on the fence again look at the height difference on that look at the finish position again facing the target arms are very soft so here's something that you can do and just quickly by the way some of you might say well what about when you're in the grain or you're in a in a bad situation this is Into The Grain by the way this is actually into the grain so in the rough some nice strikes in the rough we need to be different by the way this is from the Fairway so there's a great here's a great drill for you Club Under head cover underneath the arm I really like the choke down one here so you can see where the butt is so you're going to swing back and you're just going to feel as if you can return to the butters to the the belt buckle and then keep that on the way through and you'll see the hands are nice and soft there's even a little bit of set on the way through we don't have to keep these wrists firm and keep the club here let's allow these to be soft here on the way through so you can do a shot like that as well so full length keep the connection and the arms and the body a little bit of ground first again really nice shot look at the finished position again there that's like 10 inches left of the hole but again just get to get used to doing this keeping the connection here shaft nice and neutral back and through a little bit of set make sure we feel the brushing of the ground and that shot I hit before just by the way hit an inch before the golf ball hit the ground an inch before that will now hit pretty much on the golf ball and yet the results is virtually the same now here's the best thing about that I've got three closer than Philippines they're pretty good they're pretty good the the real cool thing with this is you get two golf balls in the exactly the same place pretty much and the difference in where you hit the ground was that much now if you did that with the fill technique you'd have one here and you'd have one in the water at the back of the green oh yeah I'm absolutely dead Okay so look we love Phil but do not copy what he does with short game it is much harder to do hope you guys enjoyed that and if you would like more coaching from myself and Pierce make sure you click here to go to me and or simply download the me and my golf app thanks for watching guys and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Meandmygolf
Views: 47,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meandmygolf, me and my golf, golf, golf tips, phil mickelson, phil mickelson chipping, phil mickelson chipping technique, phil mickelson 101, chipping mistakes, me and my golf chipping, chipping technique, short game, chip it close everytime, chip it close, how to chip it close, how to chip
Id: cp_vVtEUQD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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