This Is Why You Should Fish At Night!!!

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[Music] hey guys Justin with kite catfish I am finishing up on what has been a really fun night of striped bass fishing tonight it was just another prime example of why you should be fishing it not during these hot summer months you know in turn the day it's just miserable out you can't hardly stand it for the heat but I hear it not it's cool it's comfortable I mean I got long sleeves on out here in the middle of summer and best of all there's no pleasure boats out here not I saw a couple fishermen earlier both of them were off the water by midnight and since then I've had the place to myself out here it's just been making the fish and there's been several fish which we'll get to here in a minute but for tackle here tonight what I've used this is a banach blade rod one of the Bass Pro rods it's a 7-foot heavy action it's pretty old but it still gets the job done same thing for my reel here this is an old quantum reel still getting a job done I've got it spool with 50 pound braided line and I've got that down to a leader this is 30 pound the Berkley trialing here for my leader now the bait I've been using tonight and I've I've used several baits tonight y'all when I'm trolling I like to cover multiple depths and so I'll use different baits for that and you know the goal of trolling is to find the fish right you want to find the school and then get into casting position I did cast a little bit tonight but when I'm out here striper fishing I like to troll trolling is my favorite way to catch them there's just something there's it's just awesome it's just something fun about being in a kayak and having a huge striper just annihilate your bait and have you spun around and going the other way I love it so that's what I've spent the bulk of my time out here doing nothing now this right here is the bait that I caught all my fish on out here tonight this is a AC plug it's the 12 inch model these are just hand-carved wooden plugs they're jointed as you can see there and what I like about these plugs they're one of my favorite trolling baits first off they're they're huge obviously they've got a big profile in the water but as they swim along they have a natural kind of erratic action really darts off to the side periodically and I like that because I I'm a lazy fisherman yah when I'm trolling I just want to set my rod and the rod holder and forget it with this bait right here it has that erratic action built into it so I don't have to fool with it unlike a lot of baits when I'm trolling I have to manually hold the rod and just periodically twitch it to give it that erratic action this I don't have to do it now the other thing that's great about this particular bait being that I'm in a kayak now obviously you're gonna see this if I haven't already posted a video on it once coming but I have this hope you evolve electric motor on my on my Hobie kind now so it's not as big a deal now but in the past couple years when I've been trolling and just using the Mirage Drive trolling baits for stripers most the time you're trolling at higher speeds it's harder to maintain that for longer periods of time these a C plugs so it's great about them is they're designed to be trolled at slower speeds that two to two and a half mile an hour speed is perfect for these baits they have a great action at that speed so even though this is a bigger bait and it creates a lot of drag in the water I'm still able to fish this effectively in a kayak so that's one of my favorite trolling baits like I said now another little tip I'll give you here I didn't mention on the end of my leader I have one of these snap Clips a lot of people don't like them I do and the reason for that is like I mentioned what I'm trolling along I want to be able to cover multiple depths and to do that I need to use different baits so having these clips on here and this allows me to be able to switch out baits very quickly as I move along and I don't have to waste a lot of time retie knots and and spend the time without my bait in the water so anyway guys like I said I've had an awesome night out here tonight I call several fish here's the action listen that drag man he is pulling oh did he pop it no I popped him now he's still in there he's still on her he was coming right at me these things just crush it get him away from the bank here if I can it's all kinds of walls limbs and everything can get me wrapped up in if he gets too close oh that's a good one guys that's a good one daddy that's a tank retiring look taps to get hold of him that is a good fish man that is a good one Wow that's what yeah hereafter get hit the 12 inch AC plug man he just smashed all right let's let him go [Music] the tail here make sure she swims off in good condition she goes hey and that was fun let's do it again now these come off what a big takedown let's go right back through another pretty kid strapper right there I'm sorry you say something to me I could yeah I was pretty good strapper I was the third one I got tonight out here just trolling oh there goes another one sorry I'm gonna blind you with these Lots here yeah I got a YouTube channel so what I'm filming at night it's hard for me to get good footage without a lot but I blind anybody around me I hate to do it to him yeah yes kayak I got a little electric motor on it trolls me just fast enough to catch a fish every now and again if I'm lucky I think it's as big as the other one alright there's another one got another one over here they in this one little area finally let's took a while to not to find him in good concentration elated right here I love this man this is fun oh you come off right at the bank I that's all right he was a small one we didn't need a picture with that one anyway we got the fight out of him that was the fun part let's get back to it drag a label or LD they come off or is he coming at me don't be still owner he's coming at me I'll need to get me a real with a higher higher gear ratio meaning to do it for a few years I just hate to replace equipment it ain't broke I think you doing we think that's another good one right here make them thanks take good with treble hooks that's a heavy fish right Terry oh look at that hey al man that's what I came here for right there well I see Plex man they they expensive but they work that when you catch a fish like this all right let's let him go her she goes back house looking dance and he crushed it didn't he how many they just demolish it that other boat that was out here earlier they're gone now so you know I'm funny about that I don't know why when there's another boat around I just feel weird about talking to a camera I don't know I'm just weird like it but they go now I got the place to myself out here finally we back on another fish I've just continued trolling with that AC plug I've stopped and cast a few times tonight you know for casting a swimbait bill when I thought I was on the school but I haven't gotten any hits on it I probably haven't spent as much time as I should have casting I just I enjoy trolling more it's just more fun so it's a more fun way to catch them it's just something fun when you rolling along three miles an hour and one of these fish hits it and you just get turned around a spun and towed back the other direction in a few seconds man it's a blast this year's got me up on the shore I guess I could also blame YouTube for my lack of casting so I got that camera mounting front of me I got this light pole beside me it makes it hard to to cast but it is possible I just like I said I prefer trolling and when you get on a school you could still troll for mime and you can just keep going back and forth along the school I've tried some different baits out here tonight you know hitting different depths I'm never I'm never married to one bait or lure I'll switch out constantly but this this AC plug they've been in the upper part of the water column tonight and this AC plug has been what they wanted listen right here hey man if he had to come off out of swore he was the biggest one of the night but he ain't he's a good fish but he ain't as big as I thought he was all right guys there he is another pretty good striped bass right there he ain't as big as I thought he was man when he crushed that bait I thought we got the biggest one of the night on there though these things man they just fight hard I've set it in other videos these are special fish if you've never caught one of these from a kayak put it on your bucket list because these are man it's a good time it's something you want to do all right let's let him go there she goes let's get back to got to get me a better reel been saying it for three years part of me wants this damn thing to break so I have an excuse to buy another one it's a higher speed this king can't bring myself to do this cannot replace Kier that ain't broke and he got me right in the face with that splash goodness that water's cold too when they hit you right in the face you're dripping off at me oh it's fun where's this another one I mean y'all seen that rod bent over and dragged screamin and this is probably the smallest one we've called tonight and that's just just a testament to how strong these fish are I mean they're just incredible fish let's let him go I don't want to keep him that very long please finish those fish if you don't get them back in the water pretty quick and that's something I've talked about in my catfishing videos where I've hooked these stripers by accident when I what targeting but it's very important when you are targeting them they use heavy tackle use appropriate tackle form you don't want to be out here with a light tackle and taking forever to land these fish they will fight themselves to death and you will kill them by using heavy tackle heavy gear you can enjoy the fight I mean they just even on heavy tackle I mean that's a that's a stout rod I've got right there it's still a lot of fun I still pull hard and I'm able to land them quickly get them back in the water and so they swim off safely man that's fun though let me show you this - about these plugs now you know again it's this AC plug here but this is important no matter what kind of plug you're using they get that scale off air to these hooks these are heavy-duty hooks on here these stripers man because they hit it so hard even the smaller ones in that seven to ten pound range they will destroy some hooks and so you want to have good quality hooks on whatever baits you're using now these on these AC plugs here they come with good hooks they like your normal plugs take like this bomber here these are you know more made for largemouth bass these hooks they'll just they'll destroy them if you're using the stock hook so you'll want to replace those pretty quickly but man that's just funny like I said guys I had an awesome time out here tonight it was just a blast I wish I could stay longer but it's about 3 a.m. right now and I need my beauty sleep so I'm gonna get on out of here if you got any questions or comments don't don't hesitate leave them down in the comment box below I'll see you next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 66,410
Rating: 4.9505563 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfishing, kayak fishing, how to, tips, techniques, striped bass, striper, striper fishing, striped bass fishing, trolling for striped bass, striped bass baits, how to catch striped bass, catch and cook, how to catch bass, bass fishing, swim baits for bass, night fishing, striped bass tips, rigging for striped bass, tackle for striped bass, bait, best bait for striped bass, kayak bass fishing, bass fishing at night, crankbaits for bass, jigging for striped bass
Id: EXw72DIctx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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